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posted on July 31, 2004 06:19:47 PM new
Yep....that's how the dems/Indep. do it. Just totally ignore what their own leaders/leaders they support said as recently as 2003.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 31, 2004 06:23:08 PM new

You know I think the same thing when I read your's, helen's, cheryl's, crowfart's, magginuthins', logansdad(seems no one wants him), bunni, and especially yeager and reamond.

I knew we had something in common... you think me a liar and I think you're a liar... is life grand


Homosexuality is a choice that can be corrected...
posted on July 31, 2004 06:26:19 PM new

Bunnicula said,

There is a difference between "used to have them" and "doesn't have them anymore." As in Saddam used to have them, but no longer had them when Bush was hurrying us into a war with no foundation.

Just as there is a difference between "imminent danger" and "hasn't bothered anyone outside his borders for 8 or 9 years." Which was the case when Bush was hurrying us into a war with no foundation.

And there is a very real difference between real American values and going to war because there might, someday, be a threat to us.


Thanks for making that so clear. I guess it takes a librarian!


posted on July 31, 2004 06:28:45 PM new
Just another example of the "lies" Twelve accuses me of spreading...

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on July 31, 2004 06:32:18 PM new
The REAL difference is that we on the right know the truth and everyone on the left knows the truth but we on the right are the only ones that are willing to say it.

posted on July 31, 2004 06:36:39 PM new
Oh yawn Linda says, "

""They're much more positive than those who don't support what our military stands for..... "or those who don't believe this country is worth fighting for.......""


""Those who don't believe promoting democracy around the world will bring us a much safer world in the long run.""

Some more of Linda's losy grammar but I think she means ...more war brings more democracy....HMMM great idea!

""Just like J.F. Kenney said was important to us all."""
It's KenneDy, a Democrat, one of the greatest presidents of all time. Unlike Bush who isn't good enough to clean Kennedy's shoes, JFK also fought in war LIKE Kerry!

Linda, you've never answered.....WHERE WAS BUSH?

posted on July 31, 2004 06:39:21 PM new
The left is in total denial.

posted on July 31, 2004 06:42:25 PM new
That's because they think it's a river in Africa.

posted on July 31, 2004 06:44:38 PM new

posted on July 31, 2004 07:01:21 PM new
As Moore said, when he was wiping the floor with O'Reilly: "You don't bring democracy to a country at the point of a gun."

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on July 31, 2004 07:11:55 PM new
"You don't bring democracy to a country at the point of a gun."

You do it with candy, kisses, flowers and a big smile on your face and your opponent just gives up and walks away??

posted on July 31, 2004 07:12:46 PM new
I didn't come away with the same conclusion you did in that interview it appears.

But if you'd rather believe the words of a propogandist like Moore...on who has LONG been anti-American....then so be it. Just ignore Russia's Putin's comments on how the democrats are lying now too....but accept Moore's ....yea...he's a real winner. [not]

I'll continue to believe what both the dems and the reps told this nation...for years - saddam was a threat and needed to be removed.

This President had to backbone to do it. Thank God.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 31, 2004 07:15:53 PM new
My brief tally on this is that........

1. Nobody has directly answered yes to this hypothetical question.

2. Linda likes to argue any point in a question that she refuses to directly answer.

3. EAG tries to justify the loss of almost 1,000 American lives.

and last, but not least......

4. Twelvepole thinks that anyone who has a different opinion that his is in the need of checking themselves into a mental health hospital.

True Americans do not exclude anybody. They recognize that everyone should have the same rights. Bigotry, intolerance and hatred are cancers of the mind.
posted on July 31, 2004 07:16:48 PM new
Did you notice how fast and furious the smiley faces are coming from the Repugs? LOL
When in doubt.. or feeling a tad shaky.. lack of an answer...post a smiley. You have no idea how much those smug smiley faces remind me of the smug, arrogant, snear that we have all grown to know on Bushes mug...

But on the other hand.... at least while 'The Repugs' are posting their smiley's, their gums aren't flapping, and we are granted a respite from their "oh, so boring, repetitive,long winded, lies and gibberish"

Try to edit your writing of unnecessary materials before attempting to impress us with your insight. The evidence that you are all nincompoops will still be available to us, but we will be able to access it more rapidly, digest it and vomit it out quicker.

posted on July 31, 2004 07:18:00 PM new
The people of a country have to want it for themselves. Enough to rise up, as we did ourselves, and say 'enough is enough."

But more to the point: we should not be in the business of forcing other nations to adopt our form of government, our way of life.


We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on July 31, 2004 07:24:42 PM new
Make you happy yeager...

Yes I would, along with every other Patriotic American son and daughter...

Why? Because I gave God a chance to take mine during War and you know what, I am still here typing... It is good to fear dying, but to be so paranoid about it, like the left portrays, is just so cowardly it is unbelievable...
I would like to think we are not raising a generation of cowards... but considering some of the posts I have seen here... well....

misread yeager's post...


Homosexuality is a choice that can be corrected...
[ edited by Twelvepole on Jul 31, 2004 08:09 PM ]
posted on July 31, 2004 07:29:15 PM new
Linda, nobody would disagree that Saddam needed to be removed. What you're not admitting, is the justification for removing him was done under false pretenses. You believe Bush made the decision based on the intelligence available, but a lot of people think he acted too quickly without triple checking the facts. No matter who's right, this is what will cost him the Presidency.

posted on July 31, 2004 07:39:26 PM new

I agree! This is the ball that Kerry will run with and score a touchdown!

Maybe Bush should have used the old carpenters standard when working with wood. That is, measure twice and cut once!

True Americans do not exclude anybody. They recognize that everyone should have the same rights. Bigotry, intolerance and hatred are cancers of the mind.

[ edited by yeager on Jul 31, 2004 07:41 PM ]
posted on July 31, 2004 07:41:10 PM new
What makes you think that he didn't tripple check the facts, or consult his advisors, or consult with other world leaders, or consult with the Senate Reps and Dems, or to look at all the evidence?? I doubt it was a kneejerk decision as some would like to beleive.

Edited to add a smiley

[ edited by yellowstone on Jul 31, 2004 07:44 PM ]
posted on July 31, 2004 07:56:02 PM new
OK....If one of my children CHOSE to go....as it is THEIR CHOICE as an adult.....I would not be particularly happy about their life being in danger....but I would support them.

So...yes. I would have gone myself, but am too old..(I did check on it!) BUT...we were both trained to do this. And are both expert marks"men". Guess what?....LOTS of American parents had to LET their children go. We raised our children properly...to help those in need....to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Some of our children grow up and become soldiers, some join the peace corps, some put change in the cup of a homeless person....but a child raised properly does what they think they need to do to better mankind as a whole to make the world a better place for THEIR children. However great or small.


posted on July 31, 2004 07:58:27 PM new
KD - I don't agree. I have full confidence that once all the info that the liberal media won't report....favoring a kerry president....this President will be re-elected. There can't be that many people who can't see both dems and reps said he needed to be removed. The clinton administration even passed the Iraqi Liberation Act. And 13 years was long enough for game playing. To have done nothing....when he was considered the threat he was, immediately following 9-11.


That's true, bunni. They do need to want it for themselves. And they did stand up and try to fight for themselves in 1991. We didn't support them then because the sanction, as written by the UN, didn't give their approval to do so.

But after another 13 years of the atrocities that saddam used against them....the unwillingness to fight...being in constant fear...has grown even stronger in some of them.

But to discount all the Iraqi's who do have the courage and who are currently fighting for their freedom.....is being overlooked by many. And that's a shame.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 31, 2004 08:28:22 PM new
yellowstone, sorry, but it has been reported by many people that georgie was not interested in intelligence reports, other people's or other countrie's opinions.

But, you're right(pun intended), it wasn't a knee jerk reaction, the war with Iraq had been in the planning stages more than a year before 9/11.

9/11 was just the phony excuse they needed to further their plan.

posted on July 31, 2004 08:39:00 PM new
Sometimes I believe the lefties....cannot see that Iraq could have been/was considered by some, a threat all unto itself. Not because there was a preceived connection with AQ - binladen. Just all on it's own ...a threat. They were, after all, supporting terrorism in the ME. I understand the two are usually discussed together...when discussing if there were links/connections between the two or there wasn't.

Following the attacks of 9-11 we couldn't take any chances....on the threat saddam posed with the wmd we'd long feared [both parties] had.

We had saddam's two son-in-laws telling us he had weapons....we had Iraqi defectors telling us he did...we had reports from the UK saying he was working on them...we had Russia telling us there were plans to attack us.....and saddam NOT cooperating with UN Resolution 1440. There's no way that [and more] could have just been ignored.

Putin's quotes:
found all over the internet...Fox News...CNN.. Mos.com....Moscow times...and others:

Putin: We Told U.S. Saddam Was Planning Attacks

Friday, June 28, 2004
ASTANA, Kazakhstan — 

Russia gave the Bush administration intelligence after the September 11 attacks that suggested Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq was preparing attacks in the United States, President Vladimir Putin (search) said Friday.

"After Sept. 11, 2001, and before the start of the military operation in Iraq, the Russian special services, the intelligence service, received information that officials from Saddam's regime were preparing terrorist attacks in the United States and outside it against the U.S. military and other interests," Putin said.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 31, 2004 09:04:55 PM new
Quote from a bography of Vladimir Putin,

""Communism means that you are ready to pay whatever price for your own political goals," Yavlinsky says. "Communism means that you say one thing and do another. Communism means you are always lying. All those points are the main points of Putin's policies.""

No wonder he and bush get along so well.

posted on July 31, 2004 10:08:17 PM new
What's a bography?

posted on July 31, 2004 10:36:40 PM new
Yellowstone, here are a list of articles supporting my post.

"The US and UK government fabricated information to justify their military strike on Iraq. US congressional and UK parliamentary investigations look into the false information circulated by the Bush and Blair governments, especially concerning weapons of mass destruction. This section covers the controversies and changing reasons put forward in Washington and London to justify the war."


posted on July 31, 2004 10:49:33 PM new
Yawn, it's past my bedtime for me, I'm so tired.

Oh, I almost forgot to include a smiley just for Maggie because she so likes seeing them.

posted on August 1, 2004 05:56:35 AM new
Why would a guy that has two children at home and 5 on the way decide to go to Iraq when we was given a chance to stay home. I find his reasoning very flawed. So if he does, he leaves his wife alone to give birth to 5 kids and then raise 7 all by herself. Now that doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

OSWEGO — They are known as The Horton Five.

In grainy black and white photos, they are identified by letter: A, B, C, D and E.

This group, now just a curiosity, could make its world debut in a matter of months as a headliner, for this act is extraordinarily rare.

And the story behind the story is equally unusual.

The first ultrasound pictures taken this spring confirmed for Taunacy Horton what experts had cautioned could happen when using fertility drugs. Doctors discovered two, possibly three growing babies inside.

A second ultrasound found four heartbeats. A third confirmed a fifth child.

Shock set in for Horton, a mother of two who had dreamt of having a large family. Yet she was overwhelmed at the prospect of having five children at once.

"When she told me that there were five, it was sort of a bittersweet moment," family friend Chelsea Fife said. "That is a huge calling to have to be a mother of five all at once."

So huge that doctors warn there is a risk not all of the children will live, and those who do could face physical and mental challenges for years to come.

It is a feat rare enough that the hospital where Horton will have her children has never before delivered five babies at once.

Of the more than 4 million women who give birth annually in the United States, only a handful produce multiple children. The National Center for Health Statistics reports that in 2002, the most recent year for which data is available, 69 women gave birth to five or more children at once. (An Oswego woman recently gave birth to four children; 434 mothers gave birth to quadruplets in 2002.)

This has become a tough blessing for the Horton family, who have relied on their faith and the generosity of their church community to cope with the future.

"Faith gets me up every day," Horton said.

What's more, there's something missing in the Horton household. Josh Horton, Taunacy's husband, is headed to Iraq after signing up in April for two more years as a U.S. Marine Corps reservist.

He received his orders June 1, just as the family was coming to terms with the challenges that lie ahead. Horton, an Aurora police officer, was offered the chance to stay behind after the federal government learned he was to be the father of five.

He declined.

"He wanted to go because there's been other fathers over there who haven't seen their kids for a year or two," said Aurora police officer Liz Robinson, Horton's partner. "He wanted to give them a chance to be with their kids."

Josh Horton, a five-year department veteran, will return home this month from Camp Pendleton, Calif., before leaving several days later for Iraq, where his infantry unit is expected to relieve other soldiers.

"From his heart of hearts, he feels this is what he needs to do," Taunacy Horton said. "At least I've had time to kind of work through it a little bit."

A military marriage
Josh and Taunacy Horton married eight years ago while both were serving in the Armed Forces. They met at a Maryland military base, where Taunacy was a corpsman in the Navy; Josh was a Marine. A year after they married, Taunacy gave birth to the couple's first child, Sean. Daughter Shaleigh was born two years later. Both parents left active duty in 1999, and Josh Horton became a police officer in Aurora, where he grew up. Horton graduated from Waubonsie Valley High School in 1994. The family eventually settled into a home in Oswego, one that will be too small for the new additions. Both parents, now 28, decided to have a third child. No one expected what would happen.
Now 15 weeks into her pregnancy, Horton said she has in some respects had fewer problems than with her other pregnancies. The main difference, as she sees it, is how tired she gets each day.

But the Hortons have been told to expect challenges. Doctors said she didn't have to carry all five children if she didn't want to.

"I thought, 'He (God) sent all five and I've got to give them a chance,'" Taunacy Horton said.

Nobody expects this mother to reach full term with her babies. She anticipates entering Edward Hospital in Naperville at 24 weeks, where she will be put on bed rest. She hopes to give birth no earlier than 28 to 30 weeks into her pregnancy.

A helping hand
The Hortons have a dependable network of well-wishers surrounding them, including the police department and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, where they belong to the Oswego ward.
The church has a built-in support system with members assigned to visit the Horton home, and some churchgoers have begun reaching out into the community seeking financial support for the family, Bishop Dean Fisher and others said. One company has already promised to offer continuing financial aid once the children are born.

Some police officers also plan to pitch in, offering baby-sitting services and doing chores around the house. But the Hortons' financial and emotional obligations still will be great.

Friends say they're looking for more corporate and individual help, and a bank account has been opened to help support the babies once they are born.

"Everybody kind of has the same response," said Fife, the family friend. "Oh my gosh, what do you need?"


Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on August 1, 2004 07:10:30 AM new
real American values

So in reading this statement thrown around I would like those who use it to define it.

Is it:
The right to free speech within limits of obscenity? (Like no showing boobies on national TV type but the word Bit**, Azz, & others are now perfectly acceptable?) What American values have pushed the boundaries in the last couple of years? And where should there be limitations, if any?

How about abortion? The right to choice? Is that an American Value?

Guns? Anti-Guns?

Gay Marriage?

Welfare? Social Health programs?

Any mention of God anywhere in government - our currency even?

It appears to me the left has yet to define THEIR values in relation to the issues. At least the right KNOWS where it STANDS on its values.

posted on August 1, 2004 07:28:12 AM new
Ya, Republican values are easy to define since they're so simple.

1. Everyone must act, think, believe, talk, and DRESS the same way.

2.Puck your neighbors and if you can't, try everything in your power to control them.

Try to control 51% of the population by putting them in dresses and keeping them in the kitchen and if they dare to leave the kitchen pay them less than the man doing the same work.

3. War is the only expression of patriotism. It is a very good thing if you personally don't have to fight and it makes giant corporations richer.

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