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posted on July 31, 2004 11:03:55 PM new
bunni, do you ride your mule? We had an old one around here for years when I was a kid...in fact, he taught me how to ride... He was real patient with me as I recall..He finally died 15 or 20 years ago...I might have a picture of him here somewhere.
Beware the man of one book.
- Thomas Aquinas
posted on July 31, 2004 11:50:13 PM new
Yes, I do ride her,normally. Right now I am having a lot of trouble with my right arm and can't manage it.

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on August 1, 2004 06:40:37 AM new
I'm going to vote for Kerry because his and Theresa's kid's are better looking and much better dressed than the bush things.
[ edited by crowfarm on Aug 1, 2004 07:40 AM ]
posted on August 1, 2004 07:35:46 AM new

"I'm going to vote for Kerry because his and Theresa's kid's are better looking and much better dressed than the bush things."

Plus, the Bush things wear pants!

posted on August 1, 2004 11:49:52 AM new
This will be the first time in my history of voting that I will participate in the lessor of bad candidates.

By far, Bush is top dog when it comes to horrid candidates. Cheney only makes this ticket the worst ever, and Powell, he is a sellout. I once had a shred of respect for Powell, but he has chosen to stick with the Axis of Evil (Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld etc).

Second in line would be Nader who had my respect until he decided it was ok to have help from people and groups who have no intentions of ever supporting his platform. I voted for Nader last election and felt damn good about my decision.

Third, and my decision for President is John Kerry. Not the best choice in America, but this election year he is the only real candidate who can change things from the evil road that Bush has taken American down.

posted on August 1, 2004 12:08:37 PM new
From the OP.
"Then Nadar, well, no, he is not even or ever going to get close, so why is he there "

Because the Republicans are paying him to be......there can't be any other sane reason.

posted on August 1, 2004 12:23:11 PM new

"Third, and my decision for President is John Kerry. Not the best choice in America, but this election year he is the only real candidate who can change things from the evil road that Bush has taken American down."

Plus, it's good to keep in mind that a vote for Kerry, is a vote for an entire administration change without Cheney, Rove, Ashcroft and all the other members of the Bush axis of evil.

[ edited by Helenjw on Aug 1, 2004 12:26 PM ]
posted on August 1, 2004 02:08:04 PM new
Maybe I'll vote for whoever is the butt-ugliest, worst dresser with kids who pick their noses on TV.
Hopefully, they'll care more about my country than how they look. And their kids will be normal.


posted on August 1, 2004 04:33:55 PM new
[I]"I'm going to vote for Kerry because his and Theresa's kid's are better looking and much better dressed than the bush things."
Plus, the Bush things wear pants![/I]

You're just so annoyed that your own democrats got smart and decided to take care about image in this campaign? Maybe according to you they should go back to only showing old ladies in polyester pant suits! Yep, that sure will be a great way to pull in the younger crowd! Oh gee, did anybody mention there was a marketing campaign going on here for VOTES? Nah, democrats arent smart enough to think of that, right?

btw, its awesome how you divert your attention to the children as they have NOTHING to do with policies, but YOU apparently have nothing good to say about YOUR candidate.

posted on August 1, 2004 05:43:56 PM new
Well, the twisted sister is back with a mouth full of venom and a brain full of hooey topped off by a large dollop of No Sense of Humor!

You dumb cluck....we ......were....joking.

There, did I type slowly enough for you.

posted on August 1, 2004 05:58:19 PM new
Give it up, Crow. Neroter will never be able to accept the fact that dress just isn't the be-all and end-all of a woman's existance. Or that different women have different ideas about how to dress.

And it seems to be of such importance to her that she has no sense of humor on the matter. It drives her into a frenzy.


We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on August 1, 2004 06:02:28 PM new
bunni, I never said it was the be all and end all of existance. Keep putting thoughts and words into my mouth why dont you? Go back and read my posts on the subject. You two have your own perceptions and feelings about it, and only you know why. Sorry, but I think its you that goes into a frenzy over it. Not me.

posted on August 1, 2004 06:09:23 PM new
This ain't a frenzy ????
From neroter:
posted on July 29, 2004 04:38:52 PM
yeah crow you must be one of the designers of the rubber manure hats taken from the great inspiration from out in the heartland!

and btw we'll see how calm you are when I get your azz kicked off ebay. - stay away from auctions, cow dung."""

Now, even YOU, neroter can see the frenzy in a rubber manure hat!

posted on August 1, 2004 06:17:59 PM new
Sorry, Neroter, but reading your posts is the basis for what I said. You were even driven to threaten Crowfarm over it, deny that fact as you may.

Anyone reading the original thread, http://www.vendio.com/mesg/read.html?num=28&thread=220843, will see no frenzy on the part of myself or Crow. Rather, they will see you equating pantsuits with homosexuality,and getting most upset when all don't agree with you regarding how a woman should dress.

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on August 1, 2004 06:34:01 PM new
Bunnicula: Funny how you skipped right over this part of my posts from the other thread:

[b]I realize people are not into looks and women especially who are doing important fundamental things........
Dress is appropriate where you are......
I dont like the look on Hillary...that is my opinion, and I am entitled to it......
Hey Bunni, you are also not in the limelight like Hillary clinton or any other of those political women. C'mon now..its the age of TV,marketing, etc., etc. Are you going to deny that any of that matters for THEM?......
I fully understand some women dont like make-up or dresses and I think thats fine for them. It can be alot of work to keep up with all that. But yeah, I also think they are missing something by not getting in touch with a more feminine side of them. That usually when you look better, you feel better...........
And there are many people I hold in high esteem who by no means are good-looking. But I thought we were talking about a politican and their presentation?........

FROM CROWFARM: Any "ism" whether it's sexism, racism, age-ism gets my blood boiling....

And for your information, that is not what drove me to threaten her as you say.
I got tired of her writing "CALM DOWN" all over the place in these threads and seeing the very same statement in my FB from a dork buyer who renegged on a WB.

But you read the way YOU WANT TO READ IT. That is what we all do.


ed to add: And sorry, but when YOU ALWAYS see a prominent Woman wearing only pants suits you begin to question their sexuality. Just like you do when you see a man doing effiminate things. You want to tell me you've never met a man who appears to be gay but never has come out and said he is gay, but you dont wonder from what you see? I think your lieing if you say no. It is the same thing with Lesbian women - outward signs.
[ edited by neroter12 on Aug 1, 2004 06:44 PM ]
posted on August 1, 2004 06:40:58 PM new
neroter says,
"I got tired of her writing "CALM DOWN" all over the place in these threads and seeing the very same statement in my FB from a dork buyer who renegged on a WB. "

Seems like I'm not the only one who thinks you should calm down......do you see a pattern here?

posted on August 1, 2004 06:47:46 PM new
So you admit you threatened her. Finally. Though being told to calm down is a strange thing to threaten someone over. Especially since she never even mentioned auctions, much less threatened yours as you tried to claim.

As for the rest, I referred to your increasingly frenzied replieson the subject. We merely had to say that we didn't agree to set you off.

When called on your behavior in both the original thread and in the "how low can you go" thread, http://www.vendio.com/mesg/read.html?num=28&thread=221367&id=221367. you protested your innocence, spat virulence on the latter thread, then disappeared for a bit. Upon your return you made no mention of your behavior.

Why should you be surprised that Crow should joke about the matter? Why spit even more venom over it? She was the one wronged, not you, and never got a word of apology.

If you can't apologize, then simply ignore her posts on the matter and it will die a natural death.

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on August 1, 2004 06:48:27 PM new
yeah crowfarm i see a real pattern alright.

I usually list all of five items a week. And anybody who is stupid enough to think information cannot be garnered from a public message board is living on old mcdonalds drunk farm - like you!

Why dont you go take a shower or something and get off this computer for five friggin minutes a day?

posted on August 1, 2004 06:49:58 PM new
bunni you sense of logic is amazing when you are wounded. What threat? To stay away from MY Auctions!!!

And if I disappear for awhile, its because there is more to life for me than these threads and I have other things to do.

You two old biddies will go on and on with for days. You think you are somebody that is owed something for anothers opinion. YOU're NOT. Now I hope you dont have a stroke if I disappear for awhile. Life goes on ya know.
[ edited by neroter12 on Aug 1, 2004 06:53 PM ]
posted on August 1, 2004 06:53:56 PM new
WHOA right there ! You edited your threat to include the word MY after you got dumped on for threatening me!

I posted the ORIGINAL!

AND as two three people pointed out YOU brought up ebay auctions....I never mentioned them.
NOW if you want me to ignore you that's fine but quit posting absolute crap and I might!

posted on August 1, 2004 06:56:59 PM new
Neroter, you are becoming pathetic. You can edit your post all you like--too many people saw it and even commented on it. Perhaps you should edit the one I replied to just now, as well.

It's a sad, pathetic person who can't apologize when they do something wrong.

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on August 1, 2004 07:08:47 PM new
Ah. I just saw your edit above, Neroter:

ed to add: And sorry, but when YOU ALWAYS see a prominent Woman wearing only pants suits you begin to question their sexuality. Just like you do when you see a man doing effiminate things. You want to tell me you've never met a man who appears to be gay but never has come out and said he is gay, but you dont wonder from what you see? I think your lieing if you say no. It is the same thing with Lesbian women - outward signs.

Well, you can call me a liar if you like. But I just don't spend all that much time thinking and/or worrying over a person's sexuality. I simply don't care if someone is homosexual, heterosexual, or monosexual unless I am personally involved with them. How a man or woman dresses means nothing to me as long as the clothes are clean. And since some of the most "macho" men in the world have been homosexuals, I really don't go around wondering if a guy who doesn't act like a caveman is homosexual or not. As for women wearing pants all the time, I've already told you my views on that.

Sorry if this strikes you as untrue, but that's the way it is with me.

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on August 1, 2004 07:22:04 PM new
I've decided to vote for BUSH
Linda's arguements on his behalf are so heartfelt and make so much sense.



posted on August 1, 2004 07:26:14 PM new
You're the one who is pathetic bunni. Where is the threat in the statement "Stay away from my auctions?" And now I provided you with a reason why I said it...but somehow you STILL want to believe I meant I am going after HER auctions? Well YOU BELIEVE WHAT YOU WANT TO BELIEVE. I know you are very wounded by my opinions of dress and presentation. It was not directed at you personally. It was about political women in the spotlight and women in general. I gave my opinions and you two cannot get past it to the point where you are falsly attributing me of saying, "its the be all and end all", when I never said that.

I dont happen to believe in coincidence. Especially with the internet and these boards. With the vast amount of products on ebay, and out of my five listings, somebody just happens to find mine to jerk with so they can bid it up with no intention of paying - and then write the words cRowshi! been cawking around this board for the last three days in here?? Again, you are free to believe what you want and I'll believe what I want to believe but if you think I owe it an apology for saying stay away from my auctions if you have no intention of paying, then I will tell the whole world that and not offer any apology.

[ edited by neroter12 on Aug 1, 2004 07:28 PM ]
posted on August 1, 2004 07:26:48 PM new
...but quit posting absolute crap and I might!

Well finally crowfart admits to posting nothing but crap...

Most of knew all along...

Homosexuality is a choice that can be corrected...
posted on August 1, 2004 07:26:52 PM new
Boy, Dave ya almost fooled me on that one!

PS: Linda dosen't have a heart and has seldom made sense.

posted on August 1, 2004 07:29:35 PM new
Twelve , once again you have proved two things:
Your reading non-comprehension is surpassed only by neroter.

Your ability to twist things is equal to neroter's.

posted on August 1, 2004 07:44:19 PM new
In response to the OP in this thread, I have decided that because Linda_K is not running for President I will be voting for George W. Bush

posted on August 1, 2004 07:44:26 PM new
You wont ignore me crumbdish, you have taken what I said and run with it to the Nth degree in every one of your posts today!! You're not the first, and you wont be the last. Only most of my followers have better positions in life than you. Youre on the low rung of hitching your wagon to my words and ideas. -But do have fun with yourself, thats part of the magic of it all!

Now as engaging as throwing punches with old bags is, I really have go. Do I need anyone's permission here?

(Hi Linda! -When you come on later. I am sure you are getting a kick out of all this. You know I am laughing my azz off!!! )

posted on August 1, 2004 08:08:30 PM new
"Only most of my followers have better positions in life than you. "

My, my! dillusions of grandeur...."followers" ???

How would you know what my "position" is AND whether it's better than your "followers" or not.

No, neroter, I don't think anybody's fooled that you're "laughing your azz off" or you wouldn't try blackmailing some one. You wouldn't have quite so many people asking you to calm down(even your customers!).

You said, "for saying stay away from my auctions """if you have no intention of paying""",
In your original post(below) you never said "my" and you never said "if you don't intend to pay".

posted on July 29, 2004 04:38:52 PM
yeah crow you must be one of the designers of the rubber manure hats taken from the great inspiration from out in the heartland!

and btw we'll see how calm you are when I get your azz kicked off ebay. - stay away from auctions, cow dung."""

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