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posted on August 4, 2004 09:12:41 PM new
Libra, where's your RMH? Go find it, put it on, then reread our posts. You will be able to see the hidden messages that are telepathically encoded into each word. If you don't have one, you have no right to complain about not being able to understand us!

posted on August 4, 2004 09:36:47 PM new
You know you and your groupies with their cryptic writing is getting old, really old. Your not funny you are pathethic. If you think you are going to get to me your wrong. It seems like this group can only think of things to degrade people. They never come up with any original posts, Well I have to take that back Crow got up set because the Mayor of St. Paul is voting Republican. It comes back with it's usual language. I hope you all have fun emailing each other along with someone else, and you know who you are. You are one Great bunch.

posted on August 4, 2004 09:43:45 PM new
What the hell are you talking about Libra?

posted on August 4, 2004 09:48:31 PM new
Your not funny you are pathethic. If you think you are going to get to me your wrong.

It's contagious!!!

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on August 4, 2004 10:02:30 PM new
Holy Crap!! it's hit the fan again...gather the troops... quick..on with your RMH..
Hark I hear a pistol shot..
A shistle pot?
A Postle sh!t
Oh sh!t I'm shot!!!

posted on August 4, 2004 10:02:40 PM new
I hope you all have fun emailing each other along with someone else, and you know who you are.

HEY! No one here ever e-mails me...... I feel left out now.

posted on August 4, 2004 10:07:10 PM new
Me neither. Probably because no one is emailing anyone else.

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on August 4, 2004 10:08:37 PM new
Good grief.

posted on August 4, 2004 10:16:03 PM new
It would be funny if it wasn't so sad..

posted on August 4, 2004 10:26:17 PM new
I agree. I wanted to clear this up once and for all and have no problem with neroter12 posting here and hopefully we will reach a truce like I wished to do months ago. I’ve enjoyed her input on many of the threads and hold no grudges. Life goes on.

posted on August 4, 2004 11:16:11 PM new
I agree, Kiara, though the issue never was about Neroter being welcome to post. I am also not one to bear a grudge.

That said, however, you and I both know the truce will last only until someone dares to disagree with Neroter, or she just plain takes a snit over something someone says.

And before someone jumps up and says I am being mean, vindictive or nasty: what I said above is just plain statement of fact. We have seen it several times.

So by all means, let's have that "truce"...until the next time.

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on August 4, 2004 11:49:44 PM new
OK all youse funny women, Libra,aka Edith Bunker says,"Oh dear the barn door opens and low and behold the sheep follow. Looks suspicious. It must be a conspiracy. Your the ones that need the hats or whatever your talking about which makes no sense to normal people."

Now I want you "normal" people to explain the above paragraph 'cause I can't make head nor tails of it.
What suspicious sheep have a conspiracy? What's the conspiracy? Maybe the sheep aren't going to poop any more and there goes my plan for selling Rubber Manure Hats on ebay!
Libra, even Republicans somewhere deep down in their little shriveled innards must have an ounce of humor! Pretend you're at a homeless shelter making fun of poor people, you know , LAUGH, and be happy because you're so superior to them.
There ya go ...I knew you could remember humor!
[ edited by crowfarm on Aug 4, 2004 11:50 PM ]
posted on August 5, 2004 07:23:37 AM new
When I said it would be funny, if it wasn't so sad.. I was referring to Libra not following any posts.. then jumping in with her conspiracy theory..
I don't have the energy or the inclination to chew her food for her.. do you? Ah what the heck...
Libra.. no conspiracy.. just a little funny following a thread where Nero suggested that Crow makes Rubber Manure Hats.. lol.. we all found that amusing, and Lord knows we could all use a RMH to shield us from all the sh!t that flies around here...
I do understand why you constantly misunderstand posts here.. it is because you don't read them and then you jump in the middle spewing accusations and nonsense..
Woman.. try to keep up.. will you! MM

posted on August 5, 2004 08:11:30 AM new
Don't you guys every sleep. I think you are stalking me. Do you get enjoyment out of it. And you MM tell us your true identity because previous posts have given you away. I won't reveal who you are but you have given yourself away so many times I am surprised nobody has gotten it yet.

Well NTS so much for your thread it has gone to the dogs.

posted on August 5, 2004 08:30:18 AM new
BOW- WOW LIbra, you dried up old %itch!

posted on August 5, 2004 08:44:38 AM new
Your showing your true age crow. If you think it is cute keep it up. I only consider you as a stalker. I find you the laughing stalk of the Round Table. Not yet quite an adult who doesn't know how to post
informative information. It's to bad every thread has to be ruined by you. Your language is unbecoming a lady so you must be an it as I have previously said. You think you have humor. Funny HaHa no funny pecular.
I am amased you have money to run your computer with your electric bills so high and you 9% loss of wages. Keep it up you are only making a fool out of yourself in my eyes.

Sorry NTS for my off topic. I guess this is a pick on Nero and Libra Thread. It's to bad you can't change the heading.

posted on August 5, 2004 08:44:40 AM new
Libra.. what is your problem? Are you really that dense? Or do you just not listen?
We are not stalking you Libra.. and although you may feel that you are "that interesting" you are not. Sorry..

You ran ranting and raving from this board a couple of weeks ago.. vowing you wouldn't return.. then you turn up again.. and start the sh!t all over again... and we are supposed to be stalking you!!
You are a Nut Case.. You silly twit..

You keep insisting that I am someone else in disguise.. but you don't have the nerve to say who... You like to accuse people of things that you can't back up... don't you..always trying to discredit someone with your insinuations... oh, and you profess to be so morally superior.. yeah, right!

Well.. I know who YOU really are and I am more than happy to share with all.. this information... Libra is really the one and only "sh!t4brains" She has constipation of the mind and diarrhea of the mouth.. now enjoy your day.. MM

posted on August 5, 2004 09:08:02 AM new
How does one stalk a public forum. Libra you are free to leave if you do not wish to participate (do not take this as an order to leave, I only am pointing out your ability to exercise your free will or not to do so).

These paranoid threads are boring.

posted on August 5, 2004 09:09:04 AM new
Libra63, you may have thought this thread was all about neroter12 and no one else should respond but you. I hope you understand why I did answer because my name was mentioned over and over. After I said I'd like it to be over with, right away you were there trying to turn the focus on yourself and how badly you have been treated. Then you continued through the rest of the evening and now again today.

You also said:

I went into AW previous threads and checked that thread again and there is nothing about your user ID in there, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have it. If she has kept the Original Thread without your deletion like she probably does then she does have it. I don't think just her saves threads so others might have it.

Not sure who you mean by "she" in that statement, Libra. But you are making a lot of assumptions about someone on Vendio, whether it was intended to be about me or not. Instead of ASSuming things about other posters on these boards perhaps have some intelligent info and proof to back up what you post and then maybe there would be fewer disputes here where people need to defend themselves from untrue accusations.

Now you choose to play 'victim' once again yet you are the one that keeps stepping into it right to the hilt over and over.

posted on August 5, 2004 09:13:18 AM new
So, Libra, you think I use language "unbecoming a lady".
Well, I have never had any intentions of "becoming a lady" (this isn't 1904, it's 2004, wake up).
It's not really much too aspire to. I aimed a lot higher and made it!

You didn't...how sad...you're still just a lady. With your little lady thoughts , your little lady ideas, your little lady humorless, passionless, boring lady life.

Besides, you naughty naughty girl, I've heard a few choice words from YOU in posts where ya finally got your dander up!
So my rubber hats off to you, Libra!

Oh, maggie, you can ream 'em better than anyone ...so funny..."silly twit", one of my favorites (and no bad words used!).

posted on August 5, 2004 09:30:07 AM new
Well find the posts.

posted on August 5, 2004 09:44:39 AM new
Well Kiara there are not many people that know how to retrieve threads and I was just defending you. Sorry you feel I was threatening you and you did not have to bold those letters. You make yourself queeen of everything but I will post the URL to previous threads and now everyone will find them.

posted on August 5, 2004 09:48:30 AM new
What in the world are you talking about now, Libra??

I certainly don't think you are threatening me! Where did you ever come up with that one?

Sometimes this feels like I'm sucked into some twilight zone........ hahahahahaha.

posted on August 5, 2004 10:13:02 AM new
"Not sure who you mean by "she" in that statement, Libra. But you are making a lot of assumptions about someone on Vendio, whether it was intended to be about me or not. Instead of ASSuming things about other posters on these boards perhaps have some intelligent info and proof to back up what you post and then maybe there would be fewer disputes here where people need to defend themselves from untrue accusations"

Wasn't this you who wrote that. At least it had your name next to it. You were the she because her original post had been deleted. I was telling her there was no mention of her user ID. I didn't know if it was there previous because I didn't read it. This wasn't an untrue accusation. I have no idea if anyone including you had copied that thread before it was erased. I know I didn't because I didn't see the thread until now. What was wrong with that. Then you called me a name by highlighting that word. You know you did and others will know you did. Now who is playing games. Pretty cute!

I start threads and they get wrecked right away. I post information to other threads and they get trashed. The only disputes here are when untrue statements are made about someone. How would you like it when someone says they are watching my english or spelling. I honestly don't care what spelling errors occur in posts or if the punctuation is in the right place or I or anyone has proper grammer. This is a discussion board not 9th grade english. But there is someone here that does and it only corrects me. I have nothing against you Kiara as you know a lot. I have never seen you correct anyone or threaten anyone. I am sorry if you think that post was a threat, it wasn't. The reason I left the last time because a certain poster kept using language I do not agree with and they only used it against me. It is now starting again. So if you think I was accusing you so be it I wasn't.

Yes I agree with you davebraun and it seems like I am attacked everywhere I go. Evidently I don't know the language used in these threads.

posted on August 5, 2004 10:17:29 AM new
Is there a gibberish translator in the house? I can't make head nor tail of that uber-babble you flung onto the screen during your latest spasmodic seizure.

You still haven't told me what my secret id is? C'mon now.. you accused me of having another id.. show everyone who you think I am... and then show me your proof.. you can't can you.. because I have never had another id here...

Libra said: It was a blast for a while. Informative but it is time to take an exit from an otherwise liberal area where Drugs, Liquor and foul language prevails. I do not appreciate your sense of humor mullins so go play buttt pupput with your most favorite girl liberal.

Now.. Libra old girl.. don't make me pull the old butt puppet out again! LOL MM

posted on August 5, 2004 10:27:59 AM new
Okay.. seriously.. Crow, Kiara,kraft,bunni, Dave.. ANYONE....WOULD SOMEONE PLEEEEZZZZEE
I honestly can not make sense of any of it..
Is she speaking in tongues? MM

posted on August 5, 2004 10:50:27 AM new

I NEVER would use words like butt-puppet!

Good grief...YOUR LANGUAGE! You're no lady....you foul mouthed two faced....Edith Bunker!


posted on August 5, 2004 12:22:34 PM new
Now I asked you to prove I said that. What in the world. I have never done nothing to either of you.

Now I want you to PROVE your statement and when and if you do I will appologize but not until then.

I have never used that word as I only heard it hear from either one of you and If I used it it was because you said it.

Why not just leave me along. Do you get your jollies out of harrasing me. Please get off my back. OBTW Roobers is spelled Robbers

posted on August 5, 2004 12:24:51 PM new
[i] Okay.. seriously.. Crow, Kiara,kraft,bunni, Dave.. ANYONE....WOULD SOMEONE PLEEEEZZZZEE

I'm having real difficulty following Libra in this thread. Lots of paranoia is coming through, though.

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on August 5, 2004 12:35:32 PM new
If she has kept the Original Thread without your deletion like she probably does then she does have it.

like she probably does ??

That is an ASSumption on your part, Libra63. It is also an untrue statement.

And nowhere did I think you were threatening me, I already said that. Didn't you read it?

Libra63, let me try to put this into simple language for you.

It's totally asinine for anyone to assume that anyone else is permanently saving threads or info on other posters, messing with their auctions, stalking them, posting under other IDs, speaking in cryptic language on a message board or e-mailing each other behind the scenes when they don't have an iota of proof to go on. Is that clear enough for you?

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