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posted on August 7, 2004 01:12:05 PM new

"I have MM on ignore. There is not sufficient content in her thoughts to put up with listening to her drivel. Her whole point, at times, is to be mean-mouthed and share her misery with as many people as will pay attention. You condemn the hell out of opposition debaters when they 'cross the line', yet blatantly sympathize with a foul-mouthed female dog that nominally spews YOUR rhetoric."
"There is a shriveled prune involved alright, she just shot herself in the foot."

Maybe since Parklanes post followed my post he/she was speaking to me when he/she used the word "you" I suspect that Parklane is fearful of deliberately mentioning anyone in particular.

Parklane, Take a look at just one example of YOUR "rhetoric". In only ONE comment, you called Maggie rude, belligerent, pathetically vapid and shallow...nasty minded and wish that she would crawl back under a rock ...ALL THIS when she had not said ONE WORD to you or anyone else in her thread. After that unprovoked attack, how can you describe your comment above as anything but hypocritical.???.

Amazingly, when Maggie returned to that thread she did not respond to that appalling remark.


posted on August 7, 2004 01:13:55 PM new
Sometimes, KD.

Kiara, are YOU playing dumb? By you I refer to the overall consensus reached by the previous posters in the thread. Go back to making your wallet. You are doing suuuuch a goooood job.

You are so right, Helen. And then I was so disgusted with myself for sinking to her level that I just put her on ignore. How many Hail Kerry's should I say?

Hebrews 13:8
[ edited by parklane64 on Aug 7, 2004 01:18 PM ]
posted on August 7, 2004 01:25:25 PM new
Now the truth comes out crowfarm & maggie are the ine and same. Figures

posted on August 7, 2004 01:36:06 PM new
Where did you read that Bear?

posted on August 7, 2004 01:36:37 PM new
Crowfarm and Maggie are not " ine and same".

Stupid conclusion but I didn't expect much more from a knuckle dragger.

posted on August 7, 2004 01:37:27 PM new
No, I wasn't playing dumb Parklane. I'm just interested in how you can categorize everyone and throw them all into the same pile when some of us haven't even commented on a topic. It's like you only see things one way.

Ya, how about that wallet? Gotta keep making them bigger all the time.

BTW, you seem a bit uptight lately. Here, this should cure you, share it with Bear.

posted on August 7, 2004 01:45:49 PM new
And to the poster of mostly incoherent trash who says I don't have an imagination....no, I didn't come up with a "rubber manure hat", you did. You win, bozo.

The rest of your post is, as usual, a concoction of misconceptions, missed points, out right lies and sorry reading comprehension skills.

Are we "tied at the hip" ? No, I like to think we're friends, a concept I'm sure you couldn't possibly understand since I can't imagine you have any. I think , to a normal person who has passed third grade, the second sentence of the OP explained it all.

posted on August 7, 2004 02:34:09 PM new
That's great, where did you get it, Kiara? Metamucil did the trick.


Hebrews 13:8
posted on August 7, 2004 03:09:02 PM new
Parklane, here's a surprise for you! I agree with one of your recent posts here.

I stopped reading RT for a while when the scatological stuff started spewing forth. We had an awful lot of sheer junior-high namecalling for a bit, and then it got deeper into do-do (literally). I'm no prude, but I think that WAS over the line, and I'm guessing Vendio folks caught a glimpse of it. But Maggie wasn't the only perp, so what's up with that?

We know that Vendio moderators occasionally dip into our RT threads, don't we??
My right to speak my mind, to have a voice, to be what some have called "opinionated," is a right I deeply and profoundly cherish. And my only hope is that, one day soon, women--who have all earned their right to their opinions--instead of being called opinionated, will be called smart and well-informed, just like men. ~Teresa Heinz Kerry (bless her)
[ edited by Roadsmith on Aug 7, 2004 03:13 PM ]
posted on August 7, 2004 03:46:02 PM new
Parklane, I'm glad it worked...... it helps to keep a sense of humor.

I've never seen anyone here quite like Maggie. Ya, she was a little bit bad to bring it to the EO but her good side showed through lots also. Truthfully I've seen some worse things said by some of the guys around here and most of them have never got a suspension. Maggie just had a more innovative way of saying it so perhaps it was more shocking to some.

posted on August 7, 2004 05:32:27 PM new
You're right on many points, Kiara.

More people need a sense of humor in here (although that takes BRAIN power and we've seen the ones who have none of that).
Maggie's asp chewings were funny, and SO much more creative than the cavemen's in here!

And I think, too, that much worse has been said , especially by twelve and neroter and others.

But I think it there's also a great deal of sexism here that says men have a little more leeway in their insults than women do. And I truly think Maggie was a victim of that.

However, Maggie is enjoying her time off, she's very creative and I was thinking of hiring her to write letters to my congressmen and women. She has such a way with words!

RT is already duller without her.

posted on August 7, 2004 05:35:20 PM new
That was my thread in the EO. I did have maggie on ignore so I have no idea what she said. I have had her on ignore for some time. So whatever she said I do not know which I guess is good. I didn't even realize she was gone until a poster in the EO brought it to our attention. I also have crow on ignore sometimes as I find her language offensive to me, now I said to me. If everyone else likes it so be it. If maggie got suspended it was her own fault and nobody elses. Vendio does have monitors that still check peridiocally. If when people sign up before they start to post they must read the user agreement and if you abide by them your home fine, if you abuse it then you have to pay the consequences.

I did mention in a thread, I don't know which one, about people emailing others and I was told nobody emails anyone. So I guess that answer was wrong.

posted on August 7, 2004 06:17:38 PM new

I don't know what was said either. I was in bed already. I know Vendio watches from time to time. However, I think the odds are good that someone complained to Vendio. Normally, doesn't Vendio just yank the offending thread? For one nasty comment, yanking a poster seems extreme. Someone would have had to tell them about the rest of Maggie's posts and how offended they were by them, IMO. We'll never know.

Maggie - if you're reading this: we miss ya already!


. . .if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist- I really believe he is Antichrist- I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend.. . - War and Peace, Tolstoy
posted on August 7, 2004 06:21:35 PM new
Libra, how would anyone know if NOBODY here emailed anyone else to even say something like that?

posted on August 7, 2004 06:23:46 PM new
Stupid conclusion but I didn't expect much more from a knuckle dragger.

Thats a really original thought, who did you steal it from?

posted on August 7, 2004 06:37:45 PM new
That's what Cheney said to Bush when he told him about the al qaeda connection.

posted on August 7, 2004 06:45:12 PM new
Cheryl, maybe somebody at Vendio does follow the threads. I will have to re-read the user agreement, but could it be a form of one member harassing another, to follow them from thread to thread and within no context of the thread say things like 'you crazy old loon'? [that was part of some of the effect maggie said to Libra. I forget the rest.] It sounds obsessive/complusive if you have to bring yourself to that level to take such actions against somebody who isnt even bothering you. - Dont you think?

Crowfart, you are tired, arent you?. You should be by now. You beat the same dogmatic unmelodious drums day in day out.

[ edited by neroter12 on Aug 7, 2004 06:46 PM ]
posted on August 7, 2004 06:55:44 PM new
My goodness some (2)people are getting defensive and pointing fingers at Vendio's secret police.........

Neroter said,"Crowfart, you are tired, arent you?. You should be by now. You beat the same dogmatic unmelodious drums day in day out. "

Ya, and you haven't had an original thought since 1945. And when you try it comes out like an alcoholic's nightmare..

"Crowfart"....how long are you going to think THAT'S clever?

posted on August 7, 2004 07:32:12 PM new
The aforementioned poster that went poof said this in 2 places in the EO;

Libra the Loon Song

Do you know old Libra the Loon
She sang such a sorrowful tune
Cryptic Writings! Conspiracy! She Screamed!
While Rubber Manuer Hats danced in her dreams
Poor old Libra the Loon
Now sits howling up at the moon...

She said it in Libra's thread in the EO and it had nothing to do with the thread, let alone Ebay.

She also started a thread of her own in the EO where she said it again and I think it was titled; Libra the loon song

Both of these 2 posts were deleted and she was suspended, probably in part because they had nothing to do with Ebay.

When I saw these 2 posts in the EO and especially the fact that she would start a whole thread to say this I thought that it was lower than wormshit. I also thought it was just a matter of time before she would be on vacation. This IMO was clearly a case of one poster stalking another when she took her fight off of the RT to the EO and this was probably the rest of the reason why she went poof.

Curiously though it was posted in one other place and that was/is here in the RT in NearTheSea's thread titled Libra and it is still there.

As far as emailing each other goes and discussing threads I speak from experience that it does happen. I have had one other poster email me just for this reason, sorry I can't tell you who because I promised that I wouldn't betray a trust but you know who you are and that's enough. I think it's BS that people here deny that this sort of thing goes on.

Just my 2 cents worth.

posted on August 7, 2004 07:53:09 PM new
Libra said:

I hope you all have fun emailing each other along with someone else, and you know who you are.

Her statement that night implied that we were all e-mailing each other.

I said no one e-mailed me and I think Bunni said no one e-mailed her either. Later I said something along the lines that without proof you shouldn't assume that posters are e-mailing each other.

I’m sorry if Libra thought my laughing face in that thread was directed at her because I was laughing at the expression “rubber manure hat” and it had nothing to do with her.

When it was known as AW here I did e-mail a few people and I’ve kept a casual relationship with some of them. Personally I don't care what anyone does behind the scenes, we are all responsible for our own actions.

edited to add an omitted word.

[ edited by kiara on Aug 7, 2004 07:54 PM ]
posted on August 7, 2004 08:35:19 PM new
Let me set things straight. That wasn't an offending thread. It was a thread started by me on Bidder Demands Payment. It was a thread I started to get some imput on a bidder. It was a thread that belonged in the EO. Since I have maggie on ignore I did not know what was said.

What happens down here is different that th EO and you have to admit that. There was also a PayPal thread deleted at the same time. So evidently a vendio monitor was in there.

Now about the emailing. I posted something and the next 5 posters were the group, KD, Kiara, can't remember the others, and I said you had probably emailed each other. I call them the group for lack of a better name I called them the fab 5 but they didn't like that name but I will tell you I do watch the fab 5 and they are a class act. There is no hanky panky going on their and they do fix up a straight guy. I would like them to come and decorate my place for me. They make somthing out of nothing and make it look good.

I do have to mention one thing. I do not likemaggie's humor or what she thinks is humor. It is not humerus to me but maybe to others it is not. I also don't like foul language and I don't like to be call something I am not. That is why crow is on ignore. I have no idea what I did to make them do that to me and I don't want to know. So that is the story. spell check to make sure everything is right so I am not called on the carpet for that. Puncututation I cannot help.
[ edited by Libra63 on Aug 7, 2004 08:36 PM ]
posted on August 7, 2004 08:58:14 PM new
Libra, thank-you for noticing I'm one of the Fab Five. Although the other four don't have the combination of great qualities I have, I still consider it a compliment.

P.S. In real life I'm an interior designer, so I'd love to redecorate your place!

posted on August 7, 2004 09:05:13 PM new
I'll take a nice tibia or fibula over a humerus any day.
Beware the man of one book.
- Thomas Aquinas
posted on August 7, 2004 09:24:00 PM new
After you work with tibia's & fibula's for 45 years it does become humerus...I a lot of times I write chest for check. and there are a few other words I just can't leave behind. Colon comes to mind for one but right now I can't think of the word that I substitute colon for.

BTW the spell checker does not correct the spelling humerus if you mean humorous

posted on August 8, 2004 04:21:41 AM new
Too bad the 'vacation' is only for one month....

...one down, one to go.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on August 8, 2004 04:23:26 AM new

That's because humerous is a word - the bone in the upper arm. LOL! You may have just coined a new expression.

The IGNORE button is there for good reason and Libra has used it for what it's meant. People express themselves in different ways and it's impossible to go through life and not offend anyone. Everyone knows that I don't approve of squelching anyone's right to express themselves so whether it was Vendio or another poster, "poofing" a poster isn't the right thing to do. Whatever happened to issuing warnings? We don't do that anymore? A better solution would have been for Vendio to delete the offending post and then issue Maggie a warning. Three of those and then your "poof". It's as bad as eBay who just zaps your auctions without warning.

I have to agree that there are more male offenders on this board than female. Twelve has called some women here pretty vile things and he's still here. Calling a woman a c$@t is far worse than anything Maggie has ever said.


. . .if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist- I really believe he is Antichrist- I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend.. . - War and Peace, Tolstoy
posted on August 8, 2004 04:28:31 AM new
Libra - I did mention in a thread, I don't know which one, about people emailing others and I was told nobody emails anyone. So I guess that answer was wrong.

I don't believe you were wrong. For all the years I've posted here....it's been mentioned many times. Some have bonded and DO email each other...some remain anonymous and don't. But for it to be said emailing behind the 'scenes' doesn't go on if FALSE. Game playing, using certain posters for their own amusement has gone on since I've been here.

posted on August 8, 2004 05:44:06 AM new
Linda, the promoter of torturing children says,

"Too bad the 'vacation' is only for one month....

...one down, one to go."

What's the matter, linda, scared? Don't want any competition.....hate the truth ?

hate yourself??...........

posted on August 8, 2004 05:50:26 AM new

....some interesting comments which always inspire different thoughts to different posters here. My imagination is so incredible.

For example, Linda's comment...

"Too bad the 'vacation' is only for one month...one down, one to go."

...brings to my mind the fact that Maggies's only mistake was that her attention was focused on Libra rather than Linda.

Another example....

Libra said, in a comment about spelling, "Colon comes to mind for one but right now I can't think of the word that I substitute colon for."

Unfortunately, to me it brings to mind another poster, colin and the fact that I sometimes misspell his name to mean the part of the intestine that extends to the rectum.



[ edited by Helenjw on Aug 8, 2004 05:51 AM ]
posted on August 8, 2004 06:13:12 AM new
helen says: brings to my mind the fact that Maggies's only mistake was that her attention was focused on Libra rather than Linda.

Your short-term memory loss is kicking in again, helen.

I remember YOU not enjoying the rude comments ol' maggie threw in your direction also. You got more than a little upset.

But when those harassing statements aren't directed at you....then you [and, sadly, others here] find them amusing..oh-so-funny....and praise her over and over for how funny her foul, uncalled for statements directed towards others are.

By being one who supported/encouraged her vile posts to others, you shame yourself helen.

There's no reason to travel from thread to thread harassing a poster. She deserved exactly what she got.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
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