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posted on August 7, 2004 11:09:46 PM new
Proof Kerry and His Supporting Crew are making it up:

Do Americans have the right to ask if Sen. Kerry's stated qualifications are truthful and trustworthy? Absolutely they do, just as any individual or business would be within their rights to verify if a potential new hires prior experience or education is legitimate. In the coming weeks American's will be hearing revelations from Sen. Kerry's fellow officers who served along with him, or in close proximity with, during his brief four months in Vietnam as an skipper of a swift boat. Most will wonder why if everything they have to say is true - why Sen. Kerry's crewmembers continue to support him and which side is telling the truth?

To answer why they support him would be mere speculation at this point, but the question of who is telling the truth can easily be answered by Sen. Kerry and his crewmates own pattern of deception. Kerry and a handful of his former crewmembers have a habitual tendency to fabricate and present to the public bogus accounts of Sen. Kerry's Vietnam service. They have little regard for accuracy or the truth when they recount Kerry's service over and over again, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

This was very apparent during the recent Democratic National Convention when fellow crewmember, Fred Short, whom was on stage with Sen. Kerry along with other crewmembers said, "I was there when Sen. Kerry got shot, and I've seen his blood on the deck of a swift boat." [1]

Problem with this assertion is that Fred Short was only present with Sen. Kerry on one mission, and that mission was on February 28, 1969 when he served as a replacement for David Alston. Kerry was never shot nor wounded on February 28, 1969. In fact, Kerry was never 'shot' during his entire four months in Vietnam. If someone was not familiar with Kerry's history they would walk away with a false impression.

Fred Short is not the only crewmember who likes to falsely assert Sen. Kerry was shot. Former crewmember, Del Sandusky, said on CNN's NewsNight that: "John, shot and bleeding, laid down and pulled up Rassmann by his belt." [2]

This is clearly another outright falsehood because Sen. Kerry was never shot or bleeding on March 13, 1969 when the incident with Jim Rassmann occurred. The Rev. David Alston, another former crewmember recalling Sen. Kerry's exploits in Vietnam recalled the events of February 28, 1969 this way: "I know when John Kerry told Del to beach that damn boat, this was a brand-new ball game. We wasn't running. We took it to Charlie." [3]

Only problem with this horribly misleading statement is that David Alston was not on Sen. Kerry's boat on that eventful date to know that Kerry told Del to beach the boat. Fred Short had replaced him as the boats 'tub gunner' that day.

Michael Medeiros, indicated during a 1996 press conference with Senator Kerry (by telephone) that he was chasing after Senator Kerry and the fleeing VC soldier and stated at the time that he did not see Sen. Kerry kill him, but had no doubt that the senator did so. "The only one that was there was Senator Kerry," Medeiros said. [4]

Sounds good, but what came afterwards during the same press conference was a totally unexpected remark by Sen. Kerry, "I was never out of sight of Tom Belodeau or Mike Medeiros," Kerry said. "I went straight out from the boat to the path so I had a line of fire. I never went behind the hootch, and this is the first time in 30 years that anybody has suggested otherwise." Perhaps Sen. Kerry wasn't paying attention when Michael Medeiros had stated the only one who was there was Sen. Kerry and that he did not see what Kerry wants to insist Medeiros saw.

Sen. Kerry Knows it is not a good idea not to have any talk about bona fide war heroes shooting wounded kids in the back as the heroism that earns them a medal. Sen. Kerry may have made a slip by telling the Boston Globe, "He [wounded VC soldier] was running away with a live B-40, and, I thought, poised to turn around and fire it." [10] So now Kerry and his "Band of Brothers" have a new task on their hands: turn the wounded VC soldier around so he is pointing his B-40 rocket launcher at Kerry's swift boat before Kerry shot him. That way it doesn't look like Kerry shot him in the back.

Mike Medeiros changed his story to better cast Kerry as a war hero by making it clear to Douglas Brinkley, in his book, "Tour of Duty," that he saw the VC guerilla standing on both feet ready to fire a rocket at Kerry's boat, and that he fell over dead after being shot by Sen. Kerry. Kerry's other crew members who were with him responded with the same storyline, such as:

"The guy was getting ready to stand up with a rocket on his shoulder, coming up. And Mr. Kerry took him out -- he would have been about a 30-yard shot. Which, we were dead in the water up on the bank, point blank. If he missed us, he would have to, you know -- there's no way he could miss us. He could've thrown a rock and taken me out." [3]

Or how about, "Bullets were flying everywhere," Short he said. "It was total chaos. Mr. Kerry went up to the top of the embankment and saw the guy preparing to fire his grenade launcher, so he took him out. I have no doubt that if he had not done so, I would not be talking to you today." [8]

Sen. Kerry went from shooting a wounded kid in the back to war hero who had saved his entire crew's life from instant death.

Even more bizarre during Kerry's 1996 press conference was his remark saying he never went behind the hootch, and that no one had suggested otherwise in 30 years. This makes one wonder if he had ever read his very own Silver Star citation, which clearly states for all to see -- that someone has indeed been suggesting for the last 30 years what Sen. Kerry is attempting to deny this simple 30 year old sentence:

". . . Without hesitation Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry leaped ashore, pursued the man behind a hootch, and killed him, capturing a B-40 rocket launcher with a round in the chamber."

The only one who would have the first hand knowledge of such an event (behind the hooch) to had suggested it so it could been included in his Silver Star citation was Sen. Kerry himself.

Another famous event which Kerry and his supporters have turned upside down over the years for maximum political mileage by throwing out the truth and replacing it with rhetoric and outright lies is the events that lead to Sen. Kerry pulling Jim Rassmann from a river. To really understand Sen. Kerry's character and deceit we should first read a eulogy given by Mr. Kerry:

Mr. KERRY. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to have printed in the Record the text of the eulogy I gave for my friend, Thomas M. Belodeau, on November 10, 1997.

There was the time we were carrying Special Forces up a river and a mine exploded under our boat sending it 2 feet into the air. We were receiving incoming rocket and small arms fire and Tommy was returning fire with his M-60 machine gun when it literally broke apart in his hands. He was left holding
the pieces unable to fire back while one of the Green Berets walked along the edge of the boat to get Tommy another M-60. As he was doing so, the boat made a high speed turn to starboard and the
Green Beret kept going--straight into the river. The entire time while the boat went back to get the Green Beret, Tommy was without a machine gun or a weapon of any kind, but all the time he was
hurling the greatest single string of Lowell-Chelmsford curses ever heard at the Viet Cong. He literally had swear words with
tracers on them! [5]

First of all, it is truly remarkable that Sen. Kerry cannot even tell the truth while giving a eulogy for a fallen brother-in-arms.

Secondly, wonder who that Green Beret could have been Sen. Kerry is referring to? In a 2004 interview with Jim Rassmann may have answered this question. Rassmann was talking along the same lines as in Kerry's above eulogy when he recalled to a reporter of sidling along the deck next to the pilot house, a rifle in each hand, intending to give one to the bow gunner, when a second mine detonated, launching him into the water. [6]

Tom Belodeau would have been that bow gunner Rassmann was referring to. Sen. Kerry's account in Douglas Brinkley's "Tour of Duty," places Jim Rassmann on the PCF-3 and not his PCF-94 boat. But Jim Rassmann does not want to be on another boat, but wants to be known for having rode on Kerry's boat for an entire month leading up to his dramatic rescue by Sen. Kerry.[7] This of course is a false assertion in that the only time he was ever on a boat skippered by Kerry was when Kerry helped him up out of the water.

Aside from the above eulogy, neither Sen. Kerry nor his crewmembers have ever claimed their boat, the PCF-94, had ever struck a mine and blown out of the water. The only boat that hit a mine and was lifted 2-3 feet out of the water was the PCF-3 on March 13, 1969. Sen. Kerry's PCF-94 had to tow the PCF-3 after it had hit the mine because it was so badly damaged from the explosion. Why in the world Sen. Kerry would falsely claim the events that struck the PCF-3 as his own is mind boggling.

Could memory be playing tricks with Sen. Kerry? No because if you were ever on a boat that hit a mine powerful enough to lift your boat 2-3 feet out of the water you would not have any confusion of whether or not you were ever on such a boat.

It is no wonder that Jim Rassmann has gone silent on the finer details surrounding his March 13, 1969 rescue since either him, Sen. Kerry or his supporting crew can seem to tell a consistent story. IF Rassmann claims he was riding on Kerry's boat; Kerry places him on another boat. All Jim Rassmann will say today is Sen. Kerry saved his life by pulling him from a river after being knocked off a swift boat (take your pick which one.)

How can anyone be sure they are being told an honest and truthful story of Sen. Kerry's Vietnam service? They cannot because Kerry's campaign will not allow it. Take for example when questions were raised whether Sen. Kerry had attended a Kansas City meeting of Vietnam Veterans Against the War where the assassination of senators was discussed. Immediately the Kerry campaign denied he was there.

John Musgrave, a disabled ex-marine from Baldwin City, Kan., who told The Kansas City Star that Mr. Kerry was at the meeting, said he got a call from John Hurley, the Kerry campaign's veterans coordinator.

"He said, `I'd like you to refresh your memory,' "Mr. Musgrave, 55, recounted in an interview, confirming an account he had given to The New York Sun. "He said it twice. `And call that reporter back and say you were mistaken about John Kerry being there." [11]

The Kerry campaign no longer denies Sen. Kerry having attended the Kansas City meeting of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and the only reason they no longer deny it is because of FBI evidence that placed him there. It is obvious with the ease and lengths Kerry & Co. will go to discard the truth to project their falsehoods to support a bogus image of Kerry is a shocking sign of his unfitness to be President. Perhaps now that more evidence is coming forward from sources other then Sen. Kerry's tight knitted inner circle of former crewmembers will it finally lead to an truthful account of Sen. Kerry's real Vietnam record, and maybe allow us to get closer to determining just what he is all about.


1. Veteran Supporters Rebut Criticism of Kerry, by Lance Gay,
Scripps Howard News Service, July 29, 2004
2. CNN NEWSNIGHT w/ AARON BROWN, Aired May 31, 2004
3. ABC News NightLine, June 24, 2004
4. Associated Press article by Glen Johnson, October 28, 1996
5. Congressional Record: January 28, 1998 (Senate) Page S186-S187
6. One Kerry Supporter Owes Life to Candidate by Jeff Barnard,
Associated Press Jan. 24, 2004
7. Vietnam lessons shape Kerry as a leader by Andrea Stone, USA TODAY,
8. Cox News Service Article by Mike William, April 18, 2004
9. COPLEY NEWS SERVICE Article By Otto Kreisher, July 21, 2004
10. Heroism, and growing concern about war By Michael Kranish, Boston
Globe, 6/16/2003
11. John Kerry's Role as a Vietnam Anti-War Activist Poses Challenges
to His Campaign by David Halbfinger, New York Times, April 24, 2004
12. Kerry campaign struggles to make military records public by Jill
Zuckman and Jeff Zeleny, Chicago Tribune April 21, 2004
13. The Oregonian, May 02, 2004


posted on August 8, 2004 04:24:53 AM new
Do Americans have a right to question Bush's record WITHOUT being called un-American or anti-American? Absolutely they do.


. . .if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist- I really believe he is Antichrist- I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend.. . - War and Peace, Tolstoy
posted on August 8, 2004 04:53:55 AM new
The President's service record has been examined and re-examined, over and over...each election campaign. Kerry's service record is receiving the same treatment now....it's being questioned. His claims/statements and actions, both during his service and after he came home are obviously being challenged. Rightfully so.

kerry, unlike this President, has gone around 'bragging' all his political career about his VN service. Those who see it differently are speaking out. They have that right.

kerry just doesn't like to talk about his actions AFTER his return home. Doesn't want to release his medical records so all can see the truth about his injuries and make up their own minds. Doesn't want it mentioned that our communist enemies have honored his participation in taking THEIR side against his own country.

I sincerely hope that the Swift Boat vets can make a difference....at least they've gotten a public dialogue started about it. The voters will decide how important it is to them and IF kerry can be trusted to stay on OUR side in the future. I don't believe he will.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on August 8, 2004 05:36:59 AM new
Linduh says,

"kerry, """""unlike this President"""""", has gone around 'bragging' all his political career about his VN service. "

YA Linduh, exactly what would BUSH brag about ???

Hahahahaha you are TOO funny!!!!!!!!!

well, you would be funny if you didn't approve of torturing children, garbage.
[ edited by crowfarm on Aug 8, 2004 05:52 AM ]
posted on August 8, 2004 06:25:55 AM new
Well, let's see, Linda. Liberals criticize and question Bush's record (his overall record) and we're called un-American. I think there's a double standard here as you are so fond of pointing out.


. . .if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist- I really believe he is Antichrist- I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend.. . - War and Peace, Tolstoy
posted on August 8, 2004 11:43:15 AM new
As usual when you libs can't possibly defend kerry, you revert to attacking President Bush's honorable discharge. The fact that Bush was 1 of 4 in his flight class that did volunteer for duty in Vietnam, escapes your comprehension. The fact that he was not selected due to being too new in the flight program just doesn't fit in your plans of abuse.

posted on August 8, 2004 11:59:20 AM new
Do Americans have a right to question Kerry record?

Yes, they do.

They canNOT however, lie and slander someone.


Kerry served in combat.

Bush didn't.

posted on August 8, 2004 01:41:38 PM new
Anyone has a right to scrutinize a candidates service record. This isn't anti-American as what Linda and the rest of the neo-cons want everyone to believe. Anyone has the right to express themselves about anything including sending our family members and friends into combat when they are ill-prepared with the necessary information, supplies, and protection needed to do the job correctly. This, once again, is considered Anti-American by Linda and those same neo-cons. All I have to say is "Mission Accomplished!" and you know exactly what I mean.

The fact remains that George Bush is a war dodger, his service records are incomplete, he is an alcoholic (once an alcoholic and drug addict, always one, right???) and a criminal (DUI among other questionable activities), and yet, for some strange reason, these neo-cons hold their candidate in such high regard. They are the same dipsh!ts who then go and point fingers at Kerry's record, attack Bill Clinton over adultry and waste millions and millions of taxpayer dollars to investigate Clinton, when they could have been working towards something important like funding anti-terrorist efforts, education, agriculture, becoming less sufficient on foreign oil, etc.

posted on August 8, 2004 07:34:19 PM new
Let's see: on his app. Bush checked the "no" box on volunteering for Vietnamor other overseas duty. A couple of years later he "volunteers" for a flight group in Vietnam--but conveniently has too few hours logged to be considered for it. Then he gets the heck out of Dodge...

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." -- George W. Bush, August 5, 2004
posted on August 8, 2004 07:57:33 PM new

You are so funny trying to defend a failed presidency and the Repugnant party. You ought to try becoming a stand up comedian. Maybe you could be the next star of The Tonight Show.

You could rehire Ed McMahon to introduce you and he could say "Hereeeee's Liiiiiinduuuuuh".

True Americans do not exclude anybody. They recognize that everyone should have the same rights. Bigotry, intolerance and hatred are cancers of the mind.

[ edited by yeager on Aug 9, 2004 03:45 AM ]
posted on August 8, 2004 08:57:54 PM new
Americans have as much right to question Kerry's record as they do Bush's. When they do, they find:

Kerry went to Viet Nam. Bush didn't.
Kerry was decorated, several times. Bush wasn't.

All the rest, on both sides, is speculative political hoo-haw.

Seems fair to me.
Beware the man of one book.
- Thomas Aquinas
posted on August 8, 2004 09:06:47 PM new
Bush will be re-elected and the "left" knows this, Vietnam or not.

posted on August 9, 2004 03:16:37 AM new
Florida voters, at the latest poll, (Jeb Bush Governor) are leaning towards Kerry.

Bigots are miserable people. Prevent Bigotry through Education.

Work to keep Church and State separate! http://www.au.org/site/PageServer

“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we! They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.” ~ George W. Bush, 8/5/04
posted on August 9, 2004 03:24:59 AM new
yeager, did you make the word up all by yourself? Repugant Perhaps you heard it somewhere before and dont remember?

posted on August 9, 2004 03:47:56 AM new
I don't recall. I guess you could use that term or another like the Repulsive Party.

Bigots are miserable people. Prevent Bigotry through Education.

Work to keep Church and State separate! http://www.au.org/site/PageServer

“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we! They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.” ~ George W. Bush, 8/5/04
posted on August 9, 2004 04:09:16 AM new
Too right Americans have the right to question the moral, intelectual and any other capacity and service record of any leader or prospective leader.
You'd be mugs if you didn't.

August 06, 2004
McCain on Bush Slinging
You've already heard of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. They're a group of former Swift Boat crewmembers (and one Admiral, who commanded Swift Boats) who allege in a new book and a new television advertisement that John Kerry has lied about just about everything surrounding his Vietnam service. They even accuse him of atrocities, including shooting a Vietnamese teenager in the back.

The accusations are severe. But the facts stand in the way of the accusations. First of all, none of the members of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth actually served with John Kerry. Not a single one of them was ever a crewmate of Kerry's. Of Kerry's actual crewmates all but one of them endorse his candidacy and even take time away from work to campaign on his behalf. Only one does not do so, and he is deceased.

The Veterans for Truth accuse Kerry of lying to get his Bronze Star. But the act of heroism that got Kerry his Bronze Star was saving an Army soldier from certain death, putting his own life on the line. The soldier he saved, Jim Rassmann, is a registered Republican. But he supports John Kerry. He says "Next thing I knew, John came out in the middle of all this," Rassmann says. "I couldn't believe it. He was going to get killed. He ran to the edge, reached over with his good arm and pulled me over the lip."

Rassman says he recommended Kerry for the Silver Star and was disappointed when he only received a Bronze Star with a "V" for valor, the Detroit News reports.

One of the key members of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth has recanted his opposition to Kerry's campaign, calling his statements against Kerry a "horrible mistake".

Read the rest here.

Kerry 2004, Bringing full sentences back to the white house.

posted on August 9, 2004 06:34:19 AM new

Good link! Austbounty. The neocons will shlep along behind their leaders until November when they will drown in a sea of lies and deceit.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
— President Theodore Roosevelt

posted on August 9, 2004 06:47:13 AM new
Nice quote helen, however he was not president when he said it and it was for the US to go to war WITH Germany in WWI, not stay out of war...

Very few people on either side are "questioning" anyone's war record... those on the left have the misguided idea that to be a great leader you need comabat experience... darn! you should of told that to President Lincoln... kerry is the one who has brought this to light... and now is pissing and moaning about people questioning it... President Bush served in the National Guard and received an Honorable discharge... more than some of you can say you have...


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on August 9, 2004 07:45:31 AM new
cheryl said:

Liberals criticize and question Bush's record (his overall record) and we're called un-American. I think there's a double standard here as you are so fond of pointing out.

I don't believe I've EVER seen anyone called un-American here for questioning President Bush's 'record'. [If, we're speaking of his military record.] So this double standard you're implying just doesn't hold up.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on August 9, 2004 08:26:25 AM new
As Americans we have a right to question anybodies record. But we don't have a right knowingly to post untruths.
It's called freedom of speech. Well there are limits to that also. As I posted before just ask George Carlin.

posted on August 9, 2004 10:58:28 AM new
those on the left have the misguided idea that to be a great leader you need comabat experience... darn! you should of told that to President Lincoln

LMAO !!! Apparently those on the right are unaware that Lincoln DID HAVE COMBAT EXPERIENCE. LINCOLN WAS A SOLDIER IN THE BLACKHAWK WAR.

President Bush served in the National Guard and received an Honorable discharge

Yeah, Bush got an honorable discharge the same way he got into a National Guard Unit that was overstaffed and "closed" to any new personnel. Bush was a deserter in time of war, Kerry volunteered for combat and was a real hero.

posted on August 9, 2004 11:50:12 AM new
Wasn't Bill Clinton a leader. What is his military record?

What does a military record have to do with a great leader. This is one reason there is a congress. Who are the congressmen that voted for the war? Who are the ones that voted against funding the war?

posted on August 9, 2004 12:50:06 PM new
Bush's military shows his true character.

posted on August 9, 2004 01:44:08 PM new
Unfortunately, McCain is probably the worst flip flopper of them all, even though he is well respected by many on both sides. He has voted his mind repeatedly. His only problem is that it seems as though neither party is right for him.

posted on August 9, 2004 03:20:56 PM new
This afternoon a kerry advisor, Vic Fazio, was asked, "Why is kerry focussing on Viet Nam and ignoring his Senate service". Fazio refused to answer the question and changed the subject.

kerry has nothing to show after 20+ years in the senate to prove he is capable of being president. kerry has the worse attendance record of anyone ever in the senate. The presidency is a 24 hour job, not one he can call in sick for.

If 4 months of service in Viet Nam qualifies kerry for the presidency, I know several hundred other vets that are more than 4 times more qualified than kerry.

Hey, hey
Ho, ho
Kerry - sign the 1-8-0

posted on August 9, 2004 03:34:19 PM new

Not true, Bear.

John Kerry has a distinguished legislative record. He and John McCain negotiated an agreement with Vietnam to provide a full accounting for POW-MIAs. He wrote the first bill reducing acid rain. He has repeatedly led the charge in protecting the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from drilling. He has passed legislation that shut down money laundering activities of terrorists and drug traffickers.

President Clinton Praised Kerry for Putting 100,000 COPS on the Street – “When we tried to get past six years of talking tough on crime but nothing happening, rhetoric and rhetoric and rhetoric and no action, to put 100,000 police on the street, to ban deadly assault weapons to pass the Brady bill, the other side, [the Republicans] led the fight against it. But John Kerry helped us pass the toughest, smartest, best crime bill this country has seen in many a day, and the crime rate has gone down for four years in a row. John Kerry was on the right side of history.” [Public Papers of the President: Fall River, MA; 8/28/96]

Democratic Leader Tom Daschle Says Kerry Knows How to Get the Legislative Job Done in the Senate - Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle had kind words for John Kerry’s work on Campaign Finance Reform when he asked Kerry to chair the Democratic Steering Committee: "From our teen-smoking bill to HMO reform and Campaign Finance Reform, John Kerry has demonstrated that he clearly knows how to get the job done. He is a valued and trusted member of our leadership team, and I am pleased he has accepted another term as Chairman of the Steering and Coordination Committee." [Daschle Press Release, 11/19/98]

Even Dr. Bill Frist, Senate Majority Leader Says Kerry’s Global AIDS Legislation is a “Huge Step Forward”: “’The Kerry-Frist bill is a huge step forward,” said [current Majority Leader Bill] Frist. “It further validates U.S. leadership in the global effort to end devastation many countries face in the fight against HIV/AIDS’.” [Office of Senator Frist, press release 7/12/02]

57 bills and resolutions John Kerry has sponsored over the years have passed the U.S. Senate. Countless others have been improved because of his work, including the Clean Air Act, the Children’s Health Insurance Program and the COPS program.

John Kerry has taken on the special interests and won. He fought against Newt Gingrich’s anti-labor and anti-environmental regulatory reform. He has fought to raise the minimum wage. He has worked to shut down wasteful corporate subsidies. And John Kerry played an important role in the effort to reach a settlement with the tobacco companies that ended marketing to children and teenagers.

The number of bills that bear your name is a poor measure of legislative accomplishment. For example, Ted Kennedy, who most would acknowledge as the most accomplished Democratic Senator in a generation, has had just 9 bills signed into law in 10 years. Of the more than 400 bills Kennedy sponsored in 108th, 105th and 104th Congresses none were signed into law. And Bill Frist, the Republican Majority Leader, has sponsored 88 bills in the 108th Congress and zero have become law. In the 107th Congress, Frist sponsored 52 bills and 1 became law. It was a bill to authorize and urge the President to promote democracy in Zimbabwe.

posted on August 9, 2004 05:56:55 PM new

Does EVERY comment I make have to be about YOU? You have mentioned "double standard" here as I recall. I never said YOU personally called anyone anything. It was a general statement. Believe it or not, every sentence I type is not about you this or you that.


. . .if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist- I really believe he is Antichrist- I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend.. . - War and Peace, Tolstoy
posted on August 9, 2004 07:00:12 PM new
Cheryl -

you say: Does EVERY comment I make have to be about YOU? You have mentioned "double standard" here as I recall. I never said YOU personally called anyone anything. It was a general statement. Believe it or not, every sentence I type is not about you this or you that.


as you DID when you said:

Well, let's see, Linda. Liberals criticize and question Bush's record (his overall record) and we're called un-American. I think there's a double standard here as you are so fond of pointing out.

So pay attention before you try to act so high and mighty....at least be aware of what you have and haven't already stated before you begin your little scoulding remarks. Makes *you* look a little more than foolish.

And remember too, all are free to post in response to whatever they wish to....whether it's directed to them or not. But in this case you did direct your comment to me directly.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on August 9, 2004 07:04:52 PM new
kerry takes credit for a lot he never wrote into legislation. He has either 7-8 bills to his credit in all his years in the Senate. That's why he spent about 7 seconds talking about his accomplishments at the DNC convention and what seemed like HOURS on his 35 year old - 4 month service. Voting for a bill another has sponsored doesn't count. 57 -

Reamond - FDR never served either.

This President's past 3+ years has proven he's VERY capable of fighting this war on terrorism. We don't need to put an anti-military anti-defense anti-war ultra liberal in the White House when we already have a great leader who is willing to fight our enemies....not join their side.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!

edited to add:

Wasn't Bill Clinton a leader. What is his military record?

He played a little trick and made a promise that he would serve our nation....then went off to England and became a war protestor.

And all will notice his lack of service never bothered the dems here one bit. They defended it like crazy. Now, of course, it's a different matter.

[ edited by Linda_K on Aug 9, 2004 07:12 PM ]
posted on August 9, 2004 07:23:35 PM new

Liberals criticize and question Bush's record (his overall record) and we're called un-American.

Were in the he$@ does that say: and YOU call us un-American. I made a general statement to you not about you. There is a difference and you should learn to recognize it. If I want to accuse you personally, I will say and "you call us un-American". I know full well that you haven't said that as I am reminded over and over and over.


. . .if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist- I really believe he is Antichrist- I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend.. . - War and Peace, Tolstoy
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