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posted on August 8, 2004 12:24:12 PM new
I'm new with Vendio. I thought I would check out the community boards. It looks like I have found a real hornets nest here. Is this a private conversation, or can anyone join in? And if so, could someone explain what the argument is about? Is this an open forum board? DrDolittle.

posted on August 8, 2004 12:35:10 PM new
This browser I am using does not allow me to edit.

crowfashionless says, NOW go knit or what ever else you do:: Good idea.

Why dont YOU go take a walk - enjoy some sunshine - go by the beach - hell- titalate yourself against the sheath of leaves in the corn fields if thats all you have! Go breathe some AIR CROW - Feel Alive! ...go enjoy /feel something and try to say to yourself, "its good to be alive"- yes it is"...

....but no, you will sit here banging the drums ALL DAY... You are pathetic waste of a human life.

posted on August 8, 2004 12:37:32 PM new
So I'll take that as a no?

posted on August 8, 2004 12:42:18 PM new
Well, DrDolittle, if you can talk to the animals you'll feel right at home here!!

Kraft, there are allegations of torturing and raping children in Iraqi prisons. Linda believes that is perfectly all right.

You must be the only person in the world who hasn't seen the inside of these prisons! Air conditioned tents ?????

Now, I'm going to take Neroter's advice and go "titalate" myself on sheaths of corn leaf on the beach in the sunshine......

Neroter, I hate to break the bad news to ya but YOU'RE still here!
Aw, honey, didn't you know that.....

oh, and do you want to take your corn sheath and ...........
[ edited by crowfarm on Aug 8, 2004 12:44 PM ]
posted on August 8, 2004 12:44:00 PM new
Welcome DrDoolittle! We all banter back and forth with each other but there's been no deaths yet - does that help? It's an open pasture here - comment away!

posted on August 8, 2004 12:46:52 PM new
Ya but, DrDolittle, you can only have an opinion if you agree with everyone

posted on August 8, 2004 12:51:40 PM new
But don't talk to neroter, she's not here (wink, wink).

I mean she's not all here and not all there.....

posted on August 8, 2004 12:55:50 PM new
I'm not sure if I can. I have no experience with corn sheath titillation. Of course I will agree with everyone at one time or another. You seem like an angry bunch. Why don't you tell the good doctor all about it.

posted on August 8, 2004 01:08:59 PM new
Crow, I read that Linda said that if these "allegations" were true, it would be a different story but I didn't read where she condoned rape and torture. The only person that's said anything like that is Twelve, who condones killing homos.

posted on August 8, 2004 01:33:10 PM new
Kraft, go to the thread:
Another reason to get the H out of Iraq

read all the posts, it may explain it.

DrDolittle, I will tell you all my problems but I'm quite busy with my corn sheath.
But you ain't had a real thrill until you've tried a "rubber manure hat".

That's something that came to neroter in ..ah...one of her little...well...episodes.

posted on August 8, 2004 03:17:56 PM new
kraft- I read the thread and do not agree that linda condones the rape and torture of children. However, the constant jumping from thread to thread with inflamatory remarks does remind one of one reported "MIA".


Welcome good Doctor!

posted on August 8, 2004 04:25:03 PM new
Yes, she does, Terryann, re-read her posts in the other thread.

She condones rape and torture of children and any other prisoner.. She says it's OK because children fight in wars.

That should follow her EVERYWHERE!

posted on August 8, 2004 05:12:07 PM new
Welcome, Doc, we all wear hip-boots, rubber manure hats, leather gloves, and personal sneeze shields in here. A plastic disposable coverall beneath it all with depends optional. Some people do jump in 'Au natural'.

The debate format is 'Reasoning with a teenager and defining words we learned in Kindergarten'. About the only rule we all seem to be agreed upon is, 'It is illegal to catch crabs on the beach'.

To bring you up to speed on the level of the political debate in here, I direct you to this tutorial: http://www.jibjab.com/ Making sure your speakers are on, and your bladder empty, play 'This Land'.

To understand the right point of view I direct you to a website of a church: http://www.godhatesfags.com/, for the centrist point of view I direct you to another church website: http://www.reverendcolin.com/default.asp. The left has not really presented a church website as that is a necessary evil for drones and they can think for themselves. You are invited to watch any gay pride parade to see what they think....about. Well, yes, there is much more taking place here, but due to the one-dimensional aspect of some of the characters that post here - that is what most of the discussions devolve down to.

Lots of luck and don't forget to use the boot brushes before you go into a restaurant.


Hebrews 13:8
posted on August 8, 2004 06:52:55 PM new
Thank you Parklane, that was a crash course in weird-o-land. I suddenly felt the need to scrub up. I am trying to be very diplomatic, since this is my first day posting here but those were some pretty offensive sites. Although I really enjoyed the jibjab sing along!
Well, it looks like I have jumped in with both feet. Luckily I was wearing my manure boots. I will lurk in the background for a while until I determine if I have anything to contribute. Thanks for the Welcome.

posted on August 8, 2004 07:14:52 PM new
Just what the doctor ordered, another Dr.

You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on August 8, 2004 07:52:16 PM new

A referral!

posted on August 8, 2004 07:56:21 PM new
{Hey bunni did you get a chance to look up my quote from Henry Home "even dress is apt to inflame a mans opinion of himself" from the art of thinking?

I didn't bother to look it up--why, was it a test? I just figured you were referring to yourself & indirectly apologizing, since you were the only one to become "inflamed" over dress.

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." -- George W. Bush, August 5, 2004
posted on August 8, 2004 07:59:59 PM new
This browser I am using does not allow me to edit.

You must think no one can remember what happened a couple of days ago. Remember? You went back and edited a post of yours to insert the word "MY" in the post where you, out of the blue, accused Crowfarm of tampering with your auctions.

BTW, a browser has nothing to do with ability to edit. That is a function fo the website you are on. Explorer, Netscape, Opera, whatever, you can edit here while using any of them or any other browser.

Edited, because my browser, and every other browser allows one to.

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." -- George W. Bush, August 5, 2004 [ edited by bunnicula on Aug 8, 2004 08:42 PM ]
posted on August 8, 2004 08:40:25 PM new
btw bunni you seem to imagine me in a frenzy all the time. Whats you favorite book? Peyton Place? How much drama to you like to arouse for yourself? Should you ever meet me in real life and happend to have the opportunity to see my fury provoked; let me tell you this: it is about as accurate and deliberate as one lightening bolt to your sorry ungodly behind. - I regret no frenzy no drama to be had for you though.

Accurate as a lightning bolt?!? Ha! Wishful thinking on your part. As for imagnination, none is needed--you go into a frenzy so easily. Examples:

Where you flew off handle at crowfarm after several savage posts then went back & edited to add "my" when called on it (hey--thought you couldn't edit Neroter...):

"posted on July 29, 2004 04:38:52 PM yeah crow you must be one of the designers of the rubber manure hats taken from the great inspiration from out in the heartland!

and btw we'll see how calm you are when I get your azz kicked off ebay. - stay away from MY auctions, cow dung.
[ edited by neroter12 on Jul 30, 2004 02:24 AM ]"

Then you turned on Kiara:

"And Kiara, mother of vendio message boards - you can tap your feet and wait until crows cows come home. I dont succumb to your demands. You know what you did. And why you did it. Because you want to control people any way you can. Why dont you go find the thread where you said to somebody a*.* something or other, "now, play nice with the rest of us, or I'll bring up that other thread of yours". Or why dont you put up that thread when I was talking to Linda and edited my post - but either you were there or logging the threads. In any case you could have posted right back there was plenty of time. Instead, you wait until the next day like the true stalker you are and command I dont have the right to edit my threads?? Did I ever tell anybody anything about editing their own threads? NO. Because I dont have the need to control people! And then all this nonsense about I was sneaking in here in the middle of the night to somehow circumvent you?!! Like you are so friggin important. No, I wont go through threads and put up ANYTHING as you say. I already told you, I dont want to do that, and I dont HAVE TO DO THAT. YOU go do it! But I tell you what? I will pray for you and ask God to bless you, despite your miserable self."

Where you became incensed when someone didn't agree with your assessment of a photo (hey--thought you couldn't edit?):

" ah,kiara, super detective! I knew you'd weigh in. Thank you for your opinion.

Yes, it is tilted different but the pictures are from a different angle. The label is a paper sticker which is on the front or back side.

edited to add: at that point I only posted it because as I said, it was "curious". Same lamp, same table with water stain in the same area, and the same white wall background. And I did say there were other pictures as I had several pictures and revised alot of them for two auctions.

You know, it always amazes me that you have to flount your moral judgements on posters here like you have a need to be somebody's mother or something? I know what the right thing to do is without your commentary but I guess you know just exactly what I typed in the email to the seller, right?

I hope you enjoyed looking at my auctions to store in your little judgement pack in your mind. You're so far up everybody's azz that posts here, you'd think you were a co-owner of Ebay or Vendio. (I bet you really enjoyed sucking down all the pictures of peoples desk and ebay rooms; not that you would post yours though.)
[ edited by neroter12 on Apr 4, 2004 05:59 AM ]"

Then you went for Twelve: "Twelve, you are meddling busy body with nothing but time on your hands and no real life. I didnt go off in a snit, I have other things to do in my life and dont sit on this computer 24/7. And in case you didnt know, what you did happens to against ebays rules emailing sellers you've had no transaction with. But Mr. Moral hating queers and all else thinks he is in the right, so be it."

And Trai: "So Trai, I guess somebody made you the Class Monitor here that you can repost somebody's posts after they've edited it? Thats way more out of line than what I said to Kiara. (Or are you unfamilar
with that internet protocol?) But if your going to repost my post, you should repost the whole thing and what I said about it.
It was edited it out to preserve my identity but I dont really care now because that ID is going down. I guess what I said to Kiara so struck a nerve in you because obviously by your quick cacheing, you are one tailgating people. I bet you spend hours cataloging posts just for special occasions when you are really bored. Talk about house stalkers! I wonder how many times you've harassed others auctions because you didn't like what was said here? "

And that's just a sample fromthat thread.

You get hot and bothered all the time. and then make weird statements about "rubber manure hats" and "cross-eyed Marry clubs."

When Crow and I disagreed with you on women's attire, you got so bothered by it that you dragged it into unrelated threads.

But you did say something in the "Neroter" thread that sheds light onto your thought processes and explains your getting upset so often. You apparently don't understand the concept of "discussion" or "debate." That people have a give & take about their ideas. You feel threatened when people hold a differing opinion and feel you must defend yourself:

"If somebody feels they have to defend themselves, they obviously think that is because they are threatened. One doesn't 'defend' anything unless they feel it is threatened and needs a defense."

A clue, Neroter: when someone answers you during a discussion, they do not feel threatened, nor are they offering a "defense." They are simply answering you. No need to fly off the handle...really.


"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." -- George W. Bush, August 5, 2004
posted on August 8, 2004 09:44:21 PM new
LOL! And the facination with me continues....

What did you save that up for three weeks here? Is that what you've been toiling at? Cataloging is your job is it not? Well, this must be what you consider your fun and down time. Alrighty then. So have you gotten all the wrinkles out of your polyester pants suits now?

I suppose if *I* disagree with somebody, because I dont possibly advert to their opinions, their perceptions - like yours, this is what you claim. But if I happen to stand by my position especially when it has to do with me because I think I know a little more about me than ANY OF YOU DO, thats just too much for a bombed out bag of rubble like yourself to accept.

You keep telling me I have to have it my way, when I've only told you a dozen or so times to have it your way. But look at this? Bunni hop who is very very cross seems to insist her perception is the correct one.

Well dig this bunnicula, I already told you I DONT CARE. What dont you understand about that? Good lord. One post about dressing well and this is what its done to you? What a gnarly old dog you turned out to be when threatened! But then again, it does makes absolute sense to me when one defies there is no god in the world and glorifies dracula or whatever. See ya in hell, bunikins!

posted on August 8, 2004 09:46:35 PM new
btw bunni you seem to imagine me in a frenzy all the time. Whats you favorite book? Peyton Place? How much drama to you like to arouse for yourself? Should you ever meet me in real life and happend to have the opportunity to see my fury provoked; let me tell you this: it is about as accurate and deliberate as one lightening bolt to your sorry ungodly behind. - I regret no frenzy no drama to be had for you though.

Accurate as a lightning bolt?!? Ha! Wishful thinking on your part. As for imagnination, none is needed--you go into a frenzy so easily. Examples:

Where you flew off handle at crowfarm after several savage posts then went back & edited to add "my" when called on it (hey--thought you couldn't edit Neroter...):

"posted on July 29, 2004 04:38:52 PM yeah crow you must be one of the designers of the rubber manure hats taken from the great inspiration from out in the heartland!

and btw we'll see how calm you are when I get your azz kicked off ebay. - stay away from MY auctions, cow dung.
[ edited by neroter12 on Jul 30, 2004 02:24 AM ]"

Then you turned on Kiara:

"And Kiara, mother of vendio message boards - you can tap your feet and wait until crows cows come home. I dont succumb to your demands. You know what you did. And why you did it. Because you want to control people any way you can. Why dont you go find the thread where you said to somebody a*.* something or other, "now, play nice with the rest of us, or I'll bring up that other thread of yours". Or why dont you put up that thread when I was talking to Linda and edited my post - but either you were there or logging the threads. In any case you could have posted right back there was plenty of time. Instead, you wait until the next day like the true stalker you are and command I dont have the right to edit my threads?? Did I ever tell anybody anything about editing their own threads? NO. Because I dont have the need to control people! And then all this nonsense about I was sneaking in here in the middle of the night to somehow circumvent you?!! Like you are so friggin important. No, I wont go through threads and put up ANYTHING as you say. I already told you, I dont want to do that, and I dont HAVE TO DO THAT. YOU go do it! But I tell you what? I will pray for you and ask God to bless you, despite your miserable self."

Where you became incensed when someone didn't agree with your assessment of a photo (hey--thought you couldn't edit?):

" ah,kiara, super detective! I knew you'd weigh in. Thank you for your opinion.

Yes, it is tilted different but the pictures are from a different angle. The label is a paper sticker which is on the front or back side.

edited to add: at that point I only posted it because as I said, it was "curious". Same lamp, same table with water stain in the same area, and the same white wall background. And I did say there were other pictures as I had several pictures and revised alot of them for two auctions.

You know, it always amazes me that you have to flount your moral judgements on posters here like you have a need to be somebody's mother or something? I know what the right thing to do is without your commentary but I guess you know just exactly what I typed in the email to the seller, right?

I hope you enjoyed looking at my auctions to store in your little judgement pack in your mind. You're so far up everybody's azz that posts here, you'd think you were a co-owner of Ebay or Vendio. (I bet you really enjoyed sucking down all the pictures of peoples desk and ebay rooms; not that you would post yours though.)
[ edited by neroter12 on Apr 4, 2004 05:59 AM ]"

Then you went for Twelve: "Twelve, you are meddling busy body with nothing but time on your hands and no real life. I didnt go off in a snit, I have other things to do in my life and dont sit on this computer 24/7. And in case you didnt know, what you did happens to against ebays rules emailing sellers you've had no transaction with. But Mr. Moral hating queers and all else thinks he is in the right, so be it."

And Trai: "So Trai, I guess somebody made you the Class Monitor here that you can repost somebody's posts after they've edited it? Thats way more out of line than what I said to Kiara. (Or are you unfamilar
with that internet protocol?) But if your going to repost my post, you should repost the whole thing and what I said about it.
It was edited it out to preserve my identity but I dont really care now because that ID is going down. I guess what I said to Kiara so struck a nerve in you because obviously by your quick cacheing, you are one tailgating people. I bet you spend hours cataloging posts just for special occasions when you are really bored. Talk about house stalkers! I wonder how many times you've harassed others auctions because you didn't like what was said here? "

And that's just a sample fromthat thread.

You get hot and bothered all the time. and then make weird statements about "rubber manure hats" and "cross-eyed Marry clubs."

When Crow and I disagreed with you on women's attire, you got so bothered by it that you dragged it into unrelated threads.

But you did say something in the "Neroter" thread that sheds light onto your thought processes and explains your getting upset so often. You apparently don't understand the concept of "discussion" or "debate." That people have a give & take about their ideas. You feel threatened when people hold a differing opinion and feel you must defend yourself:

"If somebody feels they have to defend themselves, they obviously think that is because they are threatened. One doesn't 'defend' anything unless they feel it is threatened and needs a defense."

A clue, Neroter: when someone answers you during a discussion, they do not feel threatened, nor are they offering a "defense." They are simply answering you. No need to fly off the handle...really.


"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." -- George W. Bush, August 5, 2004

posted on August 8, 2004 10:25:02 PM new
LOL! And the facination with me continues..

Gee, answering your posts now counts as being fascinated with you!

Didn't "save" anything. Just a matter of looking it up. Anyone can do it--even you.

Well dig this bunnicula, I already told you I DONT CARE. What dont you understand about that? Good lord. One post about dressing well and this is what its done to you? What a gnarly old dog you turned out to be when threatened! But then again, it does makes absolute sense to me when one defies there is no god in the world and glorifies dracula or whatever. See ya in hell, bunikins!

ROFL!! And there goes another tantrum.
"Glorifies Dracula"?!? Where in the world did that come from? "See ya in hell"?

Yes, we can all see how calm you stay when conversing with others. If I upset you that much, Neroter, why not just put me on ignore?


"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." -- George W. Bush, August 5, 2004
posted on August 8, 2004 10:42:43 PM new
"But then again, it does makes absolute sense to me when one defies there is no god in the world and glorifies dracula..."

posted on August 8, 2004 11:55:52 PM new
Yep--doesn't rate right up there with "rubber manure hats" but it's a close contender in lunacy, I think.


"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." -- George W. Bush, August 5, 2004
posted on August 9, 2004 02:51:41 AM new
Why don’t you look up the post and repost it where you stated you were fascinated with me? Oh not so? Hmm... ok, then, somehow I deserved your attention and time of pulling threads together and this long diatribe of proof of something here? Was that for me? Today? - Why thank you. Your attentiveness is credited to your account for five shillings. But I'll give ‘you’ a clue: What you love is what you spend your time with and what you spend you time thinking about.

So you've nothing else to think about, or do? What a void! Well, I hate to tell you this, there, bumpiekins, you'll have some strong competition if you want to be my personal historian. I don’t think you can do a very good job of my biography because your perspective is much too bitter to read me with any real clarity either.

Btw, one can use more than one browser. For all your hanging out on here you don’t know that yet? Gee you can also use different computers and different internet connections. oooo. revelation to bunni. Sometimes some of them even have bugs or errors in them. But in msknowitall's undivine and all seeing eyes, I am just making up a lie to taunt her. Because -she saw it folks, not that it wasn’t meant to be seen in bold btw,- yes, she saw it - duly noted, I edited my other post to make it read what it should have in the first place.

And just because I can do research, what makes you think I want to? What makes you think I find that fun or deserving of my time or even pertinent because You do? I think it’s boring, laborious, tedious and superficial. But hey if that’s what floats your boat - head to it. Spend your time where, and on what you love. Sorry we can’t, and don’t, all aspire to be fab old lady librarians such as yourself. But do let me know when that reaches the top 50 career picks, and why one might want to spend their down time doing it, too. You’re about as ridiculous as and insightful as crowfeet, imo. Are you two possessed of the same demon? Or am I your neo-con nightmare and you fancy yourself the demon slayer? - Is that it? - haha. Whatever. What drives you to take up all this bandwidth about little ole ME but for some deprived and depraved emptyness? Probably due to your own vanity.
So yes, even dress IS apt to inflame a mans opinion of himself. Proven true once again. (But inflame is joke with this one!) - Talk about neocons being rigid! These vampires get a hold of some real blood and they carry on like they haven’t had a drop for years! Crowsfeet must have slopped down her whiskey and finally passed out. Thank Goodness – takes whiskey to knock her out and give us a rest. I’m sure her tart azz will be popping back anytime soon with more of the same wailing of the issues - or rather parroting of yesterday’s news and gunning for the poster of her fixated choice. Some serious head problems, that one. And you, bunnomatic, jump right in on the bandwagon with her. I had thought better of you, but shows what anybody knows. - Except you, of course! -Superlibraian! Able to see through the internet and see someone arms and body flailing about so franticly upset! And yes folks it’s because she’s got the powers of a souper-dooper factoid! The doll should be coming out in November. Step right up for your very own psychic assessment from this truly amazing freak lady of the vendio sideshow! It can also dispel what browser you’re on and how you may have it set, or if its working right in an instant! Oh, Bunn-in-doubt yet so fully bunn endowed I’m sure: I have no choice to tell you. Even you are a child of god. But it probably takes somebody like me to relay something like that to somebody like you, so it sticks in your turkey mcgraw craw. Perhaps then, it is you, who had better put me on ignore. I might start quoting Jehovah to you and that just might do for you, wouldn’t it? You are godless and splintered.
Yep, what a hee-haw!

posted on August 9, 2004 02:54:50 AM new


"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." -- George W. Bush, August 5, 2004
posted on August 9, 2004 03:03:34 AM new

Accurate as a lightning bolt?!? Ha! Wishful thinking on your part. As for imagnination, none is needed--you go into a frenzy so easily. Examples:

Where you flew off handle at crowfarm after several savage posts then went back & edited to add "my" when called on it (hey--thought you couldn't edit Neroter...):

"posted on July 29, 2004 04:38:52 PM yeah crow you must be one of the designers of the rubber manure hats taken from the great inspiration from out in the heartland!

and btw we'll see how calm you are when I get your azz kicked off ebay. - stay away from MY auctions, cow dung.
[ edited by neroter12 on Jul 30, 2004 02:24 AM ]"

Then you turned on Kiara:

"And Kiara, mother of vendio message boards - you can tap your feet and wait until crows cows come home. I dont succumb to your demands. You know what you did. And why you did it. Because you want to control people any way you can. Why dont you go find the thread where you said to somebody a*.* something or other, "now, play nice with the rest of us, or I'll bring up that other thread of yours". Or why dont you put up that thread when I was talking to Linda and edited my post - but either you were there or logging the threads. In any case you could have posted right back there was plenty of time. Instead, you wait until the next day like the true stalker you are and command I dont have the right to edit my threads?? Did I ever tell anybody anything about editing their own threads? NO. Because I dont have the need to control people! And then all this nonsense about I was sneaking in here in the middle of the night to somehow circumvent you?!! Like you are so friggin important. No, I wont go through threads and put up ANYTHING as you say. I already told you, I dont want to do that, and I dont HAVE TO DO THAT. YOU go do it! But I tell you what? I will pray for you and ask God to bless you, despite your miserable self."

Where you became incensed when someone didn't agree with your assessment of a photo (hey--thought you couldn't edit?):

" ah,kiara, super detective! I knew you'd weigh in. Thank you for your opinion.

Yes, it is tilted different but the pictures are from a different angle. The label is a paper sticker which is on the front or back side.

edited to add: at that point I only posted it because as I said, it was "curious". Same lamp, same table with water stain in the same area, and the same white wall background. And I did say there were other pictures as I had several pictures and revised alot of them for two auctions.

You know, it always amazes me that you have to flount your moral judgements on posters here like you have a need to be somebody's mother or something? I know what the right thing to do is without your commentary but I guess you know just exactly what I typed in the email to the seller, right?

I hope you enjoyed looking at my auctions to store in your little judgement pack in your mind. You're so far up everybody's azz that posts here, you'd think you were a co-owner of Ebay or Vendio. (I bet you really enjoyed sucking down all the pictures of peoples desk and ebay rooms; not that you would post yours though.)
[ edited by neroter12 on Apr 4, 2004 05:59 AM ]"

Then you went for Twelve: "Twelve, you are meddling busy body with nothing but time on your hands and no real life. I didnt go off in a snit, I have other things to do in my life and dont sit on this computer 24/7. And in case you didnt know, what you did happens to against ebays rules emailing sellers you've had no transaction with. But Mr. Moral hating queers and all else thinks he is in the right, so be it."

And Trai: "So Trai, I guess somebody made you the Class Monitor here that you can repost somebody's posts after they've edited it? Thats way more out of line than what I said to Kiara. (Or are you unfamilar
with that internet protocol?) But if your going to repost my post, you should repost the whole thing and what I said about it.
It was edited it out to preserve my identity but I dont really care now because that ID is going down. I guess what I said to Kiara so struck a nerve in you because obviously by your quick cacheing, you are one tailgating people. I bet you spend hours cataloging posts just for special occasions when you are really bored. Talk about house stalkers! I wonder how many times you've harassed others auctions because you didn't like what was said here? "

And that's just a sample fromthat thread.

You get hot and bothered all the time. and then make weird statements about "rubber manure hats" and "cross-eyed Marry clubs."

When Crow and I disagreed with you on women's attire, you got so bothered by it that you dragged it into unrelated threads.

But you did say something in the "Neroter" thread that sheds light onto your thought processes and explains your getting upset so often. You apparently don't understand the concept of "discussion" or "debate." That people have a give & take about their ideas. You feel threatened when people hold a differing opinion and feel you must defend yourself:

"If somebody feels they have to defend themselves, they obviously think that is because they are threatened. One doesn't 'defend' anything unless they feel it is threatened and needs a defense."

A clue, Neroter: when someone answers you during a discussion, they do not feel threatened, nor are they offering a "defense." They are simply answering you. No need to fly off the handle...really.


"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." -- George W. Bush, August 5, 2004

posted on August 8, 2004 10:25:02 PM
LOL! And the facination with me continues..

Gee, answering your posts now counts as being fascinated with you!

Didn't "save" anything. Just a matter of looking it up. Anyone can do it--even you.

Well dig this bunnicula, I already told you I DONT CARE. What dont you understand about that? Good lord. One post about dressing well and this is what its done to you? What a gnarly old dog you turned out to be when threatened! But then again, it does makes absolute sense to me when one defies there is no god in the world and glorifies dracula or whatever. See ya in hell, bunikins!

ROFL!! And there goes another tantrum.
"Glorifies Dracula"?!? Where in the world did that come from? "See ya in hell"?

Yes, we can all see how calm you stay when conversing with others. If I upset you that much, Neroter, why not just put me on ignore?


"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." -- George W. Bush, August 5, 2004

posted on August 8, 2004 10:42:43 PM new
"But then again, it does makes absolute sense to me when one defies there is no god in the world and glorifies dracula..."

posted on August 8, 2004 11:55:52 PM new
Yep--doesn't rate right up there with "rubber manure hats" but it's a close contender in lunacy, I think.


"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." -- George W. Bush, August 5, 2004


posted on August 9, 2004 03:19:21 AM new
Truly pathetic. Stayed up all night for my reply did ya?

oMG!! I really feel sorry for you!

posted on August 9, 2004 04:06:33 AM new
Sorry to puncture the balloon of your self-importance, Neroter, but I often post here in the wee hours, as do others. On days when I don't have to be to work until the afternoon I usually don't go to bed until almost dawn. Bit of a night owl, you see.

But, , you have inspired my new tagline, if it will make you feel any better.


"Bad temper is its own scourge. Few things are more bitter than to feel bitter. A man's venom poisons himself more than his victim." --Charles Buxton
posted on August 9, 2004 06:34:07 AM new
awww maggienuthins is on vacation... she'll be missed like the black plague....

It is curious how crowfart knows this? When they both showed up with no email addy's tied to their names, they bothed claimed to have not known each other before meeting on these boards... hmmmm interesting one or both are liars... but I do think bear had it right... they are one and the same...

As far as her suspension, does that make her more spunky now that she has a suspension from a message board crowfart? Are you saying she wasn't spunky before? She wasn't very welcomed in EO after her first post... funny though how dr. doolittle shows up right after her suspension...

So dootlittle, were you waiting for maggienuthins to be gone before posting?

EO doesn't like when stuff from here spills over there, people can remember what it was like there before the rt was here... it wasn't pretty at times... of course then you have that moron that seems to think nothing of the boards... "Who really stops posting because of a suspension?" "Just start a new name"... snaaaaappppp... of course that comes from the EO board clown... nothing upstairs at all but an empty space....

So explain how you know maggienuthins crowfart? Must piss you off one of your ids was suspeneded for thirty days LOL


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
[ edited by Twelvepole on Aug 9, 2004 08:20 AM ]
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