posted on August 29, 2004 08:04:14 PM new
reamond - You are incorrect and a google search will describe the procedure. The baby is partially delivered....all except it's head is out of the womb. The abortionist then sticks sizzors into the back of his head...which is still in the mother's womb - and then the babies brains are sucked out so the head, which is a large part, can be drawn out more easily. It's a NASTY - murdering procedure.
Babies partially delivered this way have cried out....many nurses have seen their arms and legs flex out in alarm at the poking into their head. It's the most horrible one would agree this should be done to animals....yet approve of it being done on human babies.
helen - On the other hand, by forcing women to give birth it's clear that according to you, only your "life view" is the one that should matter, and the only one that should be "applied". That is the crux of this debate.
Helen - either your VERY short term memory is clicking in again or else you're playing games. After all the discussion on the subject of abortion...I know FULL well you know my total stand on this subject, and it's NOT as you are suggesting to others. At least try to be truthful when leading others to what YOU wish to project as MY point of view.
And helen, all things in life have 'some' limits. Tons of laws are limited in someway. And late term abortions should be one of them.
There is no reason a woman cannot make up her mind IF she wishes to abort a child before she has passed the first trimester of gestation. To wait until the baby could survive on it's on if for some reason it had to be delivered....just because one couldn't make up their mind within three NO excuse to be allowed to take a life.
And the majority of American's oppose late term abortions. Again it's the Planned Parenthood [etc] groups, not the majority of American's who push, support, lobby and work for more public acceptance of this horrible, [b]un-necessary according to the AMA[/i]
"You think your life view is the only one that should matter - should be applied?"
I answered...
I could turn that question to you, lindak. My answer is no, absolutely no. I believe that every woman should have the choice. On the other hand, by forcing women to give birth it's clear that according to you, only your "life view" is the one that should matter, and the only one that should be "applied". That is the crux of this debate.
Furthermore from your last post it's perfectly clear that you are defining acceptable abortion criteria to suit your terms and your view. That's fine if you are speaking for yourself. I believe that every woman should have the right to make that choice.
posted on August 29, 2004 08:43:14 PM new
I don't agree, obviously. There is no reason to not set SOME limits on abortions. Especially on these late term procedures such as partial-birth procedures.
Most things in life have limits....this should be no different.
posted on August 30, 2004 10:08:25 AM newreamond - You are incorrect and a google search will describe the procedure. The baby is partially delivered....all except it's head is out of the womb.
There is no medical procedure known as a partial birth abortion.
Even being in the birth canal is not even a "partial" delivery or bith.
This is a term created by the American Taliban "pro-life" groups.
posted on August 30, 2004 10:12:06 AM new
Ya, those nice, life loving Republicans are against abortion
don't mind killing people......
Extexbill, "As you probably know, "everyone" in Texas carries a legal gun. I have a small ranch with several pecan trees. Crows eat three things: vermin, roadkill and PECANS. Therefore I shoot crows on sight. CROWfarm, come on down for a visit.
Adios all.""
Twelve and extex are so kind hearted and don't believe in abortion but watch out once you're born!!!!
posted on August 30, 2004 10:15:19 AM new
No, it's a way of those pro-abortion group trying to 'clean up', make the way it's worded, presented, PC so it doesn't offend so many that children who could live are being murdered....only because they don't want ANY limits set on these late term abortion procedures.
posted on August 30, 2004 10:18:58 AM new
Hey Miss Congeniality....[crowfarm]....going to go from thread to thread in hopes of gaining sympathy for how others view what you post?
Why don't you treat others as you would like to be treated yourself? And give up all your whining and sniveling when you get some of what you give to others.
posted on August 30, 2004 10:29:05 AM new
No, Mutha Theresa, I don't need sympathy like you do.
I'm going from thread to thread to show the true colors of you belly crawling neocons.
Linda, you say,"Why don't you treat others as you would like to be treated yourself? And give up all your whining and sniveling when you get some of what you give to others."
When, you lying sack of ship, have I ever given someone a death threat.?
The whining and sniveling is coming from the likes of you, Libra, Twelve, Bear, extexbill.
I haven't cried and whined because someone called me a name ! Who cares, just the weak -spined little neocons.
When they're losing the argument they switch to...
"""Oh, dear, that naughty bad crowfarm called me a name and I'm so wounded (and hope nobody noticed I lost the argument)"""
Why don't you visit the children's wing of an Iraqi prison and see if they vote YOU Miss Congeniality !
posted on August 30, 2004 11:18:23 AM new
Oh, LINDA says I wasn't threatened so I guess I wasn't....WRONG!
Sorry, linda, you are the only one who doesn't think so. (of course, if neroter was here she grovel and slobber all over you and agree).
Your delusions of grandeur in thinking you're always right won't help you this time.
Ha! I know you're upset because the "smileys" are coming hot and heavy !
Let's see..."mean-spirited"..someone who believes in torturing children should fit that definition very nicely. "Hateful" someone who doesn't believe in feeding poor children. Sounds a lot like YOU , linda.
Sounds like I'm just one more woman that you're jealous of .....did I get "attention/sympathy" away from you....aaaawwwwwww.
posted on August 30, 2004 11:24:42 AM new
Reamond there is no such thing as Partial Birth Abortion? Evidently you can't read or search. The reason it is call partial Birth is because part of the baby is outside the birth canal. Get it? If there wasn't such a thing we wouldn't be discussing it now and the judge that banned it didn't know that there wasn't such a procedure so why did he ban it? The ACLU loved that ruling as so did many more. Killing a baby using partial birth abortion is okay but after birth it is called murder.
posted on August 30, 2004 12:56:43 PM newReamond there is no such thing as Partial Birth Abortion? Evidently you can't read or search.
I can't read ??? Better read my post again. I'll say it again - and read carefully libra -- THERE IS NO MEDICAL PROCEDURE KNOWN AS PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION.
The reason it is call partial Birth is because part of the baby is outside the birth canal.
You're wrong again. But it does shed light on why people like you should have no say in other people's medical procedures. It's obvious that you don't even know what or where the birth canal is located.
Get it? If there wasn't such a thing we wouldn't be discussing it now and the judge that banned it didn't know that there wasn't such a procedure so why did he ban it?
There is no such medical procedure called a partial birth abortion. And since when does anything you discuss necessarily have any basis in reality ?
The ACLU loved that ruling as so did many more. Killing a baby using partial birth abortion is okay but after birth it is called murder.
People that don't want the government putting its nose into a woman's reproductive system "loved" the ruling too.
But go ahead, try to get abortion made illegal. I'll be laughing all day long when that same government you gave this power to comes along and says that you will have an abortion.
posted on August 30, 2004 01:38:49 PM new "But go ahead, try to get abortion made illegal. I'll be laughing all day long when that same government you gave this power to comes along and says that you will have an abortion."
No, it is not the term the abortionists use...they prefer using letters to describe this procedure....letters that mean nothing to most lay people.
edited to add:
The partial birth abortion is called:
"D&X" (dilation and extraction)"
The woman's cervix is dilated. If necessary, the fetus is rotated until it is facing feet downwards. The surgeon reaches into the uterus and pulls the fetus' body, with the exception of its head, out of the woman's body. Surgical scissors are inserted into the base of the fetal skull, and withdrawn. A suction tube is inserted and the fetus' brains are removed through aspiration. This partially collapses the fetal skull. The fetus is then fully removed from the woman's body. 2
posted on August 30, 2004 03:15:19 PM newNo, it is not the term the abortionists use...they prefer using letters to describe this procedure....letters that mean nothing to most lay people.
"They" prefer to be medically accurate. However, the American Taliban pro lifers prefer to appeal to the emotions in order to stick their nose where it doesn't belong.
posted on August 30, 2004 03:37:34 PM new
crowdirge, do you EVER, ever tire of shuffling your petty narcissistic grievances around? What a load of baggage you carry day to day!! Now we will have to read on-end that twelve-pole and extexbill threatened you!
oh brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Linda can put it back to you herself just fine. But just so you know, if I feel like adding something to the thread - I will. More than likely though it will not be in agreement with any of YOUR ever so-rational ,<cough> ,<cough>.mainstream ideas.
~~ Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues(forces)of life..Proverbs 4:23~~
posted on August 30, 2004 07:27:09 PM newDoes this help Reamond?
Help what ? There is no birth, partial or otherwise shown in your link. The procedure does not take place outside the woman's body as your own link shows.
Any abortion requires that the fetus be removed from the woman's body.
You're now calling the removal of a fetus a "birth" ?
You're wrong, there is no birth, partial or otherwise, and this is just an exercise in American Taliban pro life BS.