posted on August 30, 2004 12:06:23 PM new
No, I think it is the k that confuses us, sometimes I have to look back and check to make sure I have the right one.
posted on August 30, 2004 12:56:25 PM newNo, I think it is the k that confuses us, sometimes I have to look back and check to make sure I have the right one.
Ya I understand what you're saying, Libra63. I've got the same problem with bunnicula, bear1949 and bigpeepa.
All their names start with a b
And dadofstickboy and drdolittle........ too confusing!
posted on August 30, 2004 02:48:56 PM new
I agree with Dr Dolittle. This is a very touchy subject and I can see both sides of the issue.
When my beloved dog, Chris, had breast cancer and an inoperable tumor the size of a large yam, Jasmine and I brought her home for one last week to say our goodbyes. We treated her like the important member of our family that she was. We, both, were with her when the vet gave her the shot and held her so she would know how much we loved her. We could not watch her suffer anymore (and she was in pain).
Could I watch my husband, whom I love more, or my daughter, whom I love more than my own life, go through agonizing pain that will only lead to death? If it were their wishes to end their suffering, hopefully God would give me the strength to carry out their wishes. Believe me, I know I couldn't do it alone.
posted on August 30, 2004 03:23:37 PM new
I'm against suicide of any kind. Life was not meant to be a cakewalk, otherwise we'd all be living in the Garden of Eden. We can thank our great, great grandparents from about 5,000 years ago for that.
As for "Dr." Kevorkian, I think he gets kicks out of killing people and he should be kept behind bars.
posted on August 30, 2004 03:23:55 PM new
err.ah..a..kraft, right? You still havent said how you think being a heroin addict could ever be an enjoyable life? If you said sustainable, I might have agreed. Heroin, btw, is the least stable of all the opioids. Whereas morphine and codeine have half-lifes in the human body of about three hours (and the synthetic opioids can have half-lifes measured in days) the half-life of heroin is about two minutes. When heroin breaks down, it becomes morphine, primarily. But because it breaks down into morphine before crossing the blood-brain barrier, it is much less efficient: about 1/3 as efficient. So maybe that is why Canada's government is against its usage for pain management.
Libra, it is very possible to get the k's confused if you looked fast. However what strikes me as odd is two different people on a auction board of all places, fall back to a point of reference of heroin. Now I am sure 9 out of 10 posters here probably can make a point of reference with it from own their lives, somewhere, too.
~~ Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues(forces)of life..Proverbs 4:23~~
posted on August 30, 2004 04:33:30 PM newHowever what strikes me as odd is two different people on a auction board of all places, fall back to a point of reference of heroin.
Yes, how much stranger can you get than that? I wasn't aware that heroin is such a rare word that it's seldom mentioned in society today.
Two posters, both with names starting with the letter k and mentioning the very same word and one mentions it in on a topic about the homeless and three months later another mentions it in a discussion about pain relief and euthanasia. Oh my, I wonder at the conclusions one must draw from that.
Sometimes the logic displayed on this board amuses me greatly.
posted on August 30, 2004 04:38:24 PM new
Kiara - are you telling me that you just recently discovered that this is a logic optional board? Silly Silly girl
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on August 30, 2004 05:00:37 PM new
Heck fenix, anytime I see a lefty post I know there was no logic behind it...
For those in favor of euthanasia, so you must be in favor of suicide...
after all that person made the choice to take their own life. Whether it be a 16 year old or 96 year old... no difference... who are you to decide what pain a person must endure... right?
posted on August 30, 2004 05:01:31 PM new
Well fenix if you would quit asking the question I wouldn't have to try and drill it into your head.
How can you be logical on this board where there are posters that keep asking the same question and the answers are the same. Never change. Some people just don't understand No means No
Then of course "" comes in with that smart comment,
ROFLMAO!! Fenix it is like beating your head against a brick wall"
What you don't understand (well maybe you do)is she keeps asking the same questions and my answer remains the same. Of course she is always right. Were you around with the last go around we had and again she kept it up. Just like a broken record. She lost and can't stand it.
posted on August 30, 2004 05:34:16 PM new
Libra, I don't know who you are referring to?
Are you saying that Fenix is the broken record and lost the last round with you?
You seem to have been striking out at several people here today, myself included. I was waiting for you to reply to my question on another thread, where I asked you why you felt the need be unpleasant with me.. you didn't reply.. so I will ask you again.
Here is that post..
Drdolittle: posted on August 30, 2004 11:14:03 AM
And all I get is a message from some guy telling me how to keep my septic tank from backing up..
posted on August 30, 2004 11:30:16 AM
That's probably all you deserve doc.
Hey Libra. I don't know what your problem is.
I listen to you repeatedly whine about other posters who attack you for no reason. You call them names for doing this to you. Then you turn right around and do the same thing to me.. I have never said anything to or about you on this board and yet you feel free to attack me every chance you have.. why? Could it be because I don't throw stones at Crowfarm, like you would like me to do? If you notice, I don't throw stones at anyone here... or didn't until a few minutes ago, when I replied to Twelvepoles nasty post.
I just wanted to point out to you, how you scream blue bloody murder, when you think someone is picking on you.. but you turn right around and do it to someone else, without provocation or reason. Doc
Feel like answering yet, Libra? You can't expect other people to treat you with respect when you disrespect them, now can you.
posted on August 30, 2004 08:23:03 PM new
Libra - again I find m,yself asking the question..., what the hell are you talking about?
I asked very different questions - none of which did you directly answer
I asked how you reconcile a merciful god with the types of things that as a medical worker you certinly have seen suffered in the final stages of terminal diseases...
you reply with the story of a friend stroke victim relative.
I once again ask about TERMINAL ILLNESSES and you come back with a personal story about a stroke victim....
I asked why one could reconcile euthenasia for a beloved pet whose quality of life was gone but not for a loved one who requested the same.
You responded with a response that had me picturing a small child with their hands over their ears chanting at the top of their voice NO NO No No No.
Perhaps the problem is that you feel that this was an arguement and that I was attacking you. I asked you a relevent questions dealing with a topical issue in what I hoped would be an interesting discussion. I am only disappointed that you were so busy being defensive, that you never entered the discussion. If you think that is winning, so be it.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on August 30, 2004 09:35:06 PM new
OK Fennix. I do not believe in Euthanasia whether it be a termiinal illness or what.
What does the word terminal mean. A place where you catch a train or a bus.
It also means terminal illness. How can one have a terminal illness? Take this scenerio. What would happen if a person does Euthanasia one day and the next day they find a cure. So I feel no illness is terminal until they die because of that. Working in a health care field I performed proceedures that I felt would bring a cure to someone. I never felt that I was doing a proceedure because the patient was going to die.
Yes I have seen many patients that never gave up right until the end. They did not do Euthanasia.
When I worked a Milwaukee Medical Complex doing CT all our patients 40 a day had some bad disease. Of those patients I never heard a word about being terminal. They ranged from 20 to 70. Various illness from Cancer to Aids. They always had hope.
Now I am bowing to her every need. Why oh why do I have to say anything more than I do not believe in Euthanasia. Talk about being dense you keep asking silly questions and I answer that I don't believe in it.
posted on August 30, 2004 09:47:25 PM new
Careful Libra - you could get hurt falling off that horse. I simply attempted to engage you in an intelligent and topical discussion. That's what adults do, especially on DISCUSSION boards.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on August 30, 2004 09:53:04 PM newFor those in favor of euthanasia, so you must be in favor of suicide...after all that person made the choice to take their own life. Whether it be a 16 year old or 96 year old... no difference... who are you to decide what pain a person must endure... right?
People have different reasons for committing suicide. We have, in this thread, been talking about one reason. And the people we have been discussing don't choose to die on the spur of the moment or for little reason.
I think that most people thinking of suicide can be helped with therapy. They are not suffering from a physical illness or injury but rather a depression that, in all likelihood, will pass with help.
But there are those that find that counseling does not help. My sister fell into that category. She committed suicide when I was seventeen and she was twenty-six. She had been in therapy for ten years (she had a nervous beakdown when she was 16). Evidently, after all that time, she'd had enough mental suffering. She'd gone for her therapy at the hospital & when she left the doctor's office she went to the roof of the hospital and jumped. She'd had the drugs and the therapy and the commitments and, I guess, enough was finally enough for her. And knowing how miserable her life had been sincer her breakdown, I can't find it in me to say she was wrong.
"Bad temper is its own scourge. Few things are more bitter than to feel bitter. A man's venom poisons himself more than his victim." --Charles Buxton
posted on August 30, 2004 09:57:41 PM newHow do you feel about Euthanasia?
That was the original question and I answered I don't believe in it. He didn't go into all the things you are asking about so I feel I have answered that question.
posted on August 30, 2004 10:12:41 PM new
Libra, it was in this post this morning.. OMG!!! DUBYA JUST CALLED HERE!!!
He was excited about getting a call from on his message machine from the President.
I made the comment :And all I get is a message from some guy telling me how to keep my septic tank from backing up..
To which you replied: That's probably all you deserve doc.
posted on August 30, 2004 10:25:09 PM new
OK Doc I have posted about a total of 12 posts today. You say I make nasty comments about everyone. I wasn't being nasty when I said that. Since I don't use smiley faces or winks you could take that either way. Of course you took it the wrong way.
Answer That wasn't an attack.Go back and read your response to aintrichyet
How did I know you didn't have a septic tank? You were the one who said that you got that phone call not me.
Fenix can never leave anything alone. As you can tell I am not a fan of hers like some others in here. You asked a question I answered it then she started to grill me.
As you can tell she can't take no for an answer.
posted on August 31, 2004 12:05:06 AM new
Libra - once again - I asked a perfectly reasonable question with an honest curiosity regarding how someone in the health field reconciles much of what they see with the concept of a merciful god. You could have actually responded to the question. You could have used it as a medium to provide a better level of unerstanding. Instead you allowed your own venom to reflect back at you and assumed that it was some type of attack, just as you did when I made a simple statement correcting you on the spelling of my name. The persecution complex is going to get you into trouble someday, as is your unwillingness to just let the hell go.
On the otherhand, if you really want to get into it with me, just say the word sweetheart.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on August 31, 2004 03:58:45 AM new
Certainly is a whole lot of logic to be had from the mentality of someone far past adolescence who thinks watching MTV is where its at!
yep, anyone on this board can say they'd rather watch a heroin addict enjoy their life.....we ALL know thatby experience! And by golly, when my loved ones were ill thats the first thing I thought of: give them heroin and let them enjoy their lives!
~~ Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues(forces)of life..Proverbs 4:23~~
posted on August 31, 2004 12:47:54 PM new
Nixon... I mean Nero (sorry, I get you two mixed up), heroin works on some people that can't tolerate other narcotics but instead of using it as an option, it's not used at all because it's for "street druggies". Same goes with pot. It has such a stigma attached to it, everyone thinks you'll go crazy if you try it, even though it's very beneficial to people with certain diseases. If I was in pain, I'd take whatever would aleviate my pain regardless of what it was called. Becoming addicted would be the least of my worries.
Libra, what procedures have you performed on patients?
Terminal? My dad had terminal cancer of the pancreas. He was given 6 months and died in 5. Nobody has survived pancreatic cancer - ever. It's always terminal so I'm not sure where you get your info.
posted on August 31, 2004 02:10:23 PM new
hahaha kraft - do ya see me giving ya back the two peace sign?
~~ Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues(forces)of life..Proverbs 4:23~~
posted on August 31, 2004 02:19:53 PM new
I am sorry to hear about your husband....and I really mean that because that was a horrible death.
Kraft: Here are my credentials. I am a Registered Radiographic Technologist, Registered Mammography Technologist which I am sure you know that because of the long thread with fenix. CT Technologist, I did Special Procedures and MRI's, ERCP's, any and all radiographic procedures. Does that qualify me? and BTW I have 45 years of experience.
About 2 years ago a 55 neighbor, Heisey glass collector, became quite ill. Diagnosed as Pancreatic Cancer.
He went through the chemo, but nothing helped. He then had Stem Cell and is now cured. He is about 500,000.00 in debt but happy to be alive. So there is a cure.
With the new medical knowledge it is now difficult to estimate the time of death, that is another reason I don't believe in Euthanasia. The other one being I don't believe in it and because I have that opinion some don't like it.
It is difficult to have an opinion in this discussion board because someone always knows more about the poster than the poster themselves.
BTW where is Doc I did answer that question that he kept badgering me to do. I hope he is satisfied with it.