posted on August 31, 2004 08:03:02 PM newreamond - It has absolutely nothing to do with wanting it how conservatives see/saw it. I want it to be left alone and not revised with the 'lefts' version of what they NOW think happened. It has to do with the fact that history is being revised. PERIOD.
LMAO !!! History is always revised. You just don't agree with the current revision.
Instead of speaking about what wrongs both sides did in our projects how terrible we were to them....and forgets to mention what they did to us. Don't want the Indian child to 'feel bad' about their heritage. And this is done on hundreds of subjects.
I am curious what you think the "Indians" did that was so horrible to us. They were actually quite nice considering we came and stole everything they had by force.
It's PC to eliminate tons of descriptive words....tons of things these 'book revisors' think shouldn't be in as not to offend anyone.
That's easy to say when it is not you that is being offended. But supposedly these "revised" textbooks do offend your point of view. So the shoe is on the other foot and listen to you squeal !! LMAO !!!
Now that so much has been's no wonder children aren't interested in history anymore. Not that our schools spend that much time on teaching it anyway...but still...the new slant that America is always wrong....and everybody else is right is sickening to me. Leave history as it happened - don't revise it to be politically sensitive and PC.
Where do you come up with this non-sense from ? You want the old textbooks where America is never wrong and the rest of the world is never right ? You want pro-American propaganda ?
The new HS textbooks go into depth and detail that used to be reserved for college level study. American history is not black and white. Wishing it was black and white is your problem, not the textbook publishers.