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posted on September 2, 2004 08:36:16 AM new
yellowstone says,
"True to form the idiot Democrats have shown how stupid and out of control they can be by beating up policemen. Undoubtedly some of the same police that pulled people out of the WTC."

Whoa! Nice stretch, Yellow! And just what the Republican leaders are brainwashing their followers with.....
they couldn't talk about REAL issues at the convention just 9/11, 9/11, 9/11..

and it worked !

As opposed to the great "unwashed" liberals, the we have the great BRAINWASHED neocons!

Another perfect example by Yellow :

"They are showing the rest of the country that after such a tragedy as 911 how much in opposition they can be to what needs to be done and for that matter the rest of the world also."

There's the totally irrelevant connection between 9/11 and "what needs to be done". And somehow out of that stupid, convoluted sentence we get that the liberals are against .....what? What needs to be done......oh, OK.......

posted on September 2, 2004 08:39:28 AM new
Yes I am aware of all of that but as I have told you in the past it matters not what you or I think or perceive. It is the rest of the citizens of this country's perception of what is happening that really matters. A LARGE portion will undoubedly attribute all that has happened to the Demoratic party.

posted on September 2, 2004 08:39:52 AM new
HHmmmm, I sure need a google search.....

In a country where the "liberals control the media" the RNC has gotten TWICE as much coverage as the DNC......(but half the viewers).

posted on September 2, 2004 08:45:25 AM new
We have yet to hear what the undercover officer did before he was "attacked".

He may have been provoking violence, or anything else. We have yet to hear the other side of the story.

He wouldn't be the first undercover agent who was actually the provocatuer.

posted on September 2, 2004 08:47:17 AM new
I thought Zel Miller *creamed* the democratic party and kerry in particular. Go Zel....and your group of democrats who are supporting this President for FOUR MORE YEARS.

To say this third night was worse than the second night, especially after listening to Zel's speech...takes GREAT unwillingness to deal in the factual.
[i]giving his stamp of approval to gay unions.
How else can we take, "That's great! That's fine[/i]"?[/i]

Imo, what he gave his approval to was NOT gay unions, but rather that the states and the people are the one's he recognized/supports being the one's who make these decisions....not liberal judges.

And don't forget....kerry opposes gay marriages. So you're all voting for a man who opposes just what you want to see come about...gay marriage. and that's funny.

[in answer to reamonds post - ]






posted on September 2, 2004 08:48:01 AM new
Does anyone have the stats from the DNC with regards to protestors and arrests? I would like to see a compairison between the two.

In Christ,

Col 2:17

"I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: "I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I do not accept His claim to be God." That is one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic....or else he would be the devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to."
C.S. Lewis: "Mere Christianity"
posted on September 2, 2004 08:49:39 AM new
Keep chanting Linda....beats thinking!

posted on September 2, 2004 08:52:53 AM new
I thought Zel Miller *creamed* the democratic party and kerry in particular.

Yes, Miller's rant and rave is being compared to Pat Buchanan's rant and rave speech before George H W Bush's second term. LMAO !!

As the conservative Jane Chastain has pointed out, the religious right isn't going to vote for Bush.

And never has a "war" time president enjoyed such low approval, not to mention that a president with numbers as low as Bush's has never got a second term.

posted on September 2, 2004 08:53:31 AM new
yea, loose lips, and you'd know ALL about that.

posted on September 2, 2004 08:56:09 AM new
We have yet to hear what the undercover officer did before he was "attacked". He may have been provoking violence, or anything else. We have yet to hear the other side of the story.

That's true, we haven't heard the other side yet. But you sound to me, but that statement, that IF he did provoke them...then he deserved getting his head KICKED in. If so...I couldn't disagree more. Sounds to me like what happens in 'spousal abuse'....'she provoke me...she deserved it'...she was to blame by the way she acted before I beat her head in.

posted on September 2, 2004 08:58:06 AM new

you seem to change your bible verse on every post. Why is that. Do you think that people look them up?

Bigots are miserable people. Prevent Bigotry through Education.

Work to keep Church and State separate! http://www.au.org/site/PageServer

This long time republican is voting for John Kerry!
posted on September 2, 2004 08:58:44 AM new
I have to laugh @:

As the conservative Jane Chastain has pointed out, the religious right isn't going to vote for Bush.

So ONE person says that and you believe it's true? LOL oh brother.

posted on September 2, 2004 09:01:15 AM new
that IF he did provoke them...then he deserved getting his head KICKED in

The film I saw didn't show him getting his head kicked in. What I saw was two men fighting, one was an undercover cop.

If the undercover cop was trying to provke the crowd to violence, the protestors had as much right to use force as the police have to use force to prevent a riot.

A kick to the head is no worse than a night stick to the head.

posted on September 2, 2004 09:11:45 AM new

Zell Miller's speech is being described as the most hateful major address delivered at a national-party convention.

Here is a Republicans description...A. Sullivan

"Miller's address will, I think, go down as a critical moment in this campaign, and maybe in the history of the Republican party. I kept thinking of the contrast with the Democrats' keynote speaker, Barack Obama, a post-racial, smiling, expansive young American, speaking about national unity and uplift.

"Then you see Zell Miller, his face rigid with anger, his eyes blazing with years of frustration as his Dixiecrat vision became slowly eclipsed among the Democrats.

"Remember who this man is: once a proud supporter of racial segregation, a man who lambasted LBJ for selling his soul to the negroes. His speech tonight was in this vein, a classic Dixiecrat speech, jammed with bald lies, straw men, and hateful rhetoric. As an immigrant to this country and as someone who has been to many Southern states and enjoyed astonishing hospitality and warmth and sophistication, I long dismissed some of the Northern stereotypes about the South. But Miller did his best to revive them. The man's speech was not merely crude; it added whole universes to the word crude. . . .

posted on September 2, 2004 09:12:45 AM new
I don't know WHOSE film you watched....but when he was taken to the hospital and for at least the next day, it was reported he was unconscience from his head being kicked.

No one deserves that, reamond....even IF they did try to provoke someone else. Civil people need to learn to be able to control themselves and their own actions.

posted on September 2, 2004 09:23:15 AM new
Part of Zel Miller's tremendous speech:

But don't waste your breath telling that to the leaders of my party today. In their warped way of thinking America is the problem, not the solution.

They don't believe there is any real danger in the world except that which America brings upon itself through our clumsy and misguided foreign policy.
It is not their patriotism — it is their judgment that has been so sorely lacking. They claimed Carter's pacifism would lead to peace. They were wrong.
They claimed Reagan's defense buildup would lead to war. They were wrong.

And, no pair has been more wrong, more loudly, more often than the two Senators from Massachusetts, Ted Kennedy and John Kerry (news - web sites).
Together, Kennedy/Kerry have opposed the very weapons system that won the Cold War and that is now winning the War on Terror. Listing all the weapon systems that Senator Kerry tried his best to shut down sounds like an auctioneer selling off our national security but Americans need to know the facts.

The B-1 bomber, that Senator Kerry opposed, dropped 40 percent of the bombs in the first six months of Operation Enduring Freedom. The B-2 bomber, that Senator Kerry opposed, delivered air strikes against the Taliban in Afghanistan and Hussein's command post in Iraq. The F-14A Tomcats, that Senator Kerry opposed, shot down Khadifi's Libyan MIGs over the Gulf of Sidra. The modernized F-14D, that Senator Kerry opposed, delivered missile strikes against Tora Bora. The Apache helicopter, that Senator Kerry opposed, took out those Republican Guard tanks in Kuwait in the Gulf War (news - web sites). The F-15 Eagles, that Senator Kerry opposed, flew cover over our Nation's Capital and this very city after 9/11.

I could go on and on and on: against the Patriot Missile that shot down Saddam Hussein (news - web sites)'s scud missiles over Israel; against the Aegis air-defense cruiser; against the Strategic Defense Initiative; against the Trident missile[/b]; against, against, against.

This is the man who wants to be the Commander in Chief of our U.S. Armed Forces?
U.S. forces armed with what? Spitballs?

Twenty years of votes can tell you much more about a man than twenty weeks of campaign rhetoric.

Campaign talk tells people who you want them to think you are. How you vote tells people who you really are deep inside. Senator Kerry has made it clear that he would use military force only if approved by the United Nations (news - web sites).

Kerry would let Paris decide when America needs defending. I want Bush to decide.

John Kerry, who says he doesn't like outsourcing, wants to outsource our national security. That's the most dangerous outsourcing of all. This politician wants to be leader of the free world.

Free for how long?

For more than 20 years, on every one of the great issues of freedom and security, John Kerry has been more wrong, more weak and more wobbly than any other national figure.

As a war protester, Kerry blamed our military. As a Senator, he voted to weaken our military. And nothing shows that more sadly and more clearly than his vote this year to deny protective armor for our troops in harms way, far away.

George Bush understands that we need new strategies to meet new threats.

John Kerry wants to re-fight yesterday's war. George Bush believes we have to fight today's war and be ready for tomorrow's challenges. George Bush is committed to providing the kind of forces it takes to root out terrorists.
No matter what spider hole they may hide in or what rock they crawl under. George Bush wants to grab terrorists by the throat and not let them go to get a better grip.

From John Kerry, they get a "yes-no-maybe" bowl of mush that can only encourage our enemies and confuse our friends. I first got to know George Bush when we served as governors together. I admire this man. I am moved by the respect he shows the first lady, his unabashed love for his parents and his daughters, and the fact that he is unashamed of his belief that God is not indifferent to America. I can identify with someone who has lived that line in "Amazing Grace," "Was blind, but now I see," and I like the fact that he's the same man on Saturday night that he is on Sunday morning. He is not a slick talker but he is a straight shooter and, where I come from, deeds mean a lot more than words.

I have knocked on the door of this man's soul and found someone home, a God-fearing man with a good heart and a spine of tempered steel. The man I trust to protect my most precious possession: my family.

This election will change forever the course of history, and that's not any history. It's our family's history.

The only question is how. The answer lies with each of us. And, like many generations before us, we've got some hard choosing to do. Right now the world just cannot afford an indecisive America. Fainthearted self-indulgence will put at risk all we care about in this world.

In this hour of danger our President has had the courage to stand up. And this Democrat is proud to stand up with him. Thank you.
God Bless this great country and God Bless George W. Bush.

posted on September 2, 2004 09:31:27 AM new

That photo speaks a thousand words....well maybe one word...HATE. If bush had any chance of gaining swing voters he blew it. I watched NBC last evening and McCain was clearly disgusted.

posted on September 2, 2004 09:40:55 AM new

Right, blairwitch! Miller's speech was nothing but hateful demagoguery. Wish I had seen McCains reaction.

posted on September 2, 2004 09:43:43 AM new
Zig-Zag Zell

Another flip-flopper.

Another bought out former Dem.

And he should really DO something about those teeth!

posted on September 2, 2004 09:46:21 AM new
Why did they hide DICK cheney's wife......she wasn't there ???


posted on September 2, 2004 09:46:44 AM new
HATE??? You mean like how Howard Dean was acting...and the dems were absolutely loving it.? Even got to be referred to as the 'angry left'.

No...this is what we used to see all the time in politics before everyone lost their backbones and became afraid to say how they really see what's happening.

Zell Miller can see how the democratic party has lost it's backbone and the last dem to have one was John F. Kennedy...in Cuba...with the Russian missile issue. Now dems think we can either just ignore, pacify, negotiate, bribe or pretend that our enemies don't mean what they say. It's just not the reality of how this needs to be dealt with.
Zell's being realistic....at least.

posted on September 2, 2004 09:47:50 AM new
No one deserves that, reamond....even IF they did try to provoke someone else. Civil people need to learn to be able to control themselves and their own actions.

The cops do it to protesters all the time, except the protesters aren't surrounded by armed friends that will take them immediately to the hospital.

but when he was taken to the hospital and for at least the next day, it was reported he was unconscience from his head being kicked.

And I saw him stand right up after the fight. Was he on any drugs ? I'll bet they didn't even check.

posted on September 2, 2004 09:50:41 AM new
So ONE person says that and you believe it's true? LOL oh brother.

It is not just on eperson. It has gotten so bad that Jerry Falwell had to write a piece entreating christians to vote for Bush.

posted on September 2, 2004 09:56:31 AM new
Correct me if I am wrong but hasn't there been 20 + police officers that have been injured during protests at the RNC??

The citizens of the USA are watching and I believe that to see what is happening in the protests in NYC especially to the Men and Women in Blue is a little disturbing.

After 911 the media reported on the bravery of the police and rescuers, and now to see the police having to battle to defend themselves against the left wing citizens of NYC, it isn't right.

I think Bush should mention them in his speech tonight. All he has to say is; We want to thank our brave Men and Women who are working hard to protect the fine citizens of this great city and our prayers go out to those who have been injured in the line of duty.

posted on September 2, 2004 10:25:14 AM new
::And don't forget....kerry opposes gay marriages. So you're all voting for a man who opposes just what you want to see come about...gay marriage. and that's funny. ::

I keep seeing this arguement and wondering why people bother to make it...

Bush opposes it too so it's not as if there is someone with an opposing view to support. Perhaps yopu can explain it to me Linda, are republicans that make this arguement hoping that gay marriage supporters will just not vote since there is not a pro gay marriage candidate? What is the point of that statement? What are republicans hoping to accomlish?

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on September 2, 2004 10:28:26 AM new
::Yes I am aware of all of that but as I have told you in the past it matters not what you or I think or perceive. It is the rest of the citizens of this country's perception of what is happening that really matters. A LARGE portion will undoubedly attribute all that has happened to the Demoratic party.::

Yellow - considering that anyone that watched the news coverage and is aware of the demonstrations would also have heard that same information from the voice overs as both you and I did, the only ones would still make the jump you are hoping for are probably too stupid to find their polling location in the first place.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on September 2, 2004 10:49:46 AM new
Zell Miller who began his political career with Lester Maddux returned to his southern roots last evening. Hatred, bigotry and devisive demogogary.

Yellowstone's assertion that the protesters are Democrats is laughable. Among the protesters there are Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Conservatives, Greens and Anarchists, To foster the opinion that these are Democrats is ridiculous.

Thirdly if the police are acting as agent provocateurs on behalf of the Republicans in order to stifle free speech they deserve whatever they get.

posted on September 2, 2004 11:07:49 AM new
Thirdly if the police are acting as agent provocateurs on behalf of the Republicans in order to stifle free speech they deserve whatever they get.

They used this tatctic during the Nixon years. The undercover agent may have been inciting violence so the police would react. It has happened before during the Nixon administration, and that is where many of Bush's cabinet come from..

posted on September 2, 2004 11:14:48 AM new
fenix - I keep seeing this arguement and wondering why people bother to make it...

Speaking for myself, it's to remind the left that *both* kerry and this President hold the same position on this issue. Both have stated they are against gay marriage.

They do the same thing on other issues too...*only* criticizing the President for holding a certain position....when kerry does too. In other words...only using it as a reason to criticize Bush...but not *EVER* criticizing THEIR own candidate for the exact same thing.

posted on September 2, 2004 11:17:43 AM new
Look at how the republicans ripped Al Gore and his impassioned speech. Now Zig-Zag Sell out Zell Miller does an impassioned speech dripping hate and venom and the Republicans love it!



and daughter...he HAS TWO ya know!
[ edited by crowfarm on Sep 2, 2004 11:19 AM ]
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