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posted on September 6, 2004 01:33:16 PM new
Good idea Bunni. Can you show us the thread Crow? Maybe she said that on a different one than I read. Thanks!

posted on September 6, 2004 01:39:20 PM new
I can't remember what thread the discussion was held on, though I do remember the disucussion somewhat. While I do not remember Linda saying she enjoyed kids being tortured, to be fair to Crow, I do have a vague recollection that Linda said something along the lines of if the kids were fighting against the US any means to get them to talk were OK.

"Bad temper is its own scourge. Few things are more bitter than to feel bitter. A man's venom poisons himself more than his victim." --Charles Buxton
posted on September 6, 2004 01:48:29 PM new
Hey...I think that's a great idea. Let's pull up ALL the threads where cf has made these false accusations about what I've said. I'm all for that. Then we can see how she takes my statements and totally distorts what I say.

I'm willing to sit 'in the chair' if we're going to start a kangaroo court. Because I know what I've said and what I haven't.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!!
posted on September 6, 2004 01:52:19 PM new
If I may ask this *court* for one consideration. I'd like to have the whole LINK posted...not just an individual statement.

This is too funny.

posted on September 6, 2004 02:15:34 PM new
Found it. Turns out Google can bring up Vendio posts. Putting in the keywords vendio, children and torture brought it right up.

The thread was called "Another Reason to Get the H out of Iraq" http://www.vendio.com/mesg/read.html?num=28&thread=222770

And I think an apology is owed to Linda. Nowhere in this thread does she say she enjoys or supports the torture of children.

What she did was to first vociferously deny the validity of the charges, then to home in on the subject of child soldiers, and ended by focusing on their detention & ignoring charges of mistreatment altogether:

IF any of these claims or accusations had been proven to be true....it would be a different situation....no one would condone the abuse of children. But it has NOT been proven.

That doesn't stop the 'blame America first club' here. This is WAR and if they need to arrest children who are trying to kill them...then that's what needs to happen. Even though you appear to me to think since they're children...they should be exempt from being held responsible for their actions.

Cry to someone else.....I'm not listening - I'm on OUR side and IF they're trying to kill OUR soldiers I agree they should be detained.

"Bad temper is its own scourge. Few things are more bitter than to feel bitter. A man's venom poisons himself more than his victim." --Charles Buxton
posted on September 6, 2004 02:42:06 PM new
"And I think an apology is owed to Linda. Nowhere in this thread does she say she enjoys or supports the torture of children."

I agree Bunni.

posted on September 6, 2004 02:48:04 PM new
Thank you bunni for that super quick search. I very much appreciate having it here for everyone to see exactly what I did say.

Since crowfarm has come to our board that's ALL she has done with my posts. Constantly taking what I've said, giving it a whole new meaning, and then for some sick reason expects me to prove her wrong.

Well....this is only one of hundreds of distortions she's made about my statements. As I said from the beginning....her total lack of credibility has LONG been easy to see.

And I think an apology is owed to Linda.

I won't be holding my breath. People like cf can't admit to being wrong when they are.

Nowhere in this thread does she say she enjoys or supports the torture of children.

Just to clarify....nowhere in ANY thread have I said the above.

posted on September 6, 2004 03:43:52 PM new
Linda I have to agree with you and I really feel bad. Everyone has a view as you can tell by the posters on this board but crowfarm cannot understand that using the abreaveted language she uses that she is only hurting herself and her ability to get along as you seem to do with the other posters.

posted on September 6, 2004 03:59:04 PM new
Libra - That's why I have gained enormous respect for a handful of left leaning posters here. We might disagree totally on the issues...but they're decent people with good character traits that I admire and respect in them.

We'll each argue our side of the issue but it doesn't get into the personal attacks nor do they continually post statements claiming I've made, when I haven't. If there's a misunderstand on something said...we usually can talk it out. They aren't liars...they're fair minded people - who just don't see things the way I do and I'm used to that.
posted on September 6, 2004 04:03:28 PM new

Oh good grief. We should have violins playing in the background at this point.

posted on September 6, 2004 04:39:50 PM new
Helen I don't think you can speak because you have not been on the other end of her attacks. I notice when KD or Kiara post to Linda they do not attack the way she does. It is not necessary to call names especially some of the ones she does. Heaven forbid people have different ideas than someone else that doesn't mean they can make fun of them. What a strange world it would be if we all thought alike. Something like the Stepford Wives. I understand a need to defend your stance but it can be done in a little better way.

I have also been on the other end of her attacks and also the poster maggiewhatshername. There is no need for that. We can agree to disagree but it does not have to get personal or using the language she is probably accustomed to. I do believe in God and I am religious but crowfarm seems to make fun of that as she does with the other posters in here. I do not make fun of her. In her eyes she thinks she is funny in my eyes I think she is pitiful. JMHO

posted on September 6, 2004 04:57:31 PM new
I do not make fun of her

Libra63, don't always play victim. Just a few days ago on a thread here you said you weren't going to get into it. Crowfarm hadn't even commented to you but you went on to call her a sick puppy and then added that she must have had a terrible childhood.

I keep saying over and over that we all aren't so innocent here.

posted on September 6, 2004 05:05:29 PM new
I doubt I called her a sick puppy as I have never used that in my life.

Maybe I did comment on her childhood but you have to admit after all the hits I had with her it was about time to strike back.

I have taken her snide remarks for quite some time probably a month and a half. She started it and I have no idea why. But get on crowfarms side because YOU know she does nothing wrong. Now she will love you forever

posted on September 6, 2004 05:11:20 PM new

This reminds me of the bible verse...“He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone...."
Not many here are without blame in the namecalling dept and that includes lindak.. So, I think it's
rather silly that she can't handle her own problem with crowfarm without resorting to such theatrics as this.

Crowfarm is very sensitive and has made some good observations in my opinion.


posted on September 6, 2004 05:15:04 PM new
I doubt I called her a sick puppy as I have never used that in my life.

Libra63, you should check your account as someone else may be stealing your password and posting when you aren't around.

posted on August 29, 2004 10:55:08 PM
I am not going to get into this. I stated my feeling and being in the health care field it doesn't make any difference. I have seen people that they though were never going to live snap out of it as fast as they went into into it. I have a friend whose mother had a serious stroke and now is walking and talking again. Fennix don't assume that being in the healcare field I would approve of it. I feel I have a purpose in life and when I have served that purpose I will die.

It is NOT for me or anyone that I love. But go ahead and do it as it is your life. The law says he can't do it so that is why he is in Jail.

Crowfarm is one sick puppy. She is the most negative person that I have ever encountered and most of her posts drip of hatred. She only got along with one other person on this board who was just like her. she calls people names, she insults, She can't carry on a good discussion as she always has to inject negativity into everything she writes.
Boy, am I glad I got that off my chest. Now watch she will come in smoking call me names and if she doesn't it doesn't fit her bill.
She probably had a terrible childhood and now is taking it out on us or rather me.
[ edited by Libra63 on Aug 29, 2004 10:57 PM ]



Nope, I'm not taking sides here. I'm just saying things as I see them. There are few victims here when it comes to the battles.

[ edited by kiara on Sep 6, 2004 05:18 PM ]
posted on September 6, 2004 05:21:32 PM new
Kiara why wouldn't I know the master of keeping the threads. One who says she doesn't

Thanks for finding that for me as I was trying to find out where I said that. Since I don't save anything, but maybe I should start, I was searching. I have as much right as crowfarm to call names as she does that all the time with me.
Now since you have saved all the threads show me how many times she has called me names, but then again maybe you didn't save hers.

posted on September 6, 2004 05:32:04 PM new
helen - You never cease to amaze me.

This reminds me of the bible verse..

Here we have you, a self professed atheist, quote Bible verses to a Believer.

Not many here are without blame in the namecalling dept and that includes lindak..

BUT helen, we weren't talking about name calling. We were talking about your friend, cf, for months saying I've said things I've never said. I've ignored her....come back on her....told her she was wrong....etc. It's her harassment you of me you enjoy helen, and you still defend her totally off the wall comments now.

[i]I think it's
rather silly that she can't handle her own problem with crowfarm without resorting to such theatrics as this[/i].

I have handled my own problems with her....and I don't believe I've resorted to 'theatrics' as you call it. I've defended myself. PROVED HER TO BE THE LIAR SHE IS....your friend. What is it you've said about 'birds of a feather - flocking together'?

Crowfarm is very sensitive and has made some good observations in my opinion.

LOL...sensitive? Now that's funny too. Maybe you'd like to share something she's said that you judge that shows her to be so very sensitive. I sure would love to read it. Her actions/posts haven't shown it.

And yes, it comes as no surprise that you'd support and appreciate such lying behavior....after all....she supports you're political positions...and with you, that's all that really matters when judging someone's character. sad to say.


Here we have you, a self professed atheist, quoting the Bible to a believer. That's hysterical.

posted on September 6, 2004 05:32:34 PM new
Oh for crying out loud, Libra63........ scroll down the board and you will see the thread is still there. I'm not saving threads and that one was just from a few days ago so was still fresh in my mind.

I'm not so senile yet that I can't remember things from a couple of days ago. Sheesh!

My point is that it's silly to play victim all the time when you probably hurl insults more often than many others do here.

And about those violins.......

posted on September 6, 2004 05:44:19 PM new

That little hysterical diatribe only reveals how insensitive you are lindak. There is much writing in the bible that I admire as great literature and also good philosophy.

Snap out of your pitiful mode and take care of your own fights.

Maybe I can locate some good scripture to soothe your fevered brow...


posted on September 6, 2004 06:03:20 PM new

posted on September 6, 2004 06:12:37 PM new
Helen, I think Linda can handle herself too although I don't think it's fair when opinions are taken out of context. She didn't say she approved of children being tortured. If she did, then more power to Crow - even Linda would agree to that. Also, I suspect the list of other things Crow's accused Linda of saying are also false. Maybe not, but there's nothing wrong with trying to find out the truth.

posted on September 6, 2004 06:17:01 PM new

posted on September 6, 2004 06:26:25 PM new

posted on September 6, 2004 07:10:41 PM new
Isn't it cute the two that consistently get their "asses" kicked by Linda, don't feel that crowfart owes her an apology...

Both claim that "good" posters don't post here as much, but obviously we know they are not part of that group they support crowfart and continue to post... LOL


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on September 6, 2004 07:15:02 PM new
Isn't it cute the two that consistently get their "asses" kicked by Linda, don't feel that crowfart owes her an apology...

Which two would that be, twelvepole? Name some names, my boy.

posted on September 6, 2004 07:21:27 PM new

awww, the poor lindak refrain again. Now twelvepole, so ever vigilant, has come to bolster and protect her ego again.

posted on September 6, 2004 07:25:40 PM new

Well we don't have to worry, Helen. Linda_K's never kicked our azzes yet. lol

posted on September 6, 2004 07:34:32 PM new

It's kinda creepy, twelvepole...always thinking that lindak needs your defense on a chat board.

[ edited by Helenjw on Sep 6, 2004 07:35 PM ]
posted on September 6, 2004 08:17:43 PM new


posted on September 6, 2004 08:45:32 PM new
It looks like twelvepole won't be answering my question. Just in case he does peek in again perhaps I can direct him to my post above where I said:

Nope, I'm not taking sides here. I'm just saying things as I see them. There are few victims here when it comes to the battles.

I haven't said anything about either one of them owing an apology.

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