posted on September 6, 2004 07:01:39 PM newI'm sure from the posts I read on here that wouldn't stop all from wanting a 'relationship' with him. lol
Which posts were those, Linda_K? Some females here actually expressed desire for a relationship with Clinton? That must have been before I arrived. Lol, I'd have loved to have read those.
posted on September 6, 2004 07:04:14 PM new
Now, I usually get a joke.. don't know how I missed this one..LOL..
I was leaning toward what Kiara was thinking.. and couldn't for the life of me see what Park would find attractive in a female version of Clinton..
Assuming Park is a male.... Doc
posted on September 6, 2004 08:26:34 PM new
Well hey now I'm not so sure now, if he/she grew her hair a little longer and got breast implants then.....
.....Janet Reno might find her attractive and want to date her.