posted on September 8, 2004 12:51:17 AM new
Neroter12, please don’t spew on about honesty to me.
You say to Bunni You like these serial type dramas and have been 'on it' ever since. Sorry, but I am not like that. You will very rarely see me bringing up anything past. Once its gone, its gone from me. - I dont dwell with it. It aint me with the chip here.
Okay, some of the threads have already been posted on this one and it took me ages to find all the rest of this (ya, I know……. I have no life) but let’s put it up here all on one thread and perhaps neroter12 can read it over. Trust me, this isn’t all of it but a good portion of the ones I remember. Maybe if she reads it over she will see the truth and we can put it to rest.
Our story starts at the beginning of April of this year.
Neroter12 asks everyone a question and then loses it when others tell her she is wrong.
I continue to ignore neroter12 but soon she enters a thread that doesn't involve her in the least and brings up the Veteran’s thread and whines about the disappearance of another poster, etc and accuses me of also posting as kraftdinner. Please note where she starts sucking up to Linda_K and says I dont see the republican side of many issues I respect your right to have those views. That was June 16 and now she sounds almost like a lifetime Republican so this is proof that some can switch parties in a short time.
I continue to ignore neroter12 but once again she enters a thread that doesn't involve her and whines some more to me about every other thing she can dig up……. Whaaaa, whaaaa… including making nasty sexual references. Remember these words by her I dont normally tell anyone when they are on ignore with me. I Just Do It.
Here is more of the fashion discussion. Note where neroter12 spews off to me and I'm not even posting to the thread or involved in any discussion of fashion anywhere.
Neroter12 interferes in a conversation that doesn’t concern her and then totally loses it again. These words come to mind once again: I dont normally tell anyone when they are on ignore with me. I Just Do It.
Neroter12, I am going to keep this for future reference. Since I’ve been accused so often of saving threads and I went to all this trouble finding these, dang right I’m going to keep it. Here it is for you to ponder and now maybe we can put it all to rest once and for all.
posted on September 8, 2004 01:00:04 AM new
Yes, Kiara, I did have to laugh when she said she never brings up things from the past & that she doesn't dwell on things.
"Bad temper is its own scourge. Few things are more bitter than to feel bitter. A man's venom poisons himself more than his victim." --Charles Buxton
posted on September 8, 2004 01:14:49 AM new
LOL!!! Kiara, some of those are truly priceless. I had forgotten about all of being chastised for our improper observation the day before Memorial Day.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
[ edited by fenix03 on Sep 8, 2004 01:15 AM ]
posted on September 8, 2004 05:07:35 AM new
kiara says: neroter12, when on earth are you finally going to get things together and let go of all this past crap? Clue in that things come and go between many posters and most are forgotten in due time. Somehow you are totally obsessed with it all to the point where you bring it up constantly.....
She's being defensive because you're always so quick to pop into a thread and side with anyone against her. This once again didn't involve you at all....but you once again quickly get right into the fray. "Ohhhh this is fun"
Then in another post you say: Please note where she starts sucking up to Linda_K and says I dont see the republican side of many issues I respect your right to have those views. That was June 16 and now she sounds almost like a lifetime Republican so this is proof that some can switch parties in a short time.
kiara: Maybe you should follow your own advice since you're the one who took 'all that time to pull up all that PAST "crap" '....I'll say your words back to you..."when are you going to let go of all this past crap?" "Most are forgotten in due time" - obviously not by YOU.
"Somehow YOU are totally obsessed with it". Appears YOU are too kiara.
Then this nonsense about "sucking up to Linda". What's that all about - because she 'talks' to me...occassionally has agreed with something I've said? Can't have THAT now can we.? No.... It's just more childish, petty thinking.
So two people agree on a couple of issues....BIG deal. So even though she disagrees with much of my views if she DARES to agree with even ONE she's sucking up to me? She should be throw in jail because nobody else here has EVER done the same. Like you. So in your mind YOU must be sucking up to those you agree with.
For crying out loud, kiara, GROW UP.
But I really think that this animosity you're displaying, 'taking all that time' to pull up to be rehashed, is because she doesn't appear to find your 'kind hearted ways', think totally left leaning....but rather sits more in the middle and agrees with some leftist views and some from the right and that disturbs you for some odd reason. So you play with her - your entertainment. How very kind of you. Must be that 'sweet, happy, never let anything get to you personality you're always talking about. You're vicious.
Yea, that's a great reason to start another kangaroo court. Couldn't have just left it between bunni and her to talk it out though right? That wouldn't be as much fun to you - it's the game you love to play. How very, very sad.
neroter - I'm sorry if my above post has embarassed you in anyway. None of us are perfect, to say the least, but this is just totally uncalled for. It's mean and it's vicious.
posted on September 8, 2004 07:18:38 AM new
Well, that was interesting. The only reason Kiara "brought all that up" was to disprove Neroter's poor little me act. She is constantly throwing about accusations against other posters--most notably Kiara--claiming to be picked on. Yet when proof is provided about what really happened, you deem it "mean & vicious."
"Bad temper is its own scourge. Few things are more bitter than to feel bitter. A man's venom poisons himself more than his victim." --Charles Buxton
posted on September 8, 2004 08:23:58 AM new
My two sense..cents..
Evidently there is a little room for this difference of opinion .. our conceptual and other experience does not immediately rule out one of these views.
Our experience does rule out other contemplated accounts of what is needed for an event to have an explanation in the fundamental sense .. of its being necessitated by a causal circumstance.
Clearly we do not understand an event's having had to happen as being only that it was more probable, maybe just more probable than not, as a result of the circumstance.
That is not what we believe either, you bet, when we say the event could not have failed to happen. It is yet clearer that we do not take an event's having had to happen as being that it might well not have happened despite there having been something on hand that was 'enough' for it. Doc
posted on September 8, 2004 08:56:52 AM new
Looks to me like Kiara brought up all those old threads just to prove that she ignored neroter12 but neroter12 was the one who couldn't let things go. You notice quite often when a thread drops to the bottom its neroter12 that brings it to the top again and starts ranting.
But since shes put me on ignore I guess I won't be waiting for a response here.
posted on September 8, 2004 09:20:43 AM new
You're in luck, trai!
lindak is wrong again. When she had a problem with another poster, she listed every comment - in bold, of course. Now she calls kiara vicious for simply listing the relevant threads.
posted on September 8, 2004 09:44:08 AM new
Linda_K, you're mixed up ......... the threads are PROOF that I never ever mentioned neroter12 but then she stepped in and started ranting about the lamp or Ace or my ebay room, sexual stuff, etc ............ NOTHING to do with the conversation at hand. The threads are proof that she can't let things go.
Yes, go back and read the thread where she mentions Republicans......... another example of me ignoring her yet she stepped into a thread only to whine to me about past stuff. Sheesh. That's why I brought the thread up..... the republican comment just happened to be in the same rant and I found it amusing in retrospect. Get your blinders off, neroter12 is not the victim with either Bunni or me.
Her forever playing the victim and then her 'honesty" rant to me was why I brought it all up.
LOL @ twelvepole last night......... he does have a sense of humor!
LOL @ trai for being on ignore and handling it so well. You were in fine form on that last link the other night!
posted on September 8, 2004 11:17:23 AM new
Well, fenix, it worked.
Everyone in here helped to prove my point.
Did you read this thread and all the other ones linked to it?
Did you find anyone besides ME with a touch of negativity or nastiness?
Lots of examples of those "poor victim" posters spewing their own brand of "mean".
Found a good quote , I think by Kiara, "Reality is not negativity." So many interpret pointing out problems as "negative" while I, and other posters in here, view ignoring problems as negative. So we will go round and round and round.....
A good example of wrong interpretation is just today in the thread on books where I just posted a good book and what it's about and Doc thought my blood pressure was up ?????? Couldn't be further from the truth but doc interpretted it his way....that's all.
So why don't we all agree we can all be pretty much a pain in the ass at times and SO WHAT! It's a CHAT ROOM.
AND, admit it...the sweet, lovey dovey posts last for a minute or two and the mud-slingers like this one go on and on.....guess which we like better!!!
posted on September 8, 2004 11:34:18 AM new
So, your book will cause high blood and mine will cause depression. I think the doc is a closet Republican.
posted on September 8, 2004 12:18:28 PM new
"Well, fenix, it worked"
Ha Ha I proved you wrong. Just like a little child running to her mother tattling. Is that what this is all about. Well crowfarm you suckered everyone in are you happy now. I think she needs to give everyone a big thank you for you help.
posted on September 8, 2004 01:09:44 PM new
Parklane: Whats on second? LOL (is that how it goes? )
crowfarm: A good example of wrong interpretation is just today in the thread on books where I just posted a good book and what it's about and Doc thought my blood pressure was up ?????? Couldn't be further from the truth but doc interpretted it his way....that's all.
I guess it was just me reading that as a joke. I dunno maybe it wasn't. Looked that way to me though.
posted on September 8, 2004 01:25:59 PM new
Now..Crow.. and Helen.. indulge me.. I'm taking my roll as Board Doctor seriously.. just trying to keep all my little pittbull's fit for the fight.. LOL Doc
posted on September 8, 2004 01:43:36 PM new
Uhhhhh……… Parklane. You have crowfarm on ignore <wink, wink> so how do you know if she's apologized or not?
But crowfarm does make an excellent point.... it's these kinds of threads that go on and on. That's why it's not so difficult to find some of them, even with the search gone. Just go down the line and look for the ones with the most responses. Do you really think they're all just serious talk? Hahahaha...........
Linda_K is putting an entirely different spin on this. I'm not denying that I'm sometimes childish and silly and I'm not denying that I stir things up on occasion............ heck, I’ve even enjoyed doing that sometimes when the opportunity invited itself. But I’m not the one playing the victim here over and over again either.
But Linda_K did recently say she viewed me with fangs and claws dripping blood.... lol
posted on September 8, 2004 02:08:58 PM new
Hi Linda. Thanks for your kind words here.
What I find amusing is people come to these boards to distract themselves a little - to argue their political pov, discuss a news article, story, exchange some ideas, or just to catch a break from ebay and listing. But not this one! No, her whole goal and purpose of these boards is to pump up her fat ego head and display her big ugly bucked-toothed-horse mouth! “Neeehhhy-hah!” Her most trumpeted posts are always at the expense of what she can dust up on another poster. - I’d say that is a pretty pathetic contribution here.
posted on September 8, 2004 04:30:36 PM new
Sorry kraft, as much as you'd like to think it - I dont use drugs.
~~ Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues(forces)of life..Proverbs 4:23~~
posted on September 8, 2004 05:15:46 PM new
Just trying to get you to laugh, Nero.
P.S. Seriously though, I don't understand how you can make a long post like that but say you don't think twice about Kiara or Bunni. Seems the opposite to me. Sometimes you remind me of Bush... think of Kiara and Bunni as Iraq (no womd), then think of Twelve and Linda (womd) as North Korea... you're mad at the wrong people!
posted on September 8, 2004 05:38:39 PM new
hahaha, kraft. And a accomplish a laugh you did. ty!
I am just answering the charges that keep getting brought up to me!
~~ Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues(forces)of life..Proverbs 4:23~~
posted on September 8, 2004 06:13:50 PM new
Answering charges neroter12? It's more than that, now you've gone on and fantasized even more about my life! Sorry to tell you, you're still wrong on all counts so you may have to start over again.
You say I don't rent space in your head...... sheesh! looks to me like you've moved me in permanently! Creepy........ creepy! Get me outa there!!
Hey, when we were doing the role reversal about Rep/Dem I was talking like a Republican over Skylite's departure from the board. Guess it was confusing for you, maybe being a closet Democrat and all you assumed it was all about you?
posted on September 8, 2004 08:08:50 PM new
So, I guess that one could come to the conclusion from just this one thread that it's easier to get into an argument on this board than it is to just have a simple non-confrontational discussion. Maybe we should just call this board The Fight Club.
posted on September 8, 2004 09:02:18 PM new
yellowstone I agree.
If this could be a discussion board instead of a he said she said maybe we could have some good discussion. Never happen here.
What I have to decide is who is telling the truth and who is lying. Can't take the word of anyone on this board buecause everyone is biases. I have already figured some of that out. What I have done is write Kerry on one side of the paper and Bush on the other. Then I wrote down promises made by both. Then I go back over them and decide if either one in my mind could do what they say. Is if feesable or not but I won't reveal what I came up with. I guess you could call it checks and ballances. The paper is a little lopsided right now but by Nov 2 I should have the answer.
posted on September 8, 2004 11:47:36 PM new
And your head, Libra.
Sheesh nerooter , for someone who says no one else has a life and spends too much time on the computer that was sure one F---ing long post....where DO you get the time away from your sparkling whirlwind social life.
Besides sucking and slobbering up to Linda the rest was your usual gibberish.
Except for this enlightening quote. "How much more the worthier anyone could be if they put half the time and energy into something that is actually beneficial to someone! But that would actually require you stop thinking about yourself and what your ego payoff is, for more than five minutes."
How much "more worthier"...that's silly.
Why don't YOU put your time and energy into something More Worthier?
And, ship, if you don't use drugs maybe you should....although I don't believe (after listening to some of your rants) that you never ate a mushroom.