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posted on September 12, 2004 03:42:05 AM new
I repeat for the benefit of pricklane,

... you keep attacking Kerry but you NEVER address the fact your favorite girlie man Bush CHICKENED OUT of FIGHTING ALTOGETHER!

What do you have to say (or grunt) about THAT! HUH? C'mon...what ? what?

Gee, you sure get quiet about what a lowlife, spineless, coke snorting druggie coward your hero is !!

Being too afraid to fight ALSO aids the enemy.

What do you have to say (or grunt) about THAT! HUH? C'mon...what ? what?

posted on September 12, 2004 05:05:48 AM new
Again some righty, pricklane in this case, blabs about what Kerry did or didn't do and CANNOT answer charges about bush!
So I'll try again.......

How dangerous was the bar stool that was permanently attached to Bush's butt ?? ANSWER ME THAT!

You keep attacking Kerry but you NEVER address the fact your favorite girlie man Bush CHICKENED OUT of FIGHTING ALTOGETHER!

What do you have to say (or grunt) about THAT! HUH? C'mon...what ? what?

Gee, you sure get quiet about what a lowlife, spineless, coke snorting druggie coward your hero is !!

Got an answer? C'MON Righty, haven't heard it yet???????????
Haven't heard ANYTHING in his defense from ANY of the neonazicons on this board YET! C'mon cowards ..."""Bring it on"""" ! ANSWER!

posted on September 12, 2004 06:28:54 AM new
ahhh the liar crowfart chimed in... can't even keep her own word and has the gall to question others.... how amusing.


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on September 12, 2004 06:45:25 AM new
Twelve, get over yourself...shouldn't be too hard there's not much to get over.
What are you trying to prove,linda?

I see you still can't say anything intelligent?

YOU can't answer my questions so you just dribble down your double chin...oh, excuse me, you probably don't have any chin.
You sniveling coward, no wonder you like bush...gee, are you a drunk, too, or a coke head ?? Or a whiney little baby who needs daddy to get him out of any real life issues?

Or just too chicken to answer a question.

What was YOUR military experience....school crossing guard?

posted on September 12, 2004 06:46:29 AM new
ahhh the liar crowfart chimed in... can't even keep her own word and has the gall to question others.... how amusing.


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on September 12, 2004 07:41:36 AM new
Schwarzenegger Signs Bill Banning Sex with Corpses

No wonder you're so upset dave, no more sex for you....


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on September 12, 2004 08:05:42 AM new
parklane, can't say Bush didn't duck out of Nam. So parklane can only attack Kerry a man who did fight and was wounded and did win medals. None of the republicans can hide forever from the truth about Bush and his chicken hawk cabinet members. The Bush gang just don't match up to what they say. Bush and his gang talk the talk but can't and don't back it up.

The bottom line is from his or her posts and screen name "PARKLANE" This poster is a greedy money counter. Only other people made of the same mold like PARKLANE can and will believe PARKLANE.


posted on September 12, 2004 09:06:38 AM new
Schwarzenegger Signs Bill Banning Sex with Corpses

I suppose now we will hear from the group that opposes this law and they will be campaigning for their equal rights. I suppose this will one way to protect the sanctity of marriage. LOL

DICK CHENEY SUPPORTS MY RELATIONSHIP: People ought to be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH

posted on September 12, 2004 10:30:56 AM new
no different than a homosexual logansdad...


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on September 12, 2004 10:50:26 AM new
Twelve, heard from Vendio yet?

posted on September 12, 2004 10:51:21 AM new
ahhh the liar crowfart chimed in... can't even keep her own word and has the gall to question others.... how amusing.


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on September 12, 2004 12:27:29 PM new
Heard from Vendio yet about whether Maggie and I are the same?

Gee, you haven't brought that up......wonder why

posted on September 12, 2004 02:46:15 PM new
bigpeepa, although we are at different parts of the political spectrum I have enjoyed seeing your viewpoint. Your posts have, IMO, recently lost substance and become more abusive and shrill. This worries me, what has changed?

I have no need to make derogatory comments about you, and, since you know little about me, yours are so far off the mark as to not faze me.

I sincerely hope it is just a touch of crowd mentality and not a personal problem.

BTW, I cannot say whether Bush ducked out of VN or was kept out. There are fighting troops and there are garrison troops, maybe he should have been the latter and was kept out of the action by his superiors so as not to incur the wrath of daddy when he got his fool ass shot off.


Hebrews 13:8
posted on September 12, 2004 05:25:56 PM new
parklane you said, "I cannot say whether Bush ducked out of VN or was kept out. There are fighting troops and there are garrison troops, maybe he should have been the latter and was kept out of the action by his superiors so as not to incur the wrath of daddy when he got his fool ass shot off."

parklane, its this simple. During VN if you went in the National Guard you did not have to go to VN. You did not have to get your ass shot at and fight in a bad war. You are right when you said Geo Bush did not have to worry about getting his ass shot off. That we agree on. If you came from a family that couldn't pull off some kind of deferment for ya there was a very good change you got drafted and wound up getting shot at, or killed, or wounded in that bad war. Yes a very small amount of the troops were kids that could have ducked out like Bush did but choose to fight. I take my hat off to those kids then and now.

Nothing has changed with me like you suggested. From the very beginning I have stood for only 2 things in my posts on this board. One, I believe that most of the Geo Bush supporters on this board are out to hurt the middle and working class American people. Just like Bush and his chicken hawk gang is trying to do. Number two, I believe that Bush supporters on this board are either very stupid or are greedy self serving people that really don't give a rats ass about anyone but themselves. Some of these people try to come off as having religious values well I am here to tell them that their views on religion are not the ones I was taught. I can see through them like water. I believe that most of their religious views are all about their money not true religion. Example is they support Bush on his Abortion views but also don't want to give one penny in welfare to some poor stupid 15 year old kid that gets knocked up and has no money to raise the baby. Or these same people don't mind killing people in prison or a bad war.

I believe this board is full of people like that who support Bush. I see no reason to be nice to people who are phony or very dumb. If I misread you than I am sorry.

I try to live my life one way and that is what you see is what you get.

[ edited by bigpeepa on Sep 12, 2004 05:48 PM ]
posted on September 12, 2004 06:01:59 PM new
During VN if you went in the National Guard you did not have to go to VN

Not exactly true. There were 8 or 9 NG units that did serve in Vietnam, I believe. Bush just managed to get himself into one that was never meant to.

"Bad temper is its own scourge. Few things are more bitter than to feel bitter. A man's venom poisons himself more than his victim." --Charles Buxton
posted on September 13, 2004 07:35:24 AM new
How dangerous was the bar stool that was permanently attached to Bush's butt ?? ANSWER ME THAT!

You keep attacking Kerry but you NEVER address the fact your favorite girlie man Bush CHICKENED OUT of FIGHTING ALTOGETHER!

What do you have to say (or grunt) about THAT! HUH? C'mon...what ? what?

Gee, you sure get quiet about what a lowlife, spineless, coke snorting druggie coward your hero is !!

Got an answer? C'MON Righty, haven't heard it yet???????????
Haven't heard ANYTHING in his defense from ANY of the neonazicons on this board YET! C'mon cowards ..."""Bring it on"""" ! ANSWER!

posted on September 13, 2004 08:25:44 AM new
ahhh the liar crowfart chimed in... can't even keep her own word and has the gall to question others.... how amusing.


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on September 13, 2004 09:37:17 AM new
Hey, teeny wienie,

heard from Vendio yet?

posted on September 13, 2004 10:41:11 AM new
How bloody stupid can you be? The job of the swift boats was to DRAW FIRE! It was one of the most dangerous assignments!

As normal crowfart you are wrong.

YOU need to read (if you can) up on kerrys history.

When he joined the Swift Boats, they were assigned to COASTAL PATROL not RIVER PATROL.

kerry himself has admitted he never thought he would see combat.

Hey, hey
Ho, ho
Kerry - sign the 1-8-0

[ edited by Bear1949 on Sep 13, 2004 10:43 AM ]
posted on September 13, 2004 10:52:45 AM new
How dangerous was the bar stool that was permanently attached to Bush's butt ?? ANSWER ME THAT!

You keep attacking Kerry but you NEVER address the fact your favorite girlie man Bush CHICKENED OUT of FIGHTING ALTOGETHER!

What do you have to say (or grunt) about THAT! HUH? C'mon...what ? what?

Gee, you sure get quiet about what a lowlife, spineless, coke snorting druggie coward your hero is !!

Got an answer? C'MON Righty, haven't heard it yet???????????
Haven't heard ANYTHING in his defense from ANY of the neonazicons on this board YET! C'mon cowards ..."""Bring it on"""" ! ANSWER!

posted on September 13, 2004 05:46:10 PM new
Fox had a retired Colonel on this morning who was the Chief of Operations for the TANG in 1972-1973. He has talked to other people who were in Houston then, and they agree that the CBS memos are fakes. They called themselves the 'Raggedy Militia' because they were so underfunded that they often flew outdated airplanes. The idea that they would have a high end typewriter ball is just crazy to them.
Staudt was retired then and had no effect on anyone in the TANG.
Asked about Bush getting preferential treatment to get in the Guard, he said 2 programs are being confused. One was to get in the Guard on active duty and get out of service in Viet Nam. It did have a long waiting list to get in. The programs for pilots didn't have a waiting list. He also said that, in doing research for this story, he found out that Bush had applied for entry into the TANG and taken exams to get into pilot training while still at Yale.


Don't need to defend Bush further, he's not the one running on and on and on about his Viet service

Kerry's anti-military sentiments were well known when he was a student at Yale. After graduating, Kerry petitioned his draft board for a student deferment so he could study in -- where else? -- Paris. His deferment denied, Kerry then calculated that he could avoid Vietnam by joining the Naval Reserves rather than getting drafted into the Army or Marines, where he would, likely, see combat. Kerry's service record indicates that on 18 February 1966 he enlisted in the USNR under 'inactive' status and was moved to 'active' status after a slot opened for him in Officer Training School. As fate would have it, Kerry ended up off the coast of Vietnam on the USS Gridley.... As for Kerry's decision to transfer to Swift Boats (most likely because that enabled him to be in command rather than under command), he told the Boston Globe last year, 'I didn't really want to get involved in the war. When I signed up for the swift boats, they had very little to do with the war. They were engaged in coastal patrolling....' This puts the lie to any assertion that Kerry 'volunteered' for dangerous swift boat duty while George W. Bush somehow slunk off to fly fighter-jets."


Crow hope you were able to read this without your lips moving.

Hey, hey
Ho, ho
Kerry - sign the 1-8-0

posted on September 13, 2004 06:06:52 PM new
Bear says, "Don't need to defend Bush further, he's not the one running on and on and on about his Viet service "

Because he DIDN'T HAVE ANY....what about that phrase don't you understand???

AND YOU'RE running on and on about Kerry's service and you still can't defend bush's LACK OF IT !!!!!

Can you, bear, read this without dragging your knuckles?

posted on September 13, 2004 08:42:54 PM new
Kerry is sunk, nothing will save his sorry ass now...


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on September 13, 2004 11:42:55 PM new
Bear says, "Don't need to defend Bush further, he's not the one running on and on and on about his Viet service "

Because he DIDN'T HAVE ANY....what about that phrase don't you understand???

AND YOU'RE running on and on about Kerry's service and you still can't defend bush's LACK OF IT !!!!!

Can you, bear, read this without dragging your knuckles?

Nothing to say Bear?????

posted on September 14, 2004 11:02:21 AM new
Hmmmmmmm....so quiet from the Right.....when they know they're Wrong

posted on September 14, 2004 06:04:12 PM new
Oh poobear, I see you're awake now....you forgot to answer the questions concerning Bush's "war record"..............

Don't hate me just because I'm right

You attack Kerry so you don't have to defend bush, the slimey coward.

posted on September 14, 2004 11:40:05 PM new
Oh, gee bear and all the other attackers of the brave people who fought for our country where IS your defense of that cowardly sleeze bag bush........don't have one do you......?

Just didn't have the spine(like your wonderful drunken leader) to answer.

posted on September 15, 2004 11:16:18 AM new
Can you, bear, read this without dragging your knuckles?

Can you read this? Do you understand & (I know it's asking a lot) comprehend the following?

There is no credable evidence the Pres Bush did anything other than serve honorably in the ANG. Even Dan Blather is starting to choke on his own words.

All of kerrys "tails of bravery" have been proven to be lies. Just as his statements of accomplishments in Congress are lies.


1. Kerry had antiwar political views as an undergraduate at Yale. (p. 23)

2. Kerry decided to enlist in the Navy Reserves after his petition for a deferment to study for one year in Paris was denied by the draft board. (p. 23)

3. What Kerry calls his "first tour of Vietnam" was five weeks involving no combat that he spent far off the coast of Vietnam on the USS Gridley. (p. 23-24)

4. Kerry volunteered for service on Swift Boats because, at the time, they had little to do with the war and he thought it would keep him out of combat. (p. 25-26)

5. Contrary to Kerry's claims in Tour of Duty, officers at Cam Ranh did not after patrols in rough water "come back pissing red" and "have broken bones." (p. 27)

6. Kerry lost no duty time as a result of any injury for which he received a Purple Heart. (p. 30)

7. Kerry's first Purple Heart

a. On December 2, 1968, Kerry was on a skimmer (a.k.a. a "Boston Whaler" as an officer in command under training. The overseeing officer on board was Lieutenant (now Rear Admiral) William Schachte. The two other crewmen were William Zaldonis and Patrick Runyon. (p. 35-36)

b. Kerry ordered Zaldonis to fire on some people running from one or more sampans that were on or near a beach. After Kerry's M-16 jammed, he picked up an M-79 grenade launcher and fired a grenade too close to his vessel, causing a tiny piece of shrapnel (one to two centimeters) to barely stick in his arm. Dr. Louis Letson removed the fragment with tweezers and put a small bandage on Kerry's arm. (p. 35-40)

c. There was no hostile fire of any kind. (p. 35-38)

d. The division commander, Grant Hibbard, refused Kerry's request to recommend him for a Purple Heart. The documents produced by Kerry do not indicate how, nearly three months later, he obtained the Purple Heart that Hibbard denied. (p. 38)

8. In December 1968, Kerry was transferred over his objections to An Thoi, which involved hazardous duty of missions within the inland waterways. He complained so much that his superiors at An Thoi transferred him out within a week. (p. 44-45)

9. Contrary to what he's claimed repeatedly for decades, Kerry did not spend Christmas 1968 in Cambodia. (p. 45-48)

10. On January 20, 1969, Kerry was the skipper of Swift Boat PCF 44. His crew fired on a family of five in a sampan, killing the father and an infant. Kerry has refused to produce the after-action report for this incident, but the report of the incident in the Commander Coastal Surveillance Force Vietnam Quarterly Evaluation Report of March 29, 1969 states that five Viet Cong were killed and two Viet Cong were captured. Since this report is based on Kerry's after-action report, it shows that Kerry falsified the report, by turning the dead father into five Viet Cong, turning the mother and child into captured Viet Cong, and ignoring the dead infant. (p. 53-62)

11. In January 1969, Kerry ordered his crewmen to slaughter by machine-gun fire numerous small animals milling around a hamlet on the Song Bo De River. He then personally burned the entire hamlet with a Zippo lighter. (p. 62)

12. Contrary to Kerry's journal entry, he did not confront Admiral Elmo Zumwalt on January 22, 1969 when Admiral Zumwalt addressed the Swift Boat commanders of Coastal Divisions 11 and 13. (p. 63-64)

13. Contrary to what Kerry claimed in the debate with John O'Neill on the Dick Cavett Show, none of the Swift Boat sailors and officers were refusing to carry out orders or starting to mutiny. (p. 64-65)

14. In his biography Tour of Duty, Kerry falsely charges Captain (now Admiral) Roy Hoffman with praising and wanting to give a Silver Star to an officer in the Da Nang Swift division who allegedly slaughtered thirty innocent fisherman. (p. 66-68)

15. In a telephone conversation on March 15, 2004, Kerry told Admiral Hoffman that if he would drop his efforts to organize the Swift Boat veterans against Kerry's candidacy, Kerry would ensure that the revised edition of his biography would be fair and more accurate regarding Hoffman. (p. 68-69)

16. Officers in charge of boats that ran seriously aground were required to report the situation to Coastal Division headquarters immediately because being grounded left them totally vulnerable and left unguarded the area they were to be patrolling. Kerry's boat was once grounded on a sandbar, and rather than risk getting Kerry in trouble, they waited hours for the tide to lift them. (p. 73-74)

17. Kerry would revisit ambush locations and reenact his exploits for his home movie camera. (p. 76)

18. Kerry's second Purple Heart

a. Kerry claims that on February 20, 1969, in the midst of intense rocket and rifle fire, he was hit in the left leg by shrapnel from a rocket-propelled grenade. (p. 77)

b. Rocky Hildreth, the officer of the accompanying boat, denies there was any intense rocket and rifle fire, and there was no damage done to any boat. (p. 78)

c. Van Odell, a sailor on PCF 93, heard Kerry's crew say that Kerry had faked a Purple Heart from his own M-79 grenade wound. In a 2002 email that he disowned after meeting with Kerry, one of Kerry's crewmen questioned this Purple Heart and indicated that it was for a negligently self-inflicted wound. (p. 78)

d. The wound was minor, and Kerry returned to duty only hours later. (p. 78)

19. In February 1969, Kerry's boat was operating with a boat commanded by Bob Hildreth. A mine went off near Hildreth's boat, and then at least five rockets were fired at Hildreth's boat. Rather than stand and fight or return and provide support, as was standard procedure, Kerry fled. Kerry then filed an operating report indicating that his boat rather than Hildreth's encountered the mine and the rocket attack. (p. 79-80)

20. Kerry's Silver Star

a. On February 28, 1969, Kerry was the Officer in Charge of PCF 94 and Officer in Tactical Command of a three-boat mission. He had prearranged with his crew and the other boats that they would turn their boats into and onto the beach if fired upon. (p. 82)

b. The boats were loaded with many South Vietnamese soldiers commanded by Doug Reese and two other advisors. When fired upon, Reese's boat was the first to beach in the ambush zone, and Reese and other troops and advisors (not Kerry) disembarked, killing a number of Viet Cong and capturing weapons. (p. 82-83)

c. After Reese's boat beached, Kerry's boat moved slightly downstream and was struck by a rocket-propelled grenade in its aft cabin. A young Viet Cong popped out of a hole holding a grenade launcher, which may or may not have been loaded, and was shot in the leg with an M-60 machine gun by Tom Belodeau, Kerry's forward gunner. (p. 83)

d. Kerry's boat was beached, and the wounded Viet Cong fled. Kerry, Michael Medeiros, and possibly others pursued the Viet Cong and shot him in the back. (p. 83)

e. None of the participants on Reese's boat received a Silver Star. Most, if not all, of the non-PCF troops received no medals for this action. (p. 82)

21. Kerry's third Purple Heart and Bronze Star

a. On the morning of March 13, 1969, Kerry sustained a minor shrapnel wound in his buttocks when being too close to a grenade that he set off in a rice cache that was slated for destruction. (p. 87-89)

b. Later that day, Kerry's boat (PCF 94) was among several Swift Boats operating jointly on a river. A mine exploded under PCF 3, a boat commanded by Dick Pease. The crewmen of PCF 3 were thrown into the water and its officers were injured and suffered concussions. (p. 89-90)

c. The only mine to explode was the one that exploded under PCF 3, and there was no other hostile fire. The boats began firing after the mine exploded but ceased after a short time because of the lack of hostile fire. Contrary to standard doctrine, Kerry's boat fled, disappearing several hundred yards away. The remaining boats stayed to defend the disabled PCF 3 and its crewmen in the water. (p. 90)

d. Jack Chenoweth's boat picked up the PCF 3 crewmen thrown into the water, an action for which Chenoweth received no medals. After falling in the water on his first attempt, Larry Thurlow was able to board and bring the badly damaged PCF 3 to a stop. (p. 90)

e. During the incident, Jim Rassmann had fallen or been knocked out of either Kerry's boat or PCF 35. When he was spotted in the water, Chenoweth's boat, with the PCF 3 crew aboard, went to pick him up. Kerry's boat, returning to the scene, reached Rassmann about twenty yards before Chenoweth. Kerry picked up Rassmann. (p. 90-91)

f. When Chenoweth's boat left a second time to deliver the wounded PCF 3 crewmen to a Coast Guard cutter offshore, Kerry hopped in the boat, leaving to others the saving of the PCF 3. (p. 91)

g. The only injury Kerry possibly suffered in the event was a minor contusion of his arm. He was never bleeding from his arm. The minor shrapnel wound (tweezer-and-Band-Aid variety) Kerry attributed to the mine explosion was from earlier in the day when he set off the grenade in the rice cache. (p. 87-92)

22. Contrary to Kerry's assertion in his 1971 appearance on the Dick Cavett Show, he very quickly, if not immediately, sought reassignment to the U.S. after his third "wound." His request for reassignment had already reached the Navy Department in Washington by March 17, 1969. (p. 94)


1. Ted Kennedy helped to arrange Kerry's testimony with William Fullbright, an antiwar Senator who chaired the committee before which Kerry testified. In preparing his "testimony," Kerry recruited the assistance of Adam Walinksy, a speechwriter noted for his work with Robert Kennedy. (p. 99-103)

2. In that testimony, Kerry, a leader in the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, reported as credible the results of the VVAW's "Winter Soldier Investigation." The testimony taken during that "investigation" has been thoroughly debunked. For example, eleven who claimed to have been veterans had no record of having served in the U.S. military. Others who claimed to be veterans testified under false names, pretending to be people who actually had served in the military. The VVAW did not perform thorough background checks of those testifying, did not require sworn statements, and did not require independent corroboration of the testimony. Even Al Hubbard, the executive director of the VVAW, was shown to have lied about his rank, his service in Vietnam, and his alleged injury. When the Naval Criminal Investigative Service conducted a military inquiry into VVAW's allegations, the VVAW refused to cooperate. (p. 108-116, 125)

3. In 1970, while the U.S. was at war with North Vietnam, Kerry met privately in Paris with a leading representative of the Vietnamese Communists. (p. 126-129)

4. Kerry continued as a representative of the VVAW for nearly five months after he was aware that leaders of the VVAW were actively working and coordinating with the Vietnamese Communists. (p. 130-135, 158-159)

5. In a public speech on June 29, 1971, John Kerry described Ho Chi Minh, the founder of Vietnamese Communism, as "the George Washington of Vietnam." (p. 137)

6. Despite having denied it, Kerry was present at the November 1971 meeting of the VVAW in which Scott Camil proposed that the VVAW assassinate a group of U.S. senators who supported the war in Vietnam. (p. 140-143)

7. Kerry was in the Naval Reserves, and thus receiving pay from the Navy, until July 1972 when he went on Standby Naval Reserve. While a member of the Naval Reserves, Kerry met with the enemy in Paris, falsely accused the U.S. military of implementing a criminal military policy, advocated positions of the Vietnamese Communists, and gave speeches and testimony used by the enemy in their propaganda efforts. (p. 161-165)

8. Kerry is honored in Vietnam for his role in aiding the Vietnamese Communists. (p. 167-174)



Hey, hey
Ho, ho
Kerry - sign the 1-8-0

posted on September 15, 2004 11:58:44 AM new
No matter what or how many times you C&P attacks on Kerry YOU have never,

and will never be able to defend, bush's total lack of a "war" record.

He was a coward who couldn't face combat.......

posted on September 15, 2004 07:12:06 PM new
CROWFARM, understand bear only has that F word station pumped into his bunker and he is brain washed.

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