posted on October 16, 2004 01:38:24 PM newbut the liberals take saddam's side...since he was such a 'swell guy' and all...against their own country. And it appears the Canadians here do too.
Linda_K, Canada is not taking Saddam's side and I am not taking Saddam's side. You should spend some time reading some real facts instead of those rag sites you covet because you only continue to spread propaganda. Your being ill-informed is not an asset if we choose to disagree on matters.
Fred, perhaps you should take some time and read about Canada and other countries involvement in previous wars and their contributions. Then you may have a better mind set about history.
It's time for both of you to peek out of your confines and see the entire world. Hey! It's really big with lots of other countries and with lots of people that view things a bit different than you do and there's nothing wrong with that.
posted on October 16, 2004 03:02:02 PM new
bunni - I can see neither of us have moved from our positions since before we invaded...don't expect that's going to ever change.
But on the chosing sides...I'm referring to the fact that there is NO proof he didn't have them just because they haven't been found.
Look what was found this past week....hundreds of bodies of women and children buried in the sand. Just like the womd could be.
So to be more clear...I'm saying since we have no proof he didn't....nor proof he did...I'll take my countries side but comparing how our two countries operate....and I choose our side....not to give saddam the benefit of the doubt...but rather give the benefit of the doubt to our last THREE administrations and all those who believed he did. Even clinton said saddam had become an expert at fooling the inspectors....I could see that still being the case now.
And you're talking about pre-emption. I fully support pre-empting any country our intelligence says is presenting a thread to our nation.
I don't agree with kerry's position....we'll negotiate with them...or we'll act AFTER we're attacked. Nope....head them off at the pass.
posted on October 16, 2004 07:08:49 PM newThere is not one nation that has not benefited from them including Canada. The forgiving of billions of dollars of debt for all Nations. For this alone these governments should support the monetary part of the War in Iraq. There is not one Nation in the world that does not owe this generation its existence.
So did we ever pay France back for all the help she gave us in our war for independence ? It is strongly supported that there would be no United States had it not been for France. There are many nations in the world that do not owe anything to that generation.
All the cost and rebuilding of Britain, Germany, France, Russia, China, Japan and the rest of the world forgiven.On the backs the labor of old men, women & those who fought in this great war started Germany & Japan.
And we gained no benefits from the Marshall Plan or rebuilding Japan? Don't mistake our motivations for rebuilding these coutries as some sort of great charity on our part. It was done to prevent the USSR from gaining a foothold in these war ravaged countries.
[i]A movie made after the War. The Best Years Of Our Lives. Won many awards, today considered a politically incorrect movie by the Hollywood left and its truth a lie.
True Heroes reduced to a rewriting history of political correctness, by those that live in a world blinders for the truth.[/i]
What ?? I am aware of no one in Hollywood calling that movie un-PC.
From World War I to Vietnam the enemy torture of it prisoners is a forgotten as a by line in history of normal relations.
And we never tortured or allowed torture of POWs ? Think again.
So what does this have to do with Iraq?.Not a Damn thing. But, it has everything to do with the mine set of rewriting history and those that could not care less.
History is constantly being revised as more facts are revealed.
There is one fact being uncovered now regarding Gen. Eisenhower purposely allowing thousands of German POWs to starve to death after D-Day.
In WWII we also allowed our own POWs to be fired on and killed by our own air forces to protect our code breaking intel.
That Vietnam was a dismal failure of policy and strategy is undeniable.
NVA and Cong Prisoners were tortured by Americans and by the South Vietnamese.
There are atrocities committed by all sides in every war. Arguing which side committed the worst atrocities is a fools errand.
There is information about WWII, Korea, and Vietnam that is still classified.
History is being rewritten, it must be revised as more information is discovered or released.
Maintaining a propagandized or stagnant world view in light of changing realities is not only intellectually dishonest, it is also dangerous.
posted on October 20, 2004 11:35:59 AM new
Linda, you can lead the liberal weenies to the facts, but you can't make them see the truth.
Like Reamond, above post, most of them just want to shine the spotlight on what they conceive as the wrongs done by America and bemoan our actions. They refuse to see anything in context or consider the valid reasons for our actions. To make a long story short, they are #*!@ for brains.