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posted on August 28, 2000 07:27:02 PM new
Wow and the comedy still continues... thanks todie.
Ain't Life Grand...

oops it's todie, not toadie
[ edited by twelvepole on Aug 28, 2000 07:28 PM ]
posted on August 28, 2000 07:52:52 PM new
twelvepole: I think you are listing on the wrong thread. Please go back and check, there was nothing comical about this thread.

posted on August 28, 2000 07:58:23 PM new
And how is that todie? Dr. Beetle blew away the monopoly theory, which most people already knew eBay is not a monopoly and you try to dismiss that as not part of the discussion. I think that is very funny.
posted on August 28, 2000 08:01:10 PM new
twelvepole: No he didn't, once again...In response to statements about the ebay monopoly that we are currently seeing:

"Until someone can prove that eBay conspires with it’s competitors to fix prices (Sherman Act), is buying companies to gain control of the marketplace (Clayton Act) or is using unfair tactics in the marketplace (FTC Act – and this is where they nailed Microsoft) their chances of making a case for a prosecutable monopoly are slim to none. " (Doctor Beetle's thoughts)

I don't think ebay conspires with its competitors to fix prices (neither was bill gates since you brought him up) so that is not the issue here. Actually most other sites are free or close to it. This is actually what our gas companies have been doing lately and not really pertinent to this discussion so we'll let that one rest. About using unfair tactics they are definitely guilty of this. Proof of this was when they bought out AAPRO to hurt their competitors and keep their monopoly running. Their attempts to merge with yahoo this spring proved they wanted to squelch any competition. The fact that eBay doesn't want their auctions listed in the same online auction search engines such as Bidders Edge prove that ebay is trying to distance their customers from other potential sites thus ruining the chances of those sites every getting off the ground since ebay does hold with an iron fist 95% of the online auction industry. About the price fixing part they haven't been involved in raising their prices since Sept 1, 1999. I do know that it will happen again based on a few big name mergers they have made lately and the implications that those bring to the table and the fact that their stockholders are upset about all the money they have been consistently losing being invested in ebay that they will have no other choice but to raise prices to rescue them. If eBay raises its prices from a basic listing fee of $0.25-$0.35 or raises basic commissions from 5%-7.5% will it be considered a monopoly then? I guess time will tell. The fact of the matter is that when they do do that no one will be able to go anywhere else and be successful because they have all put all their eggs in one basket. It is a trap under the fist of a 1000 lb gorilla as stated before by many other disgruntled ebay members. eBay is a monopoly and will be exposed for being a monopoly soon I hope.

As far as my standing with eBay:

Incase you guys haven't been able to figure it out by now I do not care at all for epay. I have never called for their dustruction. I have called for two things: The destructions of the epay monopoly and the reinstatement of my account which was wrongly taken from me. I want to hear some of you people who so firmly support ebay on here explain to me why it is right for them to withhold the information in my case in which they have accused me of fraud and refuse to state their proof for this accusation. I have waited 8 months and in case they haven't noticed after 23 emails, 6 phone calls, website designed against them, my postings on this board, and my email correspondance with hundreds of other disgruntled ebayers and growing everyday, I am not going away anytime soon.

You can agree or disagree with this but this is how it is and to say its otherwise is merely speculation but ebay is a monopoly and most people who understand what a monopoly is and don't have a pre conceived idea about this will be able to tell you that.


posted on August 28, 2000 08:07:20 PM new
twelvepole? have you anything else to say?

posted on August 28, 2000 08:33:59 PM new
Just checking in, I'll be back later for another ebay scam update! Leave your messages as you think them up. But don't think too hard, makes your head hurt...

posted on August 28, 2000 09:45:21 PM new
Back to banner ads in ebay search. This is a new concept, and ebay has been working on it for a while. Thats why our item search is so messed up. Ebay is just starting to sell the ads, they had to get the product to work first.

The real ads are slowly drifting in. So do you want to see how it will work when all the spots are sold?

Just go to ebay search, and type in Steve Young (NFL quarterback for the SF 49ers) Let me know what you think of the link. And how you would feel If you were dealing in signed sports stuff. Ed
posted on August 28, 2000 09:54:19 PM new
todie, I understand the part about corresponding with other ebayers.

But why are you 'growing every day'? Did I miss something here?

posted on August 28, 2000 10:02:19 PM new
bearmom: I recieve more and more people every day who wish to be added to a weekly anti-ebay monopoly mailing list I have. There are thousands of disgruntled people that I have had the joy of being in contact with. Let me know if you have any further questions...

Ed: Yep, ebay is all about the money. We should hope the ads do work out for them though because if they don't you know who will be paying for the lack of stock performance lately? The ebay sellers (who typically are the one's who are mad at ebay) will be forced to pay increased listing and commission fees.

posted on August 28, 2000 10:07:29 PM new
Yes I do, todie. Your rhetoric just doesn't wash with me.
8 months of holding a grudge? Obsessed with the outlandish notion that eBay is a monopoly. Don Quixote has nothing on you my friend.
Ain't Life Grand...
posted on August 28, 2000 10:13:47 PM new
I recieve more and more people every day who wish to be added to a weekly anti-ebay monopoly mailing list

Do they get Monopoly Money?

posted on August 28, 2000 10:14:30 PM new
I wasn't going to post on this thread, but what the heck...

Yep, ebay is all about the money.

And what, pray tell, are your 20,000 magazines about? Here's a hint- you are likely to sway more people with arguments that are not hypocritical. But that's just my opinion... I'm sure you must feel differently.

Good luck with the windmills.

posted on August 28, 2000 10:27:44 PM new
twelvepole: Obviously you don't have a whole lot of value to add to the conversation thus the ad hominen attacks.

krs: Nearly the same comment for you except I would say that all the monopoly money is in ebay.

potatoe: You misread my post and that is my fault, I expressed myself more thoroughly on another site's post because we were discussing this topic also there. The comment was directed to Ed's very observant finding of how eBay is now selling their best spots to the person who is willing to pay top dollar for the ads on pages that deal with the same item as the person who is doing the search is looking for. Thus you type in "Steve Young" the first thing on that page you will see is an ad banner that advertising a company or organization that sells Steve Young merchandise. This undoubtedly detracts from the sales of other ebay sellers. Be honest with yourself, if you were selling Steve Young items right now would you be happy? I doubt it...

posted on August 28, 2000 11:31:23 PM new
I believe the critics have been silenced for today....

posted on August 28, 2000 11:33:32 PM new
Folks: Before you post on the New Banner ads. Please look at one yourself. And click the ad and read the site. Makes you think you are dealing direct with that Person. Ed
posted on August 29, 2000 12:27:48 AM new
Ah, well, see what happens when you're out living a life.

Dude. The experience most AW regulars have had is that eBay has to be prodded to remove people for fraud. Given that, we assume that if you were pitched for fraud, something must have been going on. ie, we assume you guilty rather than innocent. You want sympathy? Call Mom.

posted on August 29, 2000 01:35:09 AM new
Dave: This is America, you have it backwards...how dare you assume I'm guilty when you know nothing of the facts of my dispute. Shame on you. I have a life also, it deals with online auctions still so when I'm online I check this board. I think I may be able to recieve more sympathy and compassion from a brick wall. Great testament of human sympathy there. I'm speechless.

posted on August 29, 2000 01:40:21 AM new
eBay Toll Free Number:

posted on August 29, 2000 01:44:11 AM new
todie, that wasn't an attack, it was a statement to get you to re-examine your posts.
For one so named and what you are posting, even after being shown you are wrong about ebay, is somewhat comical.
You may of had a legitimate beef, but so far I haven't seen the real reason you were terminated from eBay. Exactly what was your fraud? If you really believe in the words you are posting, then you would be honest enough to tell people. Come on, this thread is over 200 hundred posts and one more long one from you with some truth about WHY you are terminated would be nice. Will I ever visit your website NOPE, not until I hear the truth here.
Ain't Life Grand...
posted on August 29, 2000 05:37:37 AM new
Todie says “…but ebay is a monopoly and most people who understand what a monopoly is and don't have a pre conceived idea about this will be able to tell you that.” It is apparent from your total invulnerability to logic and reason that the one and only activity that qualifies eBay as a monopoly is that they exclude you.

Earlier I asked you (twice) what you would do if eBay was judged a monopoly by the federal government. You dodged the question. But think about the traditional remedies for dealing with monopolistic enterprises. The classic action is to break them into pieces. In order to implement this traditional solution eBay would have to be broken into more than one company.

Since they are so popular steps will be required to keep too many people from listing auctions on the original site. Very few people will want to list on the newly created sites (the 100 little monkeys that came from your 1,000 pound gorilla) because it is the eBay brand that has recognition and drawing power. It will be painful but they will have to do a wholesale exclusion of a large number of sellers. But in the end it will be worth it because the evil empire will have received it’s just desserts.

So Todie, in reality, you are on the leading edge. You’re a frontrunner, one of the first in a federally mandated million auction march. Maybe eBay secretly agrees with you, maybe they hear the baying of the federal anti-trust bloodhounds in the distance, maybe they just got an early start by launching you into the monopoly free post-eBay marketplace before they were forced to do so by the feds.

Todie, I salute you for blazing the trail, for boldly going forth. You’re a pioneer, in short.... You da man!

Dr. Beetle

posted on August 29, 2000 07:15:32 AM new

"Your story has become tiresome."

posted on August 29, 2000 02:10:32 PM new
twelve: I have already explained twice in these posts the exact reason ebay gave me for suspending my account. If you would scroll up and review them you would see this quite simply. Please go up and review these. Ebay was wrong and the fact they have been unable to show any evidence supporting their claim of fraud against me is a sign of a cover-up the way I see it. What other reason do they have for not telling me who reported me for fraud and why? Anyone care to comment? You can post here or email me:

[email protected]

posted on August 29, 2000 09:09:16 PM new
timeforebaytodie - Having dealt with the World's Largest Online Trading Venue on two occasions. I can actually relate to why you have been suspended. I can actually believe that someone at safeharbor made a mistake. And I can also believe that safeharbor refuses correct the mistake. With that said, I can also tell you that you are dealing with a company full of liars in upper management. Also in that same upper management are some of the most arrogant people in the State of California.

I visited your site, interesting reading if I may say so. I can relate to your plight about trying to get back on ebay. I even understand why, you have an inventory that will fetch the best price to you if it is sold on ebay. Nothing wrong with that IMHO. However as pointed out by Doctorbeetle ebay isn't a Monopoly as the various acts Clayton and Sherman are currently interpretted by the courts. However, ebay is guilty of abusing the poorly written laws covering cyberspace. The problem with that abuse is if they manage to get enough loose lame interpretations of the law in their favor. Nothing short of the ability to through millions of PAC Dollars at Congress will get the laws changed to benefit the consumer as well as protect the company.

Don't waste your time arguing with the ebay is the greatest thing in the world crowd. Those same people if they were the victims of ebay's rather loosey goosey use of its rules they would have the ability to relate to your plight. Lucky for them they haven't had the pleasure of seeing that part of ebay. Now it has been suggested that you register a new account and startover. Major infraction of ebay's rules. But let's face facts ebay doesn't know who is on first or who is behind the user name. And as long as you don't have any other problems they would never know. And if you really have 20,000 magazines to list they stand to make $4,000.00 in listing fees off your new ID. Trust me the greed mongers at San Jose will cheerfully collect their listing fees for that inventory. So startover fresh and strive to avoid the problem that caused your current plight.
posted on August 29, 2000 09:22:38 PM new
timeforebaytodie, I think you might want to read this article about the legality of "SUCK" sites. It could be helpful!! http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,38056,00.html

posted on August 29, 2000 09:22:45 PM new

I recieved spam from you today. Spam is one of my biggest pet peeves. I HATE spam. I dump all spam into the trash bin. I handle junk mail the same way. Since I read this thread or at least some of it last night I didn't have to read very far through your spam to know it was from you.

Spam is not a good idea. Spam makes people angry. It makes me angry!

I am not an ebay cheerleader. I sell on ebay to feed abused animals that I have adopted. If I didn't sell on ebay I could still feed my animals. I have alot of compassion for people who have to make a living off ebay. I am blessed that I am not walking in their shoes right now. Maybe in the future....who knows?

But regardless of how disgruntled I become I would not join a group. And now for sure I won't have anything to do with whatever group you are leading.

"It is one of the commonest of mistakes to consider
that the limit of our power of perception is also the
limit of all there is to perceive."--C.W.L.

posted on August 29, 2000 09:43:55 PM new

"Don't waste your time arguing with the ebay is the greatest thing in the world crowd. Those same people if they were the victims of ebay's rather loosey goosey use of its rules they would have the ability to relate to your plight. Lucky for them they haven't had the pleasure of seeing that part of ebay"

Actually, you're quite wrong. There are a number of people here who have been in his shoes, that's how we know that he ia wasting his time with all of his efforts.
The poor boy is a babe in the woods.

Your suggestion can work, but he should know that they do track CC info as well as IP addresses when their suspicions are aroused. And money of the relatively small amount being spoken of here will not defer or dilute an adverse action. It takes a very clever seller to get away with it, and this person is not clever enough.

posted on August 29, 2000 10:12:02 PM new
KRS: The malicious ad hominen attacks from you are getting old. Please stop adding to the post if all you have to say is negative things about me. Lets think about this here, if I wanted to get back on ebay I would do the following: Buy a new computer, new credit card, new mailing address, etc. Its not very hard. I know you didn't realize this but, well...anyway.

Network67: I agree with most of what you said, unfortunately there are those folks in here who as I have stated before have sold their souls to ebay and think they can do no wrong. To those people you are a liar and they question your intelligence, etc. I'm sorry but anyone who sells their soul to a large "monopolistic" company like eBay needs to do a reality check and look in the mirror on those issues. As far as the monopoly aspect is concerned I agree that eBay will do all in their power to keep the people in Washington away from them. But I do believe eBay is a monopoly. I don't think you can 100% prove it isn't or I can the otherway around but I think these discussions will eventually go public and I do believe 100% that eBay will be broken up someday, probably not for a few years yet unfortunately. But tell me this, who is eBay's serious competitor who is going to keep eBay from hiking prices on us and making sure they stay in line? Think about it...

posted on August 29, 2000 10:36:25 PM new
eBay and its diehards only wish this post would die!..

posted on August 29, 2000 10:51:59 PM new
timeforebaytodie - Well ebay has a lot of competition. Yahoo is serious competition all they have to do is market yahoo auctions. The specialty niche sites are chipping away at individual categories of ebay. And the other used car sites have all but buried ebay motors.

Like I said in my prior post the current interpretation of Anti-Trust Laws says ebay is not a monopoly. They aquired their dominating market share in the US on the sole virtue of marketing their services. They used be at all the major expositions where they would find potential sellers. Now they don't bother to rent a booth. Well their competition is renting those booths and ebay is losing specialty sellers in a lot of categories.

Market Dominance and Monopoly are two easily confused concepts. Until ebay starts to work to derail potential competition or engage in practices to destroy the current competition they are not a monopoly they are a company who has the LUCK of starting a concept. And as many here will attest I have very little love of ebay and got the legal bills to prove it. But then again ebay has the legal bills to prove they are not as powerful as they thought they were.

posted on August 29, 2000 11:00:03 PM new
Networker: So did you take them to court or something? What are you trying to say in that last paragraph?

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