posted on February 4, 2005 07:35:41 PM new
Come on Crowfarm. Every thread seems like an open invitation for your long-winded diatribes towards Linda and Libra. Can't you be just a bit nicer once in a while?
posted on February 4, 2005 08:09:09 PM new
EXcuuuuse me , Kraft, I'll point out where the long winded diatribe started in this thread.....with Libra.
So it leaves me wondering why you believe I should be restrained but not those two ?????
Like I pointed out to Libra...if she wants it private....use email.
BOTH linduh and libra have made a point of saying that I can dish it out but can't take it (in long diatribes)...implying that they can can they or can't they ????????
posted on February 4, 2005 08:22:52 PM new
What the coward be civil and say something we know she would never have the backbone to say to someone's face... LOL
posted on February 4, 2005 08:23:18 PM new
Hope you are feeling better Libra...
posted on February 4, 2005 08:25:22 PM new
OOOOhhhhh the great all-knowing twelve, the mighty seer, he can see through computer monitors, read minds, see people in his crystal ball.......
what a jackass.
posted on February 4, 2005 11:08:44 PM new
Kraft - why bother? You know, still no one has been able to answer my question posed a few days ago... It has not had anything valid to say for months. Why continue to validate it's behavior by aknowledging it?
This like watching a child throwing a temper tantrum in the grocery story except in the store everyone avoids that isle and here everyone plays the kids game. If everyone would just move on to the next isle it might just get bored and knock off the childish crap.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on February 4, 2005 11:32:05 PM new
THEY started it... THEY should be restrained... THEY can't take it. Listen to yourself Crowfarm!
Fenix, it's just plain curiosity with me. I find odd behaviour fascinating. (That's why I'm crazy about Twelve.)
posted on February 5, 2005 04:00:11 AM new
hey what about me???? what?? Im chopped liver???
posted on February 5, 2005 05:17:41 AM new
Come on you guys. I didn't start this thread so that insults could be tossed around. I have the flu and guess what: I'm whinning about it. I'm whinning loud and clear. Heck, there has to be some way to payback the men in this household for how much they don't help out around here! LOL!
It's going to be sunny and 50 here today and there's nothing like the Vitamin D from the sun to make you feel better. I'm going to park myself on the front porch to soak some of it up while I make the men folk around here clean the house.
Glad to hear you are feeling better. I just want to get rid of this cough! Everything aches from coughing so much. I tried the TheraFlu and all I can say is: YUK! I couldn't get it down it tasted so bad. I just don't want to crack another rib from coughing. I remember that episode all too well.
My acupuncturist said Vitamin E and Garlic will do the trick. I'm sending Ken out today to pick it up. I suppose I could chew on a Garlic clove (that would be one way to clear the house out and give me some alone time), but I think I prefer a pill.
Yes indeed, you too are an oddity. Hope that makes you feel better.
Crowfarm and Maggie
Once in a while it is nice to put things behind you and just be nice for the sake of being nice. Libra and I disagree all the time, but I know when insulting her or anyone else is not appropriate.
"No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power." ~ P.J. O'Rourke
posted on February 5, 2005 05:51:21 AM new
"ome on you guys. I didn't start this thread so that insults could be tossed around. I have the flu and guess what: I'm whinning about it."
pansy ass democrat
posted on February 5, 2005 05:52:44 AM new
"Yes indeed, you too are an oddity. Hope that makes you feel better"
yes it does...krafts on classic's sh*t list
not that she cares mind you
posted on February 5, 2005 05:53:50 AM new
"Crowfarm and Maggie
Once in a while it is nice to put things behind you and just be nice for the sake of being nice."
did ya ever hear of walking on water,or parting of the Red sea???
posted on February 5, 2005 07:04:45 AM new
"""""Crowfarm and Maggie
Once in a while it is nice to put things behind you and just be nice for the sake of being nice.""""""
Once again the spineless women in here bow and worship at their phallic altar and chant the rules that have been drilled into their heads.....
....women should be nice... can say anything....
Well, sorry, oh spineless doormats but I make up my own rules and your double standard is just too old-fashioned for me.
But please have the decency not to vote in the next're not equal to men and really shouldn't have that right (and many others)........
posted on February 5, 2005 07:08:48 AM new
"Crowfarm and Maggie
Once in a while it is nice to put things behind you and just be nice for the sake of being nice."
Excuse me? I haven't been nice? Would you please care to show me where I have been nasty to anyone lately???? Sheesh.. even Linda and I have been enjoying conversation lately...Why the need to slam me Cheryl? Dam.. seems like I can't ever get it right here..LOL.. I'm dammed if I'm nice or dammed if I'm naughty.. Okay, I get the hint..
posted on February 5, 2005 07:16:04 AM new
I just read your post, Crow.. and you are so right with the double standard thing.. the women will always slam another woman, but Twelve and Classy, Parklane, etc.. can call names, use foul language and even start entire threads to slur someone.. but their names are NEVER mentioned...oh no, they are never called on it... shame isn't it.. and by the way...Twelve is laughing his ass off.. with all his little women here going after two of their own... exactly how he planned it... LOL...oh well...
posted on February 5, 2005 07:20:24 AM new
I see the two "windbags" are in here.Now I know why they invented duct tape.I see they are in here AT the same time AGAIN.Its quite evident they must email each other when they plan to come in.I guess they feel safer,so they can back each other up-pansy ass's
[ edited by classicrock000 on Feb 5, 2005 07:34 AM ]
posted on February 5, 2005 07:31:08 AM new
I believe it's called integrity. Fence straddlers don't have it.
posted on February 5, 2005 07:31:10 AM new
Thanks a lot Classy.. I guess I won't be winning any popularity contests around here.. LOL...
a girl can take a hint.. I just don't think it was necessary.. Real nice way to start my day..
posted on February 5, 2005 07:32:42 AM new
"Once in a while it is nice to put things behind you and just be nice for the sake of being nice."
What total BS!
posted on February 5, 2005 07:35:35 AM new
oh I see the third one came in..LOL
posted on February 5, 2005 07:36:55 AM new
now wheres crow?? what is this a tag-team match???
posted on February 5, 2005 07:41:46 AM new
posted on February 5, 2005 07:20:24 AM
I see the two "windbags" are in here.Now I know why they invented duct tape.I see they are in here AT the same time AGAIN.Its quite evident they must email each other when they plan to come in.I guess they feel safer,so they can back each other up-pansy ass's """""""
Now let's see if one of these nice little well-trained white gloved pursed lipped ladies can tell classic,
"""Once in a while it is nice to put things behind you and just be nice for the sake of being nice.""""
5.) Rampant Sexism
The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy.
The Bush Administration issues medical guidelines that rape victims should just carry the child to term
Bush refuses to sign U.N proposal on women's "sexual" rights
Partial Birth Abortion Act of 2003 failed to provide any exception if a woman's health is at stake.
Justice Dept. Demands Abortion Records
W. David Hager chairman of the FDA's Reproductive Health Drugs Advisory Committee does not prescribe contraceptives for single women, does not do abortions, will not prescribe RU-486 and will not insert IUDs. Hager believes that headaches, PMS and eating disorders can be cured by reading Scripture.
Bush Administration to Extend Health Coverage to Fetuses but Not to Pregnant Women
The State Department has awarded an explicitly anti-feminist U.S. group part of a US$10 million grant to train Iraqi women in political participation and democracy.
GOP candidate approves of the execution of homosexuals
College Republicans Plan 'Straight Pride Week'
Bush calls for constitutional ban on same-sex marriages
According to the Secretary of Education, PBS can air kids shows with evangelicals, but not lesbians
[ edited by crowfarm on Feb 5, 2005 07:45 AM ]
posted on February 5, 2005 07:56:28 AM new
How can you be "nice" to those who constantly make false and malicious statements about your character? I see how these posters operate and even if I don't happen to be their current target I take note and treat them accordingly.
posted on February 5, 2005 08:14:11 AM new
Wow classic... you called that one right... LOL
and right on cue there is helen.... now where is kiara to make the set complete?
posted on February 5, 2005 08:17:05 AM new
And classic's tag team member twelve pops up!
posted on February 5, 2005 08:17:20 AM new
When you going to answer the questions crowfart?
You scared... ROFL....
posted on February 5, 2005 09:38:45 AM new
Hi twelvetroll !
Whether you realize it or not, Crowfarm holds so much power over some of you that you can't even put her on ignore. And don't give me that crap about forgetting to sign in so you saw what she wrote ....... in the time it takes you to sign in and type that insult you're aching to hurl back doesn't it trigger a response somewhere in your brain that you're SUPPOSED to have Crowfarm on ignore?
Face it, those of you who pretend to have her on ignore just can't help getting in the digs and you love every bit of it even when you come back playing victim, whining your fat little azzes off about how mean Crowfarm is.
HEY! It's amusing each time I check in and see how many twits have fallen off the "ignore button" wagon ......... some of you over and over again.
edited to remove an 's'.
[ edited by kiara on Feb 5, 2005 10:02 AM ]
posted on February 5, 2005 09:51:59 AM new
I took everyone off of ignore the first of the year. It is impressive how rapidly a few re-qualified. Both cowflop and twelve have been borderline, but amusing. The adolescent male hating by cowflop re-defines bigotry. Twelve's posts have changed slightly in substance; either a change in paradigm, or a different poster.
liberalism, the last bastion of elitism
posted on February 5, 2005 10:43:45 AM new
Hey the set's complete... summon and she appears... just like a good little wench...
I have no intention of putting her on ignore... she is a coward and love showing her as such...
Notice you only pop in for bitterness now kiara ain't you special... seems I was correct about you all along...
[ edited by Twelvepole on Feb 5, 2005 10:46 AM ]
posted on February 5, 2005 10:47:48 AM new
I have no intention of putting her on ignore... she is a coward and lover showing her as such...
Ya, I had you figured right all along. You get that hot secret crush on any woman that stands up to you here.
"Lover"....... hahahaha..... in your dreams! LOL