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posted on February 10, 2005 02:26:51 PM new
logansdad - Our reasons for leaving S.J. have nothing to do with this topic AND are really none of your business

Avoiding the question like always Linda. It must not have been so bad then as you had made it seem.

But I do notice in all your venting that neither of you have 'declared' just how proud are you? for this country. That means what? That you do fall in the 1% of those polled who don't?

How I feel about this country is none of your business. I hope that is a good enough answer for you.

I would be supporting my country in the exact same way if we had a democratic president who was taking the same actions. As I have mention several times...I did support the clinton administration when they made it our national policy to liberate Iraq and remove saddam. I did support the bombing of Iraq by clinton.

Well that is good for you. You are free to feel and think and act any way you want. But don't start pushing your views on the rest of us here. I supported Reagan's views so does that make you happy. I will never support a thing Bush does or say. He has not gained my respect yet.

The people who are more concerned with their own political gains than with the best interests of our nation.

Exactly why I hate Bush with a passion. He is more concerned about his agenda than he is about the best interests of this country. The Iraq was planned way before 9/11 and has used it to further his interests and profit from it.

I think we're the greatest even with our 'warts'...

If you have warts Linda you better get to a doctor soon. Are you really sure they are warts and not anything more serious?

Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
"Give it up for George W. Bush, the best friend international jihad ever had." [ edited by logansdad on Feb 10, 2005 05:12 PM ]
posted on February 10, 2005 02:58:33 PM new
Linda, as far as the topic here goes...... didn't you run it off course first with your reference to the ugly and desperate Democrats?

kiara - I have yet to see you say exactly which group of 'how proud are you' of the US you see YOURSELF as being in.

I am proud to say I'm not in a group. I am a free thinker who doesn't believe in categorizing all others into groups or being categorized into one myself. I change some of my thinking as the world changes, I adapt, I survive. I am me.

Being proud of a country and some of its actions is one thing, having total allegiance is something else entirely.

posted on February 10, 2005 03:15:21 PM new
No, I don't believe I did....I just posted MORE facts from the same poll and commented on who I believed might be in the 1% of those who don't. People like you.

LOL So I can take it that you don't approve of American's pledging their allegiance to our country and our flag and what they have always stood for then? Just another difference between us...thank God.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation, under God, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all.

I already know you don't understand the concept of patriotism nor nationalism one bit..it shows in the smugness of your posts.


So logansdad - LOL YOU start a thread about 'how proud are you' and YOU refuse to answer. Figures....

And your reading comprehension is off....not MY warts, I don't have any, but my countries 'warts' ...things that we don't always handle in the best way.

I feel like your questioning why I left SJ would be like me asking why you prefer to sleep with other men - why you choose to be gay and talk about it all the time. Not relivant to the thread topic.

Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 10, 2005 03:47:54 PM new
People like you.

What's that supposed to mean? You don't know me, you only imagine what I'm like and how I think and because I don't think 'carbon copy' to you, you've chosen to categorize me as someone I'm not because it's simpler for your fixed mind to deal with as you put each of us into one end or another of the spectrum.

LOL So I can take it that you don't approve of American's pledging their allegiance to our country and our flag and what they have always stood for then?

I didn't say that I don't approve of it so please don't put words in my mouth. If total allegiance works for others, that's fine with me and I have no problem with it at all.

Why do you have such difficulty seeing that not all people will fit in the same mold? Is your thinking so simplistic that you can't possibly understand that others view things on a more complex level, thus you call us 'smug'?

If you think I'm 'smug' because I question the policies of a government and I'm open to all ideas brought forward within a country and how they will relate worldwide, instead of nodding and approving with each and every action of an elected leader no matter the consequence, then I guess I'm 'smug' and proud to be so.

posted on February 10, 2005 04:52:38 PM new


Logical fallacy

Argument against the Person (Ad hominem):

Attacking the source of an argument instead of the argument itself. This also comes in several varieties:

Abusive: Lynch says that we should spend more state revenue on education because doing so would result in a more productive workforce. But lynch is a bleeding-heart, liberal Yankee from New York -- so you know that his opinion is worthless.

Circumstantial: Lynch says that we should spend more state revenue on education. But Lynch is a professor who wants a better salary -- so you know that his opinion is worthless.

From Hypocrisy: You've claimed that smoking is bad for one's health; but you smoke too.

posted on February 10, 2005 05:12:14 PM new
You come across to me as a true Internationalist and one who wants this 'world order' utopia. It's not reality, imo.

Wow Linda, you say this to Kiara, but the same can be said of you. You are the one that wants everyone to get behind Bush and support everything he does and say. When they don't you call them Un-American. You are the one that wants everyone to have the same more values that you share. When they don't share the same values as you, you say they are ruining the country.

Now who is not living in reality!!!! So Linda where does your little utopia exist?

Oh and I make my judgement of you based on what you post. You are the most un-American person I have ever met.

Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
"Give it up for George W. Bush, the best friend international jihad ever had."
posted on February 10, 2005 05:20:59 PM new
So logansdad - LOL YOU start a thread about 'how proud are you' and YOU refuse to answer. Figures....

I did answer the question. It is just you are to blind to read between the lines. And as I said before now matter what I said, it would not have changed your mind of what you believe my views are.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation, under God, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all.

Again Linda you post this, but fail to understand the meaning behind it.

indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all.....you forgot to add your usual tag line......only when it comes to those who share the same views as you.

1. a The condition of being free from restriction or control.
b. The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing.
c. The condition of being physically and legally free from confinement, servitude, or forced labor. See Synonyms at freedom.
2. Freedom from unjust or undue governmental control.
3. A right or immunity to engage in certain actions without control or interference: the liberties protected by the Bill of Rights.

You better understand the meaning of liberty before you start accusing people of not having any.

As I said before Linda, you are the most Un-American person here. I make my judgements based on what you post.

Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
"Give it up for George W. Bush, the best friend international jihad ever had."
posted on February 10, 2005 05:48:14 PM new
I prefer to stick with Ann Coulter when she discusses how to 'talk to liberals' {if we must}. She has you, kiara and logansdad pegged in more ways than one.

Coulter on liberals:

COULTER: Usually all you have to do is defend the United States of America. That enrages them.

COULTER: I think the problem the Democrats have is, no one really believes they're authentic patriots and they would ever say that any war in defense of America is the right war at the right time in the right place. They wouldn't fight any place. They keep having this apocryphal idea that there's some war they would fight. On the criteria they have set out, you know, they wouldn't fight World War II. [...] And everyone knows that Democrats won't fight a war.

COULTER: Not only attention, it is to try to discredit us, and I mean, this was more the point of my book Slander, though somewhat of this book, and that is liberals don't wanna take you on on substance. What they wanna do is say this person is crazy, this person is stupid, don't listen to this person, this person is a fascist--danger, danger--America, do not listen. They are afraid of public debate.

Those just remind me so much of you three.

Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 10, 2005 06:58:34 PM new

Your dreadful endeavor to emulate Ann Coulter is rather sad and at the same time, a little funny. I suppose you are making it clear that you do not intend to engage in considerate conversation or logical argument.

posted on February 10, 2005 07:19:45 PM new
Ann Coulter is severely myopic. Who gets enraged when defending the U.S. is mentioned? What democrat is against all war? What democrat calls another names instead of debating? She's the queen of hypocrisy. All she talks about is what's wrong with the left instead of facing some of the problems her country is going through. I think she's just pissed off because she wasn't born a man.

posted on February 10, 2005 07:31:57 PM new
Ann Coulter is a self-professed whore......read any of her articles and it bears that out. Plus she herself has admitted to getting sex where ever she can. If Clinton has no morals and can't be believed because of the intern "scandal" why do the stupid neocons in here tout the well-used Ann.

I'll answer that....because she's a hate mongering NAME CALLING piece of crap who says what they like to hear.....like their heroes Rush(the criminal druggie) Limbaugh, Bill (Family Values Start with Phone Sex) O'Riley and DICK(F--You!) Cheney....just to name a few.....the kind of people that they adore.

posted on February 10, 2005 07:38:36 PM new

Oh Linda, what do you expect when they have such thought provoking and intellectual pundits like Michael Moore and Larry Flint to emulate.

P.S. I think your sig line is what they are really PO'd about.

posted on February 10, 2005 07:39:37 PM new
I think we can all gain from your Reasoning Page link, Helen.

She has you, kiara and logansdad pegged in more ways than one.

Wow, Linda..... you still don't get it and never well. You can't come back with a reasonable or intelligent reply so instead you try to join forces with your bitter biddy buddy, Ann Coulter as you still try to 'peg' us.

But then why should I expect anyone who continuously grins and chants "four more years" for months on end to actually have the mind power to grasp that some of us do think for ourselves? LOL

BTW, scraggly Ann embarrassed herself with her own ignorance when she was interviewed on Canadian TV a week or so ago. Is Fox News still being a crybaby over it?

posted on February 10, 2005 07:40:42 PM new
It's starting to look like it's time for me to go find my 'Liberal BS decoder ring'.

Oh and KD....another Canadian...want to share what level of pride you have for America? Extreme pride? A lot of pride or do you too fall in the 1% group who have no pride in America.

Seems we have a topic NO leftie wants to address...

Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 10, 2005 07:46:49 PM new
Hey...yellowstone..long time no see. I agree...and I'm still laughing at helen's statement I suppose you are making it clear that you do not intend to engage in considerate conversation or logical argument. Like they've EVER done that themselves.


Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 10, 2005 08:14:03 PM new
Oh and KD....another Canadian...want to share what level of pride you have for America? Extreme pride? A lot of pride or do you too fall in the 1% group who have no pride in America.

Here you go again Linda. When it comes to some one giving there opinion about America you shoot them down, but you will listen to a Canadian when they share you same view point. How shallow can you be Linda?

It's starting to look like it's time for me to go find my 'Liberal BS decoder ring'.

Linda and her wonder twin powers are beginning to activate. Form of President Bush, Shape of out of control terrorist.

Then she quotes Ann Coulter another self righteous Un-American sock puppet that can't think for herself. Now there is a role model for your children.

Linda do you still need help with the definition of word liberty that you claim to know so much about.

Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
"Give it up for George W. Bush, the best friend international jihad ever had."
posted on February 10, 2005 08:16:46 PM new
Ann Coulter, now there is a credible source without an agenda.

Ann and Linda, two peas in a pod. One presidential sock puppet for each hand.

Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
"Give it up for George W. Bush, the best friend international jihad ever had."
posted on February 10, 2005 08:16:53 PM new
Linda, I could tell you how much pride I have for the U.S., but what difference would it make? If I had the ultimate pride would that elevate me somehow? If I had very little, would that mean I'm anti-American?

posted on February 10, 2005 08:33:29 PM new
Main Entry: lib·er·ty
Pronunciation: 'li-b&r-tE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French liberté, from Latin libertat-, libertas, from liber free -- more at LIBERAL
1 : the quality or state of being free: a : the power to do as one pleases b : freedom from physical restraint c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic control d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges e : the power of choice
2 a : a right or immunity enjoyed by prescription or by grant : PRIVILEGE b : permission especially to go freely within specified limits
3 : an action going beyond normal limits: as a : a breach of etiquette or propriety : FAMILIARITY b : RISK, CHANCE <took foolish liberties with his health> c : a violation of rules or a deviation from standard practice d : a distortion of fact
4 : a short authorized absence from naval duty usually for less than 48 hours
synonym see FREEDOM
- at liberty 1 : FREE 2 : at leisure : UNOCCUPIED

posted on February 10, 2005 08:38:15 PM new
Knowing what the Pledge of Allegiance means is as important as reciting it. Here is a good definition.

"I pledge allegiance" -- I promise to be true.

"to the flag"-- to the sign of our country.

"of the United States of America"-- each state that has joined to make our country.

"and to the Republic"-- a republic is a country where the people choose others to make laws for them. The government is for the people.

"for which it stands,"--the flag means the country.

"one Nation"--a single country.

"under God,"--the people believe in a supreme being.

"indivisible,"--the country cannot be split into parts.

"with liberty and justice"--with freedom and fairness.

"for all."--for each person in the country...you and me.

The pledge says you are promising to be true to the U.S.A.

posted on February 10, 2005 08:54:10 PM new
LOL at you liberal posters who just can't FORCE yourself to say you're even a little proud of America. Doesn't surprise me....not from your previous posts. Makes me laugh as it reminds me of the Fonz and how he just could never get the word I'm 'wrong' out of his mouth. You're that way with saying you're proud to be an American. Of course, two don't live here.

But I think this item is going to become the next hottest selling item on ebay....the 'Liberal BS Decoder Ring'.

February 10, 2005
David Limbaugh and The Liberal B.S. Decoder Ring
Matthew Holmes

In his column last week, "Translation of Democratic Response to President's SOTU Speech," David Limbaugh demonstrated the incredible ability to translate what liberals say into what they actually mean.

This was a brilliant technological breakthrough, seeing as how the Left swears John Kerry only lost the election because Americans weren't smart enough to understand what he stood for.

As a young conservative, I wanted to know how such a translation was possible, and after some exhaustive research, I found out how Limbaugh does it. He uses a top-secret (until now) Liberal BS Decoder Ring ...and now I have one!
I couldn't wait to put this new invention to work, but as any researcher knows, one must first be sure one's equipment is functional before conducting any type of scientific research.

To be sure my Liberal BS Decoder Ring was properly calibrated, I began with a tape recording of the Democratic reaction to the State of the Union Address, to make sure my results confirmed Limbaugh's breakthrough.

As Senator Harry Reid-—who Peggy Noonan described beautifully as looking like a "small town undertaker"—-and Nancy Pelosi—-who, with every new nip and tuck looks more like the Fire Marshall Bill character played by Jim Carrey-—took their seats, I aimed my new super duper BS decipherer at the TV, and prayed it would reveal the secret of what liberals really mean when they speak.

Reid began by borrowing a time honored John Edwards tactic, talking about how he is a small town boy just like you and me. The Nevada Senator struggled to convince us all that he and his fellow liberal Democrats are somehow "everymen" from tiny towns that only have one restaurant, as though you might see him on any given night at the neighborhood Taco Bell.
"I grew up around people of strong values, even if they rarely talked about them. They loved their country, worshipped God, never shunned hard work and never asked for special favors," Reid said.
Like a child raised by wolves, apparently Senator Reid is a liberal raised by conservatives.
"It's time that America's government lived up to the same values as America's families."

The Liberal BS Decoder Ring began to pulse.

Reid turned next to Social Security.
"But maybe most of all, the Bush plan isn't really Social Security reform; it's more like Social Security roulette...Democrats are all for giving Americans more of a say and more choices when it comes to their retirement savings. But that doesn't mean taking Social Security's guarantee and gambling with it. And that's coming from a senator who represents Las Vegas."

The Liberal BS Decoder Ring trembled.

As usual, Democrats volunteered no alternatives to the President's proposals. Reid told reporters that without a specific White House blueprint for overhauling Social Security, he saw no need for Democrats to offer "a counterplan to nothing."
While that doesn't sound like much of a political philosophy, it would make a great slogan for the Democrats as a whole: "The Democratic Party: A Counterplan to Nothing."

Reid finished by accusing Bush of failing to develop a plan for protecting the country from terrorism, an assertion that left Osama bin Laden scratching his head and allegedly even got a laugh out of Saddam Hussein.

At this point, the Liberal BS Decoder Ring was turning red and had begun to smoke.

The undertaker from Nevada then turned the time over to Fire Marshall Bill, who—-with her permanent smile and deer in headlights stare—-begged us to believe that the Iraqi elections—-like the capture of Saddam and the liberation of the country—-did not indicate success there. Rather, it simply meant the United States should have a plan to leave Iraq immediately.
"We all know that the United States cannot stay in Iraq indefinitely and continue to be viewed as an occupying force."

Okay, so you're saying we should leave?

"Neither should we slip out the back door, falsely declaring victory but leaving chaos."

So, we shouldn't leave?

"We have never heard a clear plan from this administration for ending our presence in Iraq."

As opposed to your plan—-Leave but don't Leave—-which is perfectly clear! I kept waiting for Fire Marshall Nan to screech, "Let me show you something!"

It was at this point that the Liberal BS Decoder Ring announced that it had exceeded its BS capacity, warned it would be unable to process further BS, and ultimately, combusted before the end of the speech.

Before it exploded from BS overload, the Liberal BS Decoder Ring was successful in transmitting the following summary of what Pelosi & Reid really said, condensed for easier reading, with the translation of certain liberal terminology shown in parentheses next to the original statements:

"Democrats (liberals) want the American voter (the people of Ohio or Florida) to know that they support the troops (while being against the war), want lower taxes (just not enough to support simplifying the tax code), are chomping at the bit to fix Social Security (even though they claim there is no problem with the current system that a big, fat tax increase years from now can't fix), and share the values of typical Americans (if your typical American is a pro-abortion, anti-American, Christian hating, atheist, or a billionaire options trading political hack , or a tubby disheveled filmmaker who can't seem to find a razor). "We do not hate America (except for the Southern United States, but they don't vote for us anyway). We just hate President Bush (no translation needed).

Also, Democrats (liberals) are not rooting for the insurgents (terrorists) to prevail in Iraq (Vietnam). There is a clear and rational difference between supporting the troops and supporting the war (we call it nuance).
The terrorists want to destroy liberty and the voice of the people (and that's okay with us unless it makes the French mad), whereas liberal Democrats just want to destroy President Bush (no translation needed).
That our agendas seem to constantly parallel one another is purely coincidental (as long as you ignore our fabled history of supporting communists and dictatorships)."

Conservatives need to find a way to increase the BS capacity of these modern translation marvels and immediately begin mass production of this revolutionary tool.
The makers of the Decoder Ring have a monumental task ahead of them. Can you imagine the capacity and durability it will require to store the amounts of BS that spew daily out of Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, George Soros, and Michael Moore?
But it is a job that must be done.

The further Left the Democratic leadership turns, the more important the Liberal BS Decoder Ring will become.


THIS article also has the ultra-left pegged so well and while pointing out truths....puts them in a humorous light that does make one laugh out loud at the craziness of the way the left believe others can't see just how silly they do sound when they speak out of both sides of their mouths. Just like I said on those who say they support our troops.


Matthew Holmes is a North Carolina based columnist for Wildfire Politics. His articles have been featured in The North Carolina Conservative, News Max.Com, World Net Daily.Com, Opinion Editorials.Com and other media outlets.
Four More Years....YES!!! [ edited by Linda_K on Feb 10, 2005 09:06 PM ]
posted on February 10, 2005 09:00:17 PM new
Wow, Ann Coulter, now this boob. What point are you trying to make Linda?

posted on February 10, 2005 09:18:59 PM new
Libra - Yes, a pledge of support for our Nation, that too many on the left don't want our children reciting...or adults for that matter.

Too many on the left who support the burning of our flag. Too many with no appreciation for the benefits this country allows them, imo.

And Liberty for all nations that a democratic president once supported and spoke about.

KD - What am I trying to make? huh? I'm pointing out to some here just why this President was re-elected. Because many have GREAT pride in our Nation....saw HIS great pride and decided he was better to serve our country than a democrat who spoke out of both sides of his mouth and had once sided against our nation and with our enemies. Maybe they worried he'd do so again.

[Like my Liberal BS decoder guy lol I love that piece - it's so true.]

Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 10, 2005 09:39:46 PM new
Yes that was a great piece but it makes me wonder if there is a special ring that the Democrats wear. Something like a Liberal B.S. Encoder Ring.

No, on second thought I think it just comes natural.

[ edited by yellowstone on Feb 10, 2005 09:41 PM ]
posted on February 10, 2005 09:48:54 PM new
Linda, the President doesn't make the country what it is, the people do. What has Bush got to do with this? Pride in your country has nothing to do with who's President.

posted on February 11, 2005 05:12:14 AM new
::Ann Coulter is severely myopic::

Wow kraft, myopic is a big word for a penny candy kinda gal like you. ...Baby did a bad bad thing...do-da-doo-doot!!..oh for the coolest guitar licks you refer me to having a seizure! lol! But you've been reading some! So proud of ya. You go, girl!

Kiara, having pride in some body - body as in a country, some person, or some thing does implicitly express an allegiance to it. But I dont see how you'd ever understand that concept.

posted on February 11, 2005 05:32:27 AM new
Ha! Decoder rings and reciting pledges...hee hee! Like some 12-year-old's "secret" club. I can see linduh and libra jumping out of bed in the morning , clicking their heels together, and, facing the flag, recite the Pledge.......why? Can't they remember what country they live in?
Has the government invaded our privacy so well that they need to see Comrads pledging their allegiance like good little robots?

Does repeating things make them true?

Do you "get" pride in your country by repeating a mantra?

Do children in school HAVE to say the pledge because their parents didn't tell them what country they live in???

Or do they have to be brainwashed at an early age so that like good little Commie Republicans they will never question their leaders?

Fanatical "pride" in one's country, blinding you to it's faults....is a great stepping stone to Fascism.

posted on February 11, 2005 06:20:40 AM new
[ edited by Helenjw on Feb 11, 2005 01:08 PM ]
posted on February 11, 2005 06:22:34 AM new
Kiara, I bet when you watch the Olympics you are inherently rooting for your home country!? Do you yell - Go Canada! No! um.. Go USA!! - Oh Wait,..No!- Go Spain!!! or err..umm...Go! Jamaica!!

LOL! Just because you own property in four countries doesnt exactly give you a whole lot of license to a swelled moment of pride as if you've contributed to its culture or performance in any form. Other than paying taxes there. Seems to me you get to be the artful dogder on this one too, just about the same as you always declare because you live in Canada you are not in the least bit responsible for its government policy decisions.

And crowfarm before you spin out of control on Ann Coulter's sexual escapades go back and read your own posts on this board. You've done a dime a dozen, etc., etc.
posted on February 11, 2005 06:45:44 AM new
BTW...Good questions, Crowfarm.

another ass sucker has entered the building

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