posted on February 11, 2005 05:25:48 PM new
Linda_k, I'm talking about female troops being in Iraq so you know exactly what I'm saying and I have the thread to back it up. I also have the one where you insinuated I was a Communist.
You can't name the 'ultra-LEFT here' that you're raging to, nor can you show their statements to back it up. But I see you find it's easier to sink down low again and make nasty insinuations like you did with Helen, trying to divert the thread. No wonder so many no longer post here.
posted on February 11, 2005 05:28:14 PM new
LOL - Oh yes kiara...your own halo is shining so brightly it hurts my eyes to see it.
Four More Years....YES!!! you're playing follow the 'sheep' with helen. And we're the one's that get accused of that? What a laugh.
Go find another person to nip at....I've tired of you again.
[ edited by Linda_K on Feb 11, 2005 05:31 PM ]
posted on February 11, 2005 05:31:14 PM new
"Classic, that's not quite the way it happened. After you showed me your dvd, I told you I already saw it, so you left. No playing hard-to-get, no begging me to stay or telling me what a prize I was. Forget it!"
I did tell you what a prize you were.I guess you took it wrong when I said you were the
booby prize.
posted on February 11, 2005 05:36:15 PM new
But did she show you her prize boobies? I hear she's got quite a pair.
posted on February 11, 2005 05:37:00 PM new
'linduh, you don't have a crystal ball or a brain, doubblefuggedup brought her OWN auctions into this discussion......
"""""btw, if I am the one obsessed maybe you can tell me why every one of my auctions are being pinged by cablerocket net vancouver? And I dont sell to Canada or worldwide at all. Guess my fans just stretch further and wider than I thought! """
yea welfare recipients are running amuck these days.
posted on February 11, 2005 05:38:07 PM new
yellow! waaazzzzzuppp???
where the hell ya been? vacationing in Tahiti?
posted on February 11, 2005 05:38:45 PM new
lol! classic and yellowstone, now those were good (for a laugh!)
......does anybody remember laughter>?
posted on February 11, 2005 05:40:59 PM new
db-evidently not-just a bunch of name calling-of course that didnt happen until crow starting yapping.
[ edited by classicrock000 on Feb 11, 2005 05:41 PM ]
posted on February 11, 2005 05:44:47 PM new
Linda said to Kiara..."And now what. It appears you might be 'checking into' other posters auctions. I left to wonder if you've checked into crowfarm's yet or do you only harass/investigate the auctions of people who you don't like. how unprofessional of you...if you are doing that."
Linda, I would say that you have slouched to a new low, in making that nasty, and unfounded insinuation but to me it's your normal discourse.
[ edited by Helenjw on Feb 11, 2005 05:51 PM ]
posted on February 11, 2005 05:46:04 PM new
yes classic, you dont think its strange for the same isp address to be hitting all my auctions from canada when I dont even sell to canada? This is the first thread I have even responded to kiara and she is talking about me being obsessed with her? So I thought I mention about somebody in Canada that seems a tad obsessed with me and inquire if she had any clue about it.
btw, according to kiara I am a he. Dont you even take the word of a super troll-detector? He. He. He.
posted on February 11, 2005 05:47:55 PM new
No not Tahiti but someplace just as good and maybe even better.
posted on February 11, 2005 05:51:29 PM new
Pride for America comes in many forms. You either feel it or you don't has nothing to do with who the current president is - it's about ones feelings for their country, and what it stands for - the beliefs it was founded on.
Linda why don't you believe what you post. You are the one that has stated time and time again that the ones that speak out against Bush and the war are un-American. Then you have the nerve to post that above. You certainly don't practice what you continue to preach.
Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
"Give it up for George W. Bush, the best friend international jihad ever had."
posted on February 11, 2005 05:52:41 PM new
YOU speak about reaching new lows helen? After you play your gastapo 'investigations' of posters here?
You complain about privacy issues and put down the Patriot act....and yet YOU do exactly what you SAY you don't want to see in America. Does the word hypocrite mean anything to you?
Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 11, 2005 05:55:43 PM new
logansdad - Still having trouble with your comprehension abilities I see. I NEVER said that. You're're once again proving how the ultra-left can only distort statements made to discuss points.
Read what I said again.
Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 11, 2005 05:56:20 PM new
db-just curious-how do you know whos looking at your auctions?-I guess there must be some way of telling,but since I sell worldwide it never occurred to me to even look,or what advantage their is even if you do know.
So ahhh Yellow where might that be?
posted on February 11, 2005 05:57:50 PM new
Slouch on, Linda. Everyone is watching!
posted on February 11, 2005 06:01:53 PM new
I have not seen anything posted about what you think. You start a thread where posters come in a post what they think then you blast them saying they are unamerican and belong in a dictatorship. Reread this thread and then you need to apologise to the posters that responded
Well Libra I have stated how I feel about this country and I am not going to spell it out to you. If you dont know how I truly feel about this country than that is too bad for you. If you think I am going to apologize to you or anyone else you got another thing coming. Especially since I was the one that been called un-American by a few people on this board, you included. If you think I am going to run off to another country simply because I do not like a few things about this country, then you as I said before you do not know what it means to be an American. It is those on the right in my opinion that want things there way. It is people like you that have been a big stink about things that upset you. It is people like you that keep suggesting people move to Canada or another country if they do not like living here.
IN MY OPINION you and a few other people here would rather be ruled by a dictator that shares the same beleives as you than have to deal with those things that offend you so much.
Frankly if you find my posts so offensive than put me on ignore. Trust me, I will not loose any sleep over it.
Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
"Give it up for George W. Bush, the best friend international jihad ever had."
posted on February 11, 2005 06:02:37 PM new
And while everyone here on the ultra-LEFT appears to think
Does any one else here think Linda falls into the ultra-RIGHT category?
Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
"Give it up for George W. Bush, the best friend international jihad ever had."
posted on February 11, 2005 06:04:27 PM new
You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
posted on February 11, 2005 06:05:46 PM new
I want to know too, yellowstone.
helen....I don't need your permission to do anything. I'm more than happy to mention YOUR gestapo tactics...when you decide to come into the thread to support another ultra-leftie rather than profess how PROUD you are of America. Works both ways.
Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 11, 2005 06:07:41 PM new
yellow, my man-stop being the prick that we all know you are and tell classic where you went LOL
posted on February 11, 2005 06:09:18 PM new
Libra - logansdad said: Well Libra I have stated how I feel about this country and I am not going to spell it out to you
LOL....go to where I ask him to answer and he tells me it's none of my business. THAT's how he answered. He starts a thread and won't answer the topic question himself. That's a leftie for you.....not based in reality at the moment.
Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 11, 2005 06:10:04 PM new
I wonder if you missed my post Dblfugger9?
How is it possible for someone to check on ones auctions if your user-name has not been disclosed here? If someone knows the answer and if this is possible.. kindly let me know how?
posted on February 11, 2005 06:12:18 PM new
Logan says, "Does any one else here think Linda falls into the ultra-RIGHT category? "
Ha! Just slightly right of Hitler!
posted on February 11, 2005 06:12:25 PM new
ah, classic I knew you would wish to inquire if you were not yet exposed to such software out there. Thats all it is. Probably others were wondering much the same thing. It is supposed to benefit you as a seller to see who is looking at your auctions, what time, etc. so that at the end of your auctions you might determine who and what and where your products are reaching interest to and thus maximize on some profitablity or customer base you are attracting. I am sorry to say I am not that much of a brain to compute my products hits to regional data just yet, but it is an interesting thing to play around with. It is offered through some of the auction software providers and even through some stand alone programming that I saw, but I forget the name of the site that I saw had it as well. Seller something or other I believe i have it bookmarked in my other browser and will find it for you another time. Getting tired here, I am up early and probably headed off to disney land right now.
posted on February 11, 2005 06:15:43 PM new
Sorry maggie, ,I did miss your post. I dont have an answer for ya, but like the game freecell, every game IS winnable.
(sorry tired)
posted on February 11, 2005 06:21:24 PM new
classic - Just for 'what it's worth' ....
I've had sellers email me stating they could tell I was online at the they decided to contact me. Don't ask me how they did it...I asked, but it must be a well kept secret they didn't wish to share.
Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 11, 2005 06:26:20 PM new
db-okay now I know what your talking about.Someone in the EO posted something like that last summer.You got to use it I think two weeks free then you had to either pay a flat fee or there was a monthly charge.I never got as I couldnt justify the expense.I thought it was interesting,and I guess if I were a powerseller,I might have some use for it.Have a good time at Disneyworld.
posted on February 11, 2005 06:27:13 PM new
Freecell!!!!!!!!! I've had that game on my computer for 6 dam years and never have learned how to play it! Guess that leaves me out for the espionage games..LOL
But seriously, I don't believe it is possible for someone to find your ebay id.
Ahhh...another Friday night and all of us extremely popular people, living such exciting lives are here posting on the RT..LOL... how depressing is that!!
posted on February 11, 2005 06:28:43 PM new
logansdad - Does any one else here think Linda falls into the ultra-RIGHT category?
You mean like the catagories all us 'righties' have been label with...neocon...neoconnazi's...nazi's, fascit's, etc.
Doesn't bother me a bit. I may appear to the extreme right...don't personally believe I am...and really don't care what catagory the ultra-lefties here choose to put me in. Doesn't change MY reality one bit.
Four More Years....YES!!!