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posted on February 12, 2005 08:40:34 AM new
thats a song tune, helen. Go listen to Chris Isaaks Baby did a bad bad thing and tell me it's not a haunting song. Unless of course youre only into mozart or something

and btw, and I dont say people are "a little bit bad" when I like them, and "a lot bad" when I dont.

posted on February 12, 2005 08:50:53 AM new
So...it's what I didn't say that has convinced you that's what I said huh?

Just like you are doing to me Linda. How black is your kettle Linda. So Linda which foreign country has your allegiance Linda. It must not be the United States since you are the most un-American person on this board. Only dictators want their subjects to get in line with their beliefs and bow down and worship them. You would make a great ruler in the new Iraq. All hail Dictator Linda.

Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
"Give it up for George W. Bush, the best friend international jihad ever had."
posted on February 12, 2005 09:05:26 AM new

Very appropriate tune, dbl...music for a good wallow.

posted on February 12, 2005 09:37:28 AM new
logansdad - If you read what you've written here I think it will become apparent, even to you, how silly you make yourself look with that post.

Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 12, 2005 09:55:05 AM new
Your constant and obnoxious presence along with your silliy little sex starved butt kissers and fence strattlers make this place simply unbearable.

I am sorry that my fence straddling helps to make this place unbearable for you, Helen.
Actually, it isn't the least bit comfortable for me being impaled on a fence post either, but until I can determine the lesser of the two evils....here I will remain.

How can I align myself with a party that has no plan? It is so darn disorganized right now, all we hear is what the present government is doing wrong...but no clear message or plan how we would change things.. I am angry at being left in the dark, searching for leadership, feeling abandoned...

posted on February 12, 2005 10:40:56 AM new
Your right Maggie, there has never been a plan for the democrats and today they have a new leader and his speech didn't sound to promising either. So it is another 4 years of what is wrong by the posters on the left, no solution, no nothing just same old same old.

You stay around here and the lefties will convenience you that what is happening is wrong. How do they know, because they tell each other the same thing.

You stay straddling that fence and I hope the post isn't a picket one. Good Luck in your decision. I will not convenience you that the righties are right because at this point in time there is nobody right.

All I know is that no matter what I am Proud to be an American.

posted on February 12, 2005 10:44:57 AM new
posted on February 12, 2005 10:54:42 AM new

posted on February 12, 2005 12:18:17 PM new
"Very appropriate tune, dbl...music for a good swallow."

posted on February 12, 2005 01:01:08 PM new
Libra: You keep pushing this down my throat and I for one hope it never happens.

Libra you have the nerve to say that when your second post above has this:

When are we, Christians, going to start taking a stand to keep God in our land? We have stood by for years watching God being removed from our schools, public places, and now "one" man is trying to get our pledge changed so that it does not say "Under God". How can this be happening?

God is the Creator of our world. His hand created all that is and all that will be. Without God, there is no hope of a tomorrow. God will not tolerate for long being removed from our land. Back in the 60s, ONE, atheist, woman was able to get prayer and the Bible out of our schools. She as since gone to her eternal destiny but her legacy still lives in our country. Just take a moment to reflect on how things have changed since this happened. When you take God out of the loop, horrible things happen. We no longer have God's complete leading on our land. We need God in our government, we need God in our schools and we need God in our daily lives. Without God, our wonderful, free country will not last long. God will not tolerate being removed from power.

If you study our history, you will find that from the very beginning, our land was founded on God.

Now who is the one pushing their religion and moral values down every one's throat.

Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
"Give it up for George W. Bush, the best friend international jihad ever had."
posted on February 12, 2005 01:08:48 PM new
Not me...You asked How proud are you? Right. I continually answer this and you tell me I am wrong. What I post is what I believe. I do not ask you to believe it. I am the one who posted that and that is why I am proud. Now do you get it....I honestly don't care what you are proud of as I already know. You are the one that keeps posting these threads. I answer what you want, not what you want to hear, I am not pushing anything down your throat. Thank God. no pun intended. But You asked a question I answered it. Now get over it. Whether anyone is a non believer, atheist, or christian this doesn't pertain to them. It pertains to ME. I am answering your question for the last time.

posted on February 12, 2005 01:15:09 PM new
Well, libra, you'll never convenience ME!

posted on February 12, 2005 01:20:26 PM new
Linda_K, you said you didn’t like me and you made it clear to me that my opinions don’t count so you started your continual harassment with misinformation and snide insinuations about Canada to divert every single topic that I post to so I go away.

Now you keep accusing me of popping in here. I left for a couple of weeks shortly after the election and then popped back in when the gossipmonger started in about me. I then left for another month and popped back in when I saw she was still jawing away about me.

I popped in about the tsunami relief and you tried to pick a fight with me right away, I popped in to say the Iraqis were brave to vote and you immediately insulted me.

So next I popped in to goof around with Twelvepole and sing some songs and have some fun like I used to here, so you add your snide comment about the ‘movie star and stage rock and roller’ after being really low-down and disgustingly nasty with those other snide accusations and now you intend to go even lower with more BS. So tell me, what exactly do you want from me and how low do you plan to go?

[ edited by kiara on Feb 12, 2005 01:23 PM ]
posted on February 12, 2005 02:20:01 PM new
kiara - Still want to make everything all about you.

As I said...all anyone has to do is read a few threads and they will clearly see you don't normally address the topic...you pop in to start your 'hen picking' process again and again.

Take for example the one link you've recently posted on my not knowing women serve in our military. A stupid statement and an assumption on your part. Did you address the topic of the thread? Nope...kiara enters to start her #*!@ again.

Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 12, 2005 02:23:05 PM new
Kiara, Linda doesn't approve of Canadians saying anything "bad" about HER country. (Bad meaning anyone who disagrees with Bush.) You've brought to light some very good topics that don't count because of where you live. The picture of all those flag draped coffins coming back from Iraq is something I won't forget but instead of seeing the reality of war, the tables were turned and you were blamed because they (the right) said you got some kind of a kick showing these kinds of pictures. That's just one instance. If that's what you're dealing with, you'll never measure up. None of us will.

posted on February 12, 2005 02:25:58 PM new
Libra - I didn't take your posting of the links as 'pushing anything down anyone's throat'. Logansdad is the one who choose to click on the links and he's the one that chose to copy and paste some of it. Then he accuses you of pushing it down his throat. This from someone who has previously stated he went all through Catholic schools. Yes, I bet he's just SO offended.

And I agree, too many of the secular left fight to remove God from everything. That's been a part of our country's downward slide, imo. I'm glad we currently have a man in the WH who's not embarassed to speak about his faith. And the left may be in for a little shock as they start viewing hillary becoming more and more 'openly religious' too.

Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 12, 2005 02:32:22 PM new
KD - You are very wrong in your above statement.

How I see it is that kiara takes everything said about Canada personally.

When I have discussed your failing military...she gets defensive.

When I have discussed your countries socialism...she gets defensive.

When I have discussed your country's nation health care system and how expensive it is...she gets defensive.

When I found out and objected to your government telling your TV stations what they can and can't show in Canada...and said I didn't like that...she got defensive.

My statements on the above, and probably more, are NOT about kiara....they're about Canada.

She just can't handle it...but expects me to when she comes in here...always looking to pick an argument. And she doesn't choose to do so in a civil manner...but rather always is sarcastic. THAT'S why I don't care for her and how she plays these games.

Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 12, 2005 03:14:24 PM new
This from someone who has previously stated he went all through Catholic schools.

And what is wrong with that. The religious right want to deny the fact gay Catholics exist. Unfortunately there are some here, especially those on the right, that keep preaching what they want to believe from the bible and do not remember the key important facts of the bible. Please keep in mind that it was the religious conservatives that ended up crucifying Jesus. Linda in my opinion Jesus was a bleeding heart ultra left Liberal. If Jesus were alive today he would be ashamed at the religious right today.

I'm glad we currently have a man in the WH who's not embarassed to speak about his faith.

Well the more Dubya keeps preaching his faith and how he will personally save America from the evil in the country, will be his downfall. The president is suppose to be a leader not a preacher. Now who is pushing their faith down everyones throat.

Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
"Give it up for George W. Bush, the best friend international jihad ever had."
posted on February 12, 2005 03:16:16 PM new
When I have discussed your failing military...she gets defensive.

I agreed Canada's military is a joke but Linda_K became boiled that Canada didn't go into Iraq as well as Afghanistan. Yes, I did get a bit defensive that time someone laughed and said they wished they'd all been killed when some of Canada's soldiers got blown away in the 'friendly fire' incident with the US.

When I have discussed your countries socialism...she gets defensive.

I asked Linda_K what socialism she meant besides the health care system and she couldn't answer.

When I have discussed your country's nation health care system and how expensive it is...she gets defensive.

Linda_K and others posted info from less than reputable sources and I said that Canada's health system was good but needed work, that they recognize it and are working on it but it doesn't happen overnight. I said quite a few European countries had much better systems so those are the examples the US should look to if they wish to better things, not Canada. I showed actual costs per person in Canada compared to the US and also posted info several times on the internet-safe pharmacies in Canada.

When I found out and objected to your government telling your TV stations what they can and can't show in Canada...and said I didn't like that...she got defensive.

Linda_K posted incorrect info from less than reputable sources and I posted the facts as well as an example of what Shaw Cable offered to customers in Canada. But Linda_K became increasingly combative, though she does not live in Canada or watch Canadian TV and she truly didn't know what she was talking about.

She just can't handle it...

So far I think I handle it quite well without having to kiss ass and post as someone I'm not, just to be liked by anyone here.

posted on February 12, 2005 03:19:39 PM new
Linda, I've never seen Kiara get defensive about Canada. She's readily admitted we have problems. Pretty much the same problems that the U.S. goes through. She's said that many times.

As for the failing military, you're right and wrong. Canada has dramatically cut it's military because they're not needed.

As for socialism, what do keep referring to besides our health care?

Yes, our health care is expensive but not as expensive as yours. That's why it works.

Your reference to Fox News was only said because you READ somewhere our government wouldn't allow it in Canada which is false. I told you why. Kiara told you why.

If you see these answers as being defensive, then how else can a person anser them?

posted on February 12, 2005 03:37:50 PM new
If Jesus were alive today he would be ashamed at the religious right today.

That just had to be devinely inspired. Maybe you should write a book of your own and append it to the bible. You could call it Logansdads book of analology.

posted on February 12, 2005 05:23:15 PM new
linduh blurbs,"And I agree, too many of the secular left fight to remove God from everything"

No, not everything, just everything PUBLIC.

Your god , your religion should be private. Making it public is showing terrible insecurity where your faith is concerned, a glut of pride(isn't pride one of the seven deadly sins?)
and IS shoving it down other people's throats.

In other words, wearing your religion on your sleeve, as opposed to LIVING it humbly, is showmanship, not faith.

posted on February 12, 2005 06:23:39 PM new
"As for the failing military, you're right and wrong. Canada has dramatically cut it's military because they're not needed."

yea ya got the U.S. protecting your pansy ass's

Linda-ya forgot their failing mailing system.I can ship a package to Australia quicker then to Canada.Their mailing system SUCKS its one of the worst in the world!!

posted on February 12, 2005 07:38:50 PM new
So far I think I handle it quite well without having to kiss ass and post as someone I'm not, just to be liked by anyone here.

and I suppose this is a reference to:... moi?

Yes, go ahead kiara, tell me my reasons for having this account. You seem to know it all, and everybody's reasons for doing anything.

C'mon now, you're fnk bold when you want to talk somebody's else business; but youre a scared little chickenshiit to even mention your own pets's name for fear somebody might repeat it back to you! You follow people around and plagurize their words and ideas and try to put out like you have some divine inspiration of your own. But you dont and never did. Youre more of a sheep than anybody kiara. You and all your fears crammed up YOUR butt ride on your troll patrol here. It's about the only thing you can do with all your roids fallen out your azz from the crap you amass on whats posted here.
posted on February 12, 2005 07:43:00 PM new
That just had to be devinely inspired. Maybe you should write a book of your own and append it to the bible. You could call it Logansdads book of analology.

I'll get started on, right after I finish the writing the Rise and Fall of the Bush Empire.

Welcome back yellow I see you finally were are dislodge the bar of soap from classic's rear end or were you finally able to get your head out of your a**. I can't seem to remember where you got it stuck the last time.

Oh wait, I remember now. You got it stuck in the urinal at the strip club after some whore turned you down.

Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
"Give it up for George W. Bush, the best friend international jihad ever had."
posted on February 12, 2005 07:45:08 PM new
"In other words, wearing your religion on your sleeve, as opposed to LIVING it humbly, is showmanship, not faith."

Well said Crowfarm!

posted on February 12, 2005 07:51:00 PM new
but youre a scared little chickenshiit

DB-I hate to pick on ya,but chickenshiit is spelled wrong<snicker>

posted on February 12, 2005 07:52:12 PM new
"Welcome back yellow I see you finally were are dislodge the bar of soap from classic's rear end "

well dad-it least its clean

posted on February 12, 2005 07:53:30 PM new
lol classic. pick away.

posted on February 12, 2005 07:56:17 PM new
"In other words, wearing your religion on your sleeve, as opposed to LIVING it humbly, is showmanship, not faith."

Well said Crowfarm!

damn another ass sucker-lets face it,Crow doesnt say ANYTHING well.
ahhhh Kraft my dear...isnt Crow the one that told you to mind your own business and keep out of her auctions?? THAT was well said too HEH??...DOH!!!

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