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posted on August 29, 2000 11:52:59 PM new
thanks so much I know good advice,,,i have to let ebay & auctionwatch handle it but WHERE ARE THEY 3 DAYS & I DON'T WANT THIS AUCTION TO END,I WANT THEM TO END IT!!
Yes, stealing...one of them i have my pics on
my auction RIGHT NOW,HE put the same item on,
used my title,description,(just changed a couple of words) & MY PICTURE ON AUCTIONWATCH..right now..he tried two but only got one to come up...
I have written safeharbor twice,& auctionwatch..No help..nothing...just automated receipt of email to me from ebay..
so i just resent info to ebay & a/w
the thing is, this guy emailed me last week with different email add,i checked ebay,listed at ebay,0 feedback.I thought new person signed "kirk",told him item sold gave him some info.
felt something funny so i went and deleted pics from that auction.
a few days later i am making sure my auction is coming up on search since all the ebay outages.& i see a title almost exactly like mine,so i click on it...THERE IS MY exact DESCRIPTION,SAME ITEM I SELL,&
a torn pic,.i right click on pic, My name of pic from previous auction(had recently deleted pic) same item(he is so sneaky 2 id's 2 email addresses,& seems to steal pics just before 30 days after auction.)
IT WOULDN'T COME UP ANYWAY HE HAD MY NAME BUT BMP NOT JPG..so then, i came to this board for help...THEN another of my AUCTIONs of same item was ending.(it had something extra inc.so he didn't use that pic)I LOOK after the auction,& see one of my bidders dropped out & BID ON HIS! did he email them, his is cheaper..(now has a few bids still on)SO I EMAIL AW & SAFE HARBOR ..
IT GETS WORSE,,next day i look at all of his stuff & THERE IS ANOTHER ITEM I SELL,MY PIC,TITLE,DESCRIPT(few words changed otherwise exact) AGAIN,,only on this one it is my pic that is still on auctionwatch..!!RIGHT now..gets worse,.i go to org. stolen auction & there is a note from him.i guess people emailed him about my torn pic,,(I HAD ASSUMED HE HAD NO CAMERA) he is thanking everyone for emails & puts on his OWN PIC next to my torn one.gets better,,,he now has another different color one on again,,My description,,,,his pic this time..

so hey, its fine for the competition of items,but i feel he should be kicked off ebay for stealing..that is my work..BUT he will probably just get yet a 3rd EBAY ID & START UP AGAIN..so the shocker is NO ONE FROM AUCTIOWATCH OR EBAY IS EMAILING ME BACK so he is going to make money off my work..i think ebay needs to end this auction..i go by the rules,,i wanted to email my bidder that bid on his to see IF he had bid siphoned her,,but again..gotta play by the rules.not supposed to contact her,she would tell him anyway..probably i want ebay to CATCH HIM, that is why i haven't deleted that one pic on his auction IT'S MY PROOF,MY AUCTIONWATCH PIC...it's hard though..thanks for listening..sorry this is so long..the kicker is,,i checked all his auctions a bunch seem to also be stolen pics from other people,,by the style,pic names,,some fancy professional graphics etc..weird...will let you know if i hear anything YOU GUYS ARE THE GREATEST isn't this outrageous??PAM

posted on August 30, 2000 10:09:08 AM new
Delete the pic from your files and take another one to add to your descrip. If he hasn't saved it to his own files it will disappear from his screen.

posted on August 30, 2000 11:47:53 AM new
Take down the pic, put it in Photo Shop or Paintshop Pro and write across it. "You will NOT receive the item in this picture.
This dealer STOLE this picture. Do you really want to do business with them?"
Then re-post it.

or post a picture of dog droppings (crude but effective).

posted on August 30, 2000 12:38:41 PM new
great ideas! actually this is my Proof to ebay & auctionwatch that it is actually mine..if they EVER even email me.he is so sneaky, he usually waits till 30 days almost up on closed auctions,,cause many people leave pics for a while till they are sure people received item etc.or just forget to delete them.he has done this on others i am sure.You don't think he'll just get a warning or something do ya?that would be awful..
i thought of this,,IF EBAY DOESN'T HELP ME,HOW ABOUT IF I WIN THE AUCTION...hehe then email him...& say...YOU ARE A THEIf(HEY IF I WIN I "AM" allowed to contact him,,...then i could also put in his feedback HE STOLE MY DESCRIP & PIC?
WHAT DO YA THINK?i am getting desparate i don't like games,,,but WHERE IS AUCTIONWATCH & EBAY'S HELP????

posted on August 30, 2000 01:01:19 PM new
timetravelers - it seems like eBay has been slow about getting back to a lot of people lately, but hang in there! They're the ones who can do something about this guy.

Even though your pics are hosted by AW, there's nothing they can do to stop anyone from taking them. Your picture/description thief either

a) right-clicked on the pics in your eBay listings and saved them to his computer, then uploaded them somewhere else,

- or -

b) put the URL to the location of your pictures in his listings.

It doesn't matter where your pics are stored (AW or elsewhere), they're just as accessible to anyone on the web. So don't go crazy waiting for AW to get back to you because they can't do anything about it... but do make sure you end up talking to someone at eBay because they can warn/reprimand/suspend the guy.

posted on August 30, 2000 07:22:39 PM new
If you are going to bid, use a different Ebay User ID. Then you can slam him.... but also be prepared for him to do the same to you.

Maybe that is a battle that you would be better not to fight. Could make you a little suspicious of every bidder.

Even if you put up another photo Ebay can still see that it is hosted on your server. You can also right click on the auction, VIEW SOURCE, then Cut and Paste it into a word document. That will give them all the proof they need. Remember the name of the photo and the server will remain the same, the only thing you are changing is the actual photo itself.

Id write something like:

BAHAHAHA I think that would stop bidders!


posted on August 31, 2000 04:30:04 AM new
THANKS EVERYBODY!!you are always there when seems like no one cares! UPDATE!
never had a reply as of last night ebay or a/w..so i was browsing this board & BINGO
act of God or what? someone got the seller support at ebay Phone # it is posted...so i got them today,explained to a nice gal.a few hours later i get a copy of email sent to the guy.
You wouldn't believe how nice it was,like
it was reported you "may" be using pics etc.unappropriate or that don't belong to you you may want to end you auction if you have no bidders,or just change text & pics.
BUT the good part was it explained about copyrights & that i could pursue this...soooooo WE WON KIDS! el creepo
ENDED the one with the pic we were talking about,never relisted it yet,& the original one with his pic & my torn pic.with.3 bids ended!!...
HE DID IMMEDIATELY RELIST IT WITH HIS PIC,& MOST OF MY WORDS CHANGED(he all ready got a rebid,wonder what excuse he used to bidders?)..3rd one with just my words is still on.so i learned a couple of things to share here.
1.i explained to the gal at ebay about his pic & my torn pic...she could see both pics! they have microsoft & netscape..ok..we know now.he does have a camera right? so why do this ?i think i've got it..some people can't see his pics so he steals one from someone like me so he has both kinds make sense?
2. i think we should think of having a completely different name for our acct at auctionwatch.right?(i also kept telling ebay to check his other stuff.,i spent hours checking him out,Must be doing this to others.
3.one great suggestion i received through this board is put your own name in your pics i am now
like ex: teapotpams1.jpg
4.i am going to put in my auctions this text and pics protected by copyright,something like that..
5.Well i let ebay know,I FOUND IT,& he should be NARUED,i did their detective work for them,Eureka i found it,ANOTHER STOLEN PIC,I COULD PROVE IT WASN'T JUST ME..i emailed it to them tonight..told them i want this guy out of our community,,we all work so hard,,he must have been doing this for over a year!!T'S FROM A BIG COMPANY, their PIC RIGHT OFF THEIR COPYRIGHTED WEBSITE.on his closed auction ..man this guy is lazy...
so now,,,do i contact this company??let it go??or what?fill out the complaint form ebay is sending me or what?
you guys are part of this so lets vote.

posted on August 31, 2000 10:36:57 AM new
Here's what I'd do in the future if I were you (personally I won't bother doing this because *most* of the items I sell are relatively one-of-a-kind so I don't have this happening to me)...

Save the picture as a .bmp file by using whatever photo viewer you use (I use VuePrint). Use a program like Windows Paint to open the .bmp picture up, create a "text box" somewhere on the photo and put YOUR email address there. "Pic Property of [email protected]", for example. Make sure it is done in a spot that doesn't mess up the view of the item, but ALSO in a spot that isn't going to be easy for the person to crop it out of the photo.

Save it when your done, as a .jpg or .gif again and you might need to re-size it or make sure the size isn't huge, then proceed as normal. This way, it's really hard for someone to steal your pictures, because your email address is RIGHT there on the picture itself.

[email protected]
posted on August 31, 2000 12:21:35 PM new
"Send the copy of your emails, both auction numbers and a complaint to [email protected]. They should send the copycat a warning at least."

Yeah, they will eventually send him a warning, but that is all they will do. I've dealt with this several times.

The first time the guy was so inept, he used my pic & copy/pasted my entire description . . . but didn't know how to put in breaks, change email addresses, activate links, etc. At first I thought "What a laugh!", but then again, he was drawing away my bidders! EBay sent him a generic letter 3 days later & did nothing.

This last time, the gal POSTED HER AUCTION THROUGH AUCTIONWATCH using my picture. I sent her a cease & desist letter, and to both safeharbor & auctionwatch. Safeharbor sent the same useless letter & auctionwatch told me "Oh, well". She is currently running the same ad for the 4th time!

Vero looks to be a waste of time. download forms, FAX them to ebay, then more email, then maybe they'll send the seller another letter. From what I understand, I have to re-file for each of my pictures & descriptions! Now hopefully, I'm wrong. PLEASE correct me if I am!

I already have distinct backgrounds, angles, etc. on alost all my things. Looks like I'm going to have to go thru the extra effort to at least overlay a logo on top of each & every picture. What a hassle!

Sandy AKA: chev1959

posted on August 31, 2000 02:58:41 PM new
Quite some time ago, I was reading the postings at eBay, people were having trouble with a guy bidding up thousands of auctions, then not paying, there for costing the sellers tons of money. Any way, the point I'm trying to get to is that I read in these postings that eBay won't boot someone out of their site unless they have a -4 feedback rating!! I really hope this is not the case for you, Pam, cuz if you're like me, you put just as much thought into your descriptions and how they look as I do, and for someone to just casually take them from you has to be VERY frustrating!!!! I wish you luck with the outcome of this problem.

posted on August 31, 2000 03:44:37 PM new
HI! well through this i sure have made some nice (&smart) new friends ha!
yes, i like to do little sets of stuff,if i have say a little music pin to sell i put some really old sheetmusic with it etc.give them a lot for their money.that is probably why this has not happened to me before..from now on every item gets a little extra in background..
so rotten we have to take time to work around crooks..well no word yet from ebay on the fact this guy is stealing pics & descriptions from a Major company too.i sure don't want him to harrass me,wonder if i should leave it at this?
YES!! you get it,,the planning of what to sell,a nice description,wonderful backgrounds etc on pics,we take pics,name,load to a/w,list,description all that time, and he comes in & copies & pastes,,,he has 180+ Positives,,,well sure HE CAN BE EFFICIENT on mailing etc..we are doing all the time consuming work...i am listing stuff now from 1921 etc...NO WAY HE HAS THE STUFF I HAVE NOW, the shame it,,i spent over one year building up bidders that always look to me for this item..i got the price up from about 9.99 to over 40.00,,,by doing a lot of work,,,NOW HE HAS IT ON FOR 5.00 & ALL MY PEOPLE ARE BIDDING & THAT DON'T KNOW HE STOLE MY STUFF...that really hurts..but then again if they get it cheap do they care? probably not...SO I WILL STORE WHAT I HAVE LEFT & wait him out if it takes till next Christmas..I have a houseful of goodies to sell..My Mom used to sell real estate,she would lower her commision for poorer people,help them move, all kinds of wonderful extras,,worked so hard super honest,just to make the rent,then there was a Slimy woman realtor,didn't even know how to do the paperwork right,complete CROOK,stole peoples furniture even,everyone went to her,she had tons of money for advertising etc.she had it all handed to her NO MONEY WORRIES,just coniving on how to rip sweet old people off...always struck me as so unfair...
so kids what is the vote,,,do we contact the
"major company about him using the copyrighted pic & text"? or let it go unless he does anything more to me?
I think i vote let it go cause i don't want to be harrassed? thanks for all your time,& caring!& great ideas...Pam

posted on August 31, 2000 05:48:55 PM new
HE DID IT AGAIN! this time to a major auto company he is selling an accessory,,,on ebay motors....these stolen pics come up on my computer as a torn pic the ones he does take or steals & loads to his computer come up ok...on description ..he says "sorry the pic is slow."..sure probably stole it off their website,,it's a bmp...just like mine didn't come up for me that he stole from me..BUT TO EBAY IT DID COME UP.it must be for others,,,.
so i guess the "little" Pleasant letter from ebay didn't mean diddly squat!!...he has so many bids,tons,,,,,is it because his pics come up to everyone??
Here is what he added to that other one he just put on must have stolen from the website of a major co. after he had bids,,,(apparently someone questioned him so he added this to description can u BELEIVE THIS?? am xxxing the company name out,here are his his words " description I have comes right off the XXXXXX.com home page so I have the proof that the equipment has all these features." HE LEFT OUT THAT HE STOLE THEIR PROFESSIONAL PIC TOO!!!
he just got more GREAT FEEDBACK COMMENTS...agghhh
this is sickening,pam

posted on August 31, 2000 06:38:54 PM new
Email the legal department of the big auto company. Paste a copy of the URL to his auction in your note. They might not be amused and go after him. My company is extremely protective of its brand and would require that you take copyrighted, trademarked, or registered information off of a page if it was used without permission.
[ edited by glasshat on Aug 31, 2000 06:39 PM ]
posted on September 5, 2000 11:54:15 AM new
this is a really big operation,if you know what i mean,,,,ebay support doesn't seem to get it & i really need to have the address or phone # for meg or pierre...or someone higher up...i can say no more,except this is big & blatant IN YOUR FACE FRAUD...big...wonder how many other groups like this on ebay??..sooooo
all the support people (they are nice) but all they will do is send me a little form threatening me if i don't have proof on my copyright i CAN BE IN TROUBLE & BE KICKED OFF EBAY to fill out..they sent him a nicey form letter you ma have made a mistake or not known blah blah.....this is not my baby anymore,or even those big companies..very intricate web..i'm sure you guys know what i mean...big..all that great feedback WHAT A JOKE..thanks guys,,gotta get a phone # or address for someone really high up in ebay,thanks for everything

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