posted on February 21, 2005 09:35:28 AM new
I find it interesting that Bush herded sheep, blew up frogs with firecrackers, became a cheerleader and then did drugs and drank for many years.
[/b]Makes on wonder if he was considering becoming a democrat[/b]
Hell Teddy Kennedy killed more people driving drunk than Pres Bush ever did in his drinking days.
A word to the wise ain't necessary, it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
- Bill Cosby
[ edited by Bear1949 on Feb 21, 2005 10:43 AM ]
posted on February 21, 2005 09:51:47 AM new
Maggie, you're awesome!
posted on February 21, 2005 10:05:14 AM new
Maggiemuggings: RE:
I will pray for all of you....(because I know that I am superior to all of you, and have a fast line to God.. I will say a good word for you ignorant heathens)
I DO have the 'fast line' to God-His name is Jesus.
I see you are one that needs too have a prayer or two-maybe three, when I think about you....
You know-these forums are hatefull places and some of you people are really not people I would want too associate with.
I come in here wanting too have some decent conversation and I read all this crap going on in all of these threads and you all just piss me off. No compassion for each other either.
I come in here happy and you all just bring a person down.
I know I won't be missed when I say,
By by
posted on February 21, 2005 10:09:32 AM new
BYEEEEE, sister, who says, "I come in here wanting too have some decent conversation "
No, you didn't, you came in here spouting religious junk....did any one ASK for your chanting...nooooooo.
Get thee to a nunnery !
posted on February 21, 2005 10:26:59 AM new
Like its any worse than the junk youre spouting crowfarm!
phoney jambloney womans right advocate!
posted on February 21, 2005 10:57:26 AM new
So, doublydumb, you don't believe in equal rights for women.....sure hope you don't vote, you shouldn't have the "right".
posted on February 21, 2005 11:00:11 AM new
Hey Sista...don't let the door hit you on your holy tuckas on the way out.. and don't come in here preaching! And kindly keep your prayers for someone who needs them.
Oh.. and take your cool-aid with you on your way out, will ya..
posted on February 21, 2005 11:07:35 AM new
Stop by anytime sisterstreasure, this is an open discussion board but crowfarm thinks she is the boss of it all but if you have read these threads she is only a peon. Thinks she knows it all and sometimes we let her think that but again the majority know better than that. If you can't tell she is an Atheist. There that about sums up crowfarm.
Oh BTW did you know she lost 9% of her wages and just can't get over it.
posted on February 21, 2005 11:10:01 AM new
lol Libra, thank you for that good laugh at
the end there!!
posted on February 21, 2005 11:13:19 AM new
libra woke up from her drug induced nap! Eatin' the Cheetos now, ain't ya libby!
Your following statement proves what a total waste of space you are....
"""and sometimes we let her think that but again the majority know better than that. If you can't tell she is an Atheist. There that about sums up crowfarm. ""
Hahahah you LET me think ?????, excuse me, but I'm NOT a neocon, I think for myself, YOU can't "LET" me do anything.
Did it ever occur to you, ya old tokin' bat, that atheism ISN'T a religion so we are all different !
No, I didn't think're so used to being a good little cooky cutter robot, it wouldn't.
posted on February 21, 2005 11:15:18 AM new
And Libra.. tell us what would you do without your social security and your Medicare and all the other government programs that you rely on to live? You are fast to make fun of someone's pay cut.. I'd like to see how you would react if your monthly SS check and Medicaid or Medicare was taken away from you or reduced...and all those special programs that you have said you qualify for... would you appreciate it if others would laugh at your misfortunes?
Oh.. wait.. I forgot.. Good Christians wouldn't point and laugh at other's misfortunes, now would they...
posted on February 21, 2005 11:34:30 AM new
Well stupid think what you like. Atheist are sinners that believe in nothing. Oh I forgot Madeline Murry O'Hara. I guess they believed in her along with her sons and now one of her sons has denounced Atheism and went back to religion. He saw the light.
Yes I know she is dead. Maybe you and the good doctor Dewnow should join up. Sounds like you would make a great couple. You can denounce God together.....
Hey Maggie I see you are back on the crowfarm bandwagon.
I would survive Maggie. But don't forget crowfarm keeps bringing up the same old crap so what is good for one is good for the other. I will continually remind crowfarm about her lost wages and I don't think anyone will ever stop me. If she or you don't like it tell her to get off my back. I have never said I qualified for anything other than my SS which I paid into for 45 years. As for insurance it's none of your business. Back to your old self huh maggie. What's the problem crowfarm can't stand up for herself and she has to have maggie come in and preach. What do you do email each other and back each other up. What misfortunes did I laugh at. I just made a statement that crowfarm told everyone herself. Right crowfarm. If you don't want anything to get around about your personal life keep your mouth shut.
As for your SS Maggie you are going to depend your husband's. As you were in here asking questions about the percentage you would get. Remember that day? You probably didn't work a day in your life all you did was collect x husbands.
posted on February 21, 2005 12:00:20 PM new
Well..'re sure one to talk about me backing Crowfarm... while you're constantly hitching your wagon to a horse's ass! LOL
Atheist are sinners that believe in nothing
As opposed to good Christians like yourself, who slander and slur and mock others every chance you get?
You have shown your true colors miss libra, and the ugly spiteful old crone you are comes shining through bright and clear..
you're a nasty bigoted old crone, and if the truth is known... most find your muddled blathering amusing at best, other's of us are slightly uncomfortable with the way you continue to embarrass yourself on a daily basis....Don't you realize that we are laughing at you!!...
you make no sense....and then when you do have a moment or two of clear thinking, your English and spelling are so bad, we can't understand a word of what you are saying..sorry old girl, but somebody had to tell you, it's the kind thing to do...
posted on February 21, 2005 12:57:07 PM new
logansdad said:
Linda I didn't think mother/son sex was up your alley either.
It's not. It's just garbage you used to thow my way....sick garbage too. From another person like CF who can't just have discussion with people without the wishes of death/illness/injury he/she throws at them.
I know man/woman sex isn't your preference....because you've clearing stated you're gay. To me that's always meant you like sex with other men. You never mentioned you were bi-sexual. While I have never admitted to having sex with my son....because that is where my morals nor my values are.
maggie asked: would you appreciate it if others would laugh at your misfortunes?
And she sides/defends/supports CF every opportunity that opens up for her to do so. Does he/she [cf] laugh at the misfortune of others?
NO...CF WISHES misfortune to fall upon their lives... some must think that's SO much better.
how funny and sad at the same time.
Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 21, 2005 02:33:32 PM new
Hey maggie and crow, Libra said in a recent post that as long as she and her daughter got their SS she hoped I didn't get mine. People like her with her mind set are so transparent. She might as well have said as long as ME and MINE got ours to hell with the rest of ya. Then she tries to come off as a little old lady that is so sensitive about what someone says to her or her friends.
About sister-treasure, what a phony. No way did her comments stick. They blew over like a fart in a wind storm. I will bet anyone she is not a sister of anything except maybe singularly holding what she falsely believes is treasure like money or some misguided religious faith based on one or two personal beliefs.
I personally know several Catholic Secular Franciscans. They don't around preaching to people. They quietly work very hard to help people in need and make a real difference.
About the Bush tapes, looks like old George is just a drink or snort away from personal disaster or international disaster. Once a drunk and drug junkie its always just one day at a time. Most of the moral majority people think its really bad if an athlete does drugs or drinks. They say that athlete is a bad role model for kids.
posted on February 21, 2005 02:48:50 PM new
The screamer is back.............didn't take long.
Maggie I laugh at you all the time. I just don't tell you. You come in here and get pity from us about your daughter than come back and post nastiness. You even asked us for prayers. BTW what was the report on your daughter. Cheryl came and told us about hers but you never said a word.
Did you figure how much SS you will get when your husband dies. That is what you are worried about. Maybe you can collect on the other 3 also. You never answered my question what other services do I use that is paid for by the government? Please enlighten me.
I hate to burst your bubble bigpeepa there are some orders of nuns and priests that only pray. i.e. Little Sisters of the Poor, they never talk all they do is pray for the sinners of the world. Terry Moore the x movie star belongs to an order like that. Let me refresh your memory. She was in Where the Boys are. Some never talk and others that go around helping the poor that is what their mission is not to spread religion through the countryside.
posted on February 21, 2005 02:59:28 PM new
Secular Franciscans are a community of Catholic men and women, both married and single as well as diocesan clergy, who seek to pattern their lives after Christ in the spirit of Francis. We are not a club or a society. We are united in an international ORDER founded by Saint Francis of Assisi. As full members of the Franciscan family, we base our lives on the Gospels. Above all we are Franciscans in the world and spread the Gospel by our lives, our actions and our love. This is our way of life.
posted on February 21, 2005 02:59:58 PM new
Libra, youre on a roll today!!
you go girl!!
ps: my potroast is tough. I am really p.o'ed - either bought the wrong cut of meat or cooked it too long. Man!! and it came out sooo good last time!
posted on February 21, 2005 03:02:22 PM new
I didnt think franciscians could be married??
posted on February 21, 2005 03:14:34 PM new
They are very interesting people just search in Yahoo WHO ARE THE SECULAR FRANCISCANS? and there is quite a bit of information on these people.
Your pot roast is to tough because you didn't cook it long enough. How about 3 hours or in a crockpot most of the day will give you a great one along with carrots, celery, onions. I use Mrs. Grass onion soup mix with mine along with water and tomato sauce. Let it cook at 325 3-4 hours. Be sure the pan doesn't go dry.
posted on February 21, 2005 03:30:00 PM new
Thanks libra. You know I originally had thought that about not long enough, but I have a convection oven and that cooks faster than a normal oven and dehyrates more?? At least that is my understanding with it. I really think I bought the wrong cut this time because last time I followed the recipe to the T and it said cook 1 hour 40 minutes (after 20 minutes meat by itself) and it came out great!! And that was I think a "chuck roast", this is another cut, a bottom round rump roast! LOL! But it was on sale for the price of a macdonalds meal so I thought I'd give it whirl.
posted on February 21, 2005 03:52:13 PM new
LOL.. excuse me....I certainly didn't ask for anyone's pity about my daughter. On the contrary, I only mentioned her because Cheryl had the same week received a similar diagnosis for her daughter. She is doing well, I had mentioned that but I guess you must have missed that post. She had a tumor behind her nipple and that is why she was bleeding from the nipple area.. they were able to remove it all.. so prognosis is excellent.
By the way, you made a big deal about what Crow said to Linda recently.... you went from thread to thread begging people to condemn Crow for her actions.. No one did, and you made it a point to say how Twelve was chastised for what he said to me about my daughter... well.. let me tell you something.. neither you or Linda said one word about what he said.. no you both were as quiet as clams.... in fact you took it upon yourself to tell me I deserved it for being .... why would you or Linda expect sympathy from me... when neither of you did anything but cheer Twelve on.. and here is a quote from Linda.. she said:
"Libra - I appreciate that you spoke up about CF crossing the line in his/her 'wishes' for my future. But it's not going to change her/his behavior...that's just who he/she is....hateful...spiteful...and FULL of RAGE.
Expecting others who agree with her politically to say anything when she/he goes off the deep end like just not likely to happen."
But may I remind her of her earlier words when I was being attacked..
Linda posted "Once again, it's not my place to defend anyone.....I'm only responsible for my own actions and words. Call me on those, anytime, sweetheart, but you won't be forcing me to get involved in other's spats."
Now... I'm sorry to disappoint you but unlike you, I will be in a very nice place financially when I reach retirement age.. not a worry in the world..I will collect social security as well, since I worked and earned it.. but it will not be my means of living like it is yours.. LOL
And you mentioned how all your medical is paid for.. because you are in the poverty level, therefore you qualify for all the perks..didn't you say that? Sounds like you sponge off of the government a lot!! HA
Why didn't you take care of your future when you had the chance??
Anyway old girl.. I'm happy for you, unlike your fellow Republicans, I am glad that I have worked and contributed towards the cost of your dentures, and your eyeglasses, and your control diapers.. I don't begrudge you these things at all.. shoot I'd even be willing to send you my old clothes if you wanted them.. HA!
posted on February 21, 2005 04:07:36 PM new
Libra63, You either don't read well or you are just plain stupid. Read my post again then read your reply. They just don't connect. You posted these words off the internet yourself. "Above all we are Franciscans in the world and spread the Gospel by our lives, our actions and our love. This is our way of life." That is how they live their lives. They hope that by example people will see that the Franciscan way of life is a good way to live and believe. I don't see one word about preaching like (sister of nothing) did, do you? What is your problem? I hope that its just you don't read well.
Be careful what you say about Little Sisters Of The Poor. Many of them aren't big fans of the way this White House is treating the poor. I bet they are praying hard for Bush.
I get a kick out of people that goggle everything to find out what something is. You should at your age have enough real life experience to know what is going on.
I am very happy to be called screamer if through my screams I can get the middle class to pay more attention to,
posted on February 21, 2005 04:18:57 PM new
AND I'll remind you maggie...that twelve NEVER attacked me. And again I saw no reason to get involved...that was you handing it out and him giving it back. I had no reason to become involved.
I have responded to those who have attacted the worst offender of all, who you constantly speak up for while calling others on their actions, CF and also logansdad. I have never expected/asked anyone to get involved. And have even asked others not to because then they get the same treatment if they speak up.
Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 21, 2005 04:22:59 PM new
Sister - it takes a special kind of self righteous arrogance to be on a board for all of a day then announce that the existing population pisses you off and does not meet your standards then go off in a huff. I'm glad that you realize that you will not be missed. It's probably for the best. It's quite obvious that frank discussion regarding reality is not your thing.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on February 21, 2005 04:35:40 PM new
It's not. It's just garbage you used to thow my way....sick garbage too. From another person like CF who can't just have discussion with people without the wishes of death/illness/injury he/she throws at them.
And your response to my first post wasnt? What did my sexuality have to do with me suggesting I wanted a Bush sex video released? Nothing. So you are the one that threw garbage out there first. Then you have the nerve to say it was me responding badly. No way did I suggest you were having sex with yor son. I just stated what I already knew. Watch out what you throw out there Linda because you never know what will be returned. I still dont think you can keep up with the big boys.
Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
Bush will fix Social Security just like he has fixed Osama Bin Laden and Iraq. Bush can't be trusted to run this country and you want to trust him with your retirement?
posted on February 21, 2005 05:39:28 PM new
fenix, I dont know how you can think sisterstreasure isnt just being coy. As if there isnt enough of that on this board to go around. - Frank discussions about reality?? lol?! Somedays I think it's far from it! sock puppets n all...
posted on February 21, 2005 05:50:28 PM new
SSSH! You know, it doesn't seem like it but every so often there actually is a thread that goes two, sometimes even three pages on topic before it turns into still another hair pulling contest. The trick is to start it while one of the regs is deeply embroiled in another thread
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on February 21, 2005 06:10:10 PM new
posted on February 21, 2005 06:32:24 PM new
What happened Maggie did I hit a nerve. Your old clothes Ha donate them to those who need them. They are probably all worn out from all your husbands. I have plenty.
Sorry to disapoint you maggie. I don't have glasses, as I can buy what I need at Walgreens, I do have a partial, that I paid for, which I have had for about 5 years. Way before medicare. and I don't wear depends. I hope you understand I do not rape the medicare system. I pay quite a portion of my own medical expenses. So I guess you were wrong this time. I pay my way in life which I have done since I was 17 years old.
My take on what 12 said was that he posted that before you said anything about your daughter (check the time on his thread) so it didn't need a response from me but I did post web sites for you and I did say I was sorry to hear that and I hope she is okay. Which I knew she would be.
When did I say this.
And you mentioned how all your medical is paid for.. because you are in the poverty level, therefore you qualify for all the perks..didn't you say that? Sounds like you sponge off of the government a lot!! HA
Why didn't you take care of your future when you had the chance??
The only thing I said was that the Physician that did my eyes only took my medicare. I am not in poverty level. Get your facts straight.