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posted on September 10, 2000 09:44:36 PM new
I enjoy commercials! Some are better than the shows they appear during. I just saw a new commercial for about the 10th time & laughed just as hard as the first time I saw it. I am, of course, talking about the new FedEx commericial running on the Animal Planet channel. Has anyone else seen it? Features Steve Erwin (sp?). He's handling a snake which he states is the most poisonous in the world--it bites him & he says Not to Worry, the show brings in antivenom using FedEx the fastest delivery service in the world. Someone tells him they messed up & another delivery service has been used & the antivenom hasn't arrived yet. Erwin collapses. This commercial is hysterical (please, no PC grumbles about how terrible it is to joke about death!).

There have been so many great commercials--anybody out there have a particular favorite?
posted on September 10, 2000 09:50:01 PM new

I still like the herding cats commercial they had on during the Super Bowl. Haven't seen it in a while, though.

I haven't seen the one you are talking about either. Must not have made it to Central Ill. yet. Sounds good, though since I spend more time watching Animal Planet than anything else.


posted on September 10, 2000 09:55:40 PM new
My son loves Steve Erwin - That commercial cracks us up too.

My favorite is the one where they're trying to help an old guy get over his hiccups. A guy tells his wife he'll try to scare him. She says no - he's 76 years old. The commercial ends with the guy running down the hall way to scare him. I've seen it a dozen times and always lmao.

The funniest old one is the model who holds up a package of Preperation-H suppositories and says "Try It." To steal comedian Gallagher's line - What a nice way of saying "stick one up your a$$"

posted on September 10, 2000 10:08:50 PM new
calamity49: My favorite commercial featuring a cat is the Phillips Light Bulb commercial that was out about 5 years ago. Do you know it? It has a cat dozing on a rug while a woman vacuums around it. Suddenly, the light burns out & you hear the cat go "rrreowh!!!" Then a header touting the long-life of Phillips light bulbs flashes on the screen.

posted on September 10, 2000 10:10:06 PM new
mybiddness: The hiccup commercial, yes!!

posted on September 10, 2000 10:13:29 PM new
Serendipity & Peace...
posted on September 10, 2000 10:15:30 PM new
I thought this was going to be a Frosted Flakes thread

posted on September 10, 2000 10:16:26 PM new
I like the Victoria's Secret commercial with the two supermodels in lingerie dancing virtually breast-to-breast atop ancient Aztec ruins. Whooooeee! Gotta love a commercial with archaeology in it, LOL.

posted on September 10, 2000 11:23:43 PM new
The Arby's commercial several years back where the guys were hanging in the dungeon, loved that one. Also the cat herder Super Bowl commercial, loved it, I downloaded it and have it somewhere if anyone wants it let me know. Heather

posted on September 11, 2000 05:16:00 AM new
I like the cat food commercial where the men are standing on top of a building dropping the pieces off of the roof. You see cat paws come out and snag the food before it can reach the ground. The one man says, "These cats are ruining the experiment". It's a hoot...

Speaking of weird commercials, has anyone seen the bizarre ones for Rice Krispie Treats? There are two, the one for the chocolate treats have two men with hair made out of the treats who "hug and dance together" and the other one has a rather large fellow in a swimming pool who makes a "date" out of the treat mixture.

They both give me the heebie jeebies...just plain creepy to advertise childrens snacks with borderline sexual innuendo.
posted on September 11, 2000 05:23:00 AM new
My nominations: Discovery Channel's school-science-project "Hello, Meteor" and "Hello, Mosquito", which prove that you don't have to be tall, slim and good-looking to appear in a commercial.

posted on September 11, 2000 05:31:40 AM new
Mornin' -

This latest one, that always gets a chuckle from me is the toilet paper commerical.

The one where the kids are setting up the four-packs of toilet paper in two separate areas of the kitchen floor. Then mom tells the kids to call him in to eat. Next this long-legged hound (I believe) puppy comes running into the room, slides across the floor with his rear hitting the stacks of toilet paper. Cute. Soft protection from the slide into the kitchen cabinets.

I also love the puppy food commericals (different ones, same puppy) where the little puppy has so much strength and power that the owners say..."It must be the puppy chow".

posted on September 11, 2000 05:46:11 AM new


I always thought we were on the same wavelength; now I know it.

I was thinking last week that I would start a thread about commercials. I even wrote down my favorites.

Most of them are so annoying, which only makes me appreciate the really good ones and admire the creativity of those who come up with the ideas.

My favorites:

Volkswagen - especially the young father who thinks it is "utterly ridiculous that he is responsible for another human being" which includes the "5 second cookie rule".

Circuit City - especially the soccer fan who has a TV everywhere so that he doesn't miss a play, no matter what he is doing. Funny stuff. The look on his face when the channel is changed to an exercise program cracks me up.

When a certain "dog" was posting on AW, all I could think about was the Circuit City ad where a woman sends a fantasy picture of herself to a man she met online with the sexy voiced greeting, "Hi, I'm Tammy. What do YOU look like?" He, of course, replies with a fantasy picture of himself.

Target - fun, colorful, and great music.

I also liked the "power of cheese" commercial with the 2 fish leaping out of their bowl toward the cheese plate being served at a party, only to have the plate removed at the last second and they splat on the table. "Bummer", says the one fish.


Most annoying...the medication ads with all of their side-effect warnings. Makes you wonder why anyone would want to take this stuff.

[ edited by femme on Sep 11, 2000 05:56 AM ]
posted on September 11, 2000 05:53:38 AM new

spaz - LOL

Not to mention the architecture.

posted on September 11, 2000 07:20:45 AM new
HCQ: don't forget the wonderful "Hello, fellow partially eaten fish"

LindaK: Well, , toilet paper commercials have always had me shaking my head in disbelief. Does any other country worship it as much as the US does? We hug it, squeeze it, protect it, cushion butts about to be spanked with it, pad catcher's mitts with it, smell it, quilt it, use it as a pillow, etc. in our commercials. A current, especially creepy commercial has a roll of toilet paper rolling across the floor while a woman with a British accent (to lend an upper class air?) extolls how clean this particular brand leaves you. Ah, OK. I've even known people to go abroad on vacation who, upon return, give running commentaries--not on the places they've seen, but on the qualities of the T.P. in the countries they visited... Some even bring back samples!

posted on September 11, 2000 07:21:54 AM new
One of my favorites was the Staples "back to school" commercial from a year ago where the Christmas song "It's That Most Wonderful Time Of The Year" was playing, while a gleeful dad glided back and forth on a shopping cart full of school supplies, while his kids trailed behind with totally bummed out expressions. My husband and I laughed every time we saw it. But it really p*ssed our kids off. They hated it.


posted on September 11, 2000 07:29:21 AM new
bunniculaYES! The obsession with TP is very strange indeed. The one with the British women just slays me, and the one with the little cartoon ladies who check out their TP with a lint brush. Now, I have to ask, how many of you have even noticed LINT on you or your TP?

Don't even get me started on the commercials for various "women's products". I would have preferred that my boys not have to hear about "occassional personal dryness" at this stage of their lives.
posted on September 11, 2000 07:41:06 AM new
Meya: Don't even get me started on the commercials for various "women's products"

amazing, aren't they? One wonders why there have never been correspondingly weird & embarrassing commercials for men's products? How 'bout one with a father & son: Dad, can I talk to you about...jock itch? Or one on the lift & support provided by jock straps? Those Viagra commercials are coy in comparison to those for women's products--I think they could be much more humorous, embarrassing & revealing, don't you?

posted on September 11, 2000 08:48:47 AM new
I love any commercial with cats and/or dogs. I used to love the one for Kibbles & Bits with the bulldog and the little dog jumping over him (think it was a Jack Russell terrier). I like the toilet paper stacks too. I used to love the Little Friskies commercials with all the kittens in them, the Morris the Cat commercials and I have always like the Fancy Feast commercial with the Classy Cat (Persian?) and the crystal feeding dish and they tap the edge of the feeding dish and it rings just like fine crystal should. And you see this all white beautiful, serene, classy cat - it even eats with class.
Fancy Feast dah-ling

I HATE commercials with cockroaches in them or that hooked dental intrument that scrapes - they both give me nausea.
posted on September 11, 2000 09:11:26 AM new
I'll have to start turning on the TV for more than movies, since I've missed most of these. All I know is that I read this thread very last night when the last post was Spaz's, about the Victoria's secret models dancing breast to breast. Now, every time I see the thread title in the RT lineup with bunnicula saying "I'm not ashamed--I like 'em!" I can't help linking it to those dancing breasts.

Sorry, bunnicula, the power of suggestion overwhelmed me. Blame spaz.

- Pareau

posted on September 11, 2000 09:35:54 AM new
The Steve Erwin FedEx ad is REALLY good. Even my husband who can "mute" faster than lightning watches it.

My daughter loved that stupid commercial from this summer w/the obviously tone deaf boys singing.."Go David, It's your Birthday." It was sooo awful it was funny.

The new Burger King w/the BackStreet Boys isn't bad.

My all time favorite, though, is the FedEx where they play songs about different cities (Barcelona, Sweet Home Alabama), then cut to a plane w/the pilot singing a God Awful Rendition of "Oklahoma". The punch line, "We can carry everything but a tune".

Has anyone seen the Mtn Dew commercial w/the guy in Africa chasing down a cheetah?

posted on September 11, 2000 10:15:57 AM new
pareau: Now, every time I see the thread title in the RT lineup with bunnicula saying "I'm not ashamed--I like 'em!" I can't help linking it to those dancing breasts

I can say in all truthfulness that although my breasts jiggle, they have *never* danced! And if they ever do, what dance would they perform? Charleston? Twist? Tango? The mind boggles...

posted on September 11, 2000 11:27:18 AM new
Bunnicula - Good point..."Does any other country worship it as much as the US does? We hug it, squeeze it, protect it, cushion butts about to be spanked with it, pad catcher's mitts with it, smell it, quilt it, use it as a pillow, etc. in our commercials."

I don't know about other countries...but I sure don't want to go back to the days of using the phone book or (the rumors) of using corn cobs. (OUCH!)

I just love the puppies in these commercials.

posted on September 11, 2000 11:50:36 AM new
bunnicula, I confess I hadn't pursued the image that far, but since you ask... I'd think waltz, with tango tendencies. And now I'm going to see the darned things doing a ballroom three-step with a flounce. Thanks.

Per TP, I think it's mainly marketing, although if you've ever seen Russia's answer to our personal hygiene products, you'll appreciate ours. At least you couldn't use it as a substitute for emery paper.

- Pareau

posted on September 11, 2000 01:20:37 PM new
bunnicula: The light bulb commercial with the cat is by far the all time best commercial EVER!!

posted on September 11, 2000 05:14:52 PM new
I agree with you on the ads for the medical products and all the side effects. Especially the one for acid reflux (the purple pill). After, listening to all the side effects, makes one think that would rather deal with the acid reflux. The new fedex commercial is a hoot. Saw the cat herding commercial last week.


posted on September 11, 2000 05:50:11 PM new
I vote for the cat herding. Meow.

posted on September 11, 2000 07:05:00 PM new
There's at least one site on the web that has commercials on it, including the cat herder one. When I read people talking about the Super Bowl commercials, I found that site and watched the various commercials. That cat herder one had me spewing Pop Tarts all over the monitor.

European commercials are often more risque than American commercials...and I'm not talking about the multitude of phone sex ads on TV, either.

posted on September 11, 2000 07:10:28 PM new
Here's a site for all you ad junkies. Strangely enough, the featured one is about toilet paper. The lower left hand side has their top 100. Personally, I like any Molson Canadian commercials.



(Sorry it's not clickable)


posted on September 11, 2000 07:31:25 PM new
Fun Thread!!....

The FedEx commercial is a riot!...(that guys pretty wild on his own show, but spoofin' himself is great!)....Loved the Staples one, eg. "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year", didn't run here this year (boo-hoo)..My kids hated it too!...(which made it soooooooo much more fun!).....My fav drug commercial is the one for Social Anxiety Disorder, if you need the drug, and find it useful to become social, the side effects will definately have you running home!...BTW, is it just me or have the side effects from many advertised drugs gotten outta hand?....Cure one problem, but create another 10 or 20????

How about the Afleck (sp?) one....Where the duck keeps quackin' "AFLECK"...and when a piece a bread is thrown to him (the duck) he kicks it back!....It's a super chuckle!

Here's one I haven't seen mentioned, that is the cause of debate between me & my husband....It's a Jeep commercial where the Grim Reaper is dancing around in a field to the tune "What a Day for a Daydream"....He returns a little bird to it's nest, plays golf with his sickle (sp?) and frolicks.....The husband thinks it's funny....But to me, looking at it from a marketing perspective, I seriously wonder why any automobile company (besides Hearse manufacturers) would want their product to be associated with death???.....Am I alone????

~ Rancher

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