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posted on December 30, 2000 11:52:31 PM new
Well folks, I've now adopted a new practice, when the seller states $3.20 (or soon $3.50) and does not explicitly state 2-3 day Priority shipping... I now email the seller and specificaly ask if the shipping cost is for USPS 2-3 day priority shipping.

It is a sad commentary on how far down the "fun" of eBay buying has become. It seems that not that long ago (a year or so) the majority of eBay sellers charged exactly what it cost, no "handling" or other b.s. like upcharges for credit cards. Hãvñ is Paypal to blame?
posted on December 31, 2000 12:52:20 AM new
If you bid on an auction where it says $3.20, you're agreeing to the amount for shipping. The seller did not say it is for Priority Mail. Why blame the seller for your false assumptions? You could have asked, "is this $3.20 for Priority Mail?" Gosh sakes, if you're the type that will leave a seller a neg for this, you had better start asking the seller beforehand, and start taking responsibility for yourself. This immature blaming is for the birds.
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posted on January 2, 2001 11:18:27 PM new
I am both a seller and a bidder. In my auction, I state that I will ship Priority Mail, which usually takes 2-3 days for delivery. I charge a flat rate of $4.95 s/h regardless of how much you order from me. I have several people that have ordered 2 or 3 auctions from me, and I still charge $4.95. I also send every package with delivery confirmation - an additional $.35. For the most part, most of my postage is $3.55. Am I wrong for charging $4.95? Well, as a seller, I do have to take the time to list on ebay, accept payment, package the merchandice, go to the post office to ship the item. I live in the big city of Atlanta, so the post office is always busy.

I am not trying to con people out of money by charging $4.95 for s/h. I don't make money off shipping the item, I make the money off the products that I sell. As an added bonus, many times, I often put free items along with the product that they ordered.

As a bidder, I wish people did put the method of shipment. I ordered a post and still have not got an email back from the seller how he is going to ship it.


posted on January 2, 2001 11:37:43 PM new
I think the original poster has a legitimate gripe.

You can't assume that $3.20 means you get priority mail, but when a seller uses terms like "actual shipping costs" it should have some basis in reality. "Shipping and handling" would be much more accurate wording, and it's not "actual" if it's applied across the board to a number of cases where the cost, in fact, varies.

This one may be legal in the loosest sense, but it's not ethical and looks like a calculated attempt to mislead. It's the kind of practice that gives all sellers a bad name and gives buyers yet another "caveat emptor" to add to all the other ones in the media (like fear of fraud, scams, privacy loss, etc.).
posted on January 3, 2001 12:15:13 AM new
I have to agree ~ I knew the shipping up front ~ if I assumed $3.20 was for priority ~ well you know what happens when you assume ~ you make an a@@ of u and me. I list several hundred auctions each month ~ up until November ~ I was careful to state "actual cost to ship priority mail" ~ but with all the new paypal fees and the cost of everything else going up as well ~ I went to a fixed shipping ~ which I disclose in my auctions ~ it makes it so much easier ~ I can't tell you how many times I have gotten burned est postage and later finding out I was wrong due to my old scales, the size of the box etc ~ now when I get to the post office ~ if priority rate is within the quoted shipping ~ that is how it goes ~ but if I find that not to be so ~ it goes by parcel post!

posted on January 3, 2001 12:36:05 AM new

but with all the new paypal fees and the cost of everything else going up as well ~ I went to a fixed shipping ~ which I disclose in my auctions ~ it makes it so much easier

I agree with you. I used to charge exact postage, then went to a $.50 handling fee, but I'm now entertaining the possibility of going to fixed shipping rate. It would sure save a lot of time and possibly a few $....

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