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posted on May 3, 2009 07:16:00 AM new

That's why this flu is so worrying; not so much right now, but in the Fall when it might well come back with a vengeance.

posted on May 3, 2009 07:55:25 AM new
I agree and hope we are feverishly (no pun intended) working on an H1N1 vaccine for the next flu season. In 1918, when there were no means of rapid transportation, the epidemic was widespread and devastating. Can you imagine what the effects would be today, when you can get anywhere on earth in hours, not days or weeks?

As has been advised on all news programs, wash hands frequently, sneeze or cough into the crook of your elbow not your hands, do not go to school or work if you exhibit signs of illness--all common sense steps to take. The 24 hour newscasts and the manner in which this story has been reported, does not help either. A lot of people panic when they hear some of these news stories--such as refusing to eat pork for fear they will get the swine flu. IMO, giving up bacon is just too much to ask

posted on May 3, 2009 08:55:23 AM new
I used to live in NYC,there is an area called Kew Garden and the Orthodox Jews would practice some customs going back to ancient time .One of them is to take a piece of stored bought meat,say beef brisket .
They will rub it with salt and then place it on a rack and tilt it towardS the kitchen sink for 24 hours so the salt will draw fluid out of the meat.
You hear people talk about AIDS and exchange of bodily fluid,you wonder if some of these ancient customs are in place to protect the people from certain substance found in animal or human tissues?
What about some of these rules-
dont eat anything from the sea or river which has no scales?
dont eat pork (how do you kill tapeworms?)
dont buy any fowl unless it has complete set of claws and a beak?
and how do they slaughter the animal say a cow ?They slit their throat and let the blood run dry?
Oh,for all you sushi lovers,the right way to gut the fish is to insert a finger through its gill and pull the whole gut out,in that way it does not contaminate the meat.
And do a little digging on Toxoplasmosis,
Economic Reform act of Chairman Obama of the socialist States of America :
10 ounces of meat per month,half a yard of cotton per year per adult.
posted on May 3, 2009 09:18:39 AM new

Laurie Garrett on lessons from the 1918 flu

posted on May 3, 2009 11:16:11 AM new
"Xenophobes all withstanding, the PC encyclopedia still can't change the fact that Mexico is an epicenter of swine flu"

Yeah, and case number one was a kid who lived and played near an American Owned pork processing facility, and the highest number of cases by state in this country are all from New York, 49 student travelers. Wouldn't you imaging that if the border was the issue, Arizona California and Texas would have more and not fewer cases than New York?

What exactly Is the difference where it started squirrel? I don't get your point.

I just spent every day for a week in a livestock barn full of pigs at a local fair, judging sheep that were in the same barn. I've got a little cold or something now and feeling a bit chilled...Anybody want to come over for lunch?

guess I oughtta post more...forgot how t'do quotes....
[ edited by profe51 on May 3, 2009 11:17 AM ]
posted on May 3, 2009 11:31:17 AM new
the processing plant is a joint venture between Smithfield Food and a Mexican company.
The Chinese and the Vietnames and the Thai and the Cambodian all eat more pork than the Mexican.
The Chinese use every part of the pig-toothbrush,hairbrush,leather,lard,sausage case,blood soup!
They still prepare a casserole for women after giving birth- pig feet cooked in vinegar,ginger and soy sauce with hardboiled eggs .
The vinegar will extract the calcium from the bones,ginger has a healing effect and eggs and pig feet provide fat and protein .
Economic Reform act of Chairman Obama of the socialist States of America :
10 ounces of meat per month,half a yard of cotton per year per adult.
posted on May 3, 2009 11:32:48 AM new
They just have first case in Hong Kong,a Mexcian travelling from Mexico to Shanghai and then Hong Kong.
Economic Reform act of Chairman Obama of the socialist States of America :
10 ounces of meat per month,half a yard of cotton per year per adult.
posted on May 3, 2009 12:08:24 PM new
now South Korea has its first case
MAY 2, 2009, 11:38 P.M. ET Chinese Authorities Quarantine Airline Passengers Article
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Chinese health authorities said they have found and placed under quarantine 164 of the 189 passengers and crew members aboard a flight from Mexico to Shanghai that carried a man now ill with the A/H1N1 flu virus.

Associated Press
The man with the A/H1N1 flu virus arrived in Shanghai on AeroMexico flight AM 98 and continued on to Hong Kong on China Eastern Airlines flight MU 505. He developed a fever after arriving in the territory Thursday afternoon.
None of those being held in isolation have become ill, according to Shanghai city health officials. So far, no cases of the new flu strain have been identified in mainland China.

As of Saturday evening, authorities were still searching for others on board the AeroMexico flight that carried the 25-year-old Mexican who transited Shanghai and arrived in Hong Kong Thursday.

Tests in Hong Kong confirmed Friday that the sick man was infected with the A/H1N1 virus. In response, Hong Kong's government placed the hotel where the patient was staying under involuntary quarantine for seven days.

Saturday, Hong Kong authorities said they've been unable to find around 50 guests registered at the sick man's hotel, the Metropark, in Hong Kong's Wanchai district. However, they said no new cases of the A/H1N1 virus have been found since the one confirmed patient was identified.

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Thomas Tsang, controller of Hong Kong's Center for Health Protection, downplayed the risk posed by unaccounted for guests at the Metropark to the general public, noting that the people who have had closest contact with the Mexican flu patient so far haven't tested positive for the disease. Nonetheless, he encouraged unaccounted for guests to contact the police.

Of the people who flew with the Hong Kong-bound patient from Mexico to Shanghai, 48 passengers and all 13 crew members aboard the flight remained in Shanghai, according to Shanghai city health officials. All but one have been located and placed under observation for seven days in a hotel.

Another 41 people traveled on to Guangdong province, where authorities have placed 37 in isolation. Four haven't yet been found. All 15 of the passengers who ended up in Beijing have been placed under quarantine in a hospital in the Chinese capital. Passengers have also been placed in isolation in Jiangsu and Hebei provinces.

People who had sat near the patient on his China Eastern Airlines flight from Shanghai to Hong Kong have been reached, and those still in Hong Kong have been placed under quarantine or hospitalized, Hong Kong's Mr. Tsang said.

Earlier Saturday, South Korean health authorities concluded that a woman who spent a week in Mexico in late April contracted the virus, the first South Korean to be confirmed with the illness.

Economic Reform act of Chairman Obama of the socialist States of America :
10 ounces of meat per month,half a yard of cotton per year per adult.
posted on May 3, 2009 12:27:22 PM new
Ok, here's some news...a Canadian farmer may have given the flu to his pigs!

posted on May 3, 2009 02:22:01 PM new

Now that's a reversal, Shething!

"I just spent every day for a week in a livestock barn full of pigs at a local fair, judging sheep that were in the same barn. I've got a little cold or something now and feeling a bit chilled...Anybody want to come over for lunch?"

Yes, Profe!...and I'll bring my friends who just returned from a vacation in Cancun. Maybe we can swing by Squirrel's tree on the way and shake down a few nuts.

posted on May 3, 2009 03:54:56 PM new
LOL, Helen -

posted on May 3, 2009 04:14:26 PM new

Niel's coming too, Prof!

posted on May 3, 2009 04:51:58 PM new
The Canadian just returned from Mexico.
May be the Egyptians are smarter than all of us,they killed all their pigs!
Economic Reform act of Chairman Obama of the socialist States of America :
10 ounces of meat per month,half a yard of cotton per year per adult.
posted on May 3, 2009 05:08:44 PM new

Egypt's call to kill pigs ridiculed


Egypt, which has no swine flu cases, is the only country in the world to order a mass pig slaughter in response to the disease. The move mirrored Egypt's battle with bird flu, in which the government killed 25 million birds within weeks in 2006.

But international health officials said the swine flu virus that has caused worldwide fear is not transmitted by pigs, and that pig slaughters do nothing to stop its spread. The WHO on Thursday stopped using the term "swine flu" to avoid confusion.

In Egypt, even the editor of a pro-government newspaper criticized the order to slaughter the estimated 300,000 pigs, which was pushed by parliament and issued by the government.

"Killing (pigs) is not a solution, otherwise, we should kill the people, because the virus spreads through them," wrote Abdullah Kamal of the daily Rose El-Youssef. "The terrified members of parliament should have concentrated on asking the government first about the preventive measures and ways of confronting the problem."

posted on May 3, 2009 07:08:07 PM new
Egypt is a muslim country and most citizens do not eat pork.Those pigs were there to serve the Christian community.

Economic Reform act of Chairman Obama of the socialist States of America :
10 ounces of meat per month,half a yard of cotton per year per adult.
posted on May 3, 2009 07:28:38 PM new

"Egypt is a muslim country and most citizens do not eat pork.Those pigs were there to serve the Christian community."

...and the economy.

posted on May 3, 2009 07:52:14 PM new

It will cost the Egyptian government 84 million dollars to compensate farmers who have their pigs slaughtered. A good number of farmers rely on the sale of pigs to support their families.

posted on May 4, 2009 05:46:54 AM new

Council on Foreign Relations

Speaker: Laurie A. Garrett, Senior Fellow for Global Health and the author of "The Coming Plague," and "Betrayal of Trust: The Collapse of Global Public Health." Council on Foreign Relations
Presider: Robert McMahon, Deputy Editor, CFR.org

April 27, 2009, New York, NY
Council on Foreign Relations

Very informative!

posted on May 4, 2009 04:40:31 PM new
I agree with this article. In this instance, especially, health care benfits everyone.


Bill K-
posted on May 4, 2009 06:06:12 PM new
Killing those pigs could be a preventive measure ,only they know what would happen if they dont.
I went to see Egypt back in the 90s,I joined the Smithsonian tour with 15 others accompanied by a PHD Egyptologist from Univ of Chicago.
There was one couple who took pepto bismal tablets for 30 days before the tour started and they were the only ones who did not have any problem,the rest of us all got sick.
It is either diarhea or constipation or bacterial infection,one even broke her ankle in Luxor stepping on a rock!
Most are seasoned travellers who have seen the world but first time to Egypt,on the first day I saw them getting bottled water to bring back to their hotel room,not to drink but to BRUSH THEIR TEETH.
Since we always stayed in 4 stars hotel,I cant understand what is the big fuss until I started using the local water to brush my teeth and took a bath!
We kept exchanging information like dont eat any lettuce or tomato with skin on,dont drink canned orange juice ,drink fresh one instead and dont dip our feet or hands in local water and bring our own toilet paper and wash paper when using public bathroom.
But we still get sick !
Cairo is so polluted I have to take claritin and we have to leave early to go on a boat cruise to avoid all the smog travelling mid day through the city.
On the Nile,we see people and goat and they said it is no big deal if someone decides to dispose a dead goat in the river.
It turns out they dispose more than farm animals,there is a boat carrying 17 Russian and the boat capsized and all drowned.
The NILE is only 16 feet deep and funny there were only a few local on deck when it capsized and they all survived!
The Russian built the Aswan dam for them and they complained it does them no good as there is a certain kind of snail in the river which harbors a certain parasite.
Before Aswan dam,the snails get washed into the ocean but now they propagate and passed on the parasites to the locals!
Everywhere we go,there are people,bazaar,temples,open markets etc and the mix of camels and stalls plus pollution,we even see meat market where they hang a side of beef with flies flying around it.
The locals wear those long robes and they are not made of cotton,they are made of light wool!
So how often do they wash their wool robes ?or do they dryclean?I dont see any drycleaner??
One thing I finally realised is that they are in the desert and without ample water available,'things' are just not clean,the locals have the immune system but we do not.
You walk into a place and they serve you tea,well you figure they use boiling water so it is safe,but whatever it is in the leaves,it makes me sick?
We went to see a temple in the desert and stopped at the refreshment tent !
they have those old fashioned cooler with cold ice and ice water and 8 oz bottles of coca cola floating in ice water!
So you take one bottle out and open it with a can opener,make sure you use a straw which s sealed in paper and not touch the rim of the bottle with your lips!
After Cairo,I spent 2 days in ATHENS and right there I can sense the difference,clean air,clear blue sky and less people.
I returned to the States with a bad case of bacterial infection and the doctor has to prescribe strong anti biotics to kill whatever I caught in Egypt .
think of the Bible and Moses and his ten commandments and the kosher rules ,they are all about dont do this and dont do that and what did Mohamed tell his people?dont eat pigs as they are filthy?
Things are just not clean when water is scarce,you wear your clothes for a week,you sleep in a small room with your cousin and uncles and you dont have facility to bath every day and congested and crowded places you rub shoulder with people every day.
Before I forget,on the topic of exchanging bodily fluid,the jews have a custom where the woman while menstruating sleep in a separate bed until she is clean and then she returned to her husband bed.
Economic Reform act of Chairman Obama of the socialist States of America :
10 ounces of meat per month,half a yard of cotton per year per adult.
posted on May 4, 2009 09:42:36 PM new
Good article, Bill. I wonder how much cheaper it would be to treat uninsured folks in clinics, rather than the ER.
posted on May 5, 2009 05:49:02 AM new
Hwa, traveler's intestinal upsets are not uncommon. My school has an exchange program with a school in Mexico. When the adults and students from Mexico come here to stay for a week, they often bring their own water so as not to get sick drinking American water.

I once stayed in a small room with my cousin and uncles and I didn't get sick.

posted on May 5, 2009 06:36:13 AM new

"I agree with this article. In this instance, especially, health care benefits everyone."

Bill, in every "instance" universal health care benefits our society. Isn't it tragic that it will take a pandemic to convince Conservative Republicans that a sick population may affect their incompassionate asses.

And, Pixiamom,every person in this country should receive medical care in an appropriate medical facility regardless of their ability to pay. Clinics might reduce the contagion that should be avoided in an emergency room but people should not be relegated to an inferior facility because they do not possess an insurance policy.

[ edited by Helenjw on May 5, 2009 08:07 AM ]
posted on May 5, 2009 08:24:37 AM new
Helen, you miss the point. Health care is available to all today via the emergency room. It would be more efficient to provide clinic care, allowing folks to seek medical care earlier before it becomes an emergency. Waiting to take baby to the emergency room when her temperature is 105 because you don't have health benefits isn't good for the poor, isn't good for the tax payer.
posted on May 5, 2009 08:45:24 AM new
What else is everyone "entitled" to? Just curious. Because everything someone is "entitled" to means somebody else has to take it in the neck.

Then what do you do about the UAW $2 prescriptions when most people pay hundreds per month in payroll deductions for $20 prescriptions?

Then again if everyone is "entitled" to health care, why even fool around with deductibles, co-payments, private practices, etc. If you're entitled why not make it all "free".

Since we've clean run out of "rich people", where are you going to get the few odd trillion every year.

PS: Don't forget, you already have to get about 11 odd trillion from the "rich people" to get back to even in the current "help the poor people own a home" based financial fiasco.

posted on May 5, 2009 09:30:22 AM new

Pixiamom, of course we all know that the poor, without insurance, only have access to possible treatment in an emergency room if they are lucky, that is.

My point is that all people should have access to preventative care and medical care when they are ill without having to use the emergency room as a last resort. Just think of all the problems that might be avoided if medical care including mental and preventative care could be available to everyone in our society? Imagine the savings both in lives and money that such universal care would insure.

It's unfair to deprive anyone of the right to medical care because they can't afford an insurance policy.

posted on May 5, 2009 06:11:33 PM new
Our previous President recommended emergency rooms in a speech in Cleveland: "The immediate goal is to make sure there are more people on private insurance plans. I mean, people have access to health care in America. After all, you just go to an emergency room.”

posted on May 5, 2009 09:32:57 PM new
Squirrel, since you are in the category of joe-wannabe, let's let the rich speak for themselves,
posted on May 6, 2009 09:42:00 PM new
Bear, you have exposed your racism for what it is. No need to hide in niceties anymore, we know what you are.
posted on May 7, 2009 07:37:10 AM new
Bear's just passing along forwards again. He probably didn't even read it.

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