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posted on February 27, 2001 05:53:42 PM new
[ edited by tapatti on Feb 28, 2001 05:05 AM ]
posted on February 27, 2001 05:57:56 PM new
I would like to take this oppurtunity to THANK all you sellers who charge as much as you can get away with in S&H charges.
It Just increases the # of bids on my FREE SHIPPING, 1 CENT STARTING BID NO RESERVE AUCTIONS so MUCH...THANK YOU! THANK YOU! AND by all means be as deceptive as you wanna be!

posted on February 27, 2001 06:00:58 PM new
I think its funny that whenever a seller makes a valid point on this thread, or board for that matter, bidders are all of a sudden quiet. Once again:

That brings me to another point. One of my first transactions I bid on an item and the guy charged OUTRAGEOUS prices to ship it to me via UPS only. The auction stated "buyer pays actual shipping charges."

I asked the seller why he was charging so much and he explained that where he lived, there was not a UPS drop off anywhere and he had to got to Mailbox ETC. and they lay on a bunch of fees on top of the price.

I paid for it (it was a keyboard) and got my item fine and was happy with it and I understood that not everyone can ship the same item for the same price.

The same goes where I live now. I almost moved to a different city in the desert close to here because the houses are really cheap ($100,000) but they did not have a post office. The mail was brought in from a mail truck and they did not accept packages so you had to drive to the closest post office. If I wanted to ship anything I would have had to drive 25 miles to the closest post office so I did not take the house.

Lets say I did take the house. My gas would have had to been part of my S&H. There are lots of small areas in the country where hard working men and woman grow up in who may be selling online to feed their families and may not have a choice on their S&H prices! Everything varies!

I have had the same argument about the word "Rare." I may have something rare and maybe in a store in NY they have a bunch of the same thing in their used record pile. I have had someone argue with me before "I seen that item here in NY, its not rare!" Rare does not mean unavailble it means that its rare, hard to come by. So, maybe in NY its easy to pick up, but not in London or Utah.

As I said before, this argument about shipping rates can't be applied to all situations at all times. Some sellers rip off people, but some charge high rates and have no choice in what they charge!

[ edited by digitalmaster on Feb 27, 2001 06:01 PM ]
posted on February 27, 2001 06:04:11 PM new
tapati: YOUR insulting members with spouting the following:

"stinks of trolling"

posted on February 27, 2001 06:06:42 PM new
I think its funny that whenever a seller makes a valid point on this thread, or board for that matter, bidders are all of a sudden quiet.

Maybe it is just supper time? *burp* ooops, excuse me...
posted on February 27, 2001 06:12:23 PM new

Since no one has answered yet, can I take a stab at it?

There's nothing wrong with your shipping charge of $1.99. BTW, is that First Class?

Myself, I would add the $1.15 into my opening bid (I know not everyone will agree with that because of the FVF thing) and that would allow me to post a shipping charge of only $ .84. That's assuming everything being equal and just using the figures you've given.

And you're right about it depending on what you sell. Basically, for low-ticket items, bidders might be more sensitive to paying higher shipping. But for items that go for as much as you say you sell them for, they're probably much less sensitive.

posted on February 27, 2001 06:12:29 PM new
Hi tomwii.....I think the point you're making is DEAD ON!

My thread was very similar (kraftdinner), and I got mashed like a potatoe along with anyone else who agreed with me. There's something definately wrong here....

Buyers are trying to tell Sellers something, and Sellers just aren't listening...ie: your original comment.

Buyers don't care what the shipping costs are as long as they're clear and up front.

Sellers are upset because sales are slow or down, but refuse to listen to why Buyers aren't buying anymore.

The usual response is "if you don't like the price, don't bid".....we don't, then you complain about your sales being slow.

Nobody here is talking about Handling, which Sellers use as their excuse for their excess shipping charges....standing in line, etc., etc.

The topic is shipping charges not corresponding with the amount on the received package. Why is that so hard to understand? Don't Buyers have the right to question why shipping paid and actual shipping don't jive??

There's analogies about cars, milk, etc., but why can't we talk about the actual problem and try to solve it so everyone feels OK about buying???

If Sellers would just state the two charges....Handling Charge and Shipping Charge, this wouldn't even be an issue......

[ edited by tmtoys on Feb 27, 2001 06:15 PM ]
posted on February 27, 2001 06:17:18 PM new
TAPATI, my sentiments exactly. I have included my comments from the other thread on this subject (making money on shipping). I will add TOMWIII to the list of "TROLLS if I didn't know better". May have to change the name of the list to "I believed they weren't TROLLS but must have been mistaken. Tell me it ain't so Joe."

"If I didn't know better I would say that OXFORD, REBELGUNS, and GODZILLATEMPLE are TROLLS!! This is bizarre. We have just under 3000 feedbacks, sell antiques and collectibles in a true auction format (low minimum, no reserve), and charge a fixed amount for shipping clearly stated in the description. Hopefully this amount is always well over the actual shipping charge but it is clearly stated. Any potential bidder can simply look at the current bid price, add the shipping to it, and decide if he still wants to bid. This must be OK because we have had only one or two questions about shipping and NEVER have we received a negative, let alone one about shipping prices. These are facts. If over 3000 buyers have not been concerned then what is the issue?? In fact, I believe there are some businesses that make most of their profit off of shipping. More power to them. What is wrong with that if the buyer is satisfied and eBay fee avoidance is not an issue? Again, this thread must have been started by a troll because there does not, in the real world, seem to be an issue here. Only one or two vociferous beings (perhaps trolls) on Auction Watch. Also, for the most part concur with all the comments of MBALLAI,PCALTON, CIX,and AMY.

posted on February 27, 2001 06:22:02 PM new
BJGrolle, I only send things first class or priority at this point.

Also, what about my points about where someone lives? I was trying to make a point that the same shipping rate does not always apply when you live far from a PO or if you use Mailbox. etc.

posted on February 27, 2001 06:24:09 PM new
[ edited by tapatti on Feb 28, 2001 05:06 AM ]
posted on February 27, 2001 06:24:58 PM new
Hello Everyone,

Please stick with the subject matter and stay away from addressing the poster.

Thanks for your cooperation,


posted on February 27, 2001 06:36:24 PM new
tomwii a TROLL?????....Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!......because he doesn't like being overcharged?????? Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

tapatti...you seem to be the troll here.....your silver-tongued comments go beyond this being a mature discussion....

posted on February 27, 2001 06:39:18 PM new
I sell more than I buy, so I consider myself a seller. I don't consider, what tomwiii is wanting, unreasonable. As a seller, I state, in my auctions $x.xx priority shipping/handling .. or $x.xx first class shipping/handling. I feel it is my job, as a seller to be clear and up front. It is not that difficult. IMO, those sellers who do not bother to add the extra letter "h" to their terms, when they charge a handling fee, are either lazy or purposly attempting to deceive their buyers.

posted on February 27, 2001 06:42:39 PM new
YESSS Rosiebud! Is that your ebay id as well? I'm in a shopping mood...
posted on February 27, 2001 06:43:32 PM new
I haven't seen any valid points yet---just the same old River of De Nile.

digitalmaster, didn't you notice the post I made three pages or so back where I mentioned that people aren't referring to you personally? Why would they be? You've already stated that you DO list your method of shipping in your ad. You and amy both have made it clear that you sell one of a kind items which need special packaging--fine. In amy's case as I understand it she sells antiques and breakables which without packaging would rarely go for under 13 ozs. anyway, and wouldn't go media mail, so in her case, for instance, a buyer already knows it's going to be Priority (or UPS or Fedex equivalent, or Parcel Post which is very close to Priority Cost). It's not like I am going to wonder, gee, is my antique vase being shipped first class for 77 cents or Priority for 3.95. Ain't gonna happen so it's something of a straw man.

Since there's such prevalent inability to understand buyer frustration here---here are a few examples of the type of merchandise these rip offs seem to happen with frequently, from what I have heard and my own experience: widely available beanies, current issue cds and movies, socks, a kid's t-shirt, etc.....these and a WHOLE bunch of other mass market items, unlike a vase or a one-of-a-kind music widget, need some packing but don't have to be wrapped like King Tut on his trip to the great beyond. Also they have different possibilities---they COULD go first class, or some of them (obviously not the t-shirt or beanie!) COULD go media mail. So this is what I, and I think the others here, are asking for. Tell us which one, without making us email you to find out. When shipping those types of things, sellers just want you to STATE SHIPPING METHOD UP FRONT. It's so simple. First class, media, or priority, with or without insurance. If you sell some unusual thing, so you don't know yet, (i.e. Amy) FINE, but that is NOT the norm...most people DO know how they are going to ship even if they don't know to the penny how much the item will weigh. I have been a seller for years---don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining!

I've reduced all my wants as far as fairness in shipping to JUST that simple request....which way are you shipping. I can do the math myself. Nut I suspect you know what I've said before---if you do that, you will lose bidders. So you omit that info and call it "business".

Feh. I don't do business like that now and I didn't for any of my other businesses previous to this one. Contrary to some posts here, it's *very* possible to be a professional seller ad not charge handling fees. I know because I do it every day. But to heck with that. That's my own opinion. What I'm asking you for is:


posted on February 27, 2001 06:46:32 PM new
oxford ~ nope.. plus I don't have anything up right now. Getting ready to go on vacation for spring break and didn't want to get stuck with last minute shipping.

posted on February 27, 2001 06:47:15 PM new
I know no-one is personally addressing me. That is not my point. I am just stating facts about s&h in general and I have noticed (not just with my post) that when sellers make a valid point, a lot of bidders ignore it. And yes, I do post my shipping charges on my TOS. In fact, I write about 3 paragraphs breaking down my charges...

posted on February 27, 2001 06:48:48 PM new
[ edited by tapatti on Feb 28, 2001 05:07 AM ]
posted on February 27, 2001 06:52:06 PM new

Please read my post above.


posted on February 27, 2001 06:55:36 PM new
rosiebud - have a great one!
posted on February 27, 2001 06:58:33 PM new
Are we trying to get to 10 pages here? I just thought of something. If bidders really wanted to offer constructive critisism, why not make a thread named:

"Advice about S&H charges for sellers."

I bet if that was the name of this thread it would have not been as heated... When you start a thread calling sellers scam artists, that is where you started off on a bad note.

Think about it...

[ edited by digitalmaster on Feb 27, 2001 06:59 PM ]
posted on February 27, 2001 06:59:40 PM new
digitalmaster, I would have taken a neg on your mailboxes etc. shipping. I consider that deliberate deception. Seller tells you "actual shipping" and then proceeds UPS via mailboxes etc.? That is deliberate omission of a material fact! What if the guy had said he had to pay the neighbor $10.00 to drive it to Mailboxes, do you still consider that part of "actual shipping?"

In fairness to the majority of posters, I think that most of the sellers who post here are probably upfront and fair about their shipping charges. Unfortunately, ebay is rife with sellers who aren't and like life, the many suffer because of the actions of a few.

Few buyers will object to a shipping charge of $4.00 if the item is packaged securely. But all of you must admit you would be upset to pay $4.00 shipping and receive the item in a flimsy envelope that was open due to poor packing and had 76¢ postage on it.

All sellers should be upset about this because sellers who do this will make it difficult for the rest of you because it makes buyers suspicious of all.

posted on February 27, 2001 06:59:46 PM new

No one is forcing you to post here. If you think the thread has no value, feel free not to post. I see alot of comments of value, and so I am posting. The moment I do not, I will leave. You may wish to think about doing the same.
posted on February 27, 2001 07:02:26 PM new
First london4, I skipped something. The seller said in the auction "bidder pays actual s&h charges."

The whole reason I asked him why his price was so high is because I know how much it is to ship with UPS and It was way over what I have ever paid for shipping a similar item. He had no choice, so why should I have neg'd him?

One more time: If bidders really wanted to offer constructive critisism, why not make a thread named:

"Advice about S&H charges for sellers."

I bet if that was the name of this thread it would have not been as heated... When you start a thread calling sellers scam artists, that is where you started off on a bad note.

Think about it...
[ edited by digitalmaster on Feb 27, 2001 07:05 PM ]
posted on February 27, 2001 07:02:58 PM new
london4 - well said, AGAIN! I wish I possessed the writing skills that both you and godzillatemple possess.
posted on February 27, 2001 07:03:39 PM new
tapatti....don't you mean Canaduh??? ....I was uploading pictures on AW and use my eBay name for that part....I forgot to sign off before coming to this board.

I really do understand your position (believe it or not), but just don't like it when people, that have a comment to make, get called names for no reason.....

joice.....my fault!

posted on February 27, 2001 07:09:05 PM new
One more time: If bidders really wanted to offer constructive critisism, why not make a thread named:

"Advice about S&H charges for sellers."

I bet if that was the name of this thread it would have not been as heated... When you start a thread calling sellers scam artists, that is where you started off on a bad note.

Digitalmaster, who are you refering to when you say "you" in the above comments? Are you saying we are all responsible for the subject line and first post because many of us happen to agree that the poster was justifiably unhappy?

So please, when you say "you started off on a bad note", who do you mean?

posted on February 27, 2001 07:17:33 PM new
Wow, I can't believe this has went on for so many pages... I quit at page 3. I don't know if this has been mentioned or not, but...

I know for a fact alot of the merchandise sold on Ebay is dropshipped. This applies to books, figurines, dishes, shelves, flags, toys AND videos. I know this because I have saw the catalogs myself.

If the merchandise you are ordering is new and has a high shipping charge, it may very well be dropshipped. These companies set the shipping charge and the middleman (seller) has no control over it. The amount is FIXED.

I realize, too, there are those who think nothing should be sold on Ebay which is dropshipped, the merchandise should be in hand. WHAT DOES IT MATTER, if the seller has it in hand or not. You want it or you don't.
If the terms are there, what is the problem.

Additionally, count me as one of those who sometimes come out ahead on shipping, and sometimes I go "in the hole." I prefer the practice of CYA to AITH.

posted on February 27, 2001 07:18:45 PM new
Isn't it obvious that I am talkin about whoever posted this thread.

I am not disagreeing with you here so calm down guy. I am saying that if "someone" posted another thread and started it off on a good note, maybe things would be different but some sellers get defensive when they are busting their behinds to be called scam artists!

posted on February 27, 2001 07:19:10 PM new
[ edited by tapatti on Feb 28, 2001 05:07 AM ]
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