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posted on October 10, 2000 08:18:45 AM new
Busybiddy I'm also curious as to the why. My husband and mother both received messages from loved ones through me. Both of them commented that they would have rather received the messages directly. I can honestly say that I wish they had too. I don't understand it any more than anyone else does. It's especially curious to me because even though I have a strong faith in God I've never considered myself to be any more spiritual per se than the next person. Especially before these type of experiences began. Since they began I have tried to read about others who have the same experiences. But, I've never found a reasonable explanation as to the why. I used to spend a lot of time worrying about it - and I guess I still do to an extent.

dcj I still wonder about reincarnation. It is totally against my personal belief system - as I was "raised." I think that the reincarnation debate helps me to understand why some people can't believe my experiences. In other words, when I hear reincarnation stories I always view them with a great amount of skepticism - it's not that I don't believe the person, but that I haven't experienced any knowledge of that so can't truly embrace the concept. Neither do I discount it though.

posted on October 10, 2000 08:24:39 AM new
mybiddness, me too!

I was raised as a very Conservative Catholic, but the notion of reincarnation makes some logical sense to me, and has some innate appeal, doesn't it?

However, I spent some time with a Buddhist spiritualist once, who firmly informed me that I was on my *last life* and better be careful, so I guess I'm sunk anyhow.

D. (off to make coffee and do some work now, thanks again, Muriel, for an interesting discussion...)

posted on October 10, 2000 08:37:08 AM new
This is really weird. A friend of mine and I were just talking about this very subject when I logged on and here you all are talking about the same thing.

I'm one of those that has seen "spirits" at some point or another. Both my sister and I have been having experiences since we were children. It scared the bejeezus out of me when I was small and had to go into the base ment alone. We lived in a really old house with the typical scary, creepy, dark basement. I've seen the image of a man in my basement and that same image has appeared in pictures that were taken at the house. When my great grandmother was dying she came and sat on the end of my bed. We got a call the next morning that she had passed during the night. Those are the two I've seen.

Otherwise I have premonitions. Bad dreams that come true or creepy feeling I can't get out of my system. The night my father died I was home for the weekend from college and cancelled plans because I just couldn't leave the house that night. Odd stuff like that.

posted on October 10, 2000 09:22:21 AM new
Lotsafuzz: I am a big Sylvia Browne fan. I have her tapes, and books, etc. Fascinating!

posted on October 10, 2000 09:33:15 AM new
Mybiddness: I saw a psychic one time and asked her about my spirit guide. Sylvia Browne said in her book that you have to name your spirit guide yourself if a psychic can't tell you his/her name. So I had been calling my spirit guide "Muriel". Now you all know! BUT, my psychic told me that my spirit guide is a man! Well, that took the wind out of my sails. Plus, she didn't know his name but said it was someone close to me and that he stays very close to me. I told her that Sylvia said that a spirit guide cannot be anyone that you knew in this life because your spirit guide is someone who is with you for your entire life. It has to be someone who was on the other side before you were born. So how can my spirit guide be someone I knew? I don't think my psychic was really knowledgable on this subject. By the way, when I went to her for a reading on my future, she told me in GREAT DETAIL exactly what had happened in the last three years of my life, down to the smallest detail. Didn't know squat about the future though.

posted on October 10, 2000 12:11:52 PM new
Sorry to have disappeared for a while. A friend needed an ear.

mybiddness - Your being open to sharing your experiences is very admirable and greatly appreciated, thank you. Very thought provoking. I do believe this is a 'gift' you've been given. I can understand the mixed feelings you must be coming/have come to grips with and admire you for your willingness to be open to it all. By that I mean you know what has happened to you, what you have experienced, and are working to understand the gift.

The part about love is so very true. As I've grown older I realize that of all the things I've most valued in my life, the love and companionship of family and friends is what matters most to me. When I was young, I thought the material things would bring the happiness, but have learned that's not where it's at.

busybiddy - "but what was it? A glimpse into another existence or a mind creating a scene to alleviate intense stress?" To me these things appear to be a glimpse into another realm that most people don't experience nor understand. Not experiencing them makes it even harder for someone who has not 'been there' to comprehend.
Heaven only knows that since most of those who have experienced these happenings can't explain them, it must be even harder for those who haven't to understand or accept. But I guess for me...if it brings peace to those who need peace, then these 'beliefs' are are serving their purpose.

I trust what people share they have experienced, even those who share they've seen UFOs or been in a space ship. Just because I haven't experience any of these phenomenons doesn't mean others haven't or that they don't exist. Because I can't explain the why of things, or prove them to be the truth, doesn't mean there isn't some higher power who knows exactly what the master plan is all about.

Thanks again to all. Muriel ..super thread.

posted on October 10, 2000 01:48:17 PM new
Being one of few words I've thought about this and wanted to add one more thing.

Mybiddness when you said, "No one likes to be considered "different" in such a way." I don't see you as being 'different' rather as being 'special'.

posted on October 10, 2000 02:42:10 PM new
I'm totally amazed that this thread has had such a positive reaction. I expected a lot of jokes and silliness - not that I don't love that, too. But it's so cool that we are talking about kind of a "kooky" subject with great seriousness!

I really wish I had more psychic abilities. I try to "tune in" and be aware of things. Just yesterday I had a dream about a friend from high school, whom I haven't talked to in two years. Today when I went into work, there was a message on my voice mail from her! That kind of stuff happens to me all the time. I call them "psychic moments". But I want more. I want to move ahead and be promoted to psychic staff sergeant, or something like that.

posted on October 10, 2000 02:53:17 PM new
Linda_K Thanks for your kind words. I can't think of myself as special at all - but, it sure sounds nicer than "different." I think that special people are those that have faith without "knowing."

Muriel I have seen Sylvia Browne on television a few times and a friend loaned me one of her books. For some reason I couldn't get into it though - not sure why. Maybe she was just too much for me to grasp now. I have also read Danion Brinkly (sp?) and some of John Edwards book. My husband and I saw George Anderson a couple of weeks ago, It was a great experience. He has a book out also but I don't know the name of it off hand - I do hope to get it though.

I would recommend that you trust your own instincts as to the name of your spirit guide. Your own spirit knows the name better than any psychic. I was told that the names (although real) aren't nearly as important to them as they are to us. As I understand it we each have a spirit guide that is with us from the beginning. I don't know about previous lives - but am speaking of our time on earth in this life. We also have numerous guides and angels that assist us throughout our lives as needed. For me, Trenton is my lifetime guide. For some reason he always announces his presence (not audibly) to me with "Trenton Here" - Since that's not something I would have come up with, I can only guess that it's his way of validating the experience for me. To me, "Trenton Here" is kind of goofy and sounds like a school role call... but there's lots that I don't really get.

As a child and even as a young adult I had a great deal of difficulty understanding how God could be "everywhere." These experiences have taught me that he is "everywhere" because we are a part of his spirit. I don't know how to describe it except to say that he is the sum & much more of every part of every life. That is why our pain, grief, and joy - every aspect of our being are as wholly his as they are ours.

dcj Personally, I'm REALLY hoping that once is enough. Maybe that's why I've never seen proof of reincarnation. I don't want it to be true.

posted on October 10, 2000 02:59:10 PM new
Sylvia Browne has a theory that we make a contract with God before we come to earth. We plan our lives down to the last detail. We choose everyting about our lives on Earth in order to LEARN. Some spirits choose to stay "on the other side", and some of us brave ones decide to come back to Earth again and again to learn more and get closer with God. It sure makes sense to me. This, of course, is the Reader's Digest condensed version of what Sylvia's book is about. But that's the gist. By the way, George Anderson's book is called "We Don't Die".

posted on October 10, 2000 03:37:53 PM new
I'll bet that's why I couldn't get into the Sylvia Browne book. I seem to remember now that it had a lot about reincarnation in it - that still puts up a road block for me. It's not that I do or don't believe it - I just hope that we don't have to do a re-do. I also believe that we plan our lives coming in based on the experiences that we need in order to learn. Our learning doesn't end here - but is what I would describe as an accelerant (or extra boost) to the next level.

When we saw George Anderson at the convention he announced that he had a new book and said that it was available at his web-site. I haven't visited it yet but based on what I saw at the convention I would definitely recommend reading his work.

posted on October 10, 2000 04:36:48 PM new
The "spirit guide" concept reminds me a lot of the Guardian Angels we were taught about in Catholic school.

I remember a picture the teacher gave me of a child crossing a bridge and a large winged angel was walking beside the child with an arm out in a protective gesture.

We were taught that we all have a personal guardian angel that would help protect us from harm and guide us.

I'm not sure they stress that idea much anymore as my nieces are in Catholic school and they've never mentioned it.

Muriel You reminded me of a similar story. My childhood friend and I had drifted apart after she moved to California after college graduation. A few years ago, I began having recurring dreams about seeing her in a restaurant, or some other public place, and when I tried to go over to speak to her, she would disappear. These dreams really bothered me so I wrote to her and resumed the relationship. Two months after we began to re-establish our friendship, she died of cancer. She knew it at the time I contacted her but never revealed it to me. I was devastated. How I wished I knew so that I could have flown out to see her one more time. I was thankful that at least she knew I had missed her, thought about her, and wanted to "get back together."

What made me have those dreams, at that point in time? I'm grateful, for whatever reason.

posted on October 10, 2000 06:23:39 PM new
I would love to see George Anderson, or James VanPraagh. They're both fascinating.
But here's another question. Are any of you out there what we could consider to be a true psychic?

posted on October 10, 2000 06:25:33 PM new
i've had 'prescient dreams' dreams which came true Now that was scary


[email protected]
posted on October 10, 2000 06:39:18 PM new
Enchanted: 'splain that to me, please. I don't understand the term. I'm not psychic you know!

posted on October 10, 2000 06:58:27 PM new
hi muriel

I have had several very detailed dreams about very important people or places in my life prior to meeting them or being in that place. Then when I met that person or walk into that location it is exactly as I had dreamed it previously, once a month before, once a year before. The dreams are so detailed that I get a feeling of deja vu walking into that place or meeting that person. This is what makes me believe psychic powers do exist in some people.

i think the word prescient means 'foreseeing the future' so the term is a prescient dream

one dream I will share, I had a dream about a factory (shop floor) and warehouse that I had never seen before. At that time i was not looking for a job. About a month later i went on a job interview at a company in a town I'd never been to before, was referred a week before that by a professional contact to that interview. I almost fainted when they gave me tour of the factory, i walked out through the double doors into the factory/warehouse I had dreamed about. Exactly as i had dreamed it. Got the job and met my ex-husband who worked at that company, married him a year later. Spooky.


[email protected]
posted on October 10, 2000 09:26:54 PM new
I just don't know about seeing family members, reincarnation, premonitions. Nobody else just has anonymous dead people? I'm talking about those extra people in the house. The ones who watch you when you're working, who make clickety-clack noises walking down the carpeted hall in the middle of the night, or leave things you see, then don't see--and someone else also sees, then doesn't see in very the same place. The ones who swell and flit, get the cat fluffed out, and generally unnerve you. Does anyone have them, and if so, what do you do with them?

- Pareau

posted on October 10, 2000 09:40:52 PM new
Pareau: Tell them to go away! Really! Tell them they are bothing you and they need to go to the white light.

Muriel: I tell ya' the thing about the blue prints (our plan) really helps me. I like the idea in that when things turn to dung I can think, Hey *I* picked this! There must be a reason why! I tend to believe it because when I look back on events it seems so clear how the 'forks in the road' (usually caused by something crappy) took me to where I need to be.

Something eles I really like that Sylvia Browne says is the 'white light' thing. You know, saying you are surrounding yourself with a protective shield. I *love* the thing about putting a 'web' around someone with negitive energy. I can't tell you how many people I have stuck to the wall with my 'web' and a 'be GONE'!

Sure it could just be changing your mind set, it could be God, who knows....my feeling is if it works it works!

posted on October 10, 2000 09:41:10 PM new
Muriel When we saw George Anderson it was in a room with about 4 to 5 hundred people. He only had time for 8 readings and my husband and a good friend were both given messages. The great thing about George Anderson is that he only allows you to answer with yes, no, or I understand. That way you have no doubt that the message is real. He knew my husband's aunt and mother's names and personal details that he couldn't "possibly" have known. He did the same with my friend and went into even more detail with her reading. I looked for his book tonight when I went out but it wasn't on the shelves of the local Barnes & Noble... drat!

Pareau I've certainly heard of it but haven't ever experienced it. I think it's fascinating to read here about all of the different types of phenomena that we experience. Like sjl1017 "knowing" not to leave the house the night his/her father died. And enchanted having detailed dreams about upcoming events.

My in-laws bought an old clock years ago from an antique shop. From the day they brought it home all kinds of wierd things (clanging and crashing in the night) started happening. My mother-in-law was convinced that there was an unhappy spirit connected to the clock - so she took it back. Oddly enough, it all stopped as suddenly as it had started.

posted on October 10, 2000 10:03:57 PM new
I had this very eerie experience that makes me think that animals see things we cannot.

I lived in this old farmhouse with a bunch of my friends and we were all sitting in the parlor one cold winter night in front of the wood stove reading. There were 5 people, four cats and a husky wolf cross.
One by one the cats turned thier heads to look at the window ( it was at one time a door from the old part of the house that had been torn down) . The curtains were drawn tight and none of us humans heard or saw anything but then all of the cats heads turned in unison as though they were watching something pass through the room. Just as they were looking where whatever it was passed by the husky he let out this unearthly low growl and then whatever they were watching passed out of the room through the kitchen doorway.
The hair had been standing up on the back of the two younger cats heads (not to mention mine )and niether one of them would sit with us again in the parlor after that night.
It was a very old house with its creaks and groans but that was the only truley odd thing that happened there.

posted on October 10, 2000 10:22:26 PM new
Tegan Your story sent chills up my spine - I do think animals and small children are more in tuned to the spirit world.

lotsafuzz I look at it the same way - if it works, it works, no matter the believed source. When I apply things like the protection of the white light - I used to feel at odds over it because I thought I was being presumptuous. I realized though that it was pretty ridiculous of me to try to place limits on what God could or would do for me. So, now I just thank him for doing it and believe that he does. Of course, there have been times that I can only assume I was intended to learn a lesson - that darned pre-planning thing, I guess.

In my visits on the other side I saw the white light and it is an incredible white brilliance. It seemed to me that it was so brilliant that it should have hurt my eyes - at least make me squint - but, it didn't - I only felt an enormous peace & love that permeated every ounce of my being. I've never known such a thing. I think that's why people who have had the experience aren't afraid of dying. It's such an incredible feeling of peace, serenity & love that you can't wait to go back.

busybiddy I'm glad you had that dream that helped you to reconnect with your friend before her passing. You should watch for signs of her trying to communicate - sometimes they do. Six months after my sister's best friend died she was cleaning out a shelf in her closet and a card that her friend had sent her years earlier fell out of a box and right into her hands. She had been having a very depressing day and the card was a "cheer up" things will get better kind of card from her friend telling her that no matter what they'd always be friends.

posted on October 11, 2000 12:51:09 AM new
This is one of the more inspirational threads I have read.
Mybid, I'm glad you are feeling more comfortable with sharing your experiences. I can remember when you were much more tenative about it. This is a good place.

Pareau, I haven't had experiences with spirits but was close to people who did. It was very strange. They were a young couple and very conservative.
They moved into an apartment over a funeral home and things went fine for about 6 months. The wife became pregnant but miscarried after about 2 months. That is when things started to happen, doors closing when they shouldn't, feeling something brush past them, seeing a presence once when the husbnd was shaving, something to do with closets. It totally freaked them out to the point where the wife wouldn't stay home alone. People who visited had the same experiences and finally they got in touch with paranormal researchers who came and got readings and took pictures of presences. They were advised to try to make friends with the presences and that the emotion of the miscarriage had probably brought them out and in their own way the "ghosts" were trying to comfort them. After they took the advice the sightings became less and less frequent. She got preg. again and it all ended.

I asked a lady in town who had lived there for years if she had ever felt or seen anything and was told "no" in a snickering kind of way like this couple had to be nuts. They weren't because it took them a long time to admit something was happening.
I think the miscarriage opened some kind of door and that some people just have more of a sensitivity to situations like this than others. I wish I had that ability.


posted on October 11, 2000 06:04:50 AM new

posted on October 11, 2000 06:16:43 AM new
just about anything turns you on krs


[email protected]
posted on October 11, 2000 09:59:30 AM new

krs, I don't think I would wear those shoes if I stayed there for a night. I'd break my neck running scared if anything happened or not.

In other words, I was invited and turned down the invitation. Uh uh no way. Cluck cluck.


posted on October 11, 2000 10:55:38 AM new
The reappearance of the Chicken!

posted on October 11, 2000 11:05:03 PM new
OH NO, krs, not THE chicken again!!!!!!!!!

Chicken or piddle. Oh well, I'd probably do that, too, not piddle around just piddle!


posted on October 12, 2000 12:43:18 AM new
Many of the above experiences happened to me frequently in earlier days.
Whilst a child :
I saw a goblin-like figure on the staircase of our old hose ; something sat on the end of my bed ; something turned on the light above my mirror or my bed ; occasionally there'd be unintelligible whispers and 3 hoots of an owl would have me trembling with fear until some misfortune happened ( which almost came as a relief because then I could cry or be afraid for an outwardly logical reason .) But I've always loved jackdaws , rooks and crows.
And then there came the moving pictures . I saw my first on the back staircase of a 17th. century house in an Essex , England , village once well-known for the supernatural . This was not an old mural , it had probably been painted in the 20's , but was veryodd . Consisted of little dark beings with enlarged black heads like tadpoles. (Pollywogs)One of them moved quite noticeably when I went by . Happened several times , but of course , not when anyone else was looking ! My parents put all this down to an over-active imagination . A few days later, I overheard a grown man telling someone that he was sure one of these figures had changed its position . I found him later and dragged him to the staircase , where I pointed to a figure , and said " that one " . I'll never forget the look he gave me. I was nine.
For many years , pictures moved , but in a less menacing way ; or should I say that I looked at some pictures and gradually moving scenes occurred within them or sometimes , my skin would prickle and I'd feel myself inor knowingthe time , place and events of the scene portrayed .
For a while , in my passionate prime , I sometimes saw little mini-movies in things like doorknobs or glass pitchers , often of the lover I was pining for , doing a repetetive thing such as dancing . Were they ever surprised when I later told them what I'd seen , and it was what they had been doing !

Getting late. I better go to bed and dream what you'll all be posting tomorrow , rather than me going on for another hour !


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