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posted on October 13, 2000 05:47:32 AM new
I have only started to read these boards and something jumps out at me and that is there are a certain group of people who have LOTS of posts across many different boards. First they appear to be full of themseleves and give advise on every topic under the sun. Moreover I wonder where they get all this time to write all this meaningless junk that they post. Could someone please explain to me the reason behind the excessive posting habits of this group ?
[ edited by parbomber on Oct 13, 2000 05:48 AM ]
posted on October 13, 2000 06:42:47 AM new
Jumping into the fire! Oooh! I just love you inquisitive types. Reminds me of something. Is it hot in here? Flames licking and flickering all over my body, I'm all a quiver. More! More! Oh you! You're sooo good/bad...

posted on October 13, 2000 06:56:00 AM new
i might as well get it out of the way and declare that I am NOT the poster parbomber

[email protected] edited to add a smilie
[ edited by enchanted on Oct 13, 2000 06:57 AM ]
posted on October 13, 2000 07:14:20 AM new
Actually i think parbomber deserves an answer, here's some reasons people post a lot that i know of:

1. They don't play backgammon online.

2. they work very hard at home alone selling on ebay and they need a little bit of relaxation and human conversation throughout the day

3. torelieve the tension or pressure of up and down auction sales

4. some people are retired or maybe don't have to work (unfortunately not me)

5. they enjoy it, it can be very entertaining, to each their own

then of course there might be oneor two of us addicted to the gossip and chat, ya think?

have agood day parbomber

[email protected]
posted on October 13, 2000 07:20:06 AM new
Well, I suppose if you are HIGH on the right stuff you could do lots of posting. Speed for instance – that would do it!

posted on October 10, 2000 06:39:25 AM

“I see dead people every day. But in my case they are all brain dead. Devoid of any thought that has any meaning. Overall they are self centered and often out to get what they can from someone else, at any expense ! Maybe there is a way to make ghosts out of them, at least they would entertain us verus (sic) bother honest people. There are people in some of these chat groups who fit into this category...”

Followed up by your post opening this thread:

“I have only started to read these boards and something jumps out at me and that is there are a certain group of people who have LOTS of posts across many different boards. First they appear to be full of themseleves (sic) and give advise on every topic under the sun. Moreover I wonder where they get all this time to write all this meaningless junk that they post... ”

I can’t speak for everyone, but I am here simply in anticipation of your next erudite observation and any nuggets of insight that may flow from your fingertips to this humble spot we refer to as the Round Table.

And now a question for you: as a parbomber do you have any links to Osama bin Laden?

(edited to add Mr. Smilie)
[ edited by corrdogg on Oct 13, 2000 07:22 AM ]
posted on October 13, 2000 07:26:48 AM new

hehehe 'Dusa's aquiver!

posted on October 13, 2000 07:31:35 AM new
Chow time!

posted on October 13, 2000 07:37:27 AM new
Well, I for one am not sure I can ever post here again if I have to do it in the shadow of the greatness that is parbomber.

All posts and observations will forever be second rate and infantile when held up to the example that is parbomber.

He/she really does give meaningless junk a whole new look.

I'm off now to deal with my own ego centric self.
posted on October 13, 2000 07:46:36 AM new
parbomber, I'm glad that you've asked that question, and I believe that a partial answer can be derived by you if you take up shooting basketballs. There is a zen to basketball shooting that once achieved can help you to transcend the mysteries which so obviously are puzzling you now.

To get you started, permit me to offer this simple instructional in the spirit of the tendency to helpfullness in all things which has been fostered in me through participation in this (you call) meaningless junk. I truly do hope that it will be of assistance to you.

How to Shoot a Basketball

he thing to do is ... set it up on a log out in the forest and ... blast it with your shotgun !!!

Seriously, if it is within your power, quit doing this and find something to do with your time that will leave you with
something to show for your time.. I did this for a few years as a teenager and I tell you from experience that you will regret
every minute you practiced playing basketball instead of ... say ... the piano. If I had practiced the piano for those years as
much as shooting a damn b-ball, I'd play like Liszt by now.

Of course, you're not going to listen to me anymore than I listened to others then, so ...

Shooting a basketball has nothing to do with the game of basketball.

What? ... Yes, you read it right.

All sports have two main ingredients to them.

1) Skill [head, knowledge of the game, ability gained from practice, control over one's mind]
2) Testosterone [heart, adrenalin, power, force, getting mad, strength, endurance]

The product of Control and Power (1x2) equals Intensity.

This explains why any professional football team can beat any other on any given day. If the "A" team's control (on a scale
of 1 to 10) equals 8 and their power is 7, then their effficiency is 56. And if the "B" team's control is 4 and their power is 5,
their efficiency is then 20.

"B" loses ... unless, say, "A" can't "get up" for the game and their power goes down to 4-power ... but B really gets mad
and goes to 9-power that day ... then we have A=32 to B=36.

You see, you can readily gain or lose power (it's adrenalin pumped - short term), but control is gained long term through
practice and study so it is not easily changeable. This is why football coaches cringe when their players make statements to
the press that get the opposing team mad ... it just increases their power level and makes them harder to beat (maybe

Shooting a basketball does not have any of number two in it. It's all numero uno. Power and adrenalin just get in the way.
Less power is best ... control only (for shooting). But you need power in basketball as well for the rest of the game
(running, endurance, going to the hole, blocking people, falling on the floor, fighting, turning over the other team's buses,
etc.). So, the following rule is first and foremost:

Rule #1

Mentally, get out of the game. Take the shot.
Then get back into the game as quickly as possible.

I had a "perfected" jump shot (about 95% in practice conditions) from ~13 feet out and 30 degrees left or right of center.
Jump up and ... as soon as your feet leave the ground ... get out of the game ... see only the shot ... shoot ... get back into
the game on the way down ... ready for the rebound.

If you are doing it right, you get to the rebound in 0 or 1 bounce ... never two bounces ... that's too late. Most players take
a shot and stay out of the game to get their reward, i.e. seeing the shot fall and hearing the swish of the net. This is clearly
counterproductive to the goal of winning the game. By watching the ball you effectively reduce your team's offensive
rebounding strength by MORE THAN 20%. Why? Because you, the shooter, are the person to best guess where the
rebound is going. After all, you "sense" when you've made a good shot and when it's bad. So, not only are you taking out
your 1/5 from the team, you're taking out its best opportunity for an offensive board.

A good example of proper shooting in this regard was Vinnie "The Microwave" Johnson during the Pistons two
championship years. When he missed ... he didn't ... because he got right on the ball, ripped it away from anyone in the
vicinity and reshot all in one strong, fluid motion. In effect, two shots were equivalent to a "pass to himself" ... hah! It was
beautiful (especially since I waited for those suckers to win a championship for over twenty years ... through the Dave Bing
and Bob Lanier years ... arrrgh ... I don't want to remember).

Shooting has more in common with Zen than anything else. Be one with the ball, one with the universe, shoot the ball ...
quick - snap out of it - get back in the game and kick ass !!.

Rule #2

Get a "good look"

What does this mean? He got a good look. Hmmmm ...
It takes a short amount of time for the eyes to focus on the basket (a few tenths of a
second for the lens of your eye to give your brain a decent estimate of distance and
direction). If you pick up your dribble and shoot all in the same motion, you reduce your
chances of a bucket because the Gaussian shot distribution (which you've worked so
hard to tighten) loosens up. The spread is much greater than with well-focused vision ...
but the hole didn't get any bigger ... did it? So your percentages drop ... automatically.
And ... while you're concentrating on the hoop, you're out of the game, right? Right. So
don't be distracted by anything ... like that 6'10" monster that's just about to pound on

Rule #3

Focus on the back of the rim

Not the front ... and NOT the whole basket. You need a point to aim at to maximally reduce your shot distribution. You
can't focus on the center of the hole because there is nothing there but air. So, you do the next best thing and focus on the
rear of the rim and depend on your brain to automatically compensate the shot to the center. It works.

Why not focus on the front? Ans: Statistically, many of your overshoots will hit the backboard and drop. If you aim at the
front (and your brain doesn't compensate correctly), your corresponding undershoots won't go in ... there is no "frontboard"
to help you out.


There is only one basic style which is perfect given human anatomy and the way our brain works. If yours differs markedly
from what's given here, your percentages will suffer regardless of how much you practice (that is, if you put the same
amount of practice in a correct shot style you will do better percentagewise).

The two-handed shot has been completely discredited. Why?

We have two halves to our brains. One side controls one arm/hand and the other gets what's left (or right ;o). One hand
dominates ... you are right or left handed. If you shoot with two hands, you go against nature saying, in effect, that each
hand is perfectly equal. Thus, when you try to shoot with two hands, the dominant one veers the ball off center.

But you don't shoot ALL with one hand. Rather, there is a division of labor. Let's take the right handed person as our
model (anyone lefthanded, just reverse everything).

The left hand is predominately responsible for vertical elevation, i.e. how high the ball must go. No more. The right hand
does the lion's share of the work and is responsible for distance and direction, i.e. it takes care of two dimensions
compared to the left's one dimension.

Follow this closely and remember because here is the most common reason for "throwing up bricks".

First, you pick up your dribble and the left hand goes pretty much under the ball. The weight of the ball is therefore carried
by the left hand. You throw up the ball with the left hand and during the course of the shot, your left hand gives over control
of the ball to the right which begins to propel the ball forward as the left is tapering off the upward throw. The exact mix of
left and right depends on your particular brain setup.

Now, if your left hand does not participate sufficiently, your right hand will try to compensate by taking on the complete
3-dimensional chore. If you push the ball forward with your right hand and at the same time try to loft it high enough, you
will get the "line drive" brick a' brack aka. "the clank". Whereas, if your left hand participates as it should, you will get the
proper arc. And, as you know, the more vertical the ball goes at the hole the more of its area is exposed to the trajectory
and the more likely it is to go in ... but ... the length of the arc should be least because to shoot a longer distance means
poorer percentages. So, there is the compromise, optimum arc which you "feel" "know" will go into the hole.

When you are throwing up bricks it is most likely that the ball is not being properly lofted
by the left hand and your right is forcing the shot. To correct this, look at how the ball
goes up your chest ... then the right hand takes over. If your left hand is not helping
enough the ball will move away from your chest too soon, (it will start moving away from
your body down by your belly instead).

A common cause is fatigue. And as the ball moves away from the body it seems to
become heavier yet because of the additional leveraged force of gravity.

The overall governing rule of shooting style is:

Stop all unnecessary brain functions ... so as to bring all brainpower to bear
on the immediate problem of shooting.

A good example of this is the jump shot. What do you do with your legs while you're up in the air? Ans: Turn them off. You
don't need legs for the split second you are shooting. Hence, the only position for legs is the same as when you hang limply
from an overhead bar. Just let 'em dangle.

I have seen some guys draw up their legs into a quasi-fetal position (well almost). this means that their brain has sent a signal
to them and has robbed the shooter of a few CPU sycles.

Similarly, when you put your right hand on the ball to shoot ... how does it go? Well, just stand with your arms at your sides
and bring your hand up in a relaxed position. An imaginary line going through your knuckles isn't
parallel to a fence rail is it? Nor is it perpendicular to a plane containing that rail. It's sort of in between.
That's because of the way the bones are set up in the human hand. So you will end up like this.

In order to take your hand out of this natural position, you will have to send an unwarranted signal from
your brain to your hand. Remember ... nothing extraneous!

Here is the #2 cause of a missed shot.

(related to the above argument)
I call this "righting" the ball. In this error, your shooting hand seems to roll off the right side of the ball as you push it forward
generally causing the ball to miss to the left. Sometimes a compensation is made compounding the error even causing errors
to the right side of the hoop!

Knowing what causes this is the key to correcting it. And that cause is turning the shooting hand to put it on top of the
ball instead of slightly raising the elbow to accomplish the same effect.

There is a similar problem when playing the piano. If you raise your hand to the keyboard, it is in the position you would
want for manipulating a joystick. You must turn it 90 degrees to put your fingers on the keys.Doing so produces strain on
the muscles used ... so ... instead of getting a sore forearm, one simply raises one's elbows and the hand is rotated by that

The same thing happens when you put the shooting hand on the ball. The stretched muscles-tendons act like rubber bands
that want to return to their natural position. Raising your elbow instead of turning your hand relieves that strain.

The most common cause of "righting" the ball is fatigue. If you are arm weary ... you turn your hand instead of raising your
elbow and your shot goes awry. Another cause is forgetfulness. At times you will simply forget to raise your elbow ... or ...
forget to lift the ball with your left hand close to your body ... or ... forget to focus on the back of the rim ... etc.

Now ... how hard do you grip the ball?

Well, you want to press as much of the fingers pads of the right hand onto the ball to "feel" the ball. But ... not too hard or
you get extraneous info and you would be fighting your left hand. Most of the nerve receptors are in the pads of your fingers
... not in the tips (this is why pianists try to play with a flat hand in slow emotional music ... so they can "feel" the keys

Note: A common missed shot is to roll the hand over the top of the ball. The cause is most often letting the ball get away
from your body too soon resulting in a brick. You "over" the ball in a vain attempt to correct the shot trajectory. Remember
that a successful shot always begins with raising the ball not too far away from the body. If you fail early in the shot you
probably won't be able to correct it because it takes a certain amount of time to receive a signal that the shot is going awry ...
then send another signal back to correct it. By the time it gets there the ball is near the end of the shot motion and ... it's too
late. You will hardly ever "under" the ball (roll the fingers under the ball) because you'd have to bring the ball inside your
body ... only ghosts can do that.

The direction of the shot is controlled mostly by the index and middle finger with the thumb, ring finger and pinky doing the
support work (division of labor). You only need pressure variance on two fingers to signal direction. Actually, this part is so
easy ... you make only minor corrections here ... PROVIDED ... you have brought the ball up close to your body correctly.

Your body will be slightly turned away from the shot direction so that your arm push vector will pass through your body's
center of mass. If you square up your torso perpendicular to the shot direction, you will give yourself a slight "turning
moment" which you will have to compensate for. This is wasted effort and is therefore bad form.

Where is the ball released?

The right hand takes over from the left (completely) just about the top of your head. The right hand owns the ball when the
center of the ball is above and ahead of your forehead ... maybe no more than 6 inches above and 6 inches ahead of. This
depends somewhat on your own physical characteristics.

If you take the ball too far up and close to your head, you probably will "under" the ball and throw up the dreaded
AIRBALL. This doesn't happen often ... not nearly as often as overing the ball.

Yeah, you can throw up a brick or an airball for an assortment of reasons ... those given here are just what I believe to be the
most common causes.

Where do you put your hand on the ball?

On the seams? On the spaces? Forget it. You have no time at all to spin the ball around and get comfortable (as with a free
throw). Practice shooting just as you receive the ball, taking no cognizance of its orientation.


The first rule of practice is:

Always think in words about what you are doing.

Don't just "feel the force". That's what you do when you're actually playing.

When practicing, we're trying to program ourselves to do things correctly. Hence, we walk through everything more slowly
than we would in a game ... criticizing every move (in words, i.e. concepts). Then, when we play, we must stop
programming and run the program. Instead of building and degugging our program, we're going to run it and see if it is
better than the other guys.

Don't practice (program) on the same day as the game. There is a transition from programming to running which takes up
some time. If you don't allow for this, you will end up thinking (in words) about the game as it proceeds. You will become
introspective at the very moment you absolutely must be extrospective. And ... newsflash ... you can take action much
faster than you can name the action. Do you think a typist can name the letters (in her mind) faster than she can type them?

Gametime means stop thinking and start doing. You need some of both to succeed ... but not at the same time.

I have two suggested practices that may work quite well.

1) Mark a wall at ten feet (basket height). Practice throwing at this target in the proper shot motion ... hmmm ... 100,000
reps should do it. I mean, to "automatize" the action.

What does that mean?

If you do a thing over and over, eventually, you only need to initiate the action (call the program) and it runs with no further
intervention on your part. You want the shot form to be correct automatically. It's one less thing for your mind to deal with
when playing.

Have you ever seen a chicken with its head cut off? It runs around moving its legs in normal fashion ... but it falls over.
Why? Because the running action program is in the spinal cord, not in the brain (which is gone). The sense of balance,
which needs to be constantly attended to because it is changing, stays in the brain and correction info is sent to alter slightly
the output of the running program so the chicken won't fall over.

I don't know where your shot program will physically reside, but it will be at a more primitive level ... if ... you automatize it.
Then, if some big bruiser knocks your block off, you may still be able to get off a good shot ... automatically. Hah!

Hint: Don't try to do the 100,000 reps all a once ;o)
[The reason you do it against a blank wall is so that the ball will come back to you and no time is wasted retrieving it.]

2) Do time trials in the gym making a basket at each different backboard in the gym (6, 8, 10 of 'em?). Do this while being
hooted at and laughed at by all other teamates (but no actual physical interference). The purpose of this is to defeat
"choke". If you are used to this abuse in practice, you will not notice it in the game. You will not choke when the game is
tight. You might miss anyway but it won't be because you emotionally bummed yourself out.

The best five times should start next the real game. That way there's some real pressure driving the outcome.

The Foul Shot

I just put in 23 in a row today and I don't play this game anymore ... hah!

And I remembered ... ''What about that foul shot?". So here is a little addendum stuck in for your edification. [01-03-00]

First ... they're easy (it's a short shot ... no effort required ... just concentration)
Second ... you must learn a "formula" shot which works (almost all the time). A formula shot is one where you conciously
do exactly the same thing every time. In a game with everyone hanging on you, it's impossible ... but at the foul line you can
dig in and take your time. All the great foul shooters shoot by formula (not the pros ... the middle-aged white guys who get
in the Guiness book tossing in 2000 in a row blindfolded). That's who to emulate.

#1 Foot placement -------------
Square your body up with the hole. Now put your right foot at the line as shown in the picture. Now put your left foot back
a little and turned at about a 30o ... comfortable? ... If you are, you're doing it wrong. Spread
your feet apart more until your feel slightly awkward. That's it!
OK ... why are you doing this?
The object here is to "lock down" your lower body. You don't want it in on the shot ... you don't
need it ... but ... you still gotta' stand up. If you set up comfortaby you will invariably try to
integrate your lower body into the shot as during gameplay. Lose it. Make your lower body
different (robot) from your upper (human) and you can pretty much tune it out.

You must decide for yourself just how uncomfortable to be. Too much and you lose your concentration, too little and your
lower body gets in on the shot and turns it into a game shot instead of a formula shot.

#2 The Shot -------------
Same as before ... but ... what will foul you up most is ...

... NOT looking at the back of the rim.

After you set your feet (slightly uncomfortable) ... rivet your eyes to the back of the rim. Then shoot. When you do, you will
bend your legs just a bit automatically. You may think "Gee, should I take a little dump here too?" ... It will feel slightly
awkward. That's OK ... and ... bonus time ... you will be shooting a "soft shot" so that many near misses will bounce
around and fall anyway.

In this situation, don't think about getting back into the game ... cause ... you're going to make every shot (at least that's
what you're going to be thinking ... like, "This is the first of fifty in a row".

Absolute confidence.

If you can't shoot 80% in a game this way ... better recycle your sneakers.

Addendum 04-03-00:
Actually, looking at the back of the rim is essential only insofar as you must not look elsewhere. It's not the positive aspect
here. The main focus of your concentration is on the "feel" of the ball in your hand and its movement. This must be so
because the best foul shooters can do the thing just as well blindfolded. You really only need your eyes for game shots
where the distance is not "set".


There are three complications arrising in a game which are not present in practice. They are:

Fatigue - Overheating - Injury

In each one of these your shot percentage takes a hit. What can you do about it?

Fatigue is inevitable in this highly aerobic game. Practicing wind sprints is one way of "keeping up with the Joneses". You
will come to hate this method. If you don't, you're not doing enough. Another way is to slow down your game or go the
heavy replacement route. But you know this already.

Something you may not be aware of is the necessity of drinking enough water ... at the proper time. All other things being
equal, the team that drinks the most water simply wins. The dry team just poops out. It is up to you to drink enough water
so that you do not become thirsty. This means drink before you need it ... as a conscious plan. If you wait till your tongue is
hangin' out ... it's too late. By the time the water makes it into your system, the game may be over.
Newsflash ... water in your belly is useless to your body.
It must get into all systems and this takes time. Plan ahead or watch your shots poop out too (maybe as airballs).

Overheating ... As a general rule, try to speed up a white team and slow down a black team. A white cup of coffee loses
heat more slowly than a black cup (that's thermodynamics).For your part ... rest on the bench ... take yourself out of the
game when you're useless to the team. Your shots won't fall if your temperature is 127 degrees ... centigrade !

Injury ... the game isn't worth playing injured. That may be noble and you don't want to be called a quitter but you're once
again no good to the team. Take yourself out. Or ... stop shooting if your thumb is sprained or broken and play wood post
only (like Bill Cartwright).

Interference ... You will have to shoot with someone on your back most of the time. So you will only have ... MUST have
... a second to shoot. You just need time to get a good look and get the shot off. A good way to get away from a player
who is "on you" is to stop on your left leg from full speed and drop-turn to your right about 90 degrees (or vice versa for
the right leg). You gain at least 2 or 3 steps on the defender. Unless they're playing zone, you can take a pass then and
shoot before he catches up.

Actually, I don't know why they don't do this in football. An end, covered man to man, could easily get free and make an
easy reception in the open field. If no safety is around it's an automatic TD.

If you're in a press, try to stay away from the sidecourt and stay near your teamates. If you get too spread out on the court,
it favors the pressers since the flight time of the pass allows them to cover two widely spaced players simutaneously. When
the players are closer together, the open man (there has to be an open man if two guys are on you & the ball) can be
passed to more easily because the reaction time of the defender becomes a significant fraction of the flight time. On a long
pass, the ratio of flight time to reaction time is high and his reaction time is essentially insignificant.

Choke ... You will never choke if your attitude toward a failed shot is the same as your attitude to a successful one. Your
attitude must be that of complete indifference. Indifference is exceedingly hard to master for a teenager ... but nevertheless
it is necessary to maintain a high shot percentage. Don't get emotionally involved with the game when you go up for a shot.
Leave all that crap behind. Worry about what the girls think after the game ... not during. Wishing, hoping, crying, yelling,
cheering, screaming, jumping up & down ... does absolutely nothing for your shot percentage. It's all intellectual and no

On the Form of the Game Itself

Basketball has a great deal in common with ice hockey (highly aerobic). Because of this, I would like to see replacement
on the fly as they do in hockey. There would be a box about two feet by ten feet in which would stand the replacement
guy. He has to stay in the box till the other guy puts a foot in the box. Easy.

I would like to see the foul shot eliminated in favor of the timed penalty box so that a team would have to play
shorthanded. Hah! (But the game wouldn't drag out interminably at the end.)
I mean for personal foul types ... not just standard violations.
Regular fouls are best handled by giving the offended team one point and the ball back (unmolested) from out of bounds
nearest the point of infraction.

And I would like to see retained possession after a score, i.e. you score ... then take the ball out there and now the other
goal is your object goal. In other words, the defended goal changes after each score ... no matter who scores. This would
serve to widen the end score differential which I find to be presently too close as a percentage of total. 101 to 99 is not a
definitive victory to my mind.

The Basketball

The ball is round. OK ... what else?

It has four attributes which can help you to understand some facets of the game which most players have lost site of. These

1) Diameter
2) Mass
3) "Bounciness"
4) "Grip-ability"

When basketball was developing, they thought much about the above factors. The ball is fitted to the man ... then the hoop
is fitted to the ball. There is a problem when dealing with variations in the size of human beings. Fact is ... the present ball is
fitted to someone about my size (5'10" ... NOT to Shaquille O'Neal. So when they say "He moves well for a big man",
they are doing him a discredit because he cannot manipulate the ball as well a smaller handed man.

Imagine yourself (if you are my size) trying to dribble a softball. Pretty Clumsy ... but ... you might move well ... for an
average size man.

Similiarly, the ball is too big for a 6th grade girl playing on her school team. Think about it. Don't those girls look awfully
clumsy ... even "spastic"? The reason is that they have to "heel" the ball to control their dribble. The heel of their hand
becomes indispensible to ball control on a very large ball. This also affects their shooting since the center of mass of the ball
is proportionately further away from their hand making it easier for it to move off line (the ball diameter to hand length ratio
yields a greater lever arm).

If I'm the one in the center and have a regulation size ball ... here are the relative
sizes of balls scaled for Shaq and a 6th grade girl. (I just changed the height & width
of the gif here so the dimensions are proper.) Notice that Shaq's ball is very much
bigger that the girl's.

This is not the way it is today in league play. Shaq struggles with a tiny thing and the
girl "heels" the big ball and looks like an idiot.

Cheap balls used to be "boingy". They made a funny hollow ringing noise and were often lopsided. A proper ball must
bounce, but not like a superball. It must absorb enough of the energy of a floor hit such that it comes back to its initial
position only after a "satisfying" push to the floor.

This is where the mass of the ball comes in. That mass must possess approximately the same inertia as your arm. In a piano,
the key must offer resistance approximating that of the finger which strikes it. If you push against "air" there is no
satisfaction. Similarly, too heavy a ball will result in "work" instead of play.

Now, balls are made of rubber which the hand can grip like glue, i.e. you can palm one of these balls even when you can't
palm the same size leather ball. This marginally defeats the purpose of the ball's size which is to prevent the player from
palming the ball ... thereby forcing him to dribble as the rules provide ... while at the same time, it is not so large so as to
cause the unsatisfying clumsiness resulting from "heeling" the ball.

posted on October 13, 2000 07:49:31 AM new
Everyone notice the reference to chickens.

posted on October 13, 2000 07:55:08 AM new
No i didn't notice the reference to chickens, I would have had to read your whole post to find it and I couldn't bear it LOL!

even I have limits
[email protected]
posted on October 13, 2000 08:01:23 AM new
Chicken? Thoughts of cocky roosters prancing, dancing, and shooting baskets twirling 'round my head...oooh, and balls going boing!

It's seems suddenly even hotter in here! Yes! Yes! Yes! Soooooo hot! Oooh yeah!

posted on October 13, 2000 08:06:37 AM new

krs informs us: “...Plan ahead or watch your shots poop out too (maybe as airballs).”

I don’t know about you, but this conjures up a painful image for me!

I will now redouble my efforts to plan ahead!

Check back later after I have posted the complete Federal Register to this thread!!!

posted on October 13, 2000 08:17:49 AM new
maybe parbomber will come back to explain his point of view

[email protected]
posted on October 13, 2000 08:35:49 AM new
I would first of all like to thank all of you for the meaningless information. Would have respond sooner but had to finish my backgammon game and shoot a few hours of hoop. Came back to find I am not even doing that right ! krs thanks for the guidance !
Also for those of you interested here is the link to Osama Bin Laden. www.bigdummy.afg
however I doubt he posts to chat boards. I have to go and do a search for signs of intelligent life ! Quote "Are you going places or just being taken ?" H.F. Hendricks

posted on October 13, 2000 08:41:00 AM new
well seeing as it's all 'meaningless' you should fit right in then! LOL!

[email protected]
posted on October 13, 2000 08:44:57 AM new
I'd say. Certainly meaningless, and a bit boring too! Perfect!

posted on October 13, 2000 08:49:25 AM new
hahaha! good one krs!

[email protected]
posted on October 13, 2000 08:54:32 AM new
References to chickens???

Ken, are you plucking around again?

[email protected]
posted on October 13, 2000 08:55:19 AM new
With that endorsement; Welcome Parbomber (whatever that means) you're one of US.

posted on October 13, 2000 08:57:48 AM new
Yes, Beth,
Someone new has come to roost.

posted on October 13, 2000 09:12:55 AM new
Course I haven't yet read the whole of Ken's wonderful post, I want to come back to it again and again and read it oh, so slowly and savor it...

Though a quick search and I come up empty-handed on "dribbling"...

Parbomber, are ya gonna dribble for me? Please! Please! Please! That would be so exciting...

posted on October 13, 2000 09:16:35 AM new
LOL hellcat, oh krs can be good at that plucking around, yup.

herself, maybe the dribbling was the little bit of morning oatmeal that slipped out of the side of his mouth this morning when he ate his breakfast.

something tells me there's a new playmate on the round table block

[email protected]
posted on October 13, 2000 09:24:15 AM new
Probably a shill. Tsk, I suppose that someone ought to notify the paranoid police.

But then, by their nature, they must already know.

posted on October 13, 2000 09:28:29 AM new

posted on October 13, 2000 09:32:25 AM new
Basketball is fun.

This has been a lunch break post, unfortunately I will not get to stay to defend my position on basketball against any basketball detractors.
posted on October 13, 2000 09:42:27 AM new
was it krs that once posted a gif of a really really large chicken?

[email protected]
posted on October 13, 2000 09:52:19 AM new
Play! I really like to play...

Fire's fun to play with too, but somewhat carefully, lest it rage out of control...

Then again, playing with a raging fire can sometimes really be quite an awesome experience...

Tossing a fire-ball into the air, catch it or me if you can! Whoo hoo!

Maybe it'll even land in the basket, in any case, I'm off - later...

P.S. Parbomber, got any advice on where I ought to go? Oh, nevermind, I usually figure out where I'm going once I get there...

Come along if you want. What-ever, who-ever, the more players the merrier...

Later/again all...

posted on October 13, 2000 10:03:23 AM new
Wonderful post krs! Very esoteric! Hope I spelled that right.

Here a chick. There a chick. Everywhere a chick, chick, chick.

Cluck, cluck.


posted on October 13, 2000 10:21:02 AM new
Now, now, folks...do not egg Ken on! The last time he started plucking around on AW, *I* was the one who had to sit in the corner for 30 days.

And do you think he even brought me so much as an ice cream cone? No!!!! And he knows how I love those Drumsticks!

C'mon, Enchanted, 'Dusa, Kel, Corrdogg, Calamity...help me here.


[email protected]

edited for "you"
[ edited by hellcat on Oct 13, 2000 10:22 AM ]
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