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posted on October 30, 2000 03:18:19 PM new

*brief pause while I hum a few bars of the song*

Are we in the minority around here or something?

Congrats on the new baby, Granny and Mom(and those spare males known as Grampy and Dad)!

posted on October 30, 2000 03:33:38 PM new
maui - Pluto in the sky is squaring Venus, ruler of Taurus and Libra.

Pluto is anathema to Venus who likes everything pleasant at all times and at whatever price.
Pluto says to hell with that, puke it up.
Venus says "eek!"
Pluto degrades Venus.

Anyway this does not have to do with things going wrong, it has to do with the deep subconscious underground - eruptions of all types.
This would include everything from the surfacing of a previously denied desire (generally something taboo) to the bursting of pipes in your house. The energy of the planets are a constant, and occur in the collective. The houses in your chart where the planets fall would show your specific experience.

Pluto - sex, death, all things intense, sharing of energy, of any and all types, joint resources, the collective, the subconscious, insurance, lotteries, the unfathomable, psychology

Venus - love, beauty, vanity, peace, appearances

posted on October 30, 2000 04:23:59 PM new
Hi there, just got over here. I have always done a little astrology and found it to be a useful guide, particularly in terms of understanding people's basic character and motivations. It is more or less on the mark most of the time in predicting how a person will behave, for instance, when faced with a conflict. I am not an expert although with the advent of software to do all the things that used to be plotted by hand, I could probably get back to it when I am out of school. I have to be careful who I talk to about astrology as many people regard it with scorn (probably due to its getting a bad name from pop culture, etc.)

I am a Libra with several planets in Scorpio. This month has been very, very difficult for me with many things going wrong. I am in the process of eliminating some projects from my schedule as I just can't get it all done.
I never had one, and I didn't want one, and I don't, so now I do...
posted on October 30, 2000 04:52:01 PM new
netlawhopeful - you probably know that Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and so with you Venus ruled Libra Sun - the square of Pluto and Venus in the sky currently is especially relevant to you. It was exact Sunday FYI

As for scorn I tolerate it pretty readily. I probably even enjoy it to a degree. It's energy after all and I can always use that.

posted on October 30, 2000 06:40:42 PM new
Scratching head here, verymodern. Can you say that again in laymans terms? I think I got it that Pluto is trying to rain on my parade? And it will as soon as it gets somewhere in the sky? Sorry, but this is kinda deep for me. So....tell me in words that I can understand, because I wanna know

posted on October 30, 2000 06:55:27 PM new
Hey VeryModern - How are you? Thanks to all you guys who congratulated on my little baby granddaughter. She's now up close to 7 pounds. VeryModern - I reminded my daughter about the things you said to pay attention to right after delivery. I was in the delivery room also, and everything was very sharp and the baby was alert - it seemed that she was looking at all of us like, "who are you guys, anyway"? She's already keeps her eyes wide open alot - likes to watch the movement on t.v. but most of all loves for her mom or dad to hold her ALL THE TIME! It's like she has to be around where the action is, even though she's only 2 weeks old! She's such a little doll. She was born on the 12th, which is my daughter's (the baby's mom) and her husband's anniversary. My daughter's b'day was Oct. 5..... so they'll have a busy month for a long time to come! I'm an Aries - and all I know is, I've been feeling REALLY MEAN lately! Must be the Halloween witch coming out in me or something.....can you look to see what's going on in the stars for Aries right now?
posted on October 31, 2000 04:21:47 AM new
Okay Maui, I'll give it a shot.

Libra is Venus ruled. When I talk about "Libra" I mean anyone with their Sun Moon or Ascendant (rising sign) in Libra, or anyone with an emphasis on their 7th house (major planets in their chart falling in the 7th house).

Venus (and Libra) stand for beauty. Things that are lovely and unspoiled, and nothing too extreme (hence the balance / scales). Libra moderates and negotiates with a goal of keeps the peace, but more accurately the appearance of peace. See Venus is known for her beauty, not her depth.

Enter Pluto (Scorpio Sun Moon Rising, or anyone with an emphasis on the 8th house).

Pluto's world is the rim of hell. Constantly turning over every rock to check it's underside. Pluto is obsessive and has not even remote interest in keeping anything calm. Pluto wants to dissect all of life and this includes Libras.

Libra's comfort zone is a professionally decorated environment full of beautiful things.
Scorpio's comfort zone is black coffee, 4 packs of cigarettes, and has no particular need for furniture.

You see how these two energies (types of people) clash, even abhor each other.

Now for astrology in action - check netlawhopeful's other thread..

He/She has stated that she is a Libra/Scoprio hybrid and so embodies both of these energies.
As the planets contact in the sky (mathematical angle) he/she experiences an event.
Death (pluto) of a relationship (Venus).
Now Venus/Libra would prefer this never occur, but the Scorpio side will transform via the intense pain that has been created and in the end become empowered by it. Unfortunately poor Libra side will struggle terribly to see how anything could be gained via loss of a loved one.

In short, Pluto comes alone like a surgeon and deftly cuts away the dead or dying to promote growth. This is it's job - mercy is not the game here. It does not offer anesthetic and so the short term result is pain, sometimes intense pain and a bloody mess, something Libra would surely avoid given the choice (as opposed to Scorpio who shows up in front of the surgeon and DARES them to cut).

There you go.
A very rough idea of what is at work here.
bobbi - I will ponder Aries and post when I get a chance. Glad to hear the baby's thriving - besides a Libra Sun, you realize she has an Aries Moon (she does).
On the mean thing, Aries are not supposed to be nice (that is Libra's job).
A nice Aries is kind of gross anyway so don't worry about it.

posted on October 31, 2000 05:25:01 AM new
Hi bobbi - I took a quick peek at Aries. I do not live with any from your tribe, so don't regularly consider from this perspective.

Anyway - all I see is a sky full of support. All of the outer planets (these are the energies that change a life irrevocably) are favorably aspecting Aries and will be for some YEARS. Pluto is positioned to empower, Neptune to inspire and Uranus to liberate, not bad, not bad, you can't complain. Closer in, you will have no challenge from Saturn until 2003 and beyond, and Jupiter (luck, expansion) is heading into Gemini which is also friendly to Aries.

Be advised that this only addresses your Aries SUN and your moon (or venus or mars, etc.) sign may be under attack, but as for your vital life energy - you are supremely supported.

Back to Libra - this is also true for you. The Pluto Venus square referenced in the other posts is very temporary. Venus moves quickly in the sky and will soon leave Pluto behind. The next true challenge/hardship for either sign is when Saturn transits Cancer in roughly 2 1/2 years.

posted on October 31, 2000 05:31:40 AM new
Very Modern: I'm curious. What are a couple good books for me to check out on this?

posted on October 31, 2000 05:56:07 AM new
snowyegret - I always recommend a book with a laughable title "The Only Astrology Book You Will Ever Need". This, because the info in it is solid astrology, but written in a very easy to absorb kind of way - not too overly technical. If I remember correctly is gives a expansive overview of astrology. Includes a bit of history, the basics as well as a taste of more advanced interpretation and techniques. I have felt that it offer enough that a person will either be intrigued to study further, or decide the information is not for them.

On an even lighter note, there is also a cheap little paperback book out there called "Secrets From a Stargazer's Notebook" which is a quippy little book, especially good if you are a Gemini. The astrology in this one is also very accurate but written in a highly playful way, she packs a punch in two sentences. I think this is a $2 book, so you can't really go wrong. "Debbie Kempton-Smith" if I remember correctly.

More advanced - my personal faves are anything by Stephen Arroyo, Liz Greene, Howard Sasportas or James Braha, but I am personally interested in psychological astrology, and so this list favors the arena (as opposed to financial astrology or weather prediction, world events, etc.)

posted on October 31, 2000 06:33:32 AM new
Thanks, VeryModern!

posted on October 31, 2000 08:06:32 AM new
Thanks verymodern! That explanation, I understood. Facinating. And definetly me. Part of me wonders if I have a smidge of Scorpio too,though, because that sounds just a wee bit familiar (99% libra, 1% Scorpio). I will go to the local bookstore and wander today, and browse your suggestions. Thanks again!

posted on October 31, 2000 09:12:53 AM new
To: VeryModern
I am a first time poster. This thread is interesting to me.
I am Sun in Taurus, Moon in Taurus, and Sagitarius rising. I have had my chart done a few times, but still get a bit confused by it. I was told I have a Grand Trine, and some other unusual stuff.
I know this next bit will sound a tad goofy, BUTTTTT.... George Clooney and I have the same B-Day (May 6th, I am 2 years older) and when I read his chart (they always print them on fan sites) the similarites are amazing! Notable exception: I'm not quite a Movie Star! One site had a copy of his hand print and mine matched up VERY closely! Brother and sister seperated at birth ! I'll tell you one thing for sure, I have played out and survived the "Dark" side of my sign...drug and alcohol addiction (over-indulgence is how my chart describes it). I am pleased to say I've been clean and sober for almost 10 years now. It also says I am oddly drawn to the under-dogs in society....TRUE! I tend to want to rescue people from ridicule etc.
Anyhoo, I'm glad this topic was breached, and VeryModern I am impressed with your knowledge of it!!!
Eve N.

posted on October 31, 2000 10:29:36 AM new
maui you are quite correct, everyone has at least a smidge of Scorpio in that at the very least everyone has Pluto placed somewhere in their chart and everyone has an 8th house.

As a Libra you may avoid all this blood and guts and heavy psych stuff and for years and years, but eventually a transit comes along and aspects your Pluto or your 8th house and then you have to deal.

This is not a bad thing, (the avoiding) you are here to be yourself and as a Libra, that means you are to supply the rest of us with beauty, and a balanced perspective which is critical just like everything the other signs offer.

(((I soooo want to talk about netlawhopeful as an example and will if I get clearance)))

even59 - I have always like the combo of Sag and Taurus together. Big Luck and Love and Money, how nice for you! It soooo makes me wonder what you look like. Do you have Sag rising hair, or does Taurus keep it simple? Really though, it is superior combo as far as I am concerned.

On knowing astrology, I'm afraid I do. If I started writing today I could not put it all on paper in 20 or even 30 years. That's no kidding.

posted on October 31, 2000 10:41:27 AM new
I have a lot of Taur physical charecteristics! You can see me on my "me" page on eBay under evendeals. No joke, George and I look like brother and sister! BTW, I only became a fan of his when I found out we had the same BD! I have to say, though, as far as luck, love and money go, for me the opposite is true! I am lucky only in that I have survived my "over-indulgences" I have never had anything that even resmbles a proper career or even a job I enjoy working, and love...sigh...which comes first Old Maid or Spinster? As far as I'm concerned I am officially a dried up old trout!!!!! Back to cruising [email protected] any cute single men?
Thank you for responding!!!!
Eve N.
[ edited by even59 on Oct 31, 2000 10:58 AM ]
posted on October 31, 2000 10:58:36 AM new
Oh lordy! Thanks so much for sharing! You look utterly totally Taurus! Criminy - they could just put your pic in the dictionary under taurus - no further explanation needed!

OH MY and you are selling LEATHER and Jewelry? What? No oak furniture? LOL!

Where is your Venus and where is your Jupiter? House and sign if you know, otherwise email data to [email protected] if you want.

The Sag is there though.
You pic screams NO FACADE! (Sag) and I LIKE ME! (Taurus).

posted on October 31, 2000 11:04:59 AM new
Venus in Gemini and Jupiter in Scorpio! Don't leave me hanging tell me what that means...other than I created the Art of Flirtation!!!!

posted on October 31, 2000 11:05:21 AM new
And what degrees of Taurus??? Has Uranus transited yet?
How'd you like May's line up?
Have Pluto crossed your ascendent yet?

VeryModern has lots of questions!

posted on October 31, 2000 11:11:35 AM new

Oh lordy lord - let me assimilate! I laughing my AO here at the flirt thing and you got that right.

Jupiter in Scorp is the addiction thing by the way, don't blame the bull.

Works like this..
Sag rising (the body) ruled by Jupiter placed in Scorpio (rim of hell - extreme - flirt with death) with all probability (since you have a Sag rising) placed in the 12th house of ...(drum roll here) .. DRUG ABUSE, addiction, escape, etc...

Get it?
I love astrology!

posted on October 31, 2000 11:11:55 AM new
Well, did you read my edited post above ? Just saying I wish I had luck money and love...anyhoo, I will sort out the answers to the new questions and in the mean time I will give you this info: time of birth: 10:43 PM Pueblo Colorado May 6th 1959. I'll attempt to answer other questions now. This is hugely fun!

posted on October 31, 2000 11:17:22 AM new
I KNEW the Scorpio Jupiter thing was evil, I literally feel choked up, tears welling when I think of what I have survived...car wrecks drug overdoses death (in one of the car wrecks a person was killed) etc. etc. I don't look like a surviver, do I????

posted on October 31, 2000 11:34:32 AM new
I don't know what this next stuff means, am reading it out of my astrology chart folder. It seems I have a VERY busy fifth house:
Taurus on 5th house,
moon in 5th house,
moon trine saturn,
moon squre uranus,
moon opposition neptune,
moon trine pluto,
sun in 5th house,
sun conjunct moon,
sun sextile mars,
sun squre uranus,
ALL this stuff is going on in my 5th house, hmmm, not sur what it means but my 5th house seems cluttered!!!

posted on October 31, 2000 11:42:38 AM new
I protest!I protest!Spit,spit,sputter,wheeze..cough!
Scorpio in Jupiter is not evil.......Saved my butt many a time......Carry on.

posted on October 31, 2000 11:49:18 AM new
Junquemamma, in what way has it saved your butt???? Just curious, does that combo have a positive side to it?

posted on October 31, 2000 11:50:24 AM new
However it does seem very good at killing a thread.

posted on October 31, 2000 11:53:10 AM new
Okay - here are a few bits, but I will have to post later, my baby is getting into big trouble, running amok, needing attention

You do not have a Sag rising, you have a Cap rising (5 degrees, and yes I am sure) with Saturn conjunct. This gives a very long life, especially combined with Jupiter in Scorpio AND Pluto in the 8th house. What I call "hard to kill".

Junque is right - Jupiter in Scorpio is not evil. We can thank Jupiter in Scorpio for large sex organs, luck at estate sales, lottery wins, insurance money, great sex, an profound ability to heal (especially others) and PROTECTION from DEATH, etc, etc., etc.!

You are also terrifically Cardinal. Your Sun and Moon are in the 4th house (Cancer) and combined with the strong Capricorn you can run any show on earth, but what you cannot do is be bossed. You are in your element when you are in charge, and I don't mean #2 (wo)man, but the PRESIDENT.

I just saw where you posted the aspects in your chart. Most of them hold, but the houses are off. Your Sun and Moon are in the 4th not the 5th.

I gotta run before my kid burns the house down..!

posted on October 31, 2000 11:58:38 AM new
Even59,Just sticking up for my planet,It is known for good luck,Money,Good things,The big picture.VeryModern has the real answers,I only have seen how Jupiter has affected me .Maybe it isnt good for some,I came close to biteing the big one many times,I think it was the scorpio that took me there and the Jupiter that got me out of it.Plus my guardian angel,The faceless voice who rescued me many a time.

posted on October 31, 2000 11:58:42 AM new
Thank you for taking the time with me, I am honored!
CRAP! All my charts are messed up? I will scan the main one and e-mail it to you, so you can see for your-self!
Good luck with your kiddies!
Don't have any myself just my 2 puppies!
Happy Halloweeny!

posted on October 31, 2000 12:06:14 PM new
Hi there, you can talk about me all you wish. Here are some more details. B-day is Oct 19, '63 so I am nearly cuspy but not quite. Moon, Venus and I think Mars all in Scorpio. My mother to whom I am very close was also a Scorpio and more or less textbook---a crusader, not a diplomat, and suffers for her crusade when she could have been diplomatic. I am mostly diplomatic until I just can't take the BS anymore, then I tend to say what I really mean and suffer for it. I am more forthright than the average Libras I have met (sometimes that's good and sometimes that's bad).

The issue I have been dealing with all summer (in conjunction with my friend from the other thread) is a 10 year old issue that caused me a lot of pain 10 years ago and I never thought it would rear its head again. Weird stuff has been happening all summer long. I have come into contact with people I never thought I'd meet up with and so many "accidents" and weird coincidences have occurred, it's bizarre. This is definitely a big time personal growth year for me. I had a bad feeling something like this was going to eventually happen though. The squared explanation makes me feel better.

My friend from the other thread is an Aquarius (I believe Feb 8, '80) and again more or less textbook. (Yes I've been reading up on this lately Hates conflict, puts hat on and leaves rather than argue or deal with trouble. Unconventional in both nice and not so nice ways. Values friendship way beyond the level of a normal person but also has problems and backs off/runs away/shuts down when people get too close/emotional.

so say whatever you like, use me as object lesson etc...I'd be looking all this up myself but no time right now
I never had one, and I didn't want one, and I don't, so now I do...
[ edited by netlawhopeful on Oct 31, 2000 12:08 PM ]
posted on October 31, 2000 12:08:51 PM new

Anyone who wants can calculate their chart here for free. Half way down the page it says "click here to enter birth data" and that's the start.

Even - plug in your data and you will see it come up Cap rising, not Sag. Looks like someone forgot daylight savings time, and your chart is 1 hour off.

And I don't have children today, I have one puppy and one tiger - Halloween!

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