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posted on November 4, 2000 01:47:05 PM new
I'm in Massachusetts. Gore...no question. This is the state that keeps electing Ted (I did not abandon that woman in the water) Kennedy.

posted on November 4, 2000 01:56:08 PM new

I live in Virginia too. I have to agree with you - it'll go for Bush. I'm voting for Nader. Maybe my vote will help the Greens get more funding next time. I'd like to see more options for voters.

posted on November 4, 2000 02:06:12 PM new
Both have visited several times in the past 2 months. So your guess is as good as mine as to where it will go. The media here locally has not made any predictions.

Lots of liberals here as well as staunch Republicans. I know the candidates position on the environment especially anything to do with the timber industry will gain or lose votes. We also have Boeing here and the major net players.

Looks like it will be up in the air until Tuesday night.

Washington State - BTW
[ edited by boysmommy3 on Nov 4, 2000 02:07 PM ]
posted on November 4, 2000 02:13:30 PM new

Yeah, I've caught the news reports that say Gore would be easily ahead in Washington and Oregon were it not for Ralph Nader. It seems that Nader might do to Gore what Ross Perot did to the elder Bush in '92. But who knows? It is a close race out there.

posted on November 4, 2000 02:16:50 PM new

Whoops...I forgot about Nader. He is very popular here. I'm still thinking Gore...but with somewhat less certainty.

posted on November 4, 2000 02:29:19 PM new
I can't see Bush winning Mass. even with Nader's help. But again, you just never know...

posted on November 4, 2000 02:55:14 PM new

Actually, I was thinking...if Nader could win anywhere, it would be Mass.

posted on November 4, 2000 03:13:55 PM new
I'm in Florida, which has become a battleground state. Historically, the state votes Republican, and you would think that with Jeb Bush being the Gov, than Dubya would be a lock here. But he isn't. Gore was leading for a couple of weeks in the polls, and it has gone back to neck and neck. It keeps going back and forth.

Nader has about 6% here, according to Zogby. I think Nader is having the most affect in the Pac NW and Soutwest. Last I saw, he was getting double digits in Alaska and New Mexico.

posted on November 4, 2000 03:53:47 PM new
The Governor of the State of Minnesota, Jesse "The Body" Ventura - on a write-in ticket.

posted on November 4, 2000 08:21:50 PM new
I don't think junior is suppose to even be in office.The DUI is a felony,Last night on local news,It came out about Bushs jury duty card.He did not admit to being a felon and signed it,Then said his assistant sent it in.The funny part,Daddy came out swinging his fists over the press getting ahold of the info.Any lie sent through
the mail is considered mail fraud.So it will be interesting to see how far this plays out.
Junior may have lied on other Gov. forms,
They all ask,Have you ever been convicted of
a felony crime or have you ever been arrested? Lying about a felony,Is punishable
by jail time and a fine of 10,000.00
WE would be under the jail with no with no chance of parole.I feel I can talk down about him,I have to live in the same State and town
as he.The good guys dont have the money and power the 2 partys have.Its all sewed up,Doesnt matter who wins,They are the same.The power behind the power pulls the strings.

posted on November 4, 2000 08:24:33 PM new
I just depressed myself.

posted on November 4, 2000 08:31:44 PM new
This was a misdemeanor though, not a felony.
posted on November 4, 2000 08:55:50 PM new
That's right, ma. It's a misdemeanor in most states unless it causes injury.

And he omitted information on the jury duty questionaire, but didn't lie. His lawyer went to the DA when he was selected for a DUI case and poof, he was released from the duty.

posted on November 4, 2000 09:26:56 PM new
James,Junkson,I read up after that post.I thought the DWI conviction was here.And saw the part about not filling out the form completely for the jury duty.Pretty slick.
Im still depressed.

posted on November 4, 2000 10:02:00 PM new
The sad thing about this election is that someone will win.

My vote would go to "None of the above." Why aren't we offered this choice?

posted on November 4, 2000 10:15:48 PM new
Krs I'm probably going to miss responding to some of your questions. But, I'm tired, I'm fairly sure you don't really gives a rats ass for my opinion anyway,(just a hunch) and my enthusiasm for politics somehow escapes me tonight.

Yes, I think that the Dallas Morning News is impartial in its reporting - you must think that also since you're quoting them in your breaking story post.

Bush made a stupid decision to drink and drive. Followed by a stupid decision to try
to keep his daughters from ever finding out about it. I concede those points. Politically savvy? No - but I don't think that's what he was trying for. Did he go through extraordinary lengths to keep it from ever surfacing? I'm sure he did.

My earlier post reference Bush National Guard Duty was from a reliable source and for it to
be false means that a lot of good men in the National Guard lied. Maybe so. Or maybe this new report is the lie? I don't know.

I find it interesting that you don't discuss Gore's lies about his service in the Vietnam War. As a veteran I would think that it would be a real kick in the ass to see someone claim to have seen real battle when he obviously didn't. He also left earlier than he was supposed to have. That doesn't bother you either? He only changed his claim to being "in combat" and "shot at" after it was proven by others that it was an out and out lie.

Gore had a long record of voting anti-abortion. It wasn't until around 88 that he changed his stance on that issue. To this day he denies his anti-abortion voting record although it's on record for anyone to see. That doesn't seem to bother anyone. Bush appoints people to Justice positions in Texas that have a pro-choice stance - even though it's more liberal than his own. That doesn't seem to mean anything to anyone.

Gore's defense for his participation in the Buddhist temple illegal funds scandal was that he didn't realize he was in a Buddhist Temple and that he didn't see the papers because he was drank a lot of tea and went to the bathroom a lot. Gore lies over and over - his sister was the first volunteer for the Peace Corp., ya know. But no one gives a #*!@.

This all reminds me of why I'd prefer to ignore politics. The debate isn't which one is a liar and which one isn't - it's which ones lies pish you off the most.

Junquemamma, I'll see your depression and raise you one. POLITICS S*CK!

Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
posted on November 4, 2000 10:21:33 PM new
Amen sister.

posted on November 4, 2000 10:36:20 PM new
Hey Junquemama - Here's a funny I got in my email tonight. Maybe it'll make you smile too.

Little Johnny

The teacher says, "Whoever answers the questions I ask first,correctly, can leave early today.

" Little Johnny says to himself, "Good, I want to get outta here.

I'm clever - that answer's mineThe teacher asked, "Who said `Four Score and Seven Years Ago . ..'?

Before Johnny could open his mouth, Susie said, "Abraham Lincoln,"
The teacher said, "That's right, Susie, you can go.

Johnny was mad. Susie had answered first.

The teacher asked, "Who said, `I Have a Dream'? Before Johnny could open his mouth, Mary said, "Martin Luther King." The teacher said, "That's right, Mary, you can go."

Johnny was even madder than before.
Mary had answered first. The teacher asked, "Who said `Ask not, what your country can do
for you'?" Before Johnny could open his mouth, Nancy said, "John Kennedy". The teacher said, "That's right, Nancy, you can go."

Johnny was fuming. Nancy had answered first
As the teacher sat down, Johnny muttered, "I wish these b*tches would keep their mouths shut."

The shocked teacher asked, "Who said that?" Johnny jumped up and hollered, "Bill Clinton, see you Monday!"

Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
posted on November 4, 2000 10:50:45 PM new
Mybiddness,Yes that knocked me out of my mood.Thanks

Ill leave you one,I saw this in the DNF today. Because of heavy voter turnout,The officals are asking the voters to split up
their days to vote.Democrats on Tues.Republicans on Wed.

posted on November 4, 2000 10:54:12 PM new

I find it interesting that you don't discuss Gore's lies about his service in the Vietnam War. As a veteran I would think that it would be a real kick in the ass to see someone claim to have seen real battle when he obviously didn't. He also left earlier than he was supposed to have. That doesn't bother you either? He only changed his claim to being "in combat" and "shot at" after it was proven by others that it was an out and out lie.

I sorta' remember these points being discussed in another thread at another time, but no, it doesn't bother me on either end. Gore went to the army even when offered alternatives, and in being there at all he was in combat in the sense that noone knew when or where a lousy thing might occur. The fact of his leaving early was more a function of the Vietnamization of the war in 1972 than it was his choice. His unit was rotated out of country and he went in coincidence with it. Early outs after service in Vietnam were a common thing depending on how much time a person had left to go in the services. I got a two week "drop" myself in 1969, and those practices continued and increased as the troop withdrawal progressed.
I don't remember anyone in Vietnam ever not availing themself of the opportunity to leave in one piece. When they started it, my two week drop felt like a lifetime.

posted on November 4, 2000 11:04:48 PM new
Just landing at the airport in S.Vietman was "combat". Two of my friends husbands never got any further than that when going in. One lost a leg, the other his life. At the airport. That place must have been hell from the second you hit land. Anyone who was there in any form was in combat in my opinion.I give Gore credit for even being there. He could have gotten out of it, he had the connections, but he did go. Truly, I admire anyone who went even if they didn't make it any further than the airport.

sorry about the little rant.

posted on November 4, 2000 11:07:27 PM new
Krs My apologies for my waaahwahh, you don't give it sh*t about my opinion comment. I'm in a foul mood tonight - so, please overlook me. It should come easy since that's what you usually do.

Just kidding. Since you're a Vet and your content with Gore's record I won't try to convince you otherwise. It offends me though that he left after only five months and that he tried to misrepresent his level of participation in the effort. I've read on several sites that he was never anywhere near any semblance of danger - but sure made it sound like he was. Maybe just being there at all was enough to make him worthy of being called a Vietnam Vet?

I'll be so glad when this election is over - sooooooooooo glad!

Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
posted on November 4, 2000 11:15:08 PM new
Hi Rawbunzel You make a good point. But Gore also said he was "shot at" - truth came out he wasn't. Just another example for me at least of his tendancy to streeeeetch the truth. They're all a bunch of damned liars, ain't they?

I'd start a new thread asking for names of a politician who has never lied but I wouldn't get any responses!

Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
posted on November 4, 2000 11:21:18 PM new
Hi Mybiddness, They are all liars! Wish it wasn't so but it is. Has always been so. Guess that is a requirement of politikin'.
Every time we have to vote I wish we had better choices, every time they are worse than the ones before. Don't understand why. I thought my generation had more integrity than I see here. But alas they don't. Again I vote for who I percieve to be the lesser of the evils. Either way 50% of us are going to be disapointed on Tuesday I think!!! Hope your weather will at least be pleasant as you go to the polls on Tuesday!

posted on November 4, 2000 11:26:43 PM new
Rawbunzel I agree. I just hope that whoever gets in surprises us all (or at least that other 50%) and does a dynamite job. I can't handle another "that depends on what your definition of is is" kind of President. Wonder what our chances are?

We're getting a pretty good drenching in the DFW area lately. I think all this dark cloudy weather is getting to me. Where's the sun when I need it!

Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
posted on November 4, 2000 11:33:55 PM new
Mybiddness, my sister lives in the DFW area too! Nothing but mud. You have my sympathies!

I think the chances are slim to none that we will be pleasantly suprised.BUT I am impressed at how many people are actually interested in this election and how well informed most of us are on the issues! At least the ones that are important to us. I see that as a step in the right direction! Usually my husband and I are the only two at the polling place, depressing! This time we will have company.NOW if I could only make sure they were all voting the way I want them to!!! LOL!

Sleep well mybiddness. You'll feel better in the morning and by this time next week this will all be over!

If we can just keep the winning voters from doing the "neener,neener" thing I think we'll be ok.

posted on November 4, 2000 11:39:51 PM new
g'night Rawbunzel. Don't forget to vote on Wednesday.

Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
posted on November 5, 2000 12:13:10 AM new
George Washington never told a lie.

Illinois is too close to call, IMO. The polls show Gore with a slight lead but I think they are discounting downstate since pollsters concentrate on Chicago.


posted on November 5, 2000 10:10:58 AM new
This has been a very interesting thread with much character debate. Out of 117 posts there have only been 36 actual "votes" placed. The race stands as follows:

Gore - 17 Bush - 11 Nader - 8

It would be very interesting to see the voting continue to obtain an idea on what the popular vote would show. I just mailed my absentee vote in yesterday, and reluctantly voted for Gore - again the "lesser of two evils." This from a die hard Republican.

Change Gore to 18.

posted on November 5, 2000 10:24:04 AM new
ktsclutter: I too am a registered Republican voting for Gore.

I hope your hubby is recovering nicely!

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