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posted on June 22, 2003 09:46:28 PM new
I stand corrected!
If she didn't pay for it and she can't use it I guess it's a great deal!

posted on June 22, 2003 10:14:42 PM new
My question is what is the benefit? Can you just take the shipments, walk past the line of people at the Post Office and hand the clerk your packages?

I don't think I actually ship enough to justify the expense.

posted on June 22, 2003 10:14:43 PM new
What I don't under stand is why she deleted the stamps.com program. If it was me, I would have waited and tried them both out for a real comparison.

Why don't you try endicia and see how it really compares to stamps.com? You say that the USPS site works better for labels so it would be worth it for you. I would try stamps.com if there was anything that could be better but there isn't.
Also, if you don't want the stealth mode, they only charge $9.99 per month.
You pay $4.49 + 10%
That means that if you print more than $50 in a month then it cost as much or more.
I print $300 - $400 per month.

(Edited to add that I just re-read the stamp.com fees and the $4.49 is a minimum and they just go by the 10%. So it would be $100 per month instead of $50)
[ edited by sapington on Jun 22, 2003 10:17 PM ]
posted on June 22, 2003 10:19:49 PM new

The way I read the stamps.com is it's a minimum of $4.49 unless you print for than $44.90 then it's 10% of your postage.

I could be wrong, I hope someone tells me if I am reading the site right or not.
posted on June 22, 2003 10:42:07 PM new
I use the Stamps.com for letter postage only.The $4.49 a month is worth the runnning for stamps when I need them.And I purchase postage with paypal card so I get 1.5% back

I don't need to pay 10% for packages to Stamps.com,and I don't need to pay $9.99 to Endica.com. When I can print them at the USPS site for free.
And I don't make 30 seperate labels a day I print them at the same time so it goes on one bill which I put on my Paypal card and get 1.5% back.

And on a good month I've paid as much as $1,500 for postage so the 1.5% back is much better for me than the flat $9.99 and nothing back!

Anything that will cost me more than I'm paying now is not worth trying! I already have the convience, Just that I need to open two programs instead of one. It's not that hard!

posted on June 22, 2003 10:43:36 PM new

I saw that after I posted so I added to the bottom.
If you print less than $100 per month and it works as good as Endicia then I guess there would be no reason to switch, but you could try both and get 2 months free and really know which one works best for you.
posted on June 22, 2003 10:50:29 PM new
And on a good month I've paid as much as $1,500 for postage so the 1.5% back is much better for me than the flat $9.99 and nothing back!

You can use the paypal card with endicia and get the 1.5% back. I have always done it.
I buy $200 at a time to keep the transactons down on it.
If you print the postage labels on the USPS site then they put a charge on for each one.
If you are printing that much postage on the USPS website then you are wasting a lot more that $9.99 per month in time.
posted on June 23, 2003 04:29:58 AM new
Boy you know it alls are real quick to jump nasty all over someone.

I used Stamps ~ I loved it. I just didn't know I would get charged EXTRA for using it in addition to the fee they already charged a month. THAT is why I wanted to try Endicia when told it didn't do that.

WHY would I be SO DUMB to delete one program without trying the other?

Because, smart aleck, I have a 7 year old computer with very little hard drive room that can't hold both programs. I had to delete one to be able to download the other one.

You dont know everything, you should't act like you do. Don't assume I was just being "stupid". I'm incredibly frustrated by how hard it has been to even get logged onto this other program but I do want to try it.

I wont be back here for questiosn or advice because you people are all too eager to jump on someone, be nasty and rude and not helpful.

If you DID help me in this thread I appreciate it. If you thought it was funny to bash me in this thread ~ I hope your eBay sales suck next month.

posted on June 23, 2003 05:30:32 AM new
And may the BlueBird of Happiness...

Seriously though, thee needeth a thicker dermoidoodle! Ye should have been here back in the good ole days of HCQ and the Canadian Bobs!

Ole HCQ would have ripped you a new...

...er,ah...BELLYBUTTON, for installing importantant proggies on a SUNDAY!

Most folksies here are always ready & willing to offer a helping paw -- I know Ralphie IS! Ye just have to demonstrate a minumum quantity of COMMON SENSE!

Ralphie loves Mr Blonde:
"Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?"
posted on June 23, 2003 05:40:38 AM new
Helga - I read this thread and even did keyword searches. I have to first say the only person who called you stupid and dumb was yourself. No one ever stooped to that level.

Granted, for someone that doesn't frequent this board, some people may come off as a little rough around the edges, but you must remember there is no good way to communicate tone and inflection via a bulletin board.

This can be a very helpful and cool place to chat. And even if the people here were not able to help you directly, the discussion about both services would be a help to you or anyone else who hasn't tried both companies.

If you have packages to ship via Priority Mail, I'd recommend the USPS website until you can get Endicia set up

posted on June 23, 2003 08:13:08 AM new
I wont be back here for questiosn or advice because you people are all too eager to jump on someone, be nasty and rude and not helpful.

If you thought it was funny to bash me in this thread ~ I hope your eBay sales suck next month.

LOL, ya big meanies! Now look what you did!

posted on June 23, 2003 09:37:53 AM new
I didn't call you dumb and I have no way of knowing what computer system you have.
If you don't have room for both then I see why you would delete it first.
You can always use the USPS online labels like stated above till you get endicia working.

posted on June 23, 2003 09:56:38 AM new
Helga - I find it lauyghable that you are wishing ill will upon people for being just as quick to attack as YOU WERE when it came to Endicia. You come across as having the patience of a two year old and the maturity level to match. You seem to want what you want and you want it right now and the minute you don't get exactly what you want you throw a temper tantrum (I'm still curious to hear which online services you have signed up for that provide you with instantanious customer service at 7:30 on Sunday night that woul justify your indictments on Endicia for not doing so).

To top it off, when someone questions the logic behind your actions you throw still another temper tantrum and wish ill will upon everyone.

You might want to work on that persecution complex. I just read back thru this thread and nobody called you dumb. Maybe you are just projecting.
Mario Andretti - “If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough.”
posted on June 23, 2003 06:10:09 PM new
OH Yeah:

I hope all your Endicia packages come back postage due!

There take that!

posted on June 23, 2003 10:21:40 PM new
OH Yeah:

I hope all your Endicia packages come back postage due!

There take that!

If they did then yours would too since the USPS has a contract with endicia for the indicia strip on the labels on the USPS.com site. http://www.vendio.com/mesg/read.html?num=2&id=488456&thread=488421
It is the same postage indicia strip on both.
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