posted on August 7, 2003 09:42:57 PM new
jdk156 !!!!!!!! WHERE DID YOU WANDER OFF TO? Don't tell me that you got stuck in that pothole thread for almost a year.
BTW, do you have a sister called toasted? Is that why those guys are pulling that rope so hard? Are there more of you guys down there yet? LOL
LOL So happy to see your little smiling face.......
posted on August 7, 2003 09:55:02 PM newgood grief I've been wondering who all these people are down here!!! kiara .....throw me a rope please? I'm ready to come out now!! It's really great to see your smile light up the page!!
I guess I've been down there too long....didn't recognize daylight when I saw it! well, well I see you still know how to find the nearlynekid ladies!! bring'em on!!
posted on August 8, 2003 11:37:39 PM new
Crops? Oh those crops. well you know what I gave it all up. The booze, the dope, heck I even gave up chewing tobacco.
Something for the guys to chew on
I would chew through that in no time, however, I prefer em with cfmp's.
Here's a nearly nekkid one for you to cheew on, now lets see if I can remember how to do this;
shiit, I forgot how to post an image, it's been too long. See what happens when you leave for awhile.
Before going to bed as I wander into this thread, this is the best post I've seen all day, yellowstone.
Now, as I try to quit laughing and as I wander off to bed I am wondering. Does Nancy sell on ebay too?
Bottom line, we HAVE to keep this ebay related. Remember last time, we tried sooooo hard and so many didn't get the total message. G'nite. zzzzzzzzz Thanks!
OH NO! Edited (because I'm blonde) your post also, toasted! Thanks again! Where are you when I need you.... ya, I know... sleeping way down in that pothole thread. ROFL............
posted on August 12, 2003 09:46:50 PM new
O.k. so this sunk with around 140 diff, people posting,,,,I am REALLY surprised,,,,100,000 users of Vendio and only 140 checked in?