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posted on March 26, 2004 06:53:27 AM new
somewhere i read an article of a brick and mortar electronics store selling on ebay and attracted ebay attention.
they contacted the owner and encouraged him to list more and clued him in on how to sell and how to manage his listings.
eventually he shut down his brick and mortar store and sells stricly on ebay with his staff and claims he is doing better than before.
does any one remember his id and see how he is doing now??
This is the kind of ebay seller Reamond should look into.
you figure store rent and overhead could be easily 7-10k,so now how much is his ebay fee and overhead??
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on March 26, 2004 06:53:45 AM new
12pole & stopwhining - do you both only have the wrong side of the bed to get out of every morning?

the seller is a doll & bear artist. I don't think she would have to shill her own auctions. Big brand name companies pay her for her designs, I doubt she's living hand to mouth.

you guys (?) would probably have stood around while Michelangelo was painting the Sistine Chapel saying the same stupid things.

posted on March 26, 2004 07:13:24 AM new
none of us really know the truth,we are all speculating what is going on.
i am familiar with sales of rare porcelain animal figurines made by defunct european companies ,i have a good idea what animal and what maker fetch what price ??
i have also been on ebay for 8 years and i have some idea how much ebay bidders are willing to pay for their favorite animals.
dealers will pay more if they figure they can sell for more,collectors go by their budget.
very few ebay bidders are willing to pay 5-7k for a stuff animal.
of course i could be wrong,what do i know??
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on March 26, 2004 07:26:09 AM new
I agree with glassgrl, this seller is very reputable and does not need to shill her auctions. It's not like she has 1000S of auctions running and is scamming a ton of buyers!! Look at her web page...she is on the up and up.

"Not knowing" is the key here...NOT KNOWING, you should not even SUGGEST that shilling is going on here. Both of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

posted on March 26, 2004 07:43:23 AM new
Reamond - check ebay, maybe you can find a life there because at this point I truly believe that you have actually decided to entertain yourself with baiting. No one can be this dense, but you have given new definition to sad.

Why do fems always retreat to an emotional argument when faced with a factual challenge to their reality?

I have only posed a relevant and simple question-- who if anyone is actually making a living off of eBay?

It looks as though my hypothesis is well supported.

posted on March 26, 2004 07:44:14 AM new
i am not ASHAMED of what i said.
there is a POSSIBILITY she is shill bidding,but then there is a POSSIBILITY she is not.
oh,one more observation i made from the 8 years on ebay-a dead artist is worth more,much more than a life one!
you want to know why-ebay bidder mentality,they think the item they won will go up in value!!
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
[ edited by stopwhining on Mar 26, 2004 07:45 AM ]
posted on March 26, 2004 08:08:43 AM new
I checked out the stuffed animal seller's closed auctions.

There appears to be a lot of 0 and low FB bidders pumping those auctions way up.

For some reason $1525 seems to be a magical number too.

But think about--- What would you do if you were to sell on eBay unique objects d'art that you made.

To chum the water I would have my friends and relatives all bidding on my items[/b]

That is, if there are this many people willing to buy the item, I don't feel like an idiot paying this much for it.

posted on March 26, 2004 08:16:10 AM new
I randomly clicked several of the top sellers from the Jan 2004 list.

Two of them currently have nothing for sale and another with 17,000 + FB now shows 0 FB and nothing for sale.

But we have to make a distinction here. Having a lot of sales does not mean having a good profit or any profit.

posted on March 26, 2004 08:29:00 AM new
Reamond - you have had people tell you in this thread that they are makng a living off of ebay. I would think it is quite safe to assume that we are better aware of our sales numbers than you and yet you have dismissed everyone of us out of hand. You have had 4 out of 27 posters tell you that they make a living off of ebay and two more tell you that they have paid for college tuitions which is nothing to sneeze at so I am curious how you feel your statement has been supported.

Giving both our college funders half credit - 18% of the posters on this board have said they are making a living. If you consider that to be nothing, please feel free to donate 18% of your monthly income my way.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on March 26, 2004 08:29:07 AM new
Why so much concern about how other people are doing financially? The eBay user agreement doesn't seem to indicate that you must sell full time, live off your eBay earnings, or even make a profit.
One of the benefits of eBay type selling is that you are not locked in to being open certain hours or seasons, or having a business of any pre-determined size or scope.

posted on March 26, 2004 08:46:02 AM new
looks like more than one id is used for shill bidding.

Sorry but those auctions look like a shillers paradise...

read the feedback left by the seller and read the feedback left by her high bidder-cindereyes

none of us really know the truth,we are all speculating what is going on.
(LOL, that comment coming from the same one that did the most speculating.)

And people wonder why some of us don't post our ebay IDs here? Look at all the assumptions by the ones just talking out of their azzes.

I'm not sure how many remember the old days of Auctionwatch and the "Anonymous Coward" taunts (I think sparkz does) and how some of us just kept on posting and never revealing who we are on ebay. Is it any wonder?

And the last couple of years with the house stalker here causing unnecessary problems for sellers on these boards will make some of us go into deeper hiding.

At times I have newbies bid on lots of my auctions and if some here knew my ID they'd be screaming "shilling". Grab a clue, some of you. And yes, believe it or not, there is still money to be made on ebay. I know people who live only off their ebay profits and they're living a pretty good lifestyle. No way would I identify them here because some jealous, petty boywonder would try to screw up their auctions also.

posted on March 26, 2004 08:53:17 AM new
Never mind. I thought better of it.

[ edited by fluffythewondercat on Mar 26, 2004 09:11 AM ]
posted on March 26, 2004 09:12:29 AM new
[ edited by kiara on Mar 26, 2004 12:06 PM ]
posted on March 26, 2004 09:44:04 AM new
kiara,glasgirl etc.
what makes this board so interesting is that you post a thread and you get different responses.i am sure you know successful ebay sellers,but there are also many not so successful ebay sellers.
if we are all the same,the world will be a very BORING place.
you have your opinion and i have mine.
if you cant handle it,then it is just too bad for you,you can put me on ignore,if that makes your world a little safer and more secure.
you know what we can do,we can keep track of her listing,only time will tell .
ebay is a place where seller gets a high bid between retail and wholesale,sure there are newbies and there are suckers,but they all seem to wise up fast.

-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on March 26, 2004 09:46:06 AM new
kiara and jack want to keep alive the mysterious "house stalker" an urban legend...

Hey i said looked like... not is but being as I have now looked her up and seen what is going on
I retract what I said


posted on March 26, 2004 09:46:52 AM new
Another very good income can be derived from refurbishing dolls. I was looking at the Berenguer (sp?) reborn dolls and they are absolutely incredible!

Personally, I'm not making a living off of Ebay yet because I'm still reinvesting. Considering I started with one pattern valued at $5.00, I'm not doing too shabby. Again, this is a category that needs to be studied and watched in order to find the buying trends. I think I've finally found them although there have been a few surprises here and there.

Also, I'm in direct sales and have learned that the 80/20 rule definitely applies. I think that those that aren't doing well with ebay have either just started out and are looking to get rich quick (like with direct sales) or they keep making the same mistakes over and over again. It's important to research and learn any business you wish to succeed in.

I really think that in almost any category in ebay, someone can be successful by researching the subject, watch the buying trends as well as marketing the products and themselves properly. Marketing plays a huge role in any business.

Just my ramblings ...

posted on March 26, 2004 09:47:18 AM new
here, here Kiara - I have one line of items that have attracted a crazed "bargain bidder" this week. Whoever it is has bid on nearly every auction in the line but has not won a single one of them. Looks like they are putting in an opening and hoping no one else bids, others do, this one loses... I think I'm going to send them a few 2nd chance officers.

BTW - Anyone ever read that letter ebay sends to 2nd chance bidders? It's horrible, it's long and rambling and it tosses all the boring, spam like, mind numbing disclaimers at the opening. I think the reason they are so infrequently successful is that most bidders delete them before they read them, that is if they are not caught by spam filters.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on March 26, 2004 09:56:36 AM new
your bidder could be just using your items to show he is bidding on other people's items,not just his own.
of course kiara and glasgirl will find it hard to believe as they have just been invited to have lunch at the rose garden with tiny tim toptoeing .
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on March 26, 2004 10:07:55 AM new
Bargain bidders aren't uncommon. I live with one of them. He bids low and if he's outbid, he gives up.

Needless to say, he never wins anything. It drives him crazy to see someone else win an auction for $1, when the stuff he wants always gets bid up far beyond what he's willing to pay.

Once he had a $1 bid in on an auction. The seller had foo'd up their HTML so that the bottom half of the page didn't display. (My sweetie, the HTML whiz, managed to bid on it anyway.) He was sure he had a lock on this auction since no one else could bid.

Then the seller cancelled his bid and ended the auction early.

His rants on how unfair eBay is for buyers are legendary.

He's kind of weird but I love him anyway.


"The word 'aerobics' came about when the gym instructors got together and said: `If we're going to charge $10 an hour, we can't call it Jumping Up and Down.'" -- Rita Rudner
posted on March 26, 2004 10:17:30 AM new
Hey i said looked like... not is but being as I have now looked her up and seen what is going on I retract what I said

Twelvepole, why say it in the first place when you didn't even take time to look it up before you started making those comments?

I didn't coin the term "house stalker" but I've been here long enough to know what I'm talking about and I will make it plural. There have always been "house stalkers" here. Some lurk in the background and never show their faces and others post under several IDs. Laugh if you wish.

And as far as stopwhining's whining........... every year my rose gardens are full of thorns and also aphids, just like ebay.

posted on March 26, 2004 10:21:05 AM new
When you look at the auctions and see 0 feedback bidders narud... hmmm well 1st impressions can be in error..

I am allowed one mistake a quarter this was it...


posted on March 26, 2004 10:53:20 AM new
seller mmh3of5 and high bidder cindereyes both use the word 'fantastic' 4 times in leaving feedback for others .
fantastic is a great word,lets all use it more often!!
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on March 26, 2004 11:37:35 AM new
You have a fantastic imagination Stop! MMH always thanks both buyers and sellers and cindereyes doesn't thank anybody... fantastic, awesome, excellent, outstanding, fabulous, super, A+... just how many different ways are there to gush over a buyer or a seller??

posted on March 26, 2004 12:23:48 PM new
thanks,neglus,you are fantastic,
please bid on my items,i have a persian cat up for bid.
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on March 26, 2004 03:42:08 PM new
The reason I am interested if anyone is making a living on eBay is because today a republican on FOX claimed that Bush's dismal job losses is due to not counting all the millions of jobs that people have by selling on eBay.

posted on March 26, 2004 04:27:18 PM new
I make a living out of buying on Ebay...does that count?

Actually the wage here locally for a female (if you had a "real" job) is/was somewhere between $12,000 and $14,000 a year. Of course the cost of living is pretty low here too.

I primarily sell on Ebay for spending money for myself.

posted on March 26, 2004 04:31:38 PM new
glassgirl, I wanna move to a lower income area and get rich!! The price of dying is horriblly HIGH in So. California. hahahah.

posted on March 26, 2004 04:35:46 PM new
Oh,,,,,but there are Only two seasons here,wet,,,,,,,,,and DRY......And SUN and Bunnies and all nighters and booze and cars and smog and, and and,,,,,,,and,,,,the beat goes on,,,,AND,,,,,I,,,,,only drive on the weekends,,,,going to the swaps.....hahaha... Wife swaps? hahaha. NO! slap me in the face,,,,,the Swapmeets......

posted on March 26, 2004 04:39:38 PM new
actually the weather in NW FL is pretty nice here too.

but then we have the "snowbird" season and the "spring breakers" season and the "tourist" season.

Some people actually save up $$ all year long to come here & visit for a week! But then I was born and raised here so I know I don't appreciate it as much as I should.

I've talked to people in CA and I can't imagine paying what you do out there for houses! A million dollar house there is a shack here. For a million you could have Gulf front property here and everybody would think you were crazy for spending that kind of money!

posted on March 26, 2004 04:43:01 PM new
Gulf front? that's where the hurricanes hit first? right. I can SEE why they would think they were crazy,,,,,hahahahahaha,,,,,,,,

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