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posted on June 9, 2004 06:46:45 PM new
Interesting watching the procession in Washington D.C. as well as clips of people commenting on Reagan in their hometowns. Did anyone else notice that there were virtually no blacks, Hispanics or Asians? If you were watching this and knew nothing about America, you would assume the entire nation was white.

posted on June 9, 2004 08:12:37 PM new
At FULL,,,,, Attention,,,,,Ready,,,Boom,click,,Boom,click,click,Boom. 21 Gun Salute! Taps....

Thank you for your Service to Our Country Mr.President/Commander in Chief. RIP.......



posted on June 10, 2004 09:03:37 AM new
LMAO !! Poor FOX News ( aka - the re-elect Bush channel)had to almost stop interviewing parade bystanders. Seems the comentator had to give up and call the parade a "festive" event of people watching a government parade. The only person who seemed to be morning was nancy Reagan.

I feel sorry for these poor right wing nuts here that try as they might can not seem to elevate Reagan to the right wing nut godhood they think he deserves.

Exagerating his accomplishments and igoring his failures to make a hero out of Reagan can not succeed with a record like Reagan's.

I am surprised no right wing nut has said Reagan won WWII by making those heroic training films.

posted on June 10, 2004 09:28:00 AM new
He made films?
You know...the best way to defeat a liberal is to let them speak.
posted on June 10, 2004 10:30:58 AM new
He made films?

While Jimmy Stewart and other actors joined the military to fight and saw combat, Stewart actually piloted a bomber on missions over Germany, Ronnie Reagan joined the military and got the studio heads to put him in the military outfit that made training films and propaganda for the military.

Reagan, like our current president, intentionally avoided military combat.

posted on June 10, 2004 10:48:55 AM new
Reamond, did Reagan enlist, or was he drafted? If so, what year did he go into the military, if at all?

posted on June 10, 2004 11:48:56 AM new
Worship Reagan,Worship Reagan,Worship Reagan,Worship Reagan,Worship Reagan

posted on June 10, 2004 12:11:53 PM new
huh? I just asked a question.


RIP President Reagan
posted on June 10, 2004 12:15:13 PM new
Here you go NTS:


Ronald Wilson Reagan enrolled in a series of home-study Army Extension Courses on 18 March 1935. After completing 14 of the courses, he enlisted in the Army Enlisted Reserve on 29 April 1937, as a Private assigned to Troop B, 332nd Cavalry at Des Moines, Iowa. He was appointed Second Lieutenant in the Officers Reserve Corps of the Cavalry on 25 May 1937. On 18 June 1937 he accepted his Officer's Commission and was assigned to the 323nd Cavalry.

Lieutenant Reagan was ordered to active duty on 19 April 1942. Due to eyesight difficulties, he was classified for limited service only, which excluded him from serving overseas. His first assignment was at the San Francisco Port of Embarkation at Fort Mason, California, as liaison officer of the Port and Transportation Office. Upon the request of the Army Air Force, he applied for a transfer from the Cavalry to the Army Air Force on 15 May 1942; the transfer was approved on 9 June 1942. He was assigned to Army Air Force Public Relations and subsequently to the 1st Motion Picture Unit in Culver City, California. Reagan was promoted to First Lieutenant on 14 January 1943 and was sent to the Provisional Task Force Show Unit of "This Is The Army" at Burbank, California. Following this duty, he returned to the 1st Motion Picture Unit, and on 22 July 1943 was promoted to Captain.

In January 1944, Captain Reagan was ordered to temporary duty in New York City to participate in the opening of the sixth War Loan Drive. He was assigned to the 18th Army Air Force Base Unit, Culver City, California on 14 November 1944, where he remained until the end of the war. On 8 September 1945, he was ordered to report to Fort MacArthur, California, where he was separated from active duty on 9 December 1945.

While on active duty with the 1st Motion Picture Unit and the 18th Army Air Force Base Unit, Captain Reagan served as Personnel Officer, Post Adjutant, and Executive Officer. By the end of the war, his units had produced some 400 training films for the Army Air Force.

Reagan's Reserve Commission automatically terminated on 1 April 1953. However, he became Commander-in-Chief of all U.S. Armed Forces when he became President on 20 January 1981.

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on June 10, 2004 03:59:02 PM new
Due to eyesight difficulties, he was classified for limited service only, which excluded him from serving overseas.

Yeah right. His eyesight was fine until a war broke out and he was ordered to active duty. I'll say this- he wasn't the only studio actor that got those cushy assignments out of harms way.

posted on June 10, 2004 04:15:25 PM new
No matter if you're a Democrat, a Republican, an Independent, a Green, a Reformist, etc. the fact remains that this is a tribute to former President Ronald Reagan. A tribute can mean we admire the moron, or we can bash him, or both. He was a public figure, and deserves the recognition he gets, whether good or bad.

The beauty of this thread is that it has educated many readers who loved or loathed the man. I can fully understand how someone can admire a person if they believe he tore down the Berlin Wall, destroyed the Soviet Union, brought us a strong economy, etc. However, in contrast to those things, the opposite can easily be said. The former Soviet Union simply couldn't manage their economy, or lack there of. Reagan had little to do with the crumbling of the Soviet Union, other than the fact he happened to be the figure head at the time. It could have easily been Carter, or it could have been Bush Sr. who would have been given credit for that if it happened during their time in office. Trickle Down economics has been a joke, as it turned an economy completely upside down and emptied the wallets of the middleclass directly into the pockets of the wealthy. Reagan also chose to ignore the AIDS epidemic. If you wish to continue to think, as Reagan did, that this was a curse for homosexuality, then so be it. It is obvious that that curse was avenged with his slow painful death via Alzheimers. Reagan was not prepared for an epidemic like that. He did little to suppress the Crack Cocaine epidemic as well.

It is easy to remember someone for their great accomplishments, especially when the media chooses to bolster those accomplishments with lies. The man was President of the United States, and he deserves the respect of that position. However, by no means should we hold back our opinions and facts of his political career in order to commemorate his life.

posted on June 10, 2004 04:18:13 PM new
To judge the real importance of an individual, we should think of the effect his death would produce..
Peter de Gaston Levis

posted on June 10, 2004 06:05:35 PM new
Webster’s definition of "tribute": A gift, payment, declaration, or other acknowledgment of gratitude, respect, or admiration.

Shag’s definition of "tribute": "A tribute can mean we admire the moron, or we can bash him, or both."

Now who is the moron?

posted on June 11, 2004 08:28:34 AM new
LMAO !! They changed the parade route for Reagan's coffin in anticipation of large crowds !!!

No one showed up. The Re-elect Bush Channel (aka FOX NEWS) announcer in NY first said there were no crowds because it was raining, then had to admit that it was actually just a mist, but that there was hardly anyone along the parade route.

I guess the right wing nuts will blame the French.

posted on June 11, 2004 08:53:55 AM new
Did you copy/paste this from here to the RT or visa versa Reamond?

How many times are you going to 'LMAO' at Reagan threads?
posted on June 11, 2004 10:33:42 AM new
I'll LMAO till the cows come home while the right wing nuts try to idolize one of the worst presidents we've ever had.

posted on June 11, 2004 10:55:58 AM new
HOW can yea say tis?

Twas a regular RobbingHood -- stole from da POOR & gave to da RICH??!!

Kept those pesky American hostages in IRAN right where they belonged -- until AFTER the election??!! (Yeah, sure, those Republican operatives in TEHERAN before the election were TOURISTS, right??)

Proved that SLEEP was NO deterant to taking up space in the OVAL OFFICE!

Taught them PATCO rascals a lesson -- their lives are still ruined all these years later!

Creative VEGETABLES: let those poor kids eat KETCHIP & RELISH for lunch -- great way to save 3 bucks needed for FAT-CAT retirement funds??!!

OBEY THE LAW?? Why bother when yer a RIGHT WING demagogue?? The proper position for the CHIEF LAW enforcement officer of the nation is to pick & choose!! If ya donna like a law, JUST BREAK IT, & then blather about talking to JAESUS all day!!

posted on June 11, 2004 11:04:31 AM new
I thought Ronald was one of the best Presidents we ever had. He made most of us proud of our country. I sure can't say that for Clinton,he was a sick puppy that should have never been allowed near Washington DC. When I hear people put down the few Presidents we've had that at least had a respect for our country and God,it really tells me where this nation is heading. There are a few of us left who have a respect for our leaders.

posted on June 11, 2004 11:14:53 AM new
I thought Ronald was one of the best Presidents we ever had. He made most of us proud of our country.

That is exactly what the German people said about Adolph Hitler.

All form and perverted substance.

Is that what a democracy is all about -- having a B movie actor making us feel good about ourselves ?

Forget everything that is wrong and let's just all feel good about ourselves and outr country.

That is why Reagan got away with so much, people who refuse to apply critical thinking and just wish to "feel good" about our country.

What is scary is the fact that someone like Reagan can get elected. Another Hitler could be just around the corner, if not in office right now.

posted on June 11, 2004 11:37:36 AM new
dixie- spoken like a true Republican... you gave only part of the definition of tribute.

tribute: A personal contribution, as of money, praise, service, etc., made in token of services rendered, or as that which is due or deserved.

I believe Reagan deserves tribute of both the good and bad of his career. I do not see where this definition implies that a tribute "needs" to be positive. It only specifies a personal contribution make in token of services rendered. He served our country, and I have given my personal contribution towards his tribute.

posted on June 11, 2004 11:42:17 AM new
I'll LMAO till the cows come home while the right wing nuts try to idolize one of the worst presidents we've ever had

Go ahead, but I don't think his death is a partisan issue.

And IMO, he was a great President.

posted on June 11, 2004 05:47:56 PM new
Shag –

So that’s why I don’t understand liberals! We don’t speak the same language! Your concocted definition of "tribute" is totally different than what I read in the dictionary and what most people were taught. Reminds me of when Clinton said "is" doesn’t mean "is".

It’s pathetic that to make your point, you have to change the meaning of words. Because you know why? There is no logical and moral basis to your arguments. As such, I view all liberals as yapping little dogs who like to be both heard and seen, and when someone actually opposes them with an intellectual view, they bite that person in the ankles and start yapping some more.

Your religion is liberalism, and for that I feel sorry for you.

posted on June 11, 2004 06:02:56 PM new
tomwiii...(quote)"Taught them PATCO rascals a lesson -- their lives are still ruined all these years later!"

I have one of those PATCO rascals. He didn't strike and is still doing air traffic control. His best friend DID strike and had to find another job. He's a multi-millionair these days, so I wouldn't say his life was ruined.

My DH opinion was that it weeded out the ones that weren't serious about their job.

posted on June 11, 2004 06:10:47 PM new
Go ahead, but I don't think his death is a partisan issue.

The right wing conservative wackos have made it an issue. Bush and others are trying to use it to buttress his faltering image and stupid policies.

It’s pathetic that to make your point, you have to change the meaning of words.

It is yet even more pathetic to think that your narrow definitions are the only possible meaning for a word.

Because you know why? There is no logical and moral basis to your arguments.

shagmidmod demonstrated more logic and moral basis than anything you have posted.

As such, I view all liberals as yapping little dogs who like to be both heard and seen, and when someone actually opposes them with an intellectual view, they bite that person in the ankles and start yapping some more.

Those "yapping little dogs" have successfully challenged the bogus arguments idolizing Reagan.

Your religion is liberalism, and for that I feel sorry for you.

And your religion is what ? Worshiping Reagan ? And you feel sorry for liberals ?

posted on June 12, 2004 10:34:04 AM new
Bye, Bye!!

posted on June 12, 2004 08:37:50 PM new

and the beat goes on,,,,,,,,,

posted on June 13, 2004 01:30:33 PM new
dixie- "So that’s why I don’t understand liberals! We don’t speak the same language! Your concocted definition of "tribute" is totally different than what I read in the dictionary and what most people were taught."

Actually, I can understand your frustrations. We liberals like to use definitions that are broader than the first definition given in a dictionary. Perhaps you should go to the library and find a real dictionary and read the full definition of tribute. You'll find numerous definitions of the word beyond the one that you quoted. A mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

"It’s pathetic that to make your point, you have to change the meaning of words. Because you know why? There is no logical and moral basis to your arguments."

I am sure I have more logical reasoning and morals than most conservatives have in their pinky. You want to cite Bill Clinton, then go ahead. I have no problems agreeing that he was morally wrong for adultry. Not a problem with that at all. However, lets keep in mind that the conservative lynching of him for something that had to do with his personal life is amusing, especially considering that George W. Bush is responsible for the death of thousands of humans, he was a drug addict who snorted coke on a regular basis, and had a DUI in Texas. If you want to bring out skeletons from the closet, then go ahead. I consider most politicians as lying cheats anyways, Ronald Reagan included.

"As such, I view all liberals as yapping little dogs who like to be both heard and seen, and when someone actually opposes them with an intellectual view, they bite that person in the ankles and start yapping some more."

I'm still waiting for you to challenge me with an intellectual view so I can bite you in the ankles and yap some more...

"Your religion is liberalism, and for that I feel sorry for you."

I'm impressed a conservative would even have feelings for me. Unfortunately, I don't believe in religion, so your statement is completely false. And, for your information, not believing in religion doesn't necessarily mean I don't believe in God, spirituality, or a higher being. Religion is another fascist attempt to control people by placing restrictions on them with a "religious agenda".
[ edited by shagmidmod on Jun 13, 2004 01:32 PM ]
posted on June 13, 2004 11:25:36 PM new
If you are considering voting Democratic this year, please carefully read this thread to see the type of people you would be aligning yourself with.


You know...the best way to defeat a liberal is to let them speak.
posted on June 14, 2004 04:32:50 AM new


[ edited by tomwiii on Jun 14, 2004 04:33 AM ]
posted on June 14, 2004 05:00:57 AM new
Thoughts from London on Reagan (no, not from me, but from a friend there):

"Reagan was the guy who invaded Grenada, a country which is a part of the Commonwealth and hence has our Queen as its Head of State.

His motives may have been good, but should he not have told us in advance? It caused a stink at the time.

The Wall itself came down by accident rather than design (a rather stupid public misstatement by one of the East German Politburo, Günter Schabowski).

The collapse of the old East German regime a few months previously was organised by a guy called Gorbachev...

The West had nothing to do with either.

As far as Reagan is concerned, it is interesting to note that, at the time, we viewed him as a dangerous right-wing extremist. But now we have Bush, Reagan seems a moderate by comparison...

The Queen is not only Queen of the United Kingdom, but Head of the Commonwealth, a voluntary association of 53 independent countries.

The Queen is Queen not only of the United Kingdom and its overseas territories, but also of the following realms: Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, St Christopher and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu."

Let's hope Bush has this list memorized lest we invade another country headed up by an ally.

I'll do my liberal part here and say, I hope Reagan rests in peace. God is forgiving and I'm sure his sins were forgiven by Him. It's just difficult for those of us who were adversely affected by his sins to forgive. Just because someone dies, it doesn't automatically erase the things he's done wrong especially when those things affected so many people in such a negative way. This country is greatly divided right now by the right who can't see their hand in front of their face and the left who can see right through it.

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