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posted on June 12, 2004 12:25:01 PM new
Shipping and Handling are two different things, however, I do agree that if there is a handling fee, it should have been published within the auction description. If there was no mention of additional fees, then I would argue this and if they make an issue of it, I would submit a complaint with ebay, and encourage your friend to do so. That way, ebay has two complaints on the person.

As for the arguement regarding Shipping and Handling being charged to make a profit... I believe any seller has the right to charge a handling fee. Handling fees cover the added expense and time involved in preparing a package, the materials needed (box/packing materials/tape), the cost for pickup service, or the time it takes to deliver items to the shipping counter, account fees, etc.

Most items I sell I ship via 1 pound Priority Mail. The normal rate for this service is $3.85. I charge $5.00.

First, I have my eBay fees, Paypal fees, and Vendio fees. I pay stamps.com $15.00 a month to use their service, plus the cost of labels, tape, packing peanuts, bubble wrap, etc. On top of that, it takes time to package each item, and take it to the post office. The cost of gasoline ($2.29 a gallon for Regular Unleaded), car insurance, wear and tear on my vehicle, etc adds up. I may ship 1200 items a year and I charge approximately $1.15 over for handling. That is $1380 a year to cover all of those expenses and time. It really isn't that much money, and I guarantee that if I added up my true expenses for shipping that item, I am probably not charging enough.

posted on June 12, 2004 12:42:03 PM new
well said.
dont forget the time waiting in line at the post office.
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on June 13, 2004 10:24:54 AM new
Because shipping and handling are usually lumped together I would expect not to have to pay handling charges unless they were stated as a separate item in the auction. Insurance is almost always separate and at the discretion of the buyer most of the time so I can see offering insurance on a free shipping item.

I will offer free shipping on some of my auctions for various reasons. When I offer free shipping that also means no handling charge either. The ins is optional and if the buyer wants it then they can pay for it.

I am glad you brought this subject up. It never occured to me that free shipping did not include the handling charges as well. From now on when I offer the free ship I'm going to phrase it "Free shipping/handling".
At least my auctions will be clear.
posted on June 13, 2004 10:45:43 AM new
...well said.
dont forget the time waiting in line at the post office.

Or the time spent wrapping the package. Or the groceries purchased to give us strength to stand in line. Or what I pay the lawn service because eBay is keeping me too busy to mow my own lawn. Or plane tickets in case I need a vacation to recover from a bad eBay experience. These damn customers just want a free ride!

I know sellers love this idea of "handling", and if they can get away with the charges, more power to them. I just find the rationalizations for the charges amusing. Maybe sellers will start demanding rebates for the time they spend picking up the package off their front step, or unwrapping it?

posted on June 13, 2004 11:04:16 AM new
popnrock: Your shower gel seller is trying to scam people, and he knows it. I would not complete the auction if I were you. You risk a neg, but with this seller's shady operation I don't think he will neg you; he doesn't want to draw too much attention to what he is doing and knows your feedback response would expose him to future victims.

posted on June 13, 2004 05:50:04 PM new
well said,an able body and a sound mind all come from nature and nurture,so thanks our parents for giving us the good genes and the local butcher for giving us a healthy body.
They should all be reflected in handling charge.
Do you ever notice when a restaurant went thru redecoration,the menu prices always go up.
I think it is so petty to even bring up this topic,seller offers free shipping and charge one dollar for handling,for gods'sake,when you eat out,you give a tip,and that is usually more than a dollar.
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on June 13, 2004 07:58:55 PM new
This shower gel seller has over 10,000 feedbacks so I guess his high shipping cost isn't an issue. I wish it did include a man who can give a good foot massage. ; )

Miss j

posted on June 13, 2004 08:33:05 PM new
Weeeeeeeeee,,,,,llllll i gues i should ,,,list MY foot message medicine too then..99 start,,and whiiiiiiiiiiipit to them on the S and H,,,,,,Can i say S and H Here???? Yikes!!!!!!!! Sounds soooooooooooooo famili,,,,,,are,,,SSSSSSSSSSSnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaapppppppppppppppppp,,,,,,crrrrrrrrAAAAAAAAAAckkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!,,,,,,,,,ooooooooh, that's S an M,,,,,,close......Whhhhhhaaaaaarppppp!!!!!!

Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap! Snnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap!

Well,,, actually e bay related it is,,,,,,sonominus,,,,,Hurts sooooooooo.....Gooooddd....Come on Baby, hurts so Good.......No Pain,,,,,,No Gane,,,,,


HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! Snaaaaarrrrrrrppppppppppppppppp!!!!!! snip!

10,000 satisfied Customers,,,,,that pretty much puts a hole in that boat.......

Let him Go,,,,,,,,,,win some ,,,,,,WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHiiiiiiiippppppppppp!!!!!!!! some.......

Ya just got Smarter,,,,,She who controls the WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHiiiiiiiiiiipppppppppppp,,,,,,,,,,,,

You,,,,entered their,,,,,,House.....

You were NEVER promised a Rose Garden...Thorns are Always there....

posted on June 13, 2004 08:57:38 PM new
What I don't understand is why would a seller try to gouge a buyer for a lousy dollar. If you can't screw them out of enough for a six pack, why go to the effort?

A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on June 13, 2004 09:00:48 PM new
Go to the head of the Class,,,,,,

A six pac makes sense to me.

posted on June 13, 2004 09:14:26 PM new
<EM>June is Gay Pride Month </em>

And this screws up my family going to Orlando EVERY year in June.
"Bend over backward for the customer. Don't bend forward."
posted on June 13, 2004 10:22:16 PM new
Sounds like your garden variety stupid seller.
Nice bait and switch come on.
Sheesh, just ask the price you can live with, either ask for s/h or not.
It's never made a dang bit of diff to me if shipping was free, and usually it's not free.
Some padding some where.
OTO, why do bidders gripe about paying shipping? I can't figure it out. I just bought 7-8 auctions worth of stuff from one seller. Glad to buy the item and glad to pay shipping.

Avatar wish list....

...and he must possess a kind eye...
posted on June 13, 2004 10:40:08 PM new
<<June is Gay Pride Month >>

According to whom?

A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
[ edited by sparkz on Jun 13, 2004 10:41 PM ]
posted on June 13, 2004 10:59:59 PM new
According to LogansDad
"Bend over backward for the customer. Don't bend forward."

Bush/Cheney 2004 -- FOR AMERICA'S SAKE!
posted on June 13, 2004 11:32:56 PM new
What is this a fogey convention?


Pick up a newspaper gents.

BTW...Bush Cheney for Corporate America's Sake!
Gotta keep those CFO's CYA!

posted on June 14, 2004 05:11:20 AM new
gouging the customer for one dollar??
know your history,great wealth is built on nickel and dime,rounding 1.99 to 2.00 back in the old days of sears and roebuck catalog sales make someone rich.
i wish i could stand on some street corner and collect a quarter from everyone who walks by.
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on June 14, 2004 05:16:50 AM new
And this screws up my family going to Orlando EVERY year in June.

What, are you afraid it will rub off? Try teaching your family tolerance and understanding. You'll be much happier and they'll be much more rounded individuals. Besides, who goes to Orlando in June? I couldn't take the heat.

$10 to ship shower gel? Take the advice of the other posters - don't complete the deal and live with the neg. You can comment on his excessive shipping charges.

posted on June 14, 2004 07:38:54 AM new
This seller buys a bunch of trial size shampoos at the Kroger, then hopes dumb buyers will look at the pic and not notice the size or the outrageous shipping. He thinks he's clever, I think he has no morals and his mother would be ashamed of him. Karma, karma, karma.

posted on June 14, 2004 08:10:47 AM new
what I bought is a "sample" size probably a gift with purchase item. It's YVES SAINT LAURENT body shampoo for the body and hair in my favorite parfume.

Like I said before...... I didn't look at the shipping cost before I bid. That was bonehead mistake on my part. It's an expensive lesson learned.

Miss J

posted on June 14, 2004 08:38:42 AM new
What, are you afraid it will rub off?

Not at all. It's a choice, not a disease.

Try teaching your family tolerance and understanding.

Tolerance means accepting that which you disapprove of. Tolerance is not blanket approval of the choices other people make.

And anyone who knows anything knows that in the first week of June, Orlando attracts the crazy, radical fringe who desire to flaunt their chosen lifestyle. We encounter "normal" people who have chosen to be gay all the time and properly explain to our kids the wrongness of that choice.

But understand, I wouldn't want to go to Orlando for a weekend with straight people slobbering all over each other, much less those who have chosen to be alternative.
"Bend over backward for the customer. Don't bend forward."

Bush/Cheney 2004 -- FOR AMERICA'S SAKE!
posted on June 14, 2004 08:44:46 AM new
550 084 2373,,,,,,,,,If this is the SAME 10k plus seller and I believe it is,did you notice they were INTERVIEWED by e bay.

They have been personally, congratulated for their business practices and has e bays STAMP of approval and they wish him well in his future sales. So nothing is secretive about them to e bay at all.

You can charge WHATEVER you want for Handling! Handling is NOT e bay concern or business. And you WILL pay whatever the Post Office or any other carrier quotes.

Shipping IS one thing and HANDLING is Another.

E bay likes the way they say it or they would change it. Shipping and Handling,,,lumped into one category.

Confusing to some and THAT'S just the way e bay likes it, Confusing.

posted on June 14, 2004 02:51:29 PM new
Perhaps you can take the shower gel with you to Orlando, and pay one of the gay attendees to rub it on you. I'm sure someone there would be willing to do it for $10.00. Those ten bucks would buy them a soda in the Magic Kingdom, or even better, you can give them a $10.00 coupon towards one of your auctions.

As a hard core leftist, I can still understand not feeling comfortable going to Disney during a Gay Pride day. It's not that there are thousands of gays running around the Magic Kingdom. If you have a family, you have to explain to your children why two guys are kissing, why some flaming queer is running around in a pink halter top, or why two girls look like two guys, etc. Many people are just not prepared to do that. However, I do believe the subject does need to be discussed in families, sooner than later. As the years go by, we are going to see a shift in what we think a family should resemble. I know a lesbian couple who is going to have a baby soon. It is a growing population, and we all need to be prepared to understand and accept it, otherwise we will have another generation of hate mongers who simply don't understand.

I remember going to a job interview at the Cascade AIDS Society. I'm straight and liberal minded. I have accepted gays as part of everyday society, and have no need to judge them for who they are and who they love. When I entered the office environment there, I noticed a large number of office cubicles that were plastered with Pro Gay posters, stickers, etc. I knew right then that this was not the place for me to work. There was an inequality that was part of the office setting that did not vibe with my personality. The first thing that popped into my head was, "What would happen if I plastered pro-hetero propaganda on the walls of my office." I just knew I couldn't constructively work in that setting. Ironically, since I already knew the job wasn't for me, I asked that very question in the interview. You should have seen the looks of the 6 interviewers. I don't think anyone considered how gay pride can step over the line and become a propaganda machine just like the anti gay propaganda we see regularly. None could really answer the question other than they are accepting of every sexual orientation. I personally don't thing homosexuality is only about sexual orientation. Heterosexuality isn't just about that, so why should it be for others?

I love all walks of life, and cherish the individuality we all have. I wish I could understand others more. I guess that is why I have a degree in Sociology. If that makes me a bleeding heart liberal, then I am pretty proud of that.

posted on June 14, 2004 04:19:28 PM new

Understood. Going there during Spring Break would be just awful, IMO. Judging by some of the news stories that cover Spring Break, I'm sure I'd see things that would make even this very liberal body shiver. LOL!

Edited to add:


If that makes me a bleeding heart liberal, then I am pretty proud of that.

Me, too!

[ edited by cblev65252 on Jun 14, 2004 04:20 PM ]
posted on June 14, 2004 06:46:38 PM new
Christ on a crutch, I'm tired of hearing the fag agenda in every friggin thread. It is really sad you seem to relish the abuse.

Hey, twelve, have you figured out about mud wrestling with pigs, yet? About the time you are getting tired, you realize the pig enjoys it. And that's all they are is a bunch of pigs, rutting in the mud.
(my apologies to the swine population)

You know...the best way to defeat a liberal is to let them speak.
posted on June 15, 2004 01:17:40 AM new
BTW, what rusty said. I agree with him. He is eloquent and states the obvious. Beauty and love just like ugliness and hate come from all segments of society.

Keep preaching, I can be a pretty good horses ass. Don't shut up, just quit nagging.


You know...the best way to defeat a liberal is to let them speak.
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