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posted on February 7, 2001 11:08:22 PM new
I don't know what score we're talking about, so I don't know if he scored high. Also, the issue is really the percentile he scored in, not the number.

Maybe he was intelligent when he was 17. Maybe his "irresponsible youth" caused intelligence to leak out of his nose.

As far as SATs, I do not know what they prove. Colleges use them as guides but numerous critics say all they measure is how well you take a particular test, namely the SATs.

posted on February 7, 2001 11:11:34 PM new
snowydays - maybe his daddy payed someone to alter the test scores for him the same way he and his gang manipulated the election.

No, you don't sound unintelligent. But, maybe you should get out more and have some fun.

It's well known that Bush hates to read. I bet he hasn't read 20 books in 20 years.

posted on February 7, 2001 11:16:28 PM new
During his campaign he was "put on the spot" by a reporter and asked to name a recent book he enjoyed and couldn't do it.
posted on February 7, 2001 11:26:24 PM new
Typical Bush mentality, just because he did something well does not mean it was bought for him.

Lol, I get out plenty and have quite enough fun, thank you. I am rarely this serious about anything. My many times over great Grandfather's were John Adams and John Quincy Adams, most of my other male ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War and were very prominent. I am rabidly patriotic. I am actually neither Republican or a Democrat. I am not proud of some of the things Bush has done either. The leader of our country should be highly moral, Bush has a little more of them than Clinton. You know, all the complaining is not helping your case, he is here for at least 4 years, so why not accept it? Work in those 4 years to make a change and get something different. I don't understand all of this blind hatred.

All of these people are posting how these poor women will lose their right to an abortion. Do you really, in your heart, think that Bush will change this? I think not, abortion is here to stay. The hysteria that is going along with all of this is amazing.

posted on February 7, 2001 11:32:14 PM new
just because he did something well does not mean it was bought for him.

Maybe not, but given imperfect knowledge, I've got to go with the probabilities.

posted on February 8, 2001 12:09:55 AM new
Snowydays, (by the way, do you take your usernames from your political heroes?)

you said:

If I had to speak in public, most people would probably think I was a moron

Thank goodness, then, for this private chatboard.

posted on February 8, 2001 12:12:18 AM new
I think not, abortion is here to stay. The hysterectomies that are going along with all of this is amazing.

posted on February 8, 2001 12:25:01 AM new
That was a real ass of a thing to say, I have not tried to insult you in the least, why would you say that, because I don't agree with you?

What political heroes would that be, may I ask?

Care to explain what "usernames" are supposed to mean, now you are also insinuating that I am someone else?

[ edited by snowydays on Feb 8, 2001 12:27 AM ]
posted on February 8, 2001 12:29:55 AM new
That was a loose reference to GW's cocaine use. It's often called snow, or it was called that.

How many edits are you going to need?

I used the pural "usernames" so as to respect the posibility that you have other cocaine using political heroes. See? 's' requires 's', singular requires a single hero.

But you knew that.

[ edited by krs on Feb 8, 2001 12:33 AM ]
posted on February 8, 2001 12:31:15 AM new
My user name means it is cold here, always snowing, always cold.

posted on February 8, 2001 12:43:58 AM new
I never once said the man was my hero. I can think of no living person at this moment that I would call a hero.

I did not edit anything, I added to my orginal comment after I saw your other post. There is no call to be rude, I have not been rude to you. You are big into the AW conspiracy, always making snide references to others, thinking that they are a previously suspended member. I may not post a lot, but do read a lot of the stuff here while working on auctions.

posted on February 8, 2001 12:51:09 AM new
OK, folks - settle down. Remember the original topic of this thread? Perhaps you might get back to discussing it instead of taking shots at each other.

In other words, address the topic, not the individual and use the ignore feature to enhance your AW experience......

posted on February 8, 2001 01:02:34 AM new
I still think that the secret service was taking shots during Dumbya's naptime.

posted on February 8, 2001 01:07:43 AM new
What is the ignore feature? I suppose now I cannot call him any names? What is fun in not addressing the individual?

posted on February 8, 2001 01:23:10 AM new

If you disagree with another User, dislike their posts, their opinions etc click on their User ID. You will see the option of "Ignore all Message Center posts by....."

If you choose to click, any further posts by that particular User disappear from your screen. You don't have the option of ignore your own posts or, much to the disappointment of some Users, the Moderators .

What is fun in not addressing the individual?

That depends on the thread, the posts and the User, I guess .

posted on February 8, 2001 04:39:40 AM new
Same kind of corrosive hate - just different cars to put the bumper stickers on.

And that says it all.


posted on February 8, 2001 04:53:13 AM new

posted on February 8, 2001 06:21:45 AM new
Interesting loving cup. My brother-in-law used to do cleaning and maintenance at a security firm. He went to work one night and there was a big hole blown in the wall where one of the guards had accidentally discharged their weapon. There was also a HUGE trophy on the counter with a sigle small plaque attached with the guard's name, and room for more. The larger dated brass plaque said "Horse's Ass Hole in the Wall Award" He worked there another seven years and nobody had another plaque added for them. It really reminded them to be careful because noone wanted their error to be acknowleedged forever.

posted on February 8, 2001 08:08:51 AM new

posted on February 8, 2001 12:19:05 PM new
Snowydays I understand that you don't want to discuss abortion. Neither do I. And that's not what I was talking about. What I was talking about is the counseling that women faced with a life-altering decision desperately need.
You said: Why don't these women learn what birth control is?
Yes, well that's all well and good, but a question raised after the fact. Say a 16 year old girl really doesn't understand birth control because her parents don't talk to her. She finds herself pregnant and needs to talk to someone. Bush will not allow her to talk to anyone. She's confused, she's scared, and she needs someone to advise her on what options are out there other than abortion because she really doesn't know... but Bush has cut off any support for the very people who perform this service and any emotional counseling that she may need. That 16 years old is now in this alone... uninformed.

What Bush has done is said that abortion services will not be supported but neither will he help that frightened young girl with any alternatives.

Justify that as the right thing.

[ edited by kiheicat on Feb 8, 2001 12:21 PM ]
posted on February 8, 2001 02:46:29 PM new
This is my first time on AW message board since the shooting incident yesterday. I just want to post an observation without joining the discussion regarding Bush's presidency.

I work a few blocks from the White House. Yesterday, while I was in a meeting I was looking out the window and noticed a bunch of men on the roof of the building across the street. I didn't know it at the time, but they were there to spot any other conspirators that may be lurking about.

When I spotted them I mentioned it to one of my co-workers. Jokingly, we speculated that they may have a bead on us - now I realize that it was not too far from the truth.

posted on February 8, 2001 04:16:35 PM new
kihiecat, a 16 year old should not be having sex, and no matter what you say, they are smart enough to know they shouldn't be. I am very sorry, but I think everyone should be responsible for their own decisions. Why should have I have to pay all the taxes that I do so that it can go to pay for someone elses child? I did not have insurance when my first child was born because of a screwup at the central office. Did I make the taxpayers shoulder my burden? No, I did not, we stuck it out and paid every dime of that $10,000 bill. We lived on credit cards and had some help from our parents. It was our decision to have sex, and our responsibilty to pay for that child when it was born. There are no consequences for having sex and then babies. Why would there be? All they have to do is trot right down to the Health Department or the DHS, have their hospital bill paid, all the food stamps and WIC they need, and then all the free healthcare they need for that baby.

I am sorry, but a 16 year old is not uninformed. If they are old enough to think they can have sex, they are old enough to take responsibility for their actions. I believe this comes from not being raised properly. I had a hell of a lot of fun when I was in school, but you can bet that I was not out there having sex, but many friends were and did end up having babies. I was brought up with moral parents and family and taught the difference between right and wrong. I have flaws, everyone does, but you have to use your God given sense at some point in your life.

I am fairly young, only ten years out of high school and a few years from 30, I am well aware of how the younger generation operates.
[ edited by snowydays on Feb 8, 2001 04:18 PM ]
posted on February 8, 2001 04:56:23 PM new
I've noticed that many of those that are opposed to abortion are also opposed to welfare and public health services. That does not leave many choices to the poor that are pregnant with no where to go. The other day I was watching a report on TV about various State and local governments amending or creating laws regarding abandoned babies. The laws would give parents a no-fault grace period of 48 hours from birth to deliver an unwanted child to a hospital emergency room or a fire station.

Is this how we want to handle the needs of poor pregnant women that cannot afford health care or care for their children? I think it is great that some refuse public assistance and pay their bills with credit cards, if need be. Not everyone, however, can get a credit card.

posted on February 8, 2001 05:26:06 PM new
Oh, snowydays, that's a riot!
In fact, a 16 year old may not be informed and if your answer to her cry for help of 'What do I do now?' is 'You should have known better in the first place', you offer no solution.

I didn't make up the above scenario, by the way.. it happened to a friend of my neice just last year. The first thing she thought of was abortion because she didn't know what choices she had. She was a scared kid. Thankfully, she went to a Planned Parenthood who offered her counseling and she opted against her previous decision. All is well with mother and baby now, BECAUSE of the very counseling that Bush has cut off support for but I'm afraid that if the same thing happened right now, under Bush, the outcome would not be as bright, because HE WON'T ALLOW ANYONE TO HELP HER. It happens every day.

'Shoulda woulda coulda' doesn't mean jack when it's a done deal and a frightened woman is screaming for help, only to hear George Bush tell her that she's screwed. Literally.

posted on February 8, 2001 05:36:59 PM new

Hi Cat.

posted on February 8, 2001 05:57:01 PM new
Hi krs

posted on February 8, 2001 06:15:20 PM new
All this talk about "my tax dollars" makes me wonder why exactly any one of us has a right to decide where your tax dollars go. What do you think, the gov't should simply end all social services? What do you think they will do with that money? Lower taxes or create some other way to spend our money?

Obviously we all believe in the concept called "personal responsibility" but civilized people don't leave their brothers and sisters to rot just because they f***ed up.

Just remember when you pass a welfare case, "there but for the grace of God [or karma or luck] go I".
posted on February 8, 2001 06:38:18 PM new
I will remember that, because I will never be a welfare case, I would work triple shifts at McDonald's right alongside my husband before I would ever accept a handout from the government. Besides that, I have better sense than to lose everything because of one catastrophe. It has happened to us before, and it will happen again. james, how many times does someone have to f**k up before we just let them deal with their own problems? One Aunt and Uncle in my family are the Welfare Kings and Queens. Do you think they are actually going to go get a job when they have got it so good on Welfare?

kiheicat, you are the riot, there are 3 choices out there, abortion, adoption and having the baby. How hard is that to understand? Most any doctor will refer a patient to someone who can help them. Hospitals have lists of Doctors who perform certain procedures. You could also really put yourself out and pick up the phonebook and start making calls until you found out what you needed to know. There are clinics everywhere for Women that are privately ran where someone could get advice.

It is not that I don't have some sympathy for these people, I do. I remember what it was like when I found out I was pregnant and had no insurance. You make your own way in life and don't rely on others to save your butt when you make a mistake. Why don't we just agree to disagree? This is getting us nowhere.

Janet (who is tired of arguing about this, you have your opinions, and I have mine)

By the way, it is snowing these huge pellets here, but is also thundering and lightening, has anyone seen it do that before?

adding: kat, I am glad I was here to entertain you.
[ edited by snowydays on Feb 8, 2001 06:41 PM ]
posted on February 8, 2001 07:16:55 PM new
james, VERY nice! You said that beautifully.

And Snowydays, yes to you and me the choices are abundantly clear. To a mentally incompentant woman or a teenager who has no one to talk to or an expectant mother faced with possibly her own death if she has a baby, or a 12 year old rape victim ... these choices may not be so clear.

Are you saying that you agree with Bush that women who need emotional counseling should not be allowed to receive it? Let's just lay aside all options and advice givers and those who waggle their fingers and say 'You make your bed, you lie in it'... let's just look at the picture of a distraught young girl who just needs an adult to talk to... for emotional support. Do you agree with Bush that they should not be allowed to have emotional counseling? And if so, please explain the rationalization to those of us with a heart who are not as guarded of 'MINE not YOURS' (ie, MY tax dollars, buzz off, you bum), and have a little compassion for those less fortunate regardless of how they came to be so.

posted on February 8, 2001 07:21:45 PM new
Oh, and just for the record, I don't know of any privately run clinics, mental health or otherwise, near me that give free counseling.

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