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posted on June 25, 2005 10:57:30 AM new
Our beloved Lab/Chow mix Jake had a series of seizures Thursday and has returned from the hospital woozy and unsteady, a shell of himself. The vet thinks he may have brain cancer and a poor functioning liver. The other possibility is a non-fatal inflamation of the brain. He is taking medicine if it is the latter. I have cried myself dry spending lots of time next to him. This is my first go at pet grieving, how will I ever forget him as I knew him before?? This is so hard I cant believe it. I hope he can be around till Feb when the baby comes but I dont know....AAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!

Jake - http://imagehost.vendio.com/preview/mi/micmic66/.thumbs/P6250010.jpg
[ edited by micmic66 on Jun 25, 2005 11:04 AM ]
posted on June 25, 2005 11:17:31 AM new

"I'm going to spend a lot of time on Social Security. I enjoy it. I enjoy taking on the issue. I guess, it's the Mother in me."—Guess Who? Washington D.C., April 14, 2005
posted on June 25, 2005 11:36:13 AM new
I know what it is like. Lacy is our third dog and we still grieve for the two that are gone. Just love him the best you can and remember you were there for him. Also know that you can love another dog in the future.

We are sending you and Jake as many positive and loving thoughts as we can.

“The illiterate of the future will be the person ignorant of the use of the camera as well as of the pen.”
Maholy-Nagy, Vision in Motion, 1947
posted on June 25, 2005 11:41:39 AM new

What a beautiful dog and how sad for you both. You are in my prayers and so is Jake. After all, animals are God's creatures. My brother's dog has epileptic seizures and it very difficult to watch.

I hope things turn out well for you and Jake.

posted on June 25, 2005 11:49:44 AM new
I cant thank you guys enough. You can see in the pic where his leg was shaved for the I.V. He is hanging in there, this just has me in pieces. Jake never EVER in 12 years didnt greet you at the door when U came home. Now he just kinda watches you come in, its things like that I guess I took for granted.....

posted on June 25, 2005 12:44:03 PM new
So sorry to hear this. Our dog suffered similar symptons 4 years ago - mystery brain disease. My daughter and I did a web search and came up with "erlichiosis" - our vet said that there were no cases in MN..finally I said would the doxycyclene therapy HURT him? and when the vet said "no" we started an agressive campaign - it worked!

You might have your vet look into this disease - it mimics others.


Good luck.

posted on June 25, 2005 01:16:09 PM new
Thanks Neglus!! I will without question read up on this and ask the doc what she thinks. Did your dog get stronger in time??

posted on June 25, 2005 01:26:10 PM new
micmic66 - Oh goodness how I know how you feel. When we found out our 1st German Schnauzer had cancer and about 6 months to live, we fed him anything he wanted just to get him to stay nourished. We took him to Auburn University Small Animal Clinic for a second opinion, it was the same.

We treasured every moment with him, and we will never forget him. When he passed, we closed our business for 4 days, put a poster on our brick and mortar store that there had been a death in the family.

Just recently, on the day my Mother was buried, 4 teenagers shot and killed our 4 year old German Shepherd Service dog, who was in his own yard behind a 5 foot fence - absolutely no threat to the killers, who were already trespassing on private and posted property. This just about killed us. In two weeks our 15 year old German Schnauzer died. Between my Mother dying, my Service dog being Murdered, and then losing our 15 year old German Schnauzer, we and the rest of our "fur babies," simply went into deep depression.

About three weeks after this nightmare, we realized we could understand and accept Mom's death, she was 96, and that is just a part of life. Our 15 year old Schnauzer had had a marvelous life and again his passing is just a part of the life cycle.

What continued to rip us apart was the premeditated murder of our beloved German Shepherd Service dog, at only 4 years old - murdered for absolutely no reason.

In our 4th week of uncontrollable grief, and seeing how deeply depressed at least 2 of our remaining "fur babies" were, my husband felt such pity for them, that he put out the word that he was seeking a purebred German Schnauzer. He called a breeder, but she did not return his call immediately. In the intervening time, a lady did call with 2 male cross breeds, she came by the house, and my husband took both of them!! The next day, the German Schnauzer breeder called, and my husband got a male German Schnauzer from her. All of the sudden we had 3 new "fur babies," and I was in shock!

HOWEVER, he was right, since you cannot ignore a puppy, particularly 3 new puppies, we could quickly see our two highly depressed dogs pulling out of their depression, and interacting with the new puppies, we too began to pull out of our deep, deep depression.

THEN I got a call from a woman I did not know, who didn’t even live in our state, who had gone to great length to get our private phone number. She is a German Shepherd breeder, who has had 2 Best of Breed category winners at Westminster, AND SHE HAD READ ABOUT the "General Fuzzy's Murder," and wanted to GIVE us a puppy from her upcoming litter! I was totally shocked, dumbfounded, as I know what a dog with such a Championship breeding costs. All I could say was a million thanks, and yes, we would love to have one of the pups. We really did not need another "fur baby," but how could one turn down the gift of such a dog with his 2 grandparents having won Best of Breed, at Westminster. This to us is a pure miracle.

I could not understand why the Lord allowed "General Fuzzy" to be murdered. However, we now think that God was tired of his precious creatures being abused (like Gen. Fuzzy's murder), and although there are fantastic laws in our state against such, they were not being used or prosecuted under.

God knew that we are both vehement crusaders, and that we would not let "General Fuzzy," die in vain, that something good would have to come from it.

We have become politically active in seeing that such laws are going to be enforced, and that new laws now before the state legislature are passed, and enforced, to particularly protect Service dogs.

It reminded me of the good that came through the death of Adam Walsh - it was tragic, but his parents began a crusade, which has saved many, many other children. John Walsh (America's Most Wanted), would never have gotten involved, till the issue touched him.

Regarding your Jake - get a second opinion. If you have a highly qualified University with a top vet school, in your state or one close to you, take Jake there. The diagnosis you stated is too "iffy" for me. A vet should know exactly what is wrong, IF he has the proper diagnostic equipment.

We now go to a vet about 20 miles from us, but his clinic is the only one in Alabama, outside of Auburn University which has ultra sound equipment, and is highly certified.

Just a year ago, our older German Sheperd pulled up lame overnight. My husband took him to the vet, and he was immediately diagnosed. At that time, there were only 2 places for torn knee tendons to be replaced, and that was Auburn University Small Animal Clinic, or our vet. He is/was the only qualified vet in the whole state certified to do such an operation.

Always get a second opinion, particularly if your vet cannot be positive of a diagnosis.

Also realize, you will never forget Jake, you really would not want to. We have never forgotten our special “fur babies,” and often talk about them.

You might find strength and help in reading a few of the pages on the site we erected for "General Fuzzy." We expect our special "fur babies," to be with us in heaven.

JOB 12:7-10

You have only to ask the cattle, for them to instruct you, and the birds of the sky, for them to inform you. The creeping things of earth will give you lessons, and the fish of the sea provide you an explanation: there is not one such creature but will know that the hand of God has arranged things like this! In his hand is the soul of every living thing and the breath of every human being!

["General Fuzzy's" soul is now in God's hands, safe and secure from the evil, which took him from us]

You can visit this and other pages at:




This is our precious, murdered, "General Fuzzy":


Since the death of my Mother and the deaths of “General Fuzzy,” and “Mr. Bean,” came almost one on top of the other, obviously I had to make arrangements at the funeral home for Mom. During our discussion at the funeral home, with no foreknowledge of losing any of our “Fur Babies,” I just said something about being buried with our special “fur babies,” and learned that at least in Alabama, IF the animal is cremated, and in a proper urn, that in fact they could be buried with us, the urn/urns, can be placed in our casket. We had both “Mr. Bean,” and “General Fuzzy,” cremated, an placed in fine burial urns, which presently sit in a display case in our home. When either I or my husband pass, who ever passes first, will be buried with the urns, at least as many as can be gotten in one casket.

We are having our two very special German Schnauzers, our first ones who passed a number of years ago, disinterred, cremated, and placed in Urns, so that they too can be buried with us. I do not want to pass, and leave their graves to possible desecration.

Our prayers are with you, yours, and Jake I know how hard it is to see your beloved “fur baby,” slipping away right before your eyes….

God Bless & Keep You

I’ll send you my private e-mail address should you need to talk about Jake more or again. I couldn't find a place to give you my private e-mail address but you can e-mail me at: [email protected]

~"It does not matter what I think, it does not matter what you think. The only thing which matters is: What is the TRUTH!"~
[ edited by jwpc on Jun 25, 2005 01:46 PM ]
posted on June 25, 2005 01:34:23 PM new
You can email me at [email protected]
Cornell University in Ithaca NY is about a 50 minute drive from us, it's suppoed to be the finest in the world. Your story is incredable to say the least. This is what I needed though, some folks to weigh in and let me know I (we) are not alone. They are heartbreakers after years of rewards, these pets of ours...

posted on June 25, 2005 03:21:13 PM new
Well now I'm crying too hard to do my listings!!!
I will pray for Jake and hope he recovers. Take jwpc's advice and get a second opinion.
Keep us posted.
That is really a touching story jwpc - maybe you will be able to raise Gen Fuzzy Jr from your new "family"
I woke up this morning thinking that next Sat. will be 2 years to the day that we lost our beloved Charlie, very quick and unexpected. I went into a deep depression for months - feels like I'm just getting over it now.
This was my baby:

[ edited by ladyjewels2000 on Jun 25, 2005 03:22 PM ]
[ edited by ladyjewels2000 on Jun 26, 2005 03:54 AM ]
posted on June 25, 2005 03:38:53 PM new
Aaaaahhhhh what a cutie. Adorable.

posted on June 25, 2005 04:27:18 PM new

Has the case been adjucated yet? Outcome?

WTF kind of scumbag lowlife can shoot a defenseless, fenced, family dog?

Geez! Remind me to give Ralphie extra hugs today...

[ edited by tOMWiii on Jun 25, 2005 04:27 PM ]
posted on June 25, 2005 05:13:13 PM new
Old Jake showed a little rally just now. I walked in the house from the Pizza shop with some slices, and Jake (The lifelong begger) perked up, came over and patiently waited for a tiny piece of crust. (he is on a very strict diet) Even if it took food, he showed his old self for a few minutes anyways...Thanks to all of you and Tom for posting the pic!

posted on June 25, 2005 08:39:50 PM new
micmic, I was heartbroken reading your post.

Do go to Cornell they can diagnose what is wrong with Jake & give him proper treatment.
You are lucky to be near a university teaching center, Jake will be in good hands.
Please keep us updated.

jwpc, the saddest post I've ever read & the most beautiful with & your husband taking your beloved pets to heaven with you.
How touching that is.

I wish I had words of comfort for you, but there are none. Only time & conviction of the filthy scum that did this will dull the pain of General Fuzzy's murder.


posted on June 26, 2005 02:28:58 AM new
thats a real bummer ( I hope those kids get punished for hurting a defensless dog like that somehow =/

Rex says hi

posted on June 26, 2005 02:32:38 AM new
Well everyone can now see how good im at this computer stuff lol

posted on June 26, 2005 03:33:07 AM new
Oh, you guys are making me cry! I was already borderline on the crying jags. Like children, animals are pure and innocent and look to us for protection and guidance. It's unbearably sad when you lose either one. My heart goes out to each and every one of you.


My mother is in her 70's and suffering from Alzheimer's. It's so difficult to watch the ones you love struggle with life. At 96, some may say she lived a full life and passing on is just another part of it. But, to those who loved your mother, 96 years on this earth wasn't long enough. I just can't imagine the time when I won't be able to call mom up and discuss my day. I know that when that time comes, it will be a long time before I can walk back into her home without losing it. It was that way when my grandma died. I only went back into the house one time even though my grandfather was still there. Grandpa and I met at my house until he was able to move elsewhere. Your story is really inspiring and if it's okay, I'd like to print it out for my niece, Melissa. I think it would help her.


What a face! What an adorable baby you have. That photo makes you want to scoop him up and cuddle the heck out of him.


Hope this works for you:

Put this in front of your pic [img[ and this one at the end [/img].

Edited to add: Remove the .thumbs/. Cute, cute, cute!

[ edited by CBlev65252 on Jun 26, 2005 03:34 AM ]
posted on June 26, 2005 03:33:39 AM new

[ edited by tOMWiii on Jun 26, 2005 03:36 AM ]
posted on June 26, 2005 03:34:36 AM new

here it is WITH the thumbs part in!


take out the stars ** and there ya go!

cute pup.
[ edited by glassgrl on Jun 26, 2005 03:36 AM ]
posted on June 26, 2005 03:35:36 AM new

posted on June 26, 2005 03:40:13 AM new

Looks like we had the same idea at the same time. LOL!

posted on June 26, 2005 08:23:41 AM new
Thank you you all are great.

posted on June 26, 2005 02:03:58 PM new
Mimic--I am an animal lover especially cats but I also love dogs so I know how it feels.

We're going through something not as serious but it could be with the little kitten we got a few weeks ago. He has been to the vet 3 times now and I'm taking him again tomorrow. He has a severe upper respiratory infection and it is not going away. It sounds like his congestion is letting up a little but now he will not eat or play. All he wants to do is jump up on one of us and sleep. His nickname is KLINGON. He gets up and walks around but he is not acting right. He has also thrown up twice today. Just last week he was a terror. He was attacking anything that moved but now we can hardly get him to bat at our finger. This baby is only 10 weeks old. I'm hoping he can get better because he is such a cutie. I have one picture right now on my computer of him. The other's are on my fiances and he hasn't given them to me yet. I do not know how to post a picture so if anyone could explain how to me since I seem to be computer illiterate on this subject. Can you do it through Vendio imagehosting and how because I tried to figure it out and can't. Thanks

posted on June 26, 2005 03:07:49 PM new

Although Ralphie rarely condescends to converse with members of the feline-folk, I appealed to his questionable "better" side, and he relates the following instructions:

1) Stick the PIC in front of yer face...

2) Stick yer CURSOR (arrow or whatever) in da center of that PIC...

3) RIGHT-click on PIC & from the pop-up menu LEFT-click on "PROPERTIES"...

4) PROPERTIES box pops up!

5) 1/2 way down is: "ADDRESS (URL)"

6) COPY that URL -- it MUST end in either "JPG" or "GIF"

7) PASTE that URL here on this board...

8) WITH the following code...


REMOVE those stupid starry thing-a-ma-bobs (*) and yer all set


[ edited by tOMWiii on Jun 26, 2005 03:09 PM ]
posted on June 26, 2005 04:09:47 PM new
something tells me you are an animal lover...lol! I hope the kitty pulls through. Cats are one tough customer, keep us posted.
Jake has made amazing strides. The little things that make him Jake have returned - Gets up to greet you at the door - Follows me into the kitchen - His head tilt has gone away and his posture has improved. On a sad note I think his hearing is failing but thats the least of our worries. He has been seizure free since Thursday Eve now. I am thinking his meds are working against the non-fatal brain inflamation the vet told us about rather than the Cancer theory (I hope) I really love Jake and spent the day enjoying him instead of bumming like I was yesterday when he still acted drained and sick...

posted on June 26, 2005 04:55:42 PM new
Oh that is just wonderful news. Please post a photo of him smiling as soon as you can!!!
He looks a lot like a Black Lab we had years ago and I know they can smile!!!
We will all keep our fingers and toes crossed that he's on the road to recovery!!!
[ edited by ladyjewels2000 on Jun 26, 2005 05:06 PM ]
posted on June 26, 2005 08:13:06 PM new
micmic, things are looking good with Jake & I can see your feeling much better.
That's wonderful.

posted on June 26, 2005 08:15:00 PM new
yourbugstore, that puppy is adorable.

posted on June 27, 2005 02:43:11 AM new
The following is a pic of Jake & Ringo this morning. Ringo is just over 6 years old and he is Jakes bodyguard - always has been. He has about 40lbs on Jake and is a Rotty/Lab mix, rescued as a puppy from the wrong side of town by my wife. They are both world class pets to us!!

[ edited by micmic66 on Jun 27, 2005 02:44 AM ]
posted on June 27, 2005 03:29:47 AM new

"I'm going to spend a lot of time on Social Security. I enjoy it. I enjoy taking on the issue. I guess, it's the Mother in me."—Guess Who? Washington D.C., April 14, 2005
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