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posted on February 21, 2001 03:42:21 PM new
Thanks Muriel - I am not too overly worried about people who skeptical of astrology. Astrology is not valid because of reason non specific. This is nothing new, but I do wish they would turn the heat onto someone else...

How about the dang scientific MD's????
What the heck is wrong with them?
They can't even cure the common cold. They tell you that you are going to live 6 months and you live 3 or you live 30.
Do they tell you the day that you cancer will be cured? They do not! See! See! It is all bull----!
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on February 28, 2001 09:24:14 PM new
Rescued from page 4!

VeryModern will you be sticking around AW after the fees go into effect?

To quote Big Joe Williams (and many others) "Baby, Please Don't Go!"


posted on February 28, 2001 09:51:34 PM new

High priestess of the astro chat what kind of bike did you ride? rice burner, Hawg. I will go out on a limb here and venture to say a 500cc or less.

posted on March 1, 2001 01:35:35 AM new
Are there a lot of planets going retrograde right now? I feel like I'm in a stagnant spot and procrastinating a lot.

Also will you do a chart? It's been a rough 2 years and hopefully I'm nearly past a Saturn return or something, 'cause it's gotta get better than this!

posted on March 1, 2001 04:17:31 AM new
Hiya therp - I never launched through AW so it does not affect me but I sure commiserate with those it does.

kcpick4u - you are correct (kind of, I think), and thanks for reading.
I bought the bike from an Army guy because it was all I could afford. I did not even know how to drive a bike, but he told me and I listened and rode off so what the hell.

Anyway it was a Kawsaki 400 as I remember but he "bored it out" ?????? to a 550.
Is that possible? Anyway he did some Army guy modifications but I'll tell you one thing. It was a great bike, and this guy had it all pristine.
It was RED and I rode it year round for 1 1/2 years without so much as changing the oil. He would cringe today if he heard that I did that to his baby, but that bike just ran and ran and ran and I never had a problem.

Anyway, I sold it an bought an old Toyota and shock of shocks at the price of gas. I had to park my new car for 8 days in order to get enough money to cover my rent and *then* buy gas. These kids that are millionaires don't know what they are missing.

deco100 <-- knows some astrology (Saturn Return). Email [email protected], I will tell you why it is still a struggle.
VeryModern Space Junk [ edited by VeryModern on Mar 2, 2001 05:32 AM ]
posted on March 1, 2001 03:05:08 PM new
VM - what do you predict for AW?

The many faces of Muriel
posted on March 1, 2001 03:25:17 PM new
I don't have data for AW, so I will beg off, but when Disney closes shop (Go.com) I think that is a major indication that parts of the internet are going to come down around us.

I have watched Yahoo fall from 2 1/2 mil auctions to just about 300,000. It is like watching a city be leveled, and frankly, a bit traumatizing and no end in sight.

I did note that Mercury was direct, and favorably aspecting Venus at the time of the announcement.
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 1, 2001 08:08:55 PM new

Sounds like you really enjoyed it, was that your first vehicle, had you ever rode a bike before that. Yes,it is possible to bore it out! More horsepower! You even have the Gear Head lingo down! You are to much! Quite spunky! Does the adage - Dynamite comes in small package, apply to you? On a serious note! Do you use the bulk loader to up-load your auctions to Yahoo? Well I have to go and make my bladder gladder!

posted on March 2, 2001 12:51:17 AM new
kcpick4u - it was my first vehicle and I had not rode a bike really. I had wrecked a dirt bike once, that was it. What I was was determined.
I rode off wobbly but got the hang of it. I only laid it down one time inside a bar where I worked. I rode it inside to get out of the rain and I drove it / slipped on the just mopped cement floor into the jukebox and the bike laid down and the gas tank emptied onto the floor.

It was before the bar opened (6 AM) and the janitor who was about 80 years old and a big pal of mine was there and he helped me clean it up. Then I drove the bike into the back room and we laughed and laughed when the people came in asking "what's that smell?"
I never copped to anything.

I am sorry, I've never used the Y bulk loader but I bet someone on the Yahoo board can help.

VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 2, 2001 03:28:17 AM new

Well it just keeps getting more interesting. Any one who rides a bike for any length of time will lay it down sooner or later. Fortunately in your case, you can manage to laugh about it. Body surfing on the pavement is no fun! I can't wait to hear more! You mentioned somewhere around here that you once listed 350 items a week and made mention of moving your items to Bidville. Well I maintained about that many listings my self. I also used the "fist bid wins" strategy with a slight twist that is I listed with BuyNow in the title in lieu of 1st bid wins, which I had good results with.
I never loaded my pics to yahoo, I placed them in the description html. This allowed me to relist many auctions in a flash! at 14 days! Where I am going with this is once you have your listing in this format which is a spreedsheet (i.e., Comma Seperated Value) file you can send this to Bidville in a attachment which they will load for you including putting your listing in the correct category for there site. At one time I was running the same 320+ listings on 3 different venues. With virtually no effort. Initially I had some luck on Bidville, I haven't sold anything there in weeks! So do you use any auction mangement software? This Yahoo deal might work out in the long run. Time to go!
It has been fun,It is real
So it must be real fun!

posted on March 2, 2001 05:43:10 AM new
kc - I use AuctionTamer because I sold on Yahoo with 3 names, and two more on Ebay and it allows me to see and service everything from one page.
The thing with not uploading directly to Yahoo is you get no thumbnail which I always felt was critical. As for the future there, I am still truly in shock, trying to lift my jaw. I just don't understand why these businesses can't understand that you have to wean a baby slowly. They should have consulted an Mama around.

I am glad you like the stories!

VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 2, 2001 06:49:41 AM new

I hear that people have had that problem with the no thumbnails. That really didn't present much of problem to me. Yes! On occasion I would have problems with thumbnail not being captured from the description. However, this was not the norm. When you bulk load a file thru Yahoo they send you a email that tells you how many auctions you loaded and how many thumbnails were created. At one time yahoo was critical
of the Html. Which would cause the capture to fail. I recall a time while surfing the boards I ran into a post by you or granne
and you were explaining the problem with qoutes not showing. And I sent you to the page explaining the method to "escape the quotes"
Do you recall that! When Yahoo first started alowing HTML in the description! The reason you had problems with that is when you put a quote in the title or any where in the description it reads that as another field.
Thats why everthing would go hay wire after the quote! I KNOW YOU REMEMBER THAT! The next time you see a description to a auction that has a quote in it view the source code and you will see there is a special character to use when a quote is needed! I agree the photos gallery is crucial! Well that is about it on that subject. Will it makes me grin again, to know you get a grin, making me grin! Take care!

posted on March 4, 2001 10:16:06 PM new
Hi VeryModern!

What's the difference between a North Node, a South Node, and the True Node? And of what significance are they?


posted on March 5, 2001 04:53:24 AM new
Hi therp - The True node = the North Node.
The South node is precisely opposite the North Node.

The Vedics use these points heavily, weigh them equal to planets in a chart. They call them rahu and ketu.

Western astrology does not come anywhere near the level of understanding but the most common way they are interpreted is that it is considered a "karmic" (I hate to use that word) axis, where the S. node represents your primary energy, what you mastered *last* life and the N node what you need to learn this life.

From there, the idea is that people with planets conjuncting your S node are familiar to you, and the opposite, people who help you grow. The suggestion is that you surround yourself with people who have planets conjunct your N node.

Personally I note the N. Node in a chart, but the western interpretation is too esoteric to me to use them much. Also, my personal N Node is conjunct Uranus and also my Vertex (another mathematical point) and as a result, it is pretty impossible for me to attribute anything specific to the N. node. IOW - hard for me to confirm or deny if I can't identity it at work in my own life.

What this comes down to for me, is that I "nod" to them in a western chart, but if trying to work with the Eastern system, the nodes are integral to their astrology and so I would go native there.
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 7, 2001 12:52:10 PM new
note to xardon who asked about the void moon.

This Full Moon on the 9th is sq Mars and Pluto and so enhanced risk of violence. Nasty.

VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 7, 2001 05:51:14 PM new
wrong thread. Sorry.
Moved to:

VeryModern Space Junk [ edited by VeryModern on Mar 7, 2001 06:08 PM ]
posted on March 9, 2001 05:52:30 PM new
VeryModern, what degree deviation do you use for aspects between planets?

AstroDienst uses 5 degrees, I think, and I remember saying you used a tighter orb. I've looked through the major threads and can't find the reference. Was it 2 degrees or 3?

not SilkMoth anywhere but here
posted on March 9, 2001 06:16:33 PM new
Hi Silk Moth, I consider planets within 7 degrees to be conjunct, but the tighter the orb the more inseparable they are of course, so, Moon Pluto within 1 degree is more intense than Moon Pluto 7 degrees apart.

For squares, oppositions and trines I use 6 or 7, same criteria - the closer the orb, the stronger they function. Kind of like being locked in a room with a stink over in the corner, you cannot get away from it, as compared to standing on top it and having no choice but to merge. Some planets are more friendly to each other... You know.

Minor aspects (inconjuncts and sextiles) I use 3 degrees.

The thing to do when trying to assimilate a chart is to determine where the biggest punch is and work backwards.

Example, if you have Moon Pluto conjunct within a degree square Sun and Jupiter within a degree - this is a major challenge for the person, a lot of energy focused and as an aside, perhaps they also have Venus sq Uranus but 7 degrees apart.

In that case, the Venus thing would function absolutely, but the person would be most bother by the constant stress of the first aspect.

On AstroDienst, I am not sure, but I thought they did draw lines my program did not (mine are set as above) and so the chart looked visually different than on my screen but perhaps they do use orbs that small (5 degrees is a tight orb to most astrologers) and the extra aspect lines were to the nodes, which I do NOT have my program draw because it makes the chart too busy to my eye.

Hope this helps.

VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 9, 2001 06:21:23 PM new
Yes, it does - thank you very much!

AstroDienst might be 9 degrees on the major aspects - it was pretty wide, I remember that.

The particular aspect I was curious about was a 4 degree sextile between Venus and Neptune, so that is too weak to consider (which is what I was suspecting).

not SilkMoth anywhere but here
posted on March 9, 2001 07:02:47 PM new
Silk Moth - I would consider that aspect to act - but not to cause a major problem. A sextile is an easy aspect and so what the person has is inspired taste. They might make magic with Venus things and NOT have it rain down hell on their lives.

Sextiles are under-rated in astrology really. They are really quite nice. They marry complementing elements as opposed to mixing like with like (the trine) and so have more depth.

For the Venus Neptune stuff I am writing about, most primarily a tight square between Venus and Neptune (mine is 4 degrees I think and works like a top) or the conjunction.

The conjunction is more likely to do the deceiving of themselves or others, the square is actually deceived (with their consent on some level) by another but the nature of Neptune being removed to some extent from Venus, if that computes to you.
IOW Venus is the *personal* planet, so if Neptune is 90 degrees out - this can come like an ATTACK from an outside source (HE LIED TO ME!) - be perceived that way, but it is still the problem of the Venus Neptune person to learn to discern which they terribly hate to do. They just would rather not because their love fantasy is better than heroin until late stage addiction and you are still not exactly sure you want to or CAN let it go.

Also have the tendency, but slightly less problematic, would be Venus in Pisces (Neptune sign), Venus in the 12th (Neptune house), or Neptune in the 7th, and last Neptune in Libra (Venus sign).

note --- probably Neptune in Taurus also they are all dead and or not yet born in my lifetime. Neptune moves slow, I dunno for sure.

VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 9, 2001 07:06:23 PM new
PS - 9 degrees is probably typical btw, some people go to 10 but that is stretching it if you ask me. It does not really matter long as you remember that the closer the orb, the hotter the fire, or colder the chill depending.

also btw - you are learning very well, I think you may get caught studying the rest of your life.
How lucky for you! It never ends. Like stumbling on a slot that just keeps paying. I mean that. A lifetime of entertainment I've had, thanks to astrology.
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 9, 2001 07:17:13 PM new
Neptune's period of revolution is 165 years or 13.75 years per sign (I had to look it up), and since Neptune is now in Aquarius, wouldn't that translate to people born about a century ago, or about 60 years into the future?

I've seen the love fantasy addiction thing happen, but that person also leads a charmed life. She's like a character in a cheesy movie crossing a burning bridge - each burning plank falls into the abyss behind her but she is never harmed, never learns to look where she steps, and reaches perfect safety with her hair and makeup in perfect order.
not SilkMoth anywhere but here
posted on March 9, 2001 07:20:50 PM new
Thank you for the kind words! I remember once you said that you often wished you could see birth data on people you came into contact with - the redhead at the gym - and I am finding the same thing too.

And yes, I think there is enough here to keep the 9th house Jupiter satisfied for a looooooooong time.

not SilkMoth anywhere but here
posted on March 9, 2001 07:32:44 PM new
That's funny Silk Moth.
What's holding her up????
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 9, 2001 07:33:54 PM new
I wish I knew! If I ever do get her birth data I will let you know.
not SilkMoth anywhere but here
posted on March 9, 2001 07:44:01 PM new
and there is this other kid I want data on.
A 6th grader at my daughters school.
He stands on the curb and acts out scenes from one of those movies you just mentioned. He is obviously gay but no one is bothering him about it (denial or acceptance from the parents, who knows which) because he is utterly shame free.

Anyway, he engages cars as they go by, including the police who are always there writing tickets to speeders (not me)... He acts as if he has been hit with a plank - very physical and then yells to the parked cop "I've been assaulted officer!" "Help me!" Then turns to the audience (people like me in their cars picking up our kids) and laments how the police simply don't care. Anyway, the kid can really project. He is funny and just plain extraordinary and he performs most days and is obviously completely sane and stuff - no starving for attention going on - this boy came to earth to act.

Anyhow, if anyone interferes with this kid I would be so pissed off. You know. Messes him up.
I like to be entertained, and my point is - I would like his data.
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 9, 2001 08:10:27 PM new
VM: I had a kid like that in one of my classes (a student). I loved that kid. He could drive me right up the wall in a classroom setting, but I just loved him to death.

I saved some of his old papers....I know this kid is going to be famous and I want to prove I 'knew him when'.

posted on March 10, 2001 06:07:33 AM new

Silk Moth - another thing to do is look at birth data of people that bug the heck out of you.
Never mind looking for what's *wrong* with them. Look for how there chart aspects yours for explanation and insight. Ex. someone's Saturn on your Mars thwarts you left and right. Saturn on Mercury and they want you shut up BUT the reason is because they are afraid what you are going to say.. Or vice versa, and you get the picture.

This is a way to get a better handle on how YOU act and react and become less susceptible to going round and round with someone.

For myself with Sun and Moon in the same sign, people with their Saturn square both, I tend to avoid because I just feel crushed. These are basically people born during one year (since the other square is 14 years off and so not my generation, I meet them less frequently). Now sometimes an association cannot be avoided and so I deal with it, but I hear someone was born in 19## that is my cue to run.
See, I have been at this too long and I know the result and I just can't see wasting energy at this stage in my life. Their Saturn is a harsh judge and no matter what I do it will not be good enough, this is both my actions and my emotions and so I cut a wide berth.

OTOH 2 of my husbands and my best friend has Jupiter conjunct my Sun and Moon. I am not a stupid woman. I want to be encouraged, not restricted and chastised. There is nothing wrong with people born in 19##, we are just anathema to each other. The point is that it is a big help to be able to identify what is a "sink" and what is a "source" where your own self is concerned. I mean, any time you can pick your neighbors, do it!
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 10, 2001 11:28:10 AM new
Excellent advice! But of course this leads to more questions.

I pulled up the chart of the most "bugs the hell out of me" person that I have data for, and immediately see her moon (Gemini, 9th house) is square mine (Pisces, 5th house). I mean SQUARE. Deviation less than 2 degrees. And her Venus (Scorpio, 3rd house) square mine (Leo, 11th house), again with about a 2-degree orb.

There are some other things - her Pluto conjunct my Venus and her Mars my Mercury - but these two jump out at me.

So, for interest and instruction, I pull up a partnership report on the two of us from AstroDienst. And lo and behold, we "ought" to be fairly good friends. Reasonably nice, compatible chart. And as I look further at the data, I realize that their software is using a composite position: take the position halfway between the two actual planet locations and interpret the resulting chart. There is no interpretation of the aspects between the two charts.

This strikes me as strange. It's like the old statistician's joke: Put your head in the freezer and your feet in the oven, and on average the temperature of your whole body will be comfortable.

So I'm doing the research and I find that all three major synastry systems (composite, coalescent, Davison) use variations of the average-location method. I guess it's easier to program than looking at the aspects formed between the two charts.

And at last the question - is the composite method indeed the standard way of looking at relationships? And in your experience, how accurate is it?

Or do I keep looking at the actual relationships between the charts instead of calculating an average??

not SilkMoth anywhere but here
posted on March 10, 2001 02:13:12 PM new
Silk Moth - first thing I wanted to do is mention this about the sextile..
When I am talking to my pal Ben, who is a musician, I relate things to him using an analogy to music and so he grabs is right away.

Regarding the sextile and the marrying of 2 elements, I thought about this artist...
He makes the rounds, the circuit doing art fairs and I am sorry I on't know his name, but you may or someone can hopefully post.

Anyway - say you create a clay pot. Well the whole thing is earthy - the idea, the use, all of it and so this is an example of a trine.

In contrast, there is this guy and what he does is paints on stage.
Very fiery - loud music, extremely flamboyant.
So he takes his canvas and throws paint while the crowds watches and the music throbs and when he is done (in minutes) there is the image of a person (usually a musician - his favored subject) and sometimes the damn thing is painted UPSIDE DOWN.

So what he has done, is painted Jimi Hendrix upsides down in 5 minutes and this kind of thing takes a sextile to produce.

Say Leo (fire, action, movement) and Libra (work of art) for example.
From there - take it and run.

I will come back on the composite asap
VeryModern Space Junk
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