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posted on March 27, 2001 02:39:24 PM new
niente, signora. You are most gracious.
SilkMoth only on the message boards
posted on March 27, 2001 02:50:16 PM new

VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 27, 2001 02:53:25 PM new
So since my husband and I are both Tauruses, how come I got the "good taste" and he didn't? LOL... actually, his taste comes and goes.

posted on March 27, 2001 03:09:07 PM new
RainyBear - you probably have Venus well placed by sign or house.
His is probably in "Slum" or "Gawdy" but careful...

he picked you!
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 27, 2001 03:20:45 PM new
Uh-oh, you're right, he did pick me! Must have been one of his "good" days.

posted on March 28, 2001 12:09:00 PM new

Double Capricorn, happens to be my Grandfather, headstand on top a mountain at 69 YO.
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 28, 2001 12:57:18 PM new
Was that his favorite mountain?

posted on March 28, 2001 01:05:26 PM new
No kc - that is Wassen Peak. I was there, I took the picture.

His fave he climbed 127 times.
Mt Wrightson - locals call it "Baldy".

VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 28, 2001 01:40:01 PM new
Is that Mt Wassen, close to San Pedro River? It seems to ring a bell, was many years ago tho. It is a cool pic, I would like to be able to do that when I reach that age.

posted on March 28, 2001 01:58:08 PM new
Wassen Peak is basically across the street from the AZ Sonoran Desert Museum in Saguaro Nat'l Park outside Tucson.
You park in the museum parking lot, cross the street and pretty much start climbing.

San Pedro River area is SE of Tucson, heading to Mexico - Bisbee, Sierra Vista area.

Once I started my truck on fire (the Frito Truck) and pulled off the highway into this little store. I was in a world of hurt on this day too, but luckily there were about 40 fireman there.

Yes. I had to laugh.
They took care of my trouble in no time. They were very hunky. All of them. I was blushing.
It was lunch time, and there were about 300 firefighters camped nearby, fighting wild fires - that is how this occurred
Sometimes I am mighty lucky.

Anyway, that is one of San Pedro River stories.

Here is another.
There is a crazy man in Bisbee (lots of people are crazy in Bisbee) and he wrote this awful book. No one would publish so he did it himself, but no one would stock it so he opened his own store to sell his book.

"The One Book Bookstore"
So he sat their in his overalls with a stack of his book and tourists bought them.

He eventually got on David Letterman and got rich selling that book.
The most amusing thing is that his store was right next to a *real* bookstore.

Anyway, Bisbee is a good place to go if you are crazy. Great in fact.
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 28, 2001 02:05:02 PM new
A guy running for mayor in Bisbee some years back... his big thing, his platform was that he would make it legal for hedgehogs to run loose in the streets.
He thought this would save trash pick up costs.

and then there was the time I was trying to sell this car. I asked the local bartender... "know anyone?"
"How much?"

"LOL, Elsa, people around here like to buy cars for about $10"

She was right of course.
I don't know what I was thinking.

VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 28, 2001 02:14:36 PM new
oh... and she told me that she knew a couple people looking for a rickshaw and she was pretty sure she could sell an old wheelbarrow.
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 28, 2001 02:51:55 PM new
Well you mentioned that you started the frito truck on fire, was that attempt to draw the attention of those hunky fireman? I am sure they think about you when ever they see a frito truck or eat a bag of fritos. So how many bags did that cost you?
You don't need to even worry about the astrology thing why worry about predicting what lies ahead for you, when lady luck is glued to your shoulder. Did your initial passion for astrology arise out trying to understand the dynamics of your luck. You are truly lucky! Your truck catches fire in a DESERT and there just happens to be 300 fireman there. That would only happen to you!
Thanks for sharing that with us, and don't stop! You are at your finest when writing these stories!

[ edited by kcpick4u on Mar 28, 2001 02:53 PM ]
posted on March 28, 2001 03:21:48 PM new
kc - the truck was on fire when I pulled up. It had been on fire for the last 5 or 8 miles, but may as well drive. That's what I was thinking at least. Mars (fire) on my Mercury (transportation) and I guess I thought it was kind of normal

Really, the truck was still running, and nothing for about a 10 miles stretch so I was hoping to get somewhere before it was ash on the side of the road
So I pulled in this dirt lot and about a dozen firemen came running and I was pretty much astounded, and also in a real pickle with them.
See the store, was in it's heyday selling stuff to them, Doritos too, and if I had given them free chips --- well I would have been frowned on for a long time to come.

Mostly it was embarrassing. I mean let's face it. It is embarrassing to drive a burning vehicle.

"Hey chickie - do you know your truck is on fire?"
"Yes, I do."

They did not say that, that's just me talking.
They said "Step back, ma'am."
It was pretty surreal, I gotta admit.

Then about 20 of them stood and waved as I drove off. I was pure they were kind of laughing at me you know.
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 28, 2001 03:44:40 PM new
"I'm Ever-Ready if you're Frito-Lay"

I heard this joke at least 1000 times.
Each person who told it thought they were innovative.

1000 times and I never did come up with a snappy retort.

I am still thinking.
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 28, 2001 04:12:02 PM new
front part of the joke is
"what did the battery salesman say to the potato chip salesman..."

just in case someone has not heard it before.

Do not repeat to Frito Lay employee's...
Spare them!
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 29, 2001 09:30:13 AM new
I have another story about that mountain.
My sister's story really. She is a double Sag - adventurous and also quite lucky.

She was 10 and climbing the mountain with our father, grandfather and the family dog, a Chihuahua.
About 11.00 she ran ahead on the trail (this is about 3.5 - 4 hour climb, her 3rd or 5th climb I don't remember) with the dog an they lost her.

Long story short, they came down the mountain to get help and a search party formed, 300 people.

I was 4, and distinctly recall being at a neighbor's house and hearing the news report.
It was dark by this time.
"Blah, blah, blah, 10 year old remains missing with her dog ... she is wearing shorts, temps have dropped to below freezing and fear is that she has fallen from a cliff."

That was when the mother switched off the TV.

Turns out she lost her shoes, but had the sense to walk all night, just wander around the mountain in the dark. This was a day climb, so no equipment at all. Eventually day broke and she came upon on of the search jeeps parked and climbed in and sat until the search party folk came back.
Noon time she was "found".

We had that dog for 15 years. Family dog, but my sister had intense otherworldly bond.

My grandfather wound up - up there.
My brother and father hiked my grandfather's ashes up there and tossed 'em.
Nice for a Capricorn to spend eternity (?) top a mountain for sure.
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 29, 2001 09:51:08 AM new
and one more Sag and Capricorn story.

My other sister, Sag Moon conjunct Jupiter in Sag , Capricorn rising - broke her back at school.

This was an open school - large common area and some kid came running into my class - told me that my sister was dead, and "you better go".
"Xxxxxxxx! She's dead!"
"They took her to the office."

Can you imagine?

I went running for the nurses office, through this big open area kids standing around like deer in headlights - by the look on their faces, something horrible and apparently fatal had happened but my whole family is very hard to kill and she was not dead.

This school had circular free-standing, open staircases. She was sliding down / around the banister - fell off backwards and broke her back.

Capricorn takes a beating but perseveres.
She is an accomplished dancer today.
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 29, 2001 07:35:32 PM new

You drove that truck 10 miles down the road a blazing, not me, if no fire extingisher present, SEE YA! Oh, be sure and try our new flame roasted doritos. Well it seems you all are a resilient bunch, that is good, you never know when your going to need that advantage.

posted on March 31, 2001 06:45:39 AM new

I'm back and thrilled to see you are still here. You're just the best story teller around. I could sit and read you all day.

My sweetie had bronchitis. I got bronchitas, then developed pneumonia. Sorry about the spellin. Not sure if it is right. So I haven't felt like being up and around, doncha know? I will spare all of us the details!!!!!!

You were going to address my transits so when it suits you and the words are there, I am here watching.
posted on March 31, 2001 01:55:23 PM new
Hiya Anais - glad you're feeling better, I was wondering the plot.
Thanks for the kind compliment. Comes at a good time.
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on April 2, 2001 06:53:33 AM new
Didn't want VM to get lost among all the Onions and the manifestos.
BTW, VM, thanks again~life is good.

posted on April 2, 2001 08:27:03 AM new
mimigigi - the change in you is palpable, I don't think you're ever going back.
Good life now, great life ahead.
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on April 2, 2001 08:29:31 AM new
The place isnt completely deserted yet. Maybe you should do a reading on AW, VeryModern. Tell us what you see in the stars for it

posted on April 2, 2001 09:57:31 AM new
No data Hepburn!

VeryModern Space Junk
posted on April 2, 2001 11:08:51 AM new
July 1999. Time not known.

posted on April 2, 2001 01:54:15 PM new
This is for the gal born December who is "settled". I keep looking at your birth data to see if I made a typo because I am getting "settled" NOT!
First because you have mega Sagittarius and so are always moving, a quality currently exasperated by T Mars in Sag whipping you into a frenzy.

I am a little relieved that you asked about love and money though because T Mars and Pluto is sitting on your Venus (love and money) and Mercury (communication / thinking) so just the right thing to have on your mind! Matter of fact you can expect to become obsessed with same (especially the love - the me vs we) for the next 2 years.
Number one focus.

Am I sure?

Further, you are on the verge of what in astrology is called your
"Saturn Return"
This is required reading:

Click "cycles" and "turning 30".

For that matter, if you are so inclined ... search "Saturn return" on the web and I am sure you will turn up reams....

Turns out you N Saturn (the stage) in the 7th house (love) opposing Venus (love) which will be being T by Pluto same time frame.
Sound fun?
It won't be.
2 years from now you will be "grown up" and this is a bus you do not want to miss.

The best way I know to sum up the Saturn return is that you need to decide what kind of adult you want to be and start living it. This is the time you overthrow your parents (really), or at least the time you are supposed to.
Did they tell you that you were X, but you are really Y?
Time to live Y. This is the time the universe expects you to drive your own car.
No more excuses, and I have a dynamite Saturn return story...

(this is not about you - but the message is there, and you are brilliantly bright and can apply this)

I was in this bar talking #$%^ and this gal came in - hair in the wind, kind of breathless.
This was about 8 years ago. We were talking astrology of course and poor thing sat down next to me. Fate.
She was a Sag.
(yes I know you are Cap - you are Sag rising, and have Neptune, Venus, and Mercury in Sag, and besides it does not matter, this is a Saturn story).
She had a Virgo rising or Moon, I can't remember which at the moment, but that is for Silk Moth.

Anyway, she comes in b***ching up a storm. Seems she was a trust fund baby (of 28 1/2 YO), lived in a CO mountain town.
She was changing planes and arrived (like all Sag do) last call to board except she was not in time, door was shut and they would not open it to let her board.

Well she had a perfect fit about it and then came to the bar and she was telling her tale cussing, swinging her hair lie a mane, and tossing down shots.

She was beautiful and adventurous and full of life but she was also miserable and it was palpable.
I watched her get sloshed. Besides Daddy's money, she was married to a rich guy she hated... it was a sad thing. She was doing a pretty good imitation of an alcoholic.

Long story short, she scheduled a consultation with me and lo and behold she actually showed up.
I though she would not, She had to drive 4 or 6 hours to make the appt which she made when she was drunk, and she was truly self absorbed, but she showed up and precisely on time. She must have been waiting outside watching her watch.

I talked to her and I talked to her straight.
Sag appreciate that.
I told her to grow up or die. I told her she was riding her horse right into a wall.
She didn't say a word.

She called me 9 months later.

The first thing she told me was that she did not drink anymore.
Then she told me that she was back in school and planning to go to Med school.
But it was even better.
Her express purpose was to go int'l and save folks. She was going to be a doc and go where she was most needed.
Yes! Sag international travel - Virgo save. YAY!
Best of all?
She thanked me. This is the same gal who thought people should be lined up and shot for not holding her plane. I mean, it is funny, but helllllo?

See, she did not need money, but she needed a life that was of her own making and so come Saturn return, she decided to #1 be an adult, to embrace adulthood, and secondly she defined what kind of adult she wanted to be and I betcha she is still flying.

This is what you want to do.
What you do NOT want to do is duck and hide and wait for this time to pass. You are a Capricorn, do the right thing, and you win. Would I bet on you. Oh yeah.. Heck yeah.
PS you have a Scorpio Moon.
Be well.
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on April 2, 2001 05:28:40 PM new
Wow VeryModern - thank you so much! You are right on target - I am at this crossroads right now wanting to grow up but not in some strange way. I have trouble deciding 'what I want to be when I grow up' - and I'm already here so I better decide soon! I get extremely frustrated with myself.

The Saturn Return link & 'overthrowing the parents' comments are right on the mark. I have re-connected with a friend from high school and last night we were discussing this exact thing - that is all up to me to change my life as I am the only one who essentially can.

I really want to read more about the planets so I can have a firm grasp on your whole reading and stuff such as what you meant by "Turns out you N Saturn (the stage) in the 7th house (love) opposing Venus (love) which will be being T by Pluto same time frame. Sound fun? It won't be." Does this mean I will have to step over quite a few people in order to take over my life and that it might get ugly? In other words what fun lies ahead for me

I know you had recommended a book in a previous thread - could you give out the title again? Are there any other web sites that would help? I am soooo curious now

and again - thank you so much!

posted on April 2, 2001 06:06:27 PM new
equestrian - step over people
No! No! No!
Not unless this is how you want set up your life.
Yikes! No!

General to Saturn return ... know it or not, most of us in our early and mid 20's a living life in the groove - in the path that our parents have dictated.
Roughly 1/2 of us are living the way they said to, and the other 1/2 of us are living in a way that is rebellious to what we were taught.
Neither way is preferable, both suck.

We want go grow up into our true selves and live an inspired life.
Never mind what your parents want - they got a life and your life is yours.
Never mind fighting them either - this is childish and this is the time to lay that down.
You decide what and who you want to be and then take responsibility for manifesting it and there you go. All of the sudden it gets real simple.

Saturn return is when you set yourself up as an adult. As I have written before the first 28 1/2 years are free. Even people who soared early in life hit this wall. Another example that comes to mind is Jodie Foster. Went to school for her Saturn return. Got serious. Good deal.
This is what is going to / supposed to / should happen to (for) you.
You do the next 2 years right and you will be setting yourself up, and right on schedule.

Trouble deciding?
Instead of trying to decide what you want to do, think about elimination what you DON'T want to do and stop it.
When you are thinking - think LONG TERM.
What do I NOT want to be doing the rest of my life because this is the plot.

Anyway, this will clear some clutter and let cleaner information surface, and believe me -- a few months, 6 months out it will be made abundantly clear to you what you need to do and not do. Believe me.
You post me next year and you will be saying "that was no joke Mod..."

On the frustration - try to keep it to a minimum. Saturn is slow. This is a slow process. Careful and considered wins this game. Construct a plan and then it is one "hoof" in front of the other.. stopping now and then to glance back and see how far you have traveled.

On "reading" like I said...
Search the web and you will find gobs of writing about Saturn return. This is fundamental astrology... Culmination of the cycle of growing up. Most definitely read Lutin - he is NOT overstating this time in your life.

You don't want to get 35 and realize that you have spend X years of your life rebelling against "Daddy" or whoever when you could have been pursuing your true life and self...
You are looking for rules to live by that come from your own definition of success.

Look for Capricorns / older men / people with authority to toss you info next 2 years.
If they smile on you - you are doing great! GREAT
If they chastise you - best heed their advice.
Collision with wise people, dead ahead. See, you will be shown very plainly right and wrong.
Do the right thing and 1 step forward.
Jack around and 2 steps back.
Sorry, dem's the rules.

Think of Jodie Foster during this time.
She could have coasted. Instead she went and made herself excellent @ 30 YO.
NOW she can coast for 28 years.
If not....
Do you think she would be solid like she is?
Not a chance.
Grow up by 30 and have it pay you on a daily basis for the next 30 years.
THAT is the truth.
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on April 3, 2001 08:37:11 AM new
This is for tigerlady...

Okay, so you have the Taur Scor thing going on and the situation is squared.
In astrology when you see something repeated it is not double, it is squared.
You have a Taur Sun opp a Scorpio Moon and they are laid across the 2nd/8th house axis which is the Scor/Taur axis PLUS your Taur is in the 8th house (Scorpio house) and your Scorpio is in the Taurus house.
Got that?

Translated - this is the dominant thing in your life.... a desire for comfort, peace and stability vs a desire to feel the burn.

Now actually there is more of same....
Taurus/Libra = Venus = love
Scorpio = Pluto and Mars


Libra rising, also Jupiter in Libra is more Venus influence - and so Taurus pulls ahead...
But wait... Coming around the corner on the outside... more Scorpio!
Pluto is square both Venus and Mars, and to that all I can say is ROTFLMAO.

Your Venus and Mars is Gemini. I just wrote about Venus and Mars in the same sign is very appealing... strong strong sexual aura, and in Gemini (9th house) this would give you a bit of a lift (Gemini is air sign, and very very FLIRTY) BUT both are square Pluto and so intense desires rules the day (again) however, this is still your best means of escape from the tension.

There is a bawdiness about you (Jupiter in the first house, big grin, friendly first handshake, and your Venus Mars in the 9th (Jupiter's house) and so this is BIG LOVE you have and it is a good thing. Very chatty, very flirty, very over the top, high minded, fun, and when you can access this part of yourself - you can exit your own dynamic at times.

Okay, so your Moon is conjunct Neptune (and Pluto in the 12th house - same dynamic) and what this does is makes you somewhat unaware of your own power. "I am the Taurus - my husband is the Scorpio" but believe me you are leaking sex and intensity everywhere you go

The other thing is art, and refined taste.
Chart ruler (Venus) also rules your Sun and is placed conjunct Mars like I said and square Pluto and this is very dynamic. Access to enormous depth - more than you know since Pluto is in the 12, where everything put there is somewhat hidden from the person. With Pluto the bulk takes place on a subconscious level, in the 12th house this is most assured, and so what I would say is when you find yourself in these life and death pickles you could glean much if you invested some effort into comprehending how YOU set it up.

See.. you are doing the suck and repel Scorpio energy at all times. Emitting a vibe that certain people pick up on.
This.... in spite of Libra (lovely, no pits in my cherries, never mind my stomach) first hand shake.

Okay... Uranus transit impending... Now through 2002 and into early 2003.
Lots of change. I know that this is distressing to you to some degree at least at first, but I would be seriously amiss if I left it out.
Change will be sweeping and pervasive and best you know it is on the horizon.
When you see this start to manifest (signs are already around you) you can align, and the way to do that is to understand that you are going to your future and this requires that you change your way of being.

Now I am reminded of a Taurus cartoon I saw once... a bull standing on their hunk of ground holding a sign - simple statement "I don't want to evolve, I like myself the way I am" but lucky for the you, the universe knows better and on the other side of the upheaval, you will in fact, like yourself even better.

Can I avoid this?
No. Not a chance.
Will I like it?
No, not initially. You don't like change.
Further in though, you will see the old regime fall and you will know this is a good thing. It is kind of like no, no, no and then well maybe this is not so bad, to I think this may be good, to I love this, to I would rather die then go back to how I used to be....
VeryModern Space Junk
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