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posted on June 7, 2001 12:26:25 PM new
Morality has nothing to do with politics on either side of the aisle.

posted on June 7, 2001 12:41:32 PM new
I disagree James. I think leaders should exibit good moral characters and be role models for young people in America. Policy affects everything from the lives of unborn children, to education, to whether the UN disarms us and rules our lives, etc, etc. I have to go with leaders whos judgment I trust and that will always be a conservative because that refelects my views.

I can generally say that I vote primarly on the abortion issue because it says so much about where a leader's values will fall.

[ edited by jt on Jun 7, 2001 12:43 PM ]
posted on June 7, 2001 01:27:28 PM new
Categorizing a person's level of (im)morality based on their political party affiliation seems risky to me, but hey... it's a free country
posted on June 7, 2001 01:45:05 PM new
I vote for veterans.

posted on June 7, 2001 01:48:34 PM new
It's the unnatural powers of persuasion. Don't blame Terri, she's been swayed by beezlebub, Satan. Bush is not a moral man, he cannot be a born again Christian. Witness:

"OK, so I've been puzzled all day. Why wouldn't Bush jump at the chance to blame all
his linguistic atrocities on dyslexia? I mean, if he's a bona fide dyslexic, as opposed to a lazy, arrogant,anti-intellectual cretin who obviously doesn't spend much time reading or listening carefully to articulate spoken English (an alternative diagnosis), then we all have to leave him alone, right? I mean, a neurological disorder is a neurological disorder. If Bush claimed to be dyslexic, all us bleedin' heart liberals would have to shut up and cut him a great
deal of slack.

Of course, it's possible that the Bush 'council of generals' has decided on the "hell no, we're not dyslexic" position because they simply do not wish to admit that Bush makes verbal blunders and has, unscripted, the vocabulary of a
twelve-year-old. Once again, though, one has to ask why the Bushies would rather deny the obvious than latch onto such a useful explanation. Surely there are no soccer moms in the Northern Hemisphere who are unsympathetic to any and all permutations of the rather nebulous term "learning disability." I mean, somebody buys all that Ritalin and all those "Hooked on Phonics" books. Dyslexia would have been a major winner with the swing voters.

Ah, but therein, I think, lies the problem. What the soccer moms propose, the Theocrats oppose, big time. Bush can't admit to being dyslexic because it is, I discover, one of the symptoms of . . . demonic possession.

Yep. Having just spent some time with one J. F. Cogan's "Demon Possession Handbook for Human Service Workers," I can state with authority that George W. Bush is possessed by demons. This would obviously create a rather significant problem if the Texas Republican Church and the rest of the Christian Right found out about it, so I can see why Bush would want to deny the problem. But the truth--rather like the demons--will out eventually.

According to Mr. Cogan, there are four major symptoms of demonic possession: "The four basic symptoms are: (1)violence, (2) lust, (3) greed, and (4) an unnatural power of persuasion. A born-again (and Spirit-filled) Christian can discern the presence of demons in a human by using a technique which has been used by physicians for centuries: a study of the presence of symptoms. Although the demon (or demons) may never manifest itself openly by causing the victim to speak in a coarse, guttural voice or to act out in an antisocial manner, a study of the past behavior of such a person will reveal the presence of violence, lust, greed, and/or an unnatural power of persuasion."

Let's see. Bush has signed more death warrants than any other governor of the United States, and was of course famous for blowing up frogs as a child. We've all heard the stories of Bush offering to duke it out with Poppy, and we certainly know he can use highly aggressive language. I think we've clearly got the violence part.

Lust? Well, none of us cares to speculate on what goes on between George and Laura, but let us note that Bush himself has admitted to being a little more interested in "p----" --at least in the first forty years of his childhood--than is surely consistent with Christian rectitude. And what's the first thing he does when he meets Oprah Winfrey? The signs of lustfulness seem clear, too.

Greed? A man who would sue over a minor fender-bender in defiance of his famous "tort reform" views? A man who would stick the taxpayers of Arlington with the bill for his baseball stadium, in order to net huge profits on a relatively modest investment? A man who would bail out of his company stock holdings at the first sign of trouble, rather than loyally sticking around and protecting the small shareholders? Greed? There can be no argument.

There can also be no argument over Bush's "unnatural power of persuasion." The polls indicate that there are people being persuaded by what the man says. This is unnatural. Lest anyone is still unsure, let us return to Mr. Cogan: "The modern cult
leader is a classic example of a person with a demon enhanced power of persuasion. This is persuasive power which goes beyond a charismatic personality coupled with effective communication skills. This is the kind of persuasion which can convince large groups of people to band together with no visible and logical reasons for doing so."

The Republican Convention immediately leaps to mind, doesn't it? Only Bush's demonic powers could convince Colin Powell that he should "band together" with these lame honkies. But, you might say, these four symptoms are in evidence in most politicians. Yes, that's true. It is the presence of an obvious learning disability that is the clincher:

"Children may have learning or behavior problems which are not directly linked to violence, lust, greed, or an unnatural power of persuasion. However, the Bible clearly documents a case of a young boy who had all the symptoms of what we call epilepsy today. . . . We now know how to treat epilepsy with anticonvulsants but who knows how many other
cases of childhood behavior problems have a demon as the root cause? Parents of children who have certain behavior problems and learning difficulties should consult a Christian psychologist who understands demon possession."

Mr. Cogan does, of course, acknowledge that "[i]t would be dangerous to assume that every person with a disability is demon possessed. However, we may never know how many such cases do involve demons. Parents and human service professionals should be especially suspicious of problems for which there is no discernible physiological or neurological cause."
Since no two experts will agree on what causes dyslexia, or even what its symptoms really are, and since we know that educational and neurophysiological researchers are mostly just a bunch of liberal communistic evolutionist gun-control swine, I think it's pretty clear that we should look beyond godless science for the cause of Bush's speech problems.

You may find this theory a little far-fetched, but as Mr. Cogan assures us, we are easy to fool: "The unnatural power of
persuasion coupled with the intermittent nature of the possession enables the primary victim to lie with a straight face. This makes it extremely difficult for anyone to believe that what appears to be a fine, upstanding citizen such as a teacher, minister, lawyer, doctor, boy scout leader, nationally-known televangelist, or major politician could ever be guilty as accused. This ability to lie with total conviction makes identification of such demon-possessed persons extremely difficult by such groups as school boards, church boards,bar associations, medical societies, legislative bodies, and juries."

There you have it. Bush is not "in denial" about dyslexia. He is channeling Beelzebub. And as I'm sure you also know, this means that he must be lying about having been born again, since it is a matter of actual fact that demons cannot possess those who have accepted Christ as their personal savior".

That's Doris, and she takes this stuff to heart.

posted on June 7, 2001 01:53:46 PM new
yeah, maybe... but, on the "positive" side he looks damn good in a tight pair of Rustler jeans... I mean, as opposed to Clinton's doughy white legs pukin outta those shorts he liked to wear.

Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
posted on June 7, 2001 01:58:16 PM new
To each their own.

Is there such a thing as an attractive politician?

posted on June 7, 2001 02:00:46 PM new
Is there such a thing as an attractive politician?

Only if they're walking away from you.

Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
posted on June 7, 2001 02:06:37 PM new
I'll just stick to the topic

I like the way he wants schools to be accountable; our schools sucked bigtime, they needed more academics, not bigger football fields.

I like that he is not for gun control, I think we should keep that right.


He does look way better in a pair of Levis than any other President of recent history

[email protected]
posted on June 7, 2001 02:08:04 PM new
So seeing the backs of politicians is positive? I believe I'm in agreement with that position, repcat.
[ edited by snowyegret on Jun 7, 2001 02:09 PM ]
posted on June 7, 2001 02:12:32 PM new
And to think, I thought the 'linguistic atrocities' might be cocaine related.

posted on June 7, 2001 02:13:37 PM new
Dang krs, where do you get that stuff? LOL!


who wrote that? and where did you copy it from?

(and I heard he works out pretty good 4 x a week, lifting 250, no wonder he's built, course thats gotta be the work of beezlebub LOL! )

[email protected]
posted on June 7, 2001 02:20:04 PM new
James, I thought it was alcohol. But, one nickname for booze is Demon Rum.

posted on June 7, 2001 02:20:35 PM new
Demonic, dyslexic or narcotic? You decide:

"So on behalf of a well-oiled unit of people who came together to serve something greater than themselves, congratulations."--Remarks to the University of Nebraska women's volleyball team, the 2001 national champions, Washington, D.C., May 31, 2001

posted on June 7, 2001 02:22:30 PM new
Snowy, he gave up alcohol at 40 and cocaine at 27 (actually, when pressed he said that he hasn't done cocaine in 25 years, but wouldn't comment before that).

posted on June 7, 2001 02:26:31 PM new
He said "Our nation must come together to unite" on the 4th of June,01.

There's news related to this:

"He took a pro-life stand and has attempted to save lives of the unborn overseas"

Yesterday he, (republicans, et al, decided that it's best that after saving the unborn children from abortion they should be starved to death.


Makes perfect lying politician sense.

posted on June 7, 2001 02:27:24 PM new
Heavy cocaine usage tends to affect the cardiovascular system first.

posted on June 7, 2001 02:28:54 PM new
The positive stuff? Okay, let's see ...

1. He doesn't pick his nose in public.

2. His daughter Barbara is kinda hot.

3. He's providing the comedians of America with a windfall of new material, thus ensuring their job security.

4. He hasn't pissed off all other countries yet.

5. So far his presidency isn't quite the national embarrassment that his father's was. Remember "Things are going to get better. I can feel it."

6. He gives other puppets hope.

7. He has made Democrats the majority in the Senate.

8. He's given Colin Powell's son a cushy job as chairman of the FCC. Who needs Affirmative Action?

9. He's doing everything he can to make more and more Americans resent the Republican party. In this he is a natural successor to Newt Gingrich, Henry Hyde and others.

10. Did I mention his daughter Barbara is kind of hot?

posted on June 7, 2001 02:32:42 PM new
Makes perfect lying politician sense.

I wasn't aware that there was any other kind of politician.

As for the cocaine use... I'm sure that that was only a democratical misoverestimate of what he actually said... makes perfect sense to me.

Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
posted on June 7, 2001 02:32:42 PM new
Spaz, LOL.

(You forgot to mention BoB Barr in #9)

Is Barbara blonde?

posted on June 7, 2001 02:36:48 PM new
Barbara's brunette, or at least she was when the phony ID she tried to use was confiscated by the manager of a place called "The Toad (correct) in New Haven CT.

That manager, by the way, has that ID framed in his family room. It ads exactly three years to her age and uses the name Barbara Pierce--her grandmother's maiden name.

posted on June 7, 2001 02:44:11 PM new
Toad's Place is the proper name. It's a dive popular with Yalies and bands on their way to the top.

posted on June 7, 2001 02:57:07 PM new
Spaz, Barbara may be "hot" but I bet Jenna is alot more "fun".

Actually, I think they are both nice looking girls. Not that it has anything to do with anything "positive" that Bush has done.


posted on June 7, 2001 03:10:35 PM new
spaz - LoL!!

posted on June 7, 2001 03:15:28 PM new
A person's ability to speak in public has nothing to do with their ability to make wise choices and know right from wrong.

So when I hear people harp on that, I know they are just picking and whining.

How can you excuse illicit adulterous sex (saying it's has nothing to do with decision making ability and good judgment in running the country! You all defended Clinton on that basis, yes.)
...and yet harp on someone's vocabulary?

Picking...whining. Makes no sense. Playground bullies.

posted on June 7, 2001 03:22:20 PM new
Defend alcoholism, defend lying, defend falsification of records as pertinent factors in deciding whether to support a perso whom you may chose for "decision making ability and good judgment in running the country".

There is substantial evidence of heavy drug use, never denied, there are reports of participation in an abortion for and by a girlfriend, never specifically denied. The list of immoral actions by your president is long, deeply buried (in itself a deceptive and immoral activity) and again, not denied but avoided.

posted on June 7, 2001 03:22:30 PM new
It was also observed that when Bush had all Clinton's porn removed from Airforce One, that was NEVER even mentioned here. I took note of that.
posted on June 7, 2001 03:25:45 PM new
KRS, you can whine and you can #*!@ but


posted on June 7, 2001 03:25:57 PM new
It's not vocabulary anyway. His speech patterns indicate possession by demons, by the devil himself. You know that.

Why are you trying to belittle the opinions of others with this about vocabulary when not a one of them has used that word?

posted on June 7, 2001 03:27:13 PM new
That wasn't what I typed.

where is tink when i need to italicize?
[ edited by jt on Jun 7, 2001 03:28 PM ]
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