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posted on June 8, 2001 12:46:39 AM new
"When George Bush, Sr. was president and lied to Americans about why we had to go send our kids to fight and die for oil, I was ashamed to be an American. And when those US Seals died in combat on that island off of Kuaiti City where Bush had sent them to protect the only thing on the island - Bush Oil, I felt that he was personally responsible for murdering each of those brave men. And the Abuse of Power was equaled only by Ronald Reagan.

When the Clinton Impeachment Hearings were well underway and the polls showed how strongly that they dissapproved of the Republican Witch Hunt for Clinton, Henry Hyde and Terent Lott were interviewed on many an occasion stating that "the voters can't remember anything six months later". I felt sure that this was not true of the American people."-borillar

I won't bother to comment on your ridiculous comment about Gore saving us from Civil War - the other posters have plastered you well enough on that. I'm just wondering how oyu felt when on THE DAY of his impeachment hearings, Slick Willy sent our boys over to attack Iraq, in order to draw Americas attention from his impeachment. It worked so well some of the posters in here didn't believe he was ever impeached. How did you feel about that? That didn't make you sick did it?

posted on June 8, 2001 01:02:48 AM new

The tone in your comment:

"I won't bother to comment on your ridiculous comment about Gore saving us from Civil War - the other posters have plastered you well enough on that."

appears to be caustic in nature - please address the Topic of the thread and avoiding making personal comments.

Thank you,
[email protected]
posted on June 8, 2001 01:26:32 PM new
jlpiece, you are being caustic in your rmarks to me and that is unprofessional to say the least. There is absolutely no need to be bombastic towards a person. You may attack my opinions and where and how I stand as you please, but do not address me personally.

To answer your question, I felt sick to my stomic that day. Not for Bill Clinton, because the polls were so high in his favor that if the Witch Hunt went wrong and did something that the Amrican people disliked enough, you would have seen armed conflict because it would have been either them or us - the American People or the Republican Politicians. Funny, here we are with that situation right now.

I felt sick because of the damage that it did to our US Constitution to have this farce pertetrated upon President Clinton. I may get a few minor facts mixed up from time to time, but my grounding in histroy is solid. I am a patriot and I understand just how significant and important that our US Constitution is and just how extremely fragile that our citizen's rights are. To see the US Constitution demeaned to such a low level as a mere political ploy to embarrass a siting president and the president's political party was so outrageous, so contempteous of our Constitution that it sent chills up and down my spine. Why? Because if they could do this and get away with it, what's to stop them from damaging the rest of the Constitution? I mean, they might even stop a presidential election and push their own candidate into office over the objections of the American People! Of course, such things don't happen in THIS country, oh no!

That's how I felt. Republican Politicians who took part in the Witch Hunt and Trial of Clinton should be executed with Timothy McVey. The scroundrels on the Supreme Court and the Republican politicans in Florida and Texas who screwed us over on our rightful vote should now be among them, their familes hunted down and sterlized in order to rid this world of their evil seed!

posted on June 8, 2001 03:16:42 PM new
Borillar Republican Politicians who took part in the Witch Hunt and Trial of Clinton should be executed with Timothy McVey. The scroundrels on the Supreme Court and the Republican politicans in Florida and Texas who screwed us over on our rightful vote should now be among them, their familes hunted down and sterlized in order to rid this world of their evil seed!

On spelling:
McVey = McVeigh
scroundrels = scoundrels
politicans = politicians
familes = families
sterlized = sterilized

On content:

posted on June 8, 2001 05:14:09 PM new
me hope's thata the nexst vurzin uf AW cumes witout tha loosey speilchexer. It sux.

posted on June 8, 2001 05:19:04 PM new
Getting back to Bush - The Positive Stuff - He's not Dan Quayle, though sometimes it's hard to tell.

posted on June 8, 2001 06:50:56 PM new
Hey Borillar:How about all of the executive orders your favorite president signed into law to circumvent the way laws are supposed to be passed? Or, how about his p.d.d.'s (presidental decision directives)? For being such an admitted "patriot", you approve of P.D.D. 25, signed in 1994, which is classified, but the summary of it indicates that the president can place US troops under foreign command? Or how about on 14 May 98, when in Birmingham, England, he signed executive order 13083? Not only did it revoke 12606 (an order signed by President Reagan to protect the family), but it basicly voided the 10th Amendment to our Constitution? So, what did Slick Willie do after the Goveners complained? He suspended 13083 with 13095, but NEVER REVOKED IT!!! A president like him could reinstate it. How about #13061, establishing the American Heritage Rivers Initiative? Now, if a river is AHRI, it is controlled by the Federal Govt', not the states (more loss of states rights). How about Clinton's giving away our land to the UN as "World Heritage Sites", giving the UN OUR LAND!!! What about his E.O.'s he signed on the GBA (global Biodiversaty Assesment), signing treaties OUR CONGRESS refused to agree to, but, to quote his trusted advisor, Paul Begala, "Stroke of a pen. Law of the land. Kinda cool." A New York Times quote from 5 July 1998.

You can research E.O.'s at the Federal Register. Net access at www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/dpos/adpos003.html

Also at; www.nara.gov/fedreg/eo.html

The above is for E.O.'s from 1993 to present.

You may also contact the GPO (Government Printing Office) at 1-888-293-6498.

By far, what Clinton did in his 8 years in office makes me shudder, and the "tip of the iceburg" is only just now revealed.


In the begining, God created the heavens and the earth.
posted on June 8, 2001 07:18:38 PM new

posted on June 8, 2001 09:09:02 PM new
Rick, wow.

I'd really like to see what Borillar would say to all that

and the Presidential pardons....

had to edit, because I re read Borillars post, and its sounding more and more, I don't know?

Mixing in McVeigh and Republicans and they should all be what???
this is getting to weird and a little scary for me

[email protected]
[ edited by NearTheSea on Jun 8, 2001 09:11 PM ]
posted on June 9, 2001 02:15:44 AM new
"jlpiece, you are being caustic in your rmarks to me and that is unprofessional to say the least. There is absolutely no need to be bombastic towards a person. You may attack my opinions and where and how I stand as you please, but do not address me personally.-borillar

I believe the above comment is addressed to me personally, and has nothing to do with the topic. That is against Community Guiidelines. Any questions or comments about moderation should be addressed with an email, this is not the place. Thank you for your cooperation.

posted on June 10, 2001 06:38:39 PM new
Been gone for a few days since my post, but I see no reply from my "Clinton" friends. Anyone yet wish to dispute these facts?

Good things President Bush has done:

1) Restored our stand on International "Planned" Parenthood (fancy name for infantcide worldwide)

2) TAX CUT!!

3) Accepts responsibility for his actions, even when it leaves him in a bad light.

4) Admits to his faults.

Those are just a few things he has done...


In the begining, God created the heavens and the earth.
posted on June 10, 2001 06:49:53 PM new
BTW borillar you still managed to elude the question of how you felt when Clinton sent our troops into Iraq on the day of his impeachment hearings, just to draw the attention away from the fact that he was impeached. It worked so well, some of the posters on here still swear he wasn't impeached. Adults presumably, and that is terrifying.

posted on June 10, 2001 06:55:16 PM new
Which of the posters here swear he wasn't impeached?

posted on June 10, 2001 06:58:14 PM new
james: The ones who also swear he "never inhales"!! LM*O!!


In the begining, God created the heavens and the earth.
posted on June 10, 2001 07:03:59 PM new
DDICffe - I read your post, but haven't looked at the websites yet. WOW!! That information is very depressing to me. Bill O'Reilly (Fox News) said three or four months ago that there'd be more information about things Bill Clinton had done that would be made public. Guess these are a few of them. Scary, very scary.

I've made the URLs to the sites you've given clickable (hopefully), to make it easier for anyone interested.




I would really be interested in how the Democrats justify these issues.

[ edited by Linda_K on Jun 10, 2001 07:05 PM ]
[ edited by Linda_K on Jun 10, 2001 08:32 PM ]
[ edited by Linda_K on Jun 10, 2001 08:36 PM ]
posted on June 10, 2001 07:29:04 PM new
No one disputes that Bush has pulled US support for Planned Parenthood. Anti-abortion extremists may dishonestly call them fancy name for infantcide worldwide, most people know that for a lie.

No one disputes that a tax cut has been enacted. Few don't appreciate a tax cut, however this one is hasty, highly regressive, and full of ridiculous quirks of phasing taxes in and out.
Most people have come to see the GOP as standing for fiscal irresponsibility as the federal deficits have long risen steeply in republican administrations. This cut is consistent with that irresponsibility, as, contrary to traditional practice, it is enacted before the current budget outlines are clear.

I don't see what makes you say he "Accepts responsibility for his actions, even when it leaves him in a bad light" or "Admits to his faults" other than jesting about his shortcomings.

That "Clinton sent our troops into Iraq on the day of his impeachment hearings, just to draw the attention away from the fact that he was impeached." is also a dishonest distortion. While Iraq was bombed, that day, they were not invaded, making "sent our troops into .." a deliberate falsification. The bombing was consistent with long term US-Iraqi relations and with the immediate provocations, and largely met both parties' approval. It did not draw much attention away from the impeachment proceedings. The impeachment proceedings did not require that the US Government suspend all other activity worldwide.

Returning to the topic of Bush - The Positive Stuff - He does not control the weather.

posted on June 10, 2001 07:37:00 PM new
"Which of the posters here swear he wasn't impeached?"-jamesoblivion

I don't want to get into pointing fingers, because it would only serve to embarass the posters involved. But since you insist here is one such example. Read down about halfway or so.


Must have been while you were gone, but it only serves to illustrate my point.

posted on June 10, 2001 07:41:53 PM new
"While Iraq was bombed, that day, they were not invaded, making "sent our troops into .." a deliberate falsification."-figmente

Pardon me for intervening here with facts, but the bombing was conducted by planes, correct? Correct. And those planes flew into Iraqi air space to delivre their payloads, correct? Correct. Well, far be it from me to point out such intracacies of the English language, but when you enter a foreign powers' airspace, you are "going in."


posted on June 10, 2001 07:50:53 PM new
P.P. being an "infantcide world-wide" is not a lie, for they DO support the China "Have one, kill all others" law. Anyhow, what is so "planned" about an abortion, unless it has to do with ending life...

fiscal irresponisbility: How about Greenspan (Clinton apointee for our state of money) raising interest rates to slow the economy 4 times in 2.5 quarters?? Even an uneducated person knows it takes 3-6 months for the rates to effect the economy...that is REAL irresponseibility...

He ADMITS he is an alcholic and drug addict, and has never asked for a definition of the word "is", nor has he "never inhailed"...

I prefer President Bush and his honesty to Clintons' lies, and don't even get me going on the B.S. Gore spread around...

So how about you, figmante, any answer to my posts on Clintons' E.O.'s and stuff?

BTW, thank you for making the links clickable, Linda; someday I will figure it out (most likely the day I learn to spell better, LOL!! )


In the begining, God created the heavens and the earth.
posted on June 10, 2001 07:54:51 PM new
The action remains consistent with the Iraq policies of both parties, and preposterously ineffective at drawing attention away from the proceedings in Congress.

posted on June 10, 2001 08:00:03 PM new
I don't see what point or points anyone above is trying to make about executive orders. That a lot of government actions happen by executive order rather than by acts of congress, and that there is a lot of room for negotiation and controversy over the limits of this, are facts of government whatever the administration.

posted on June 10, 2001 08:07:08 PM new
Normally it is true, figmante, but Clinton used E.O.'s to circumnavagate our law-making system, to UNILATERALLY enact treaties with forign nations as well as the UN, give our land away, allow our soldiers to be under the command of another nation as well as other sordid items...read his E.O.'s...


In the begining, God created the heavens and the earth.
posted on June 10, 2001 08:21:09 PM new
Bush covered up his DUI until outed with irrefutable evidence, then admitted... About a C- on that open honesty BS.

posted on June 10, 2001 08:32:52 PM new
"The action remains consistent with the Iraq policies of both parties, and preposterously ineffective at drawing attention away from the proceedings in Congress."-figmente

None of that gets around the fact that it is too much of a coincidence that the same day a sitting American President's impeachment hearings get under way, that same President orders the attack of a foreign country. Although we have bombed Iraq before, it is by no means something that we do on a regular basis, and doing so on the day the hearings started is NOT a coincidence. Anyone that chooses to believe so has a very short memory. Just ask yourself, "What did Iraq do to necessitate an attack on that day?"

Nothing they don't do on a daily basis. However, the timing was perfect for Willy, and he couldn't resist.

posted on June 10, 2001 08:34:02 PM new
I'll take that C- over an E anyday.

posted on June 10, 2001 08:49:55 PM new
You are right that the domestic events hold a better hold on our memory than the specific Iraqi gambits of the time. I recall that Saddam was making moves daring intervention and testing whether US preoccupation with the impeachment proceedings would paralize the normally predictable US response.

Back to Bush - The Positive Stuff - He's about as honest as Bill Clinton.

posted on June 10, 2001 11:48:48 PM new
I'll consider that a concession.

posted on June 11, 2001 07:32:17 AM new
"How did you feel about that?"

I was asked how I FELT, not what I thought!

That was how it felt to me, that was my anger.

I WAS NOT asked how did I "intellectually" deal with the issues at hand. Had I been asked about it in that sort of way, you would not all have something to howl about.

Stupid Republicans: always forgetting how to read first before opening up their yap!

posted on June 11, 2001 07:43:57 AM new

As per our CG's please treat each other with respect.

Thank you,
[email protected]
posted on June 11, 2001 07:44:41 AM new
"BTW borillar you still managed to elude the question of how you felt when Clinton sent our troops into Iraq on the day of his impeachment hearings."

JLPice, you'll note that I won't answer every question that you or anyone else asks of me. I can't recall that to be a crime on anyone's books. In the above case, your question was loaded and I chose not to address it. If you wish trap me in a question, you'll have to be much smarter about it.

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