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posted on April 21, 2003 07:32:19 AM new
I offer a variety of shipping options in most of my auctions. Many of my auctions allow the buyer to choose from Media Mail, Priority Mail, Global Priority (Can/mex) and Global Priority (other). Some auctions use UPS or may leave off Global.

I would like to change my WBN to include all the shipping charges. I know that I can use the %%Shipping1%%, etc to show the dollar amount but there is no variable to show the shipping type. At the present my WBN includes the following:

For most auctions you have more than one
choice for shipping. Choose your shipping method and pay the charges for that method.
Since this is an automated email and the shipping types vary, I can't show the shipping types in this email but the shipping charges for the various types are %%Shipping1%%, %%Shipping2%%, %%ShippingCustom%%, %%ShippingCustom1%%. For most auctions these are for Media Mail, Priority Mail, Global Priority(Can/Mex) and Global Priority (All other), respectively. If less than 4 shipping charges are shown, then there are fewer choices for this auction. I would like to be more precise but the email automation process doesn't let me.

Is there any variables available, or any other means that I can show the shipping type along with the shipping amount in my auctions. I just changed my WBN to include this and there is no preview button is seller preferences for me to preview what I have changed. Out of the 10 notification message that we can customize, 3 don't have preview buttons, the most important being the WBN.

posted on April 21, 2003 08:36:14 AM new

You cannot add your own variables so if you want to include more in your WBNs, you can either generalize it in Post Sale Management Options or edit the WBN for each auction and include the shipping options for that specific item. Each auction contains previews for each notification that you can offer -- so you can view how they will look on an individual basis.


posted on April 21, 2003 08:54:21 AM new
Customizing each WBN doesn't work for me. I have about 50 auctions a week and I can't waste the time to do each one. That's what Vendio is for. You allow the seller to specify up to 4 shipping options in the auction listing. Why can't those 4 types be available to us as options? They are an option to you, why not to us?

posted on April 21, 2003 09:12:53 AM new

You can add the identifiers for the 4 shipping options in your WBN and they will show up to the winner. I'm not sure I am understanding what you are trying to do -- your original post sounded like you wanted an identifyer for every shipping option you want to offer to someone, however you can only have 4 set up as options and those 4 do have their own identifyers, which you can place in the auction.


posted on April 21, 2003 11:11:14 AM new
Since the WBN does not have a preview (Why Not?), I can't tell what will be displayed.

Will %%Shipping1%% display "Media Mail $2.00" or "$2.00". If it is the first, then that is all I need. BTW, I can't find anything in any of the help pages that explain how the individual %% variables are expanded.

posted on April 21, 2003 11:38:46 AM new

The WBN default cannot be previewed in Post Sale Management Options but it CAN be previewed for individual listings. If you click on any of the post sale keys you can click on the preview icon for step 1 to see how it will look. If you want to see how it looks for a currently active auction, go to Active, select the auction, click on Set WBN. Then on the following page select the auction again and click on Edit WBN -- at the bottom of that page will be a preview.

The preview would display the shipping modifier with the carrier and the price in brackets.

What questions do you have about the variables?


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