posted on May 8, 2003 09:08:00 PM new
Is anyone having trouble keeping up with their actual sales? I've contacted Vendio and they say they do not have any way to track total sales (some kind of "Sales Manager". Anyways, I spend alot of time each month backtracking to figure out how much money I actually took in during the month to report to my CPA. I'm just wondering how the rest of you do it...
You can always download your archive, and grab your totals that way. There is an option to download sold items only. Archive can be accessed in Sales Manager.
posted on May 9, 2003 11:59:59 AM new
Generally archives are 90 days old. Using that method you are always 2 to 3 months behind. The question should be why doesn't SM have a report module including a sales tax report? Quickbooks compatible would be logical.
[ edited by davebraun on May 9, 2003 12:00 PM ]