posted on May 11, 2003 11:46:40 PM new
Hi ... I've noticed that when clicking in post sale for only those items awaiting payment that there are a couple that just won't clear out.
2822948666 and 2823796153 are two examples.
The payment received box is clicked, shipped, feedback sent ... and they still show up in awaiting payment.
Should I just archive them out or is there something I'm doing wrong?
posted on May 12, 2003 01:48:47 AM new
Hi Susanhaywood,
Are those listings still showing in AwaitingPayment page? You have a lot of listings with very similar title, but none of those you mentioned is in Awaiting Payment state (both show PSM steps 1,2,3,5,7, and 8 checked)
posted on May 12, 2003 08:53:22 AM new
Exactly. All of those items show completed. But, when I click on the "filter" to show only those awaiting payment .... those two (and others) still show up.
Almost all of my sales are the same two or three items ... with the same titles ...
When I first started selling, it was small time, and I didn't bother filling out the post sale checkmarks ... but now, I am going back and ticking them off because I need to have an easier way of showing what is awaiting payment. I'm still not finished, but I've noticed that all the ones I'm marking as paid are not moving out of the list.
I loged again into your account, and in the page you mention (PostSales -> AwaitingPayment) I see 23 items, and the item IDs you sent are not present. Please check again, and if you do not see 23 items, please post back with information regarding the system, and the internet conection you are using.
posted on May 12, 2003 12:28:49 PM new
Hi ... ok ... those two are gone now from the list (though they were there last night) ... and all of the others have disappeared, too ... so whatever magic happened overnight it was good
I did notice though, that after filtering on the awaiting payment tab ... you can't use previous and next and stay within the filtered list, is that correct?