posted on November 19, 2003 07:52:10 PM new
When relisting unsold items that are over 30 days old and they are relisted as a "copy", is the old original auction removed from unsold items or does it need to be sent to archieve so we do not get in a situation of relisting an item more than once.
posted on November 20, 2003 09:33:30 AM new
When it says copy, all it means is that it has passed the 30 day period on eBay where you could get an insertion fee credit there, if the item sells. You don't have to do anything extra like archive it -- in cases of "copy", it just means your relist is being sent to eBay as a brand new listing.
posted on November 22, 2003 01:35:52 PM new
I really don't belieive that is the case. We have listed 20 sheepskin coats that did not sell during the last 2 months. All of them where copies and even though they are now active auctions, they still are in unsold items. Will they stary there until the new auction opens...this still leaves the real possibility that we could relist an item from Unsold items that acutally has been relisted.