posted on March 14, 2004 08:04:29 AM new
I have 570 auctions running right now in my ebay store and many, many more to list. These are dance and skating costumes and sometimes I get in more costumes just like the ones I have running except in different sizes. Is there a easier way to find the one that is running in my vendio active listings so that I can COPY it and list another auction with another size.
There must be a easier way then going through each and every one of my active auctions.
I list all of my store auctions as run until ended so I can't go by ending date.
Thank you,
posted on March 14, 2004 10:46:52 AM new
Hi there,
If you frequently copy active listings, you might want to consider using the "Save this item to my inventory" option on the create listing form. Once an item is in inventory, it is easily searchable. For active items, click the "Active" link and then use ctrl-F on each page (this is probably the easiest way to locate a specific active listing.)