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posted on March 20, 2004 08:01:39 PM new
Hi! I have scheduled a launch for tomorrow morning through Vendio to Ebay. Now I want to do some revisions before the item launches. I know I have to go through Ebay now to revise but since my item hasn't launched yet, how do I do that? I also would like to know how to find the HTML code for my description in Vendio. Thanks for any help you can give me!

posted on March 20, 2004 09:27:10 PM new
Hi. You don't have to go to ebay for anything until the auction has actually left vendio and is launched on ebay. Go to your pending auction list and select the item. Scroll down to the bottom and choose undo launch and click the save button. Then go back to the pending list where the auction should now be listed but without a schedule date. Now when you hit the edit button to the right of the itenm the full edit screen for everything you set and uploaded through vendio should be there including all your html in the description box--scroll through it and change anything you want. Use the Preview button at the bottom to be sure it is what you want and all the images are still there and save it. Then you can reschedule the launch date and time at the bottom and save that and return to the summary page. It should appear in your pending list corrected and rescheduled. For a final preview you can click on the item in your pending list to see how it will look at launch.

You can undo the launch, fix stuff, and redo the launch as many times as you like as long as it is still in vendio. Tips:
--remember you must undo the launch first to be able to edit, then reset the launch.
--be sure you use the vendio button at the bottom to hit save after every screen you make a change on.
--be sure you only use the vendio return button at the bottom of all the screens to navigate back to previous the vendio screens. Do not use your computer browser back button. The changes you just saved are not connected to the screen your back browser goes back to, and you will lose things from your listing.
Hope that helps!

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