posted on July 15, 2004 11:48:54 AM new
How do I turn this off? It's a nightmare and my customers hate it! I just want to use the plain ebay checkout. How do I get it to turn off? Thanx!
posted on July 15, 2004 11:07:34 PM new
hi, i'm trying to get my ducks in a row before i start selling again...i have a couple of questions.. one for certain is.. can i bypass Vendio Checkout..and i'd like a little discussion about the pros and cons of this..and PAYPAL checkout..
i do know from previous selling is my customer wants to click on a button, i'm not sure i want to do this since my shipping will vary and i like to personalize all my emails to people..i'm not selling in volume..can someone address this..thanks so much..
When you are creating your auctions, there is a box to check on the listing page saying you want to use the Vendio checkout, so you can always uncheck it from here.
To turn it off as a default to apply to all newly listed items, you can do so via the My Account tab, under the Post Sale Mgmt Options link found within.