posted on July 17, 2004 06:53:23 PM new
Before with the old my ebay page if I made a mistake when I listed a auction for my ebay store, and only listed it for 30 days instead to GTC I could see it there and make the adjustment to GTC. Now it is a guessing game I am not able to tell if I made a mistake or not. I don't see a place to tell how long I listed the auction for. The only way I can tell is if I go in to revise a auction that I think I made a mistake on and now it won't let me change from 30 auctions to GTC. Am I missing something somewhere???? Before you could change it now I can't. Help!!!
posted on July 17, 2004 10:24:08 PM new
Hello there,
As the My eBay page is not accessible from Vendio, we would suggest that you contact eBay directly about this issue. Here is a link to their customer service form: