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posted on November 18, 2000 09:17:23 AM new
Help me anyone...everyone....

eBud has gotten ALL of my auction information messed up. Yesterday I started using the software for the first time instead of saving all the EOA and other emails....NOW, I dont know who has paid who has been sent who has been notified heck, it even put the wrong emails on the wrong auctions!!!! Does anyone have an idea on how to get that straightened out? I did not make a backup because I did NOT think it would mess up ONE day after using it!!!!! Please help me, I am desparate here as I also cleaned out my mailbox since my ISP was jumping on me because of the amount of space I was taking on the mail server.

Thanks lots in advance. *S*

posted on November 18, 2000 10:58:30 AM new
Have you tried contacting the help desk for eBud? I've had prompt help and good service doing that.

If you're a new user, it's quite possible that everything is not so fouled up as you think. It takes a bit of time to get used to the setup. I've never had it snarl up my auctions, and I've been using it for over a year.

Try the help desk first, then repost here with more specifics about what you did and what happened. There are lots of us eBud old-timers who can probably give you some advice.

posted on November 18, 2000 01:10:37 PM new
Two days ago my ebud program on my main account did the same thing. Fortunately it didn't mess up the "payment recieved" status items, but all my congrads sent either had the email addy, final bid, shipping cost, buyer's address and the status of an auction that had ended 2 months ago and item had been shipped...or I ended up with two entries for the same item number, one that had the correct info and another with info from a closed transaction.

Whats funny is that my ebud program for my book account wasn't messed up.

I've been correcting the auctions as the payments come in...seems to be correcting the problem.

posted on November 18, 2000 01:48:59 PM new
I contacted them, they had me upgrade to RC1 and that did not work, so I am going to have to go thru it one by one. Oh well...another lesson learned. *S* And to think that working on computers is also my full time job. But I would never have expected a oneday life cycle on this program. It is a simply written program, if you want to call it that. It is just a speadsheet with a cute GUI that has macros running to pull the information from another spreadsheet. Too bad there is no normal.dot. *S*

Thanks for your input and save save save..*S*

posted on November 19, 2000 02:30:42 AM new
sonsie: I have had Ebud mangle things, and I've used it for quite some time. It complete blanked out the addresses for a lot of buyers. Ebud support was of no help, beyond suggesting that I make frequent backups.

Ebud also frequently loses record, in the Status column, of emails I have sent. I know that I don't just forget to send them, because they are in my Sent folder.

Also, Ebud frequently blanks out email addresses. But at least it's obvious when that happens, and I can get the addresses restored with Confirm Data.

I am not confident about Ebud.

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